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Who are you at the company picnic?


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My boss has this company picnic that he invites all of his employees to. Everyone is encouraged to participate, but nobody is required to go. There are dozens of events, and everyone who attends and participates in at least one event will be guaranteed to win a random prize for each event they participate in, sometimes even getting more than one prize, too.


Some people only attend because they feel its the only way they will ever get something really valuable. Other employees know there are better ways to get what they want, but take part in the festivities because they know there is still a chance they can get a nice prize without spending hard earned money.


So as the evening went on.....


Billy danced and joined the ping pong competition. He won a new set of dishware and a crock pot. Even though he already has them, he appreciates the gifts.


Jane has a 32" TV, and won a 52" TV playing ring toss, so she was excited.


Geoffrey didnt do any events, and didnt win anything.


Courtney won a dvd player, but because she has a blu-ray player, she became very upset and told her boss the prize giveaway is a complete waste of time, and should get rid of the entire festival from now on.


Which employee are you?

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Where I work I'm the one who shows up with her pitch-in dish, samples everyone elses dish, plays the games and chats with my coworkers. If I win a prize I don't need I give it to someone else who wants it or donate it to charity. If it's for my husband's school I'll lurk around the edges once mandatory introductions are made and sneak home as soon as possible. Edited by Damask_Rose
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I get where you're going here, but I think that you miss some types of people and oversimplify the mingling with co-workers for good and ill.


If I had to pick from your list then I guess I am more like Geoffrey, but there is some Billy there, too.


I don't do the groupfinder thing much these days. Maybe I'll do it more once I achieve certain things, or even in order to achieve them, but right now it's not a priority.


But I will not complain about what drops I do or don't get. I am not in a guild and do not use a chat program, so I doubt that many will have me along for any OPs where the quality of gearing may actually matter that much.

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I'm the one staying in the far background, quietly talking only with the people I know and am comfortable with [story, solo Heroics/flashpoints]. I'll socialize with those people all day long, but attempt to introduce me to others [operations, warzones] and you'll get a polite "Hi, how are you" with a VERY nervous smile before I retreat into my corner at the earliest possible opportunity. Occasionally I can make new friends [RP, tactical flashpoints], but those never seem to last long due to my shyness and feeling intensely uncomfortable in new situations.


If I'm somehow persuaded to join events and games [tactical flashpoints, RP, warzones], I'll be extremely hesitant, but I can enjoy myself once I get the hang of it. It might even motivate me to break out of my shell for a little bit. A few rude comments or idiotic people ruining said games, however, and I'll retreat again. I might try it again much later, but don't count on it. If I manage to win anything, I'll be elated no matter what it is, and that might get me to try it again just for the fun of it.


At the end of the evening, I'll go home, utterly exhausted from all the social interactions, and read a book or listen to music or watch a movie to unwind. Something by myself. Alone once more. :)

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My work place doesn't have picnics, they do, however, have fundraiser type parties, that you donate money and win prizes that you also have to donate. the last one I went to was many years ago. I "won" a Sony PSP that I had to donate.


So I paid a $1000 for a $199 game system I had to give away lol

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I'm the one staying in the far background, quietly talking only with the people I know and am comfortable with [story, solo Heroics/flashpoints]. I'll socialize with those people all day long, but attempt to introduce me to others [operations, warzones] and you'll get a polite "Hi, how are you" with a VERY nervous smile before I retreat into my corner at the earliest possible opportunity. Occasionally I can make new friends [RP, tactical flashpoints], but those never seem to last long due to my shyness and feeling intensely uncomfortable in new situations.


If I'm somehow persuaded to join events and games [tactical flashpoints, RP, warzones], I'll be extremely hesitant, but I can enjoy myself once I get the hang of it. It might even motivate me to break out of my shell for a little bit. A few rude comments or idiotic people ruining said games, however, and I'll retreat again. I might try it again much later, but don't count on it. If I manage to win anything, I'll be elated no matter what it is, and that might get me to try it again just for the fun of it.


At the end of the evening, I'll go home, utterly exhausted from all the social interactions, and read a book or listen to music or watch a movie to unwind. Something by myself. Alone once more. :)


Daniel Howe, is that you?


Lol sorry this post was relatable af, especially the bold text!

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but take part in the festivities because they know there is still a chance they can get a nice prize without spending hard earned money.

You're such a liar. Clearly the festivities are gated by a monthly sub and you do have to spend real money to be invited to the company picnic. BW decided to cut F2P/Prefered out of GC, so there is money that has to be spend to even go there.


I don't know where you work but my company pays me and not the other way around so it's a bad analogy to begin with.


You know, it's no problem that you actually like GC, but I am getting tired of your pointless and utterly flawed attempts at defending it.


One could simply argue that you only like it because you don't understand how it works, because if there's anything you've proven over the past couple of days is that you have no clue how GC is put together.

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( I always enjoy a creative writing challenge....)


The guy who turns up to find all of his workmates left a year ago to work for a better company.


There's an all you can eat buffet table, but everything is out of date on it, except for a tiny bowl of jellied eels, which though I tried it a couple of times, it didn't fill me up. - I decide I'm on a diet again and only nibble at a couple of things that I know won't make me barf.


But I have a few close friends and we spend a happy evening swapping jokes and being social.


There is an impromptu 8-a-side football match. we all try our best, but three people who joined our team stand on the touch line all match and we lose.


When we ask why they didn't contribute, they wave a wad of prizes in our face, and tell us we're idiots for participating when we could've stood with them complaining about inter-departmental competitions and making the match end earlier for the same prizes. We all get new laces to our football boots, whether we tried hard or not. - This makes me cross.


After a couple of hours, I've spoken to everyone I know, but no-one is doing anything and there are only a few sad-sacks doing their own thing over by the buffet table.


When I make a valid contribution to the boss about improving the next picnic ne goes "nah-nah-nah not listening" So since he's not listening I make snarky comments about how incompetent he is.


In the end the boss makes a half-assed speech about how the next quarter is going to be glorious, but it's pretty much the same speech as he gives every time.


The old boss turns up and everyone tells him how stupid he was for not listening to the employees he flips the bird and wanders off back to his new shiny company across town. A few more of the current employees decide never to come again, indeed to pen their resignations in the morning.


When they explode with pent up frustration in their resignation letters, those letters go straight in the shredder, and the remaining employees ask if they can have their desk.


The boss sends a memo saying this next quarter we can all share a pickled egg.



Edited by Storm-Cutter
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As a some kind of analogy to this game the opening fails miserably so none of them.


If my employer put too much attention to picnics and the prices would form a noticeable part of my salary I'll be the employee whose linkedin profile strongly implies "looking for new opportunities". :D

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As a some kind of analogy to this game the opening fails miserably so none of them.


If my employer put too much attention to picnics and the prices would form a noticeable part of my salary I'll be the employee whose linkedin profile strongly implies "looking for new opportunities". :D


And generally speaking it's easier to find another job than another SW MMO...

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You're such a liar. Clearly the festivities are gated by a monthly sub and you do have to spend real money to be invited to the company picnic. BW decided to cut F2P/Prefered out of GC, so there is money that has to be spend to even go there.


I don't know where you work but my company pays me and not the other way around so it's a bad analogy to begin with.


You know, it's no problem that you actually like GC, but I am getting tired of your pointless and utterly flawed attempts at defending it.


One could simply argue that you only like it because you don't understand how it works, because if there's anything you've proven over the past couple of days is that you have no clue how GC is put together.

Bro, we're talking about company picnics, but you're obviously hung up on something that is causing immense strife in your life, and it's carrying over into your work environment. Perhaps a trip to Human Resources to discuss the issues down deep.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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Bro, we're talking about company picnics, but you're obviously hung up on something that is causing immense strife in your life, and it's carrying over into your work environment. Perhaps a trip to Human Resources to discuss the issues down deep.


If we're just talking about picnics then you should've posted this in the off-topic forum. Right?

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That's not for me to decide. I'm just an employee at the picnic. That type of decision making is above my pay grade.

As the original poster it is you decision where you post something. Your feeble "RP" excuse doesn't change that fact.


It's all rather passive-agressive like this really. It'd rather discuss things in the open. In the end you're just trying to push your views through with yet another flawed premise.

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As the original poster it is you decision where you post something. Your feeble "RP" excuse doesn't change that fact.


It's all rather passive-agressive like this really. It'd rather discuss things in the open. In the end you're just trying to push your views through with yet another flawed premise.

Cool story bro.

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I'm that dude who shows up with 5 of my homeboys and scares tha hell out of my co-workers cause you can tell by looking at em that at least 4 of em got felonies and they all smell like kush. ;) But it turns out they all really nice guys, and we turn a boring company picnic into the greatest time the boss has had since college. He invites us all to his Christmas party. :D;)



Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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