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Would we like a gory star wars?


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When we look at star wars we usually see a very child-friendly galaxy. The fights are not nearly as violent as they could be, the injuries are not shown upclose and are almost always made by energy weapons that cauterize the wounds instantly. So all in all star wars is a very child-friendly franchise.


But what would happen to the fanbase if one or more filmmaker made another kind of star wars story like the ones described in the books or like the ones described in the backgrounds of the games.


A sith lord gets really angry so he blasts his enemy with a force wave so powerfull that it ripps his victims skin of his face and his limps from his body. Or another scenario when we actually gets to see force speed used combat like its is portrayed in the games or books where the jedi and sith are blurs of speed moving so fast that the grunt cant even react to them.


If this came into play on the big screen it would defenitly change the feeling of the star wars films forever. But do we want that? Personally i would like to see it at least one time simply because it would be fun to see it.

What do you guys think?

Edited by kepeskvaeri
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Absolutely not.


I like watching and playing Star Wars partly because I know, no matter how violent it gets, I'm *not* going to see blood and guts flying around the screen. Little patches of blood when somebody scrapes their head or hand or whatever - Rogue One comes to mind - sure, that's fine. I don't care about that. But actual gore? No way.

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I've played other games where the player had control over whether or not there was gore, and they're ok. Usually the baddie just turns into what looks like a grease spot on the floor after its dead, though. If they implemented this option in this game with the affects that you described, I think some people would like it for a while, but I feel it would get old fast, too. Sure, the first few times you send a head soaring across the battlefield, it's funny. But after a while it just becomes "oh, hey, did it again. Yay, me". Slow motion kill scenes would be cool, if they have them be a rare trigger. :D
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No thanks.


Star Wars products that include more mature storytelling, sure - especially including some more complex, adult themes. There's room in the IP for that alongside the more kid-friendly fare (which should always continue as well, Star Wars should be a property that always has plenty of welcoming options for kids).


But ramping up the gore? No, there are plenty of Science Fiction and Fantasy properties that already have that covered.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Nope, to see gore all you have to do is watch the news. I prefer it the way it is.

Although the books are considerably "darker" than the games. If they ever turned the Bane series into a movie - it might be a bit bloody. I just don't want to see SW turn into Excalibur.

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Alright maybee gory was the wrong way to put it. Maybe flashy or more visual would be more fitting. We always hear about force speed or combat precognition and other powers with strong effects on combat and the way the FS in the universe acts in general. So why is it that the only time we see force speed is in the opening ****** scene in episode 1?

Can we please get some examples in the media of why roughly 10000 Jedi could keep the peace for a millenia? But again that would be pretty hard to do without turning the movie into a wuxia-film.

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Gratuitous violence and gore does nothing to enhance a story, and can often detract from it, so no.


Yeah, it's Star Wars and not a horror movie.


Though I enjoy a bit of excessive violence every now and again in my movies a context is important. Take Saving Private Ryan as an example, it used gore and viscera to highlight the horror of war. In fact I saw much worse during my time in the military and I imagine many law enforcement entities too.


Star Wars has never needed it though I enjoyed the more visceral experience of Republic Commando as I said before. The visor wipe was a nice touch too.

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Well, imo I think there's a fine line between "gory" and "dark/gritty" and I would much prefer the latter.


Rogue One, I thought was a step into the right direction, at least where I want Star Wars to go in. I have always had faith in Disney despite the nay-sayers, after all, they do have Marvel. Dark and gritty is fine, and I believe it's what Star Wars should be, but definitely not gory, but definitely more adult that's something akin to Firefly except with Jedi and Sith.


I really hope that Disney start bringing out more adult games, like, the upcoming Uncharted-styled Star Wars game coming next year.

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I would love to see more realism in this game. I recall towards the end of the Star Wars Academy MMO's Life. They implemented in, limbs being severed off of bodies, wasnt much blood if any. Do to the fact that a Light Saber cauterize the severed area. I would like to see that realism doesnt have to be bloody mess, when it comes to the light saber.


Now range weapons or Blunt or sharp melee weapons would cause a fair amount of blood shed.

Do we need actual Disembowelment? No... So as much as i love to leave my enemies Viscera behind on the ground or seeing a well Evisceration of a meatbag, as much as i love that stuff in single player games, we do not need that in this game. But a little blood splatter or pool and a occasional severed limb, would be I IGHT!. lol

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Republic Commando is as close as we'll ever get to that I'm afraid.


I notice they pilfered that game's theme for KotFE chapter XIV too.


I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree. The company is owned by Disney now, and I don't think we'll ever see anything gory. I'm not even sure that they would release something like SWTOR, with the mature content that it has. But would I like to see a gory star wars? Hell yes.

Edited by doohickeyexpress
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I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree. The company is owned by Disney now, and I don't think we'll ever see anything gory. I'm not even sure that they would release something like SWTOR, with the mature content that it has. But would I like to see a gory star wars? Hell yes.

On the question of Disney and mature themes / gore / near-gore, well, there is historical precedent. I draw your attention to a few films:

* The Black Hole. One main character is killed by evisceration (without gore, but it's blatantly obvious what happens) about two inches off-screen.

* Tron. The original Tron film had a substantial level of mature (not sexual, just serious) thematics.

* Tron: Legacy. In this film, there's more of the mature thematics, and one "red-shirt" type character is shot through the head by a large-calibre virtual air-to-air round.

* Dragonslayer. OK, it was funded by rather than made by Disney, but their name appears on the packaging. Some complex political intrigue themes and a substantial number of deaths. One character is shown being burned alive by the dragon.


And let's not forget a 1943 Disney classic whose title speaks for itself. High-Altitude Precision Bombing.

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On the question of Disney and mature themes / gore / near-gore, well, there is historical precedent. I draw your attention to a few films:

* The Black Hole. One main character is killed by evisceration (without gore, but it's blatantly obvious what happens) about two inches off-screen.

* Tron. The original Tron film had a substantial level of mature (not sexual, just serious) thematics.

* Tron: Legacy. In this film, there's more of the mature thematics, and one "red-shirt" type character is shot through the head by a large-calibre virtual air-to-air round.

* Dragonslayer. OK, it was funded by rather than made by Disney, but their name appears on the packaging. Some complex political intrigue themes and a substantial number of deaths. One character is shown being burned alive by the dragon.


And let's not forget a 1943 Disney classic whose title speaks for itself. High-Altitude Precision Bombing.


Thank you for doing the work for me and pointing out those films. I knew there was some Questionable Disney films out there. And the Black Hole is one of my favorite films.....

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On the question of Disney and mature themes / gore / near-gore, well, there is historical precedent. I draw your attention to a few films:

* The Black Hole. One main character is killed by evisceration (without gore, but it's blatantly obvious what happens) about two inches off-screen.

* Tron. The original Tron film had a substantial level of mature (not sexual, just serious) thematics.

* Tron: Legacy. In this film, there's more of the mature thematics, and one "red-shirt" type character is shot through the head by a large-calibre virtual air-to-air round.

* Dragonslayer. OK, it was funded by rather than made by Disney, but their name appears on the packaging. Some complex political intrigue themes and a substantial number of deaths. One character is shown being burned alive by the dragon.


And let's not forget a 1943 Disney classic whose title speaks for itself. High-Altitude Precision Bombing.


You sir are on to something ;).

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Here is where I launch another apoligy is there anyway I can edit the headline for the thread?


What I really meant when I wrote gory was that I whish that the star wars writers would get a little more creative in their action scenes (poorly titled I guess english is a second language for me)


Once upon a time star wars was the peak of sci-fy action or action in general but now many films Like matrix and the various super hero movies not to mention all the action series that keeps poping up is starting make star wars too look a bit lame as far as the action scenes go.


What I want to say is that I would like to see star wars look a bit more like it's portayed in the books where the sith and jedi move so fast people mistake them for phantoms and lighnign bolts. Where they us the Force in very creative ways during combat instead of just hammering against eachother and only stop for a Force Push or two. Not to mention that it would be fun to see al the cool force powers that the Legends writers has come up with on screen.


And NO this do not mean that i want a Star Wars movie with matrix effects and things like that. But there is only so much Marvel films ypu can watch before you say to yourself: the Guardians of the Galaxy would actually have a fighting chance against movie-Palpatine

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I am not a fan of blood and guts just for the sake of blood and guts. In the SW films there are a few moments that are gory - for instance, Anakin in Mustafar and during his surgery, and that scene in the Cantina where Obi-Wan stops the guy who is harassing Luke - and those seem to be necessary for the story, not for shock value or just to have gore. I think that's the best way to go. I don't think I would find it appealing to play a game or see SW media where they're showing bloodbaths and lots of gore.
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