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How to fix OPG?


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So here's the story. I think it's everyone's story... I'm in OPG, and there is this awesome melee going on at "north" (pick your favorite node). People are dying, running back. No one actually owns the node. Lets be generous, and say it's actually an active node. :p FINALLY one side takes it! Let's say it's my side! Then the round ends, and we get a total of 5 points for winning that big fight. Wooo....... hoo?


Meanwhile, on some other node, some poor sucker (usually me) was standing there bored out of his mind doing nothing, but racking up points so his team can "win".


That's what is wrong with OPG. It was marketed to us as a "king of the hill", but you often get almost nothing if you actually fight your way to being king of the hill. You get more if you just find a hill that no one else cares about, and stand there. :(


So here is what I thought... Well, first I thought, of course, what a worthless thread this is, because we all know that bioware will never actually change anything. But then I also thought, "yeah, but 95% of the threads here are worthless, so lets do another one!"


What if you got "potential points", sort of like AHG. Whenever you had anyone on a node, it would count up the score like it does now, but those would be potential points. Then, if you actually took the node after the big fight, you'd get all of them. This could get really complicated, but I don't like complicated scoring systems that are unintuitive to grasp. So just say that while a node is contested (grey), and both teams have people there, it racks up potential points. As soon as one team flips it, they get their points. The other team loses out and the count goes back to zero.


Otherwise the scoring remains the same.


That way, if you have a huge fight over one of the "hills" it's actually worth something if you take it in the last 10 seconds of the round.


"What do you think sirs?"

Edited by Banderal
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Just make killing anyone grant points, killing a defender grant 2-3x points, and taking a node from someone else grant a large amount points.


PvP should always promote actually pvping.


P.S. reduce the amount of nodes so that people spend less time running around and more time fighting.

Edited by alexsamma
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why? majority of people dont even play objective which was whole point of that WZ and like all the other " objective" based wz most poeple ignore them. add another layer to mechanics of WZ will mean nothing cause it almost always becomes a FFA aka who has the bigger personal numbers while ignoring objectives. Edited by Kyuuu
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Odessen is a 100% objective based PVP map where the only way to win is to PLAY OBJECTIVES.



However, people hate playing objectives in general and thus the ragequit ratios on that map is pretty high. This is the most hated map simply because objectives are mandatory for winning.


What do usually see ?


1 team which has 2 or 3 folk who know what to do and carry the others who are busy ganking pointlessly somewhere in the tunnels or god knows where.


1 team which focused on nodes vs other team that is totally clueless and thinks that chasing kills will win the match.


Its almost 2 years old and there still are people who use the red on their own node. :rolleyes:

funny map. I really love it. It's the closest to a startighter domination match. ;)



There is nothing wrong with it. It's perfectly fine... the problem lies with those who que and their attitude towards the game. they think that they can play it the same way they play the other maps.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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How OPG is "fixed" is by dropping it altogether.


It isn't bad, but the cross faction thing fails it, many people help their faction even if that is the other team.


Some of those people who used the red power up on their own node knew exactly what they were doing. :eek:

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Some of those people who used the red power up on their own node knew exactly what they were doing. :eek:


I think that has less to do with people actively helping their own faction, vs. just trolling the game. Same as people who just fight and ignore objectives. Personally, I wish all the maps would go to cross faction. At the very least it would stop the defeatist mentality on the pub side on harby.


Anyway, I was trying to come up with something that maintained the spirit/idea of a king of the kill type game. But it seems what you all want is an 8 man free for all. Oh well. Silly me. :D

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So here's the story. I think it's everyone's story... I'm in OPG, and there is this awesome melee going on at "north" (pick your favorite node). People are dying, running back. No one actually owns the node. Lets be generous, and say it's actually an active node. :p FINALLY one side takes it! Let's say it's my side! Then the round ends, and we get a total of 5 points for winning that big fight. Wooo....... hoo?


Meanwhile, on some other node, some poor sucker (usually me) was standing there bored out of his mind doing nothing, but racking up points so his team can "win".


That's what is wrong with OPG. It was marketed to us as a "king of the hill", but you often get almost nothing if you actually fight your way to being king of the hill. You get more if you just find a hill that no one else cares about, and stand there. :(


So here is what I thought... Well, first I thought, of course, what a worthless thread this is, because we all know that bioware will never actually change anything. But then I also thought, "yeah, but 95% of the threads here are worthless, so lets do another one!"


What if you got "potential points", sort of like AHG. Whenever you had anyone on a node, it would count up the score like it does now, but those would be potential points. Then, if you actually took the node after the big fight, you'd get all of them. This could get really complicated, but I don't like complicated scoring systems that are unintuitive to grasp. So just say that while a node is contested (grey), and both teams have people there, it racks up potential points. As soon as one team flips it, they get their points. The other team loses out and the count goes back to zero.


Otherwise the scoring remains the same.


That way, if you have a huge fight over one of the "hills" it's actually worth something if you take it in the last 10 seconds of the round.


"What do you think sirs?"


Not my story since I don't deathmatch and ignore all else

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Not my story since I don't deathmatch and ignore all else


Yeah, I love OPG. The fact the entire match can reverse inside of a round, and that objectives > all makes it one of my favorite WZs, second only to Huttball.

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Yeah, I love OPG. The fact the entire match can reverse inside of a round, and that objectives > all makes it one of my favorite WZs, second only to Huttball.


If people actually played the objectives and used a bit of strategy I would like it... but I must be the unluckiest person because 9/10 matches I get the team who runs in a group and death matches 2 people away from objectives. While I'm the only one playing objectives and the rest of the other team is 5v1 me at the objectives I'm trying to hold.

It gets to a point now that if I pop this map I leave a lot of the time because I know I'm not going to enjoy it.

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That map where you have a sniper with red bonus.


It's not impossible to do, but this is one of these things where I think snipers get way too much leeway in the current meta. There are very few classes who can as easily deactivate a note as a sniper can. Roll in, hunker down, activate the ability as the timer for CC immunity is almost entirely the time it takes to activate the power-up or power-down.


It's one of these things that might need to be looked at, seeing that it gives teams with many snipers/gunslingers a considerable advantage by RNG. An effective means to deny points in OPG is to interrupt people/knock them away so they can't power up their points or power down yours. If hunker down enables them to ignore 2-3 defenders and just use the power-down, something is wrong.

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If people actually played the objectives and used a bit of strategy I would like it... but I must be the unluckiest person because 9/10 matches I get the team who runs in a group and death matches 2 people away from objectives. While I'm the only one playing objectives and the rest of the other team is 5v1 me at the objectives I'm trying to hold.

It gets to a point now that if I pop this map I leave a lot of the time because I know I'm not going to enjoy it.


I have a dream, one day I pickup the red power up and I head towards the enemies node, and my team supports me :p

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I have one too, I pick up a green one and use it, then my team supports me when I call inc 3


Pft. Please. You know darned well every time you get a green, you are ALSO the only one who is near, and bothers to come to some node that's already active. So you end up standing on that one by yourself, with an unused green. While your team continues to fight near one of the spawn areas. "Use a green"... hahahahahaha. You make me laugh. :p

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Best way to fix Odessa is to let me Opt out of that map. There is nothing worse than getting a string of OPG and Voidstar maps. If anything they should activate 4 nodes at a time cutting the time of that map in half and I can get a few solos to keep me entertained. Kills should also count in the point tally....
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I have a dream too. OPG is deleted. No longer called "pvp" map. Could be a stupid flashpoint or something wherr you run around following areas that flash and pick up some mods.

Objective play can be fun but seriously not like this thing. Utterly boring, too much running with ZERO action and huge advantage to some classes. Really best part is when ppl deathmatch in one spot all game.


But, but, but I think what OP proposed could be helpful actually and made a map better/more interesting.

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Pft. Please. You know darned well every time you get a green, you are ALSO the only one who is near, and bothers to come to some node that's already active. So you end up standing on that one by yourself, with an unused green. While your team continues to fight near one of the spawn areas. "Use a green"... hahahahahaha. You make me laugh. :p


LoL... fair point

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