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Cancelled Sub re: PVP issues


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I would like to know how large a percentage of the player base actually cares about PvP this much. I have a feeling it is a vocal minority. I guess Bioware have numbers on how many players are doing what things in the game. And are focusing their development efforts on the things people actually are doing in the game.
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I would like to know how large a percentage of the player base actually cares about PvP this much. I have a feeling it is a vocal minority. I guess Bioware have numbers on how many players are doing what things in the game. And are focusing their development efforts on the things people actually are doing in the game.


Its almost half the players.....

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I love these threads that say "Imma quit if you don't fix this!". I wonder what people that actually do that go and do afterwards. After all, they're more than likely to QQ about every single thing in every game they play - so they don't play at all? Why were they here in the first place and what exactly made them think gaming was a good hobby for them? It's a very strange thing indeed.


If you don't have the patience required to play an MMO, don't play. They're not static games and considerable amounts of time, money and effort are being put into them to improve on a daily basis. SWTOR is no different. THere will always be imbalance, just roll with the punches or gtho.

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I have been playing MMOs for more than 10 years and this is the most unbalanced pvp I've ever played and that is saying something. This is a huge problem for people looking to pvp but what makes it worse is the developers don't communicate to the community at all about it. Even if it's only been 2 weeks the games release is when they should be speaking to us the most. It is very very worrisome and they might be surprised how many people they have left playing after the first month.
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I have been playing MMOs for more than 10 years and this is the most unbalanced pvp I've ever played and that is saying something. This is a huge problem for people looking to pvp but what makes it worse is the developers don't communicate to the community at all about it. Even if it's only been 2 weeks the games release is when they should be speaking to us the most. It is very very worrisome and they might be surprised how many people they have left playing after the first month.


Seriously ? Have you tried AoC where guandians could kill you with charge before the animation of charge ended ? Have you tried WoW PvP where non resil player dies in 3 seconds and leveling brackets feel like everyone is carrying a handgun ? Have you tried WAR where magnet play decimated whole groups with a press of a button, DoKs were unkillable chop chop machines and WE could end you in stun lock ? Have you tried Rift ?


What MMOs have you played in the past 10 years that had better PvP balance ?

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I have been playing MMOs for more than 10 years and this is the most unbalanced pvp I've ever played and that is saying something. This is a huge problem for people looking to pvp but what makes it worse is the developers don't communicate to the community at all about it. Even if it's only been 2 weeks the games release is when they should be speaking to us the most. It is very very worrisome and they might be surprised how many people they have left playing after the first month.


Then you never played DAOC with Nord insta stun over and over and over. That was unbalanced and if you never played Eve DAOC or Warhammer you have never played PVP MMO, WoW had no PVP at the start with its ad-hoc garbage it calls PVP..

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lol dude this game is 9 days olds and you already crying about issues that could be solved with the next patch, i mean srsly just remember the start of Rift and how buggy/laggy it was.


Bioware is doing an great job on fix/solving all the problems just give them an week or 2 to sort the main issues.



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Seriously ? Have you tried AoC where guandians could kill you with charge before the animation of charge ended ? Have you tried WoW PvP where non resil player dies in 3 seconds and leveling brackets feel like everyone is carrying a handgun ? Have you tried WAR where magnet play decimated whole groups with a press of a button, DoKs were unkillable chop chop machines and WE could end you in stun lock ? Have you tried Rift ?


What MMOs have you played in the past 10 years that had better PvP balance ?


Hey now I was a 40/80 DOK! and yes we were CHOP CHOP CHOP if solo with us. Easy to kill with a couple though if you knew it. Warhammer was so great but lost it with the start of the game because of the WoW sydrome.


That and those afraid to lose a fight and cry, A good Choopa would cut me to pieces.

Edited by Caldric
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Due to the overwhelming list of PVP issues with this game I have cancelled subscription. I encourage everyone else who cares about PVP to do the same.


Here are the major ones:


1. Unresponsive UI

2. Laggy WZs

3. WPVP has almost no purpose besides the daily/weekly

4. Camera always default to close zoom



This game was not built around pvp, it was built around story and PVE. If you were expecting a game that focused hardcore on pvp, you picked the wrong game. I will admit however, pvp does have issues, but as other posters have said, it has only been out for a little more than a week. They are still evaluating how the total player base voices concerns. Things will be remedied, just be patient.

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Due to the overwhelming list of PVP issues with this game I have cancelled subscription. I encourage everyone else who cares about PVP to do the same.


Here are the major ones:


1. Unresponsive UI

2. Laggy WZs

3. WPVP has almost no purpose besides the daily/weekly

4. Camera always default to close zoom



Nice attention seeking post. Need a hug?

You won't be missed however I don't believe you have actually cancelled

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Due to the overwhelming list of PVP issues with this game I have cancelled subscription. I encourage everyone else who cares about PVP to do the same.


Here are the major ones:


1. Unresponsive UI

2. Laggy WZs

3. WPVP has almost no purpose besides the daily/weekly

4. Camera always default to close zoom



Wow dude..


May should think about the following list (does not correspond to your list in anyway):



1) Game has not been out for long enough for any kind of consensus on what is wrong and what is working. A lot of the crap on the forums is just people raging. For example, when you are 2, and you lose at musical chairs, you go crying to mommy... and tell her that the chairs are OP, the music stopped too soon, other kids were faster, your gene pool just sucks etc...


2) IT IS CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY!!! damn yo, most of the employees of Bioware probably want to spend some time with their families, give the guys some time to get back and read the filtered reports from the community reps... wow, vast majority of the people in the world consider this time of the year a time to spend with family and friends NOT more time to play mmorpgs... just saying, it's shocking but true.


3) It's a new game, has new game mechanics... A lot of people are preconditioned to a certain other game. It will take time to get over that... Ever try drinking coke after eating a chocolate bar??? Coke doesn't taste that sweet but we ALL know it's sweet! Same kind of thing.. may be wrong example but you get the idea.


4) The game has beautiful PVE/Story element to it and a LOT of people like that and they are too busy watching the cutscenes. Which means they are not leveling very fast or doing any kind of PVP or other content. Give them some time. For example, You can't fast track through school and blame the world that all the girls are older and taller than you and they are not paying attention to a pencil D!k like yourself... Just chill out, let your 25 day remaining expire, check on the 25th day, if you don't like don't renew.


5) Software companies don't spend millions of dollars developing a game, spend years on it and then not listen to the community. There has to be one smart guy at Bioware don't you think? That guy is probably.. no wait.. most likely.. hmmm nah 100% sure, smarter than you or me and he (or she) probably thought yes we must read the forums, we built it for a reason. They will get to it!


6) Sorry about he camera issue, probably a bug, doesn't bother me and certainly not worth quitting over :)

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1. They'll fix it.

2. Stop downloading ****.

3. Not many capped players yet.

4. Learn to zoom out.

5. Game hasn't been out longer than 2 weeks yet. Stop trolling.



And to number 2: you should check your modem, router and ISP. If you server ping is still higher than 60, you may also want to change to a closer server.

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1. They'll fix it.

2. Stop downloading ****.

3. Not many capped players yet.

4. Learn to zoom out.

5. Game hasn't been out longer than 2 weeks yet. Stop trolling.


between you and the OP, the only troll I see is you considering your ignorant and nonsensical answers.


having that said, it takes time to fix issues, WZ lag being the worst of them all, and world pvp, I suspect nothing can be done about it, dont think it was much in their goals to create either considering the 2 primary instruments to fuel it, are pretty weak, world design/travel/exploration pillar and crafting/gathering being almost entirely unatached from world design



And to number 2: you should check your modem, router and ISP. If you server ping is still higher than 60, you may also want to change to a closer server.


its not a client related issue, many people (read tons of people) have this issue exclusively in warzones and not out, and some of them even didnt have the problem in beta and now have it in release using the exact same connection and equipment.


people should stop projecting their status onto others really and before saying ignorant stuff at least get informed a bit.

doesnt take much reading in the forums to see gazillion posts about it.

Edited by Ganan
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I played wow for 7 years.....they still have pvp issues :p

I know pvp isnt perfect at the time, but for a game 9 days after launch it holds up.


I bet dev's are looking and working on alot of issues already and they dont have to respond to every fart of a player.


There is a massive post on the board about ability delay wich is quite severe and i hope that one gets all the attention it needs.


Fixing stuff in mmo's goes slow and we have to be patient.

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People seem to forget the game has been in beta testing for ages, and with a dev team and budget like they have you expect them to fix **** that was reported half a year ago. It's vital things too, I mean whats the point in even have raid frames if they dont update? Whats the point in having the option of changing chat tabs and the text size when they keep resettng? And why do groups disband after warzones? Why is the guild functions so poorly made? Why cant so you still stort stuff in vendor windows? And so on...


But maybe the most important, why spend so gosh darn much resources in quests you do once or twice when the real thing happens at cap. PvP is the perfect endgame, and yet they have ignored so much of it.


It's tiring getting upset over bugs that you reported 15-20 times in beta. So please you trollkids that think you know **** after a week of playtime. Just sit down and shut up - You're shooting yourself in the foot here.

Edited by Ajeee
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Due to the overwhelming list of PVP issues with this game I have cancelled subscription. I encourage everyone else who cares about PVP to do the same.


Here are the major ones:


1. Unresponsive UI

2. Laggy WZs

3. WPVP has almost no purpose besides the daily/weekly

4. Camera always default to close zoom



Already did this yesterday. I also made the same thread and it was deleted/got a warning from the mods.

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People seem to forget the game has been in beta testing for ages, and with a dev team and budget like they have you expect them to fix **** that was reported half a year ago. It's vital things too, I mean whats the point in even have raid frames if they dont update? Whats the point in having the option of changing chat tabs and the text size when they keep resettng? And why do groups disband after warzones? Why is the guild functions so poorly made? Why cant so you still stort stuff in vendor windows? And so on...


But maybe the most important, why spend so gosh darn much resources in quests you do once or twice when the real thing happens at cap. PvP is the perfect endgame, and yet they have ignored so much of it.


It's tiring getting upset over bugs that you reported 15-20 times in beta. So please you trollkids that think you know **** after a week of playtime. Just sit down and shut up - You're shooting yourself in the foot here.


Two things. You have no idea how development works with software, especially on mmo's of such scale.


Next, this must be your first mmo?


Blizzard is a top tier company. Yet , did you know that Wow was exactly the same way? Beta bugs were reported, post release bugs were reported and many many months later a patch is announced but many of those reported bugs were not yet addressed.


Why? Because not every single issue can be resolved as quickly as you think. There are higher priority issues to consider, that you aren't aware of.


As far as communication goes, they have so far done a better job at that than wow.


So if you have had no experience with what I just mentioned, don't be surprised ppl are looking at you, and similar posts as whiny impatient crying.


A lot of ppl recognize issues exist, but they also understand it will take time to address.

Edited by Lazorous
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