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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Revoke EA/BioFails Rights to Star Wars


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Well, don't hold back there! Let us know how you really feel. :p


I wanted to like ESO a lot more than I ended up doing. Hell, I preferred Rift to it (and there's a game that is still chugging along that everyone swore up one side and down the other would be "dead in a year").


I liked Rift, but I refused to give Trion any more money after the crap they pulled with Archeage.

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No question this game is in maintenance mode. Look at the latest class balance changes, it took months after 5.0 for them to tweak a few numbers. MONTHS. Think about that. Still yet, no news on when utility tweaks are coming, been months. I swear only 4 people work on this game.
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Indeed. After Force in a Coma and hiring that moron J.J. Abrams I was done with Disney Wars.


What about Rogue One? I though that was excellent and was actually better than some of the other SW movies, especially episode one and seven. I'd like to see more movies like that. I was quiet upset that they killed those characters off at the end of the movie.

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No question this game is in maintenance mode. Look at the latest class balance changes, it took months after 5.0 for them to tweak a few numbers. MONTHS. Think about that. Still yet, no news on when utility tweaks are coming, been months. I swear only 4 people work on this game.


You likely aren't far off.


With BW new IP and the swift abandonment of Mass Effect: Abomination (though the game had made EA plenty of bank which was the entire point) I imagine all the good people are working on the new IP.

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It's definitely a "what it is vs what it could be" situation.


Otherwise they wouldn't be here moaning.


As you may or may not have seen I have many complaints about this game but I stick around as I find enough worthwhile to do though that is steadily decreasing.


Knowing my luck it'd end up in Bethesda's care if EA lost it, and I truly despise them.


I agree and disagree with your assessment.


I don't believe it is just a case of "what it is vs what it could be". The mice have proven time and time again that no matter what cookie BW gives them, they will always want more. The mice will never be satisfied.



Is the game perfect? No, but it is not abysmal, either, IMO.


The game definitely could use some improvements, although the exact natures of those improvements are debatable, and everyone has a different opinion.




The bottom line is that anyone playing the game is CHOOSING to play the game, with all its faults. If Johnny is not happy with the results of his CHOICE, then he is free to make different choice.

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What about Rogue One? I though that was excellent and was actually better than some of the other SW movies, especially episode one and seven. I'd like to see more movies like that. I was quiet upset that they killed those characters off at the end of the movie.


Not risking it.


I'll wait until there's a compilation edition released and then try it.


As I mentioned in a previous topic, I like my disappointment in bulk.

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What about Rogue One? I though that was excellent and was actually better than some of the other SW movies, especially episode one and seven. I'd like to see more movies like that. I was quiet upset that they killed those characters off at the end of the movie.


Star Wars is about Sith and Jedi. Rogue one was like going to Taco Bell and trying to order a hamburger.

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Star Wars is about Sith and Jedi. Rogue one was like going to Taco Bell and trying to order a hamburger.


The whole original trilogy featured three Jedi (two of which died in the first film they were featured in), two Sith (one wasn't even named in the films, and was only a major player in the third), and a whole lot of rebels and stormtroopers. There were more Smugglers (Han, Chewie, Lando) than Sith in the OT, ffs. You faux-purists need to get off your high horse.

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Not risking it.


I'll wait until there's a compilation edition released and then try it.


As I mentioned in a previous topic, I like my disappointment in bulk.


But it's a stand alone movie.

I've been a massive SW fan since I saw the original in 1977. IMO, I would say Rogue One is in the top three of all the movies.

Just go into it as if it's not a SW movie and you'll be pleasantly surprised how it works.

Edited by Totemdancer
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Good for you. :)


I think it's counterproductive as hell. The game needs work, I don't think anyone would argue that but wanting another house to take over? That IS a recipe for failure.


No, he is correct. If EAbiofail fails so much, refuses to put skilled crew, good talants in swtor, they dont deserve this ip. It is pure economy and competition - if one company fails with making production with proper quality, people are just switching to other companies which are selling same products but with good quality. Nothing surprising lol, it is natural. Watching how much bad things eaware did here i can definitely say that negative things are outnumbering positive.. Players deserve better star wars

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Star Wars is about Sith and Jedi. Rogue one was like going to Taco Bell and trying to order a hamburger.


Rogue One is about the rebellion and the struggle against the empire, which is exactly what the original SW movie was about. The original was never about Jedi vs sith, it was about the galactic struggle to over come the evil empire.

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No, he is correct. If EAbiofail fails so much, refuses to put skilled crew, good talants in swtor, they dont deserve this ip. It is pure economy and competition - if one company fails with making production with proper quality, people are just switching to other companies which are selling same products but with good quality. Nothing surprising lol, it is natural. Watching how much bad things eaware did here i can definitely say that negative things are outnumbering positive.. Players deserve better star wars


Disagree. Having worked in the industry I know what a cluster-you-know-what it is to hand off a project to another company. It sounds like a wonderful panacea but it's not. It would result in delays, problems, snafus etc.


It's not as simple, by any means, as saying: well, there's the code library, here are the front door keys, you go.

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Disagree. Having worked in the industry I know what a cluster-you-know-what it is to hand off a project to another company. It sounds like a wonderful panacea but it's not. It would result in delays, problems, snafus etc.


It's not as simple, by any means, as saying: well, there's the code library, here are the front door keys, you go.


Nah, by id i meant that new company receives rights on star wars the old republic as a whole, destroys current swtor ENTIRELY (or takes some things from original stories), and makes new swtor

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Disagree. Having worked in the industry I know what a cluster-you-know-what it is to hand off a project to another company. It sounds like a wonderful panacea but it's not. It would result in delays, problems, snafus etc.


It's not as simple, by any means, as saying: well, there's the code library, here are the front door keys, you go.


It would be better and easier to just get another company to make swtor 2 and then see if there is a way to port over our characters and gear.

Edited by Totemdancer
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A quick read of the forums over the last 18 months, especially the last 9 months, should answer that.


I've always, always, wanted to see what the numbers indicate. Going by what you see on a gaming forum isn't giving a true image of player satisfaction.


There absolutely are problems and issues with this game that need to be tended to/addressed but the state of the forums is only part of the user base. There are far, far more people that never even come here. Just take a look, you'll see there's a core group of posters, in the main. I was interested to see so many new (to me) names come out of the woodwork with respect to both the downtime and, moreso, the CXP.

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