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Game Update 5.4a


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if you pay for something, then you expect to get what you pay for. I don't pay to sit at a computer reading the forums and listen to you kiss *** while the company that's taking my money rushes to fix something that they rushed to put out in the first place.


So, lets use another analogy. You pay for internet? right? Ok, so you lose your internet for a few hours because of maintenence or something else with the company. Does that mean you should ***** and complain or just deal with it and move on? You still pay the same bill amount every month, so why does it bother you so much? People these days need to learn to pick up a book, or read the news on the internet or learn about history or something, because you guys expect things to be there for you 24/7 and that is not how the world works. Look at Houston. thousands of people without internet, power, and much more for weeks if not months, you think they care about having to pay money for something they may not use for a while, no they are just happy to be here and with family. There is more to life than just some game that makes your life better in game a virtual reality.

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Good for you. I got nothing. But hey, at least you got yours, right.


you see. you feel like you deserve something for being here. why is that? is it narcissism? i didn't expect to get anything, but somehow i got lucky for the first time since 2011.


maybe i will post a video of me destroying the pets in game and buying something out of the cartel market with my 450 cc and destroying it too, later.

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Greetings Bioware,


It's unfortunate that this happend. It's unpleasant for the gamers, it's unpleasant for you, no doubt about that. I respect the fact that issues can take up a lot of time. However, many players subscribe to play this game. They do so because they love this game. A game they paid for today and were unable to play it because of this issue. If i'm not mistaken the servers are already down for like 10 hours, give or take. That's a whole day. I hope that you, Bioware will respect your players and that subscribers will be compensated for their loss of game time and mostly their money that they lost today. I'm not asking for a big compensation, but atleast give us something. And this code rain game isn't really fair to those subscribers that don't focus on their monitor while they wait..


Kind regards, :)

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Thats exactly what it was.


A level of disrespect that cannot be matched.


It feels like they enjoy watching us fight like animals over table scraps...


I mean, I feel so angry right now that I would love to post the actual words I am feeling, however, I do not want to get banned for saying what I really think...


All I can say is...


I am utterly disgusted at this whole 5.4, 5.4a, and 5.4b rediculous mess.

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the codes were not meant as compensation. they were meant as a giveaway for ppl who followed the thread. the codes did work. i used 1 of each and i even had to relog into the forum in order to redeem them. so i wasn't super fast.


Like I said "(not saying they weren't real)" Nor did I claim they were compensation. Eric already made it clear they were simply a bonus fun for the down time. But the person asked what the issue with the codes was, and the simple answer is they didn't provide enough on any level for the full sub list that plays this game. worse it's just another notch in so many unsatisfied customers since launch.


Myself, I don't make decisions loosely, and after 3 years, it's been enough. This thread has been a complete /popcorn thread of complaints, and an exhibit A of how this game went from like 50 servers at launch..... to about 3. ebon hawk, red eclipse and harbinger.

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Read up on international laws about consumer rights before you bash on your co-players, please.


Why don't you read up on all those cases where customers successfully sued an MMO developer for some hours of downtime.


Oh and please, share them, cause I've never found any.

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It´s 09:09pm here in germany.


The Servers are down for the second time this week.

The CXP Boost is passing.


What do you think will we do during the next hours while you try continue posting codes?

Its friday tomorrow. European citizens, who are waiting for hours, are going to bed, soon.


The second day this week with the servers being down during out gaming-primetime and during the 100%XP-Boost-Week.


Yes, it is like salt in out wounds to see one-time codes being posted in the freaking middle of our night!


Yup. A EU day wasted. Work hard, (I actually think that the dev's understand this bit right about now!) then come home for SWTOR. Tried to log on for 4+ hours now. My sub is up in 4 days and just keep thinking why do I bother? It's not raging, just apathy now. My fave game for 5+ years, thousands of hours, but just feels like I'm clinging on when I should just go do something else more fun. Cartel coins are irrelevant. I'd just get a box with stuff I don't want that I can't sell as the European servers seem dead. Pets mean little to me, I never use them. Feels like they rushed the patch out having delayed it twice. Save the coins and the pet and just make SWTOR better and release the patch "done when it's done". Not release "beta, hoping it'll be better".

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So, lets use another analogy. You pay for internet? right? Ok, so you lose your internet for a few hours because of maintenence or something else with the company. Does that mean you should ***** and complain or just deal with it and move on? You still pay the same bill amount every month, so why does it bother you so much? People these days need to learn to pick up a book, or read the news on the internet or learn about history or something, because you guys expect things to be there for you 24/7 and that is not how the world works. Look at Houston. thousands of people without internet, power, and much more for weeks if not months, you think they care about having to pay money for something they may not use for a while, no they are just happy to be here and with family. There is more to life than just some game that makes your life better in game a virtual reality.


Yay...someone on this thread with some common sense.(Though I'm sure these same people probably do pitch a fit whenever their internet is down.)

Edited by feylyndiira
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If you do give out a mini pet as compensation, please make sure mine is a BIG, floating sucker. That way everyone knows that I am a sucker to continue to sub for a game that does not value its subscribers!:mad:

ROFLMAO. Sorry don't get me wrong I feel for ya. But its the HOW you put this that made me die in giggle fits. XD it's just awesome.

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you see. you feel like you deserve something for being here. why is that? is it narcissism? i didn't expect to get anything, but somehow i got lucky for the first time since 2011.


maybe i will post a video of me destroying the pets in game and buying something out of the cartel market with my 450 cc and destroying it too, later.


Ah. You will destroy something I wanted just because you can. You are such a lovely person...Go ahead, I don't care

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So, lets use another analogy. You pay for internet? right? Ok, so you lose your internet for a few hours because of maintenence or something else with the company. Does that mean you should ***** and complain or just deal with it and move on? You still pay the same bill amount every month, so why does it bother you so much? People these days need to learn to pick up a book, or read the news on the internet or learn about history or something, because you guys expect things to be there for you 24/7 and that is not how the world works. Look at Houston. thousands of people without internet, power, and much more for weeks if not months, you think they care about having to pay money for something they may not use for a while, no they are just happy to be here and with family. There is more to life than just some game that makes your life better in game a virtual reality.

no you call the company and get things fixed. if it is a reason on their end that there was an outage, then they should compensate. are you seriously that stupid???

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you see. you feel like you deserve something for being here. why is that? is it narcissism? i didn't expect to get anything, but somehow i got lucky for the first time since 2011.


maybe i will post a video of me destroying the pets in game and buying something out of the cartel market with my 450 cc and destroying it too, later.


Why is that?

`cause one is paying? Thats why?


What kind of argumentation do you try?

Would you tell your car mechanist customer "what do you except here? Is is narcissism why you want us to work on time?"


Strange, isnt it? ;)

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