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If you were going to make a survey on GC


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I would start with: Do you play a single aspect of the game or multiple aspects (PVP, OPS, Story)? The reason behind that is that people who play all three pieces have generally not found GC to be that bad. They also are prone to having only 1 main character that does all three and alts can be geared effectively from the main for the way they play.


I guess I'd stay away from the loaded question of "Do you think gearing by GC is too slow" because just about everyone is going to say yes to that, after all who wouldn't want to gear their characters faster.

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I would start with: Do you play a single aspect of the game or multiple aspects (PVP, OPS, Story)? The reason behind that is that people who play all three pieces have generally not found GC to be that bad. They also are prone to having only 1 main character that does all three and alts can be geared effectively from the main for the way they play.


I guess I'd stay away from the loaded question of "Do you think gearing by GC is too slow" because just about everyone is going to say yes to that, after all who wouldn't want to gear their characters faster.


But wouldn't a question asking people if they thought it was too slow be just as relevant if you were doing a survey?

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But wouldn't a question asking people if they thought it was too slow be just as relevant if you were doing a survey?


It depends on why you are doing the survey. If you want to confirm your own opinion (I'm not saying that is what you are trying to do) you ask the questions in a manner that supports that. The best surveys get people to answer the question without realizing they are answering it. That may be a bit complex for this type of survey but it tends to give more accurate answers.


You would probably want to ask the questions in a manner to determine why they think it is too slow. Too slow covers a lot of ground. It could be someone who thinks they should be able to create and gear and alt in a day vs someone who thinks gearing an alt in 6 months is fine. Which one of those is the right rate? That's where there real problem in the question of gearing comes. It is a very subjective situation. Gear grind is part of all MMOs and nobody likes it so I don't think you'll get an honest answer to "Do you think gearing is to slow with GC?"


Perhaps a question like "Should it take more than 3 months to gear an alt" or even a series of them with different times might be more informative. Though I still think just about everyone is going to say it takes too long even if they are fine with the rate.

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It depends on why you are doing the survey. If you want to confirm your own opinion (I'm not saying that is what you are trying to do) you ask the questions in a manner that supports that. The best surveys get people to answer the question without realizing they are answering it. That may be a bit complex for this type of survey but it tends to give more accurate answers.


You would probably want to ask the questions in a manner to determine why they think it is too slow. Too slow covers a lot of ground. It could be someone who thinks they should be able to create and gear and alt in a day vs someone who thinks gearing an alt in 6 months is fine. Which one of those is the right rate? That's where there real problem in the question of gearing comes. It is a very subjective situation. Gear grind is part of all MMOs and nobody likes it so I don't think you'll get an honest answer to "Do you think gearing is to slow with GC?"


Perhaps a question like "Should it take more than 3 months to gear an alt" or even a series of them with different times might be more informative. Though I still think just about everyone is going to say it takes too long even if they are fine with the rate.


That's exactly what she's trying to do :rolleyes:

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That's exactly what she's trying to do :rolleyes:


Actually I was hoping to get some questions together for people to vote so Bioware could see what the players want vs what they want us to have.


In the past I've been accused of not having the right questions or them not being formatted correctly. I figured if I asked for some input first it would allow me to formulate a better survey.

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If you were going to make a survey on Galacric Command, what yes - no questions would you ask people to vote on?


1. Is GC leveling too slow and it creates a lower interest in this game compaired to other games Yes/No?

2. Should GC Tier leveling be 25% faster by default?

3. Should GC Tier leveling be 50% faster by default?


4. Should alts ranking be accellerated after your main toon is at a higher rank? Yes/No?


5. Should GC progression buff be a Legacy setting once main is higher Tier for Alts Yes/No?


6. Should Guild status buff your GC progression Yes/No?


7. Are you satisfied with create drops Yes/No?


8. Does gear take too long vs work Yes/No?


9. Random drops are working to drop too many repetitive bound drops you can't use Yes/No?

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Actually I was hoping to get some questions together for people to vote so Bioware could see what the players want vs what they want us to have.


In the past I've been accused of not having the right questions or them not being formatted correctly. I figured if I asked for some input first it would allow me to formulate a better survey.


I honestly don't care what the people want when it comes to gear. In this particular instance, gear grind, it's something that large number of games have got right and wrong over many years and I'd rather rely on collective wisdom of that vs. an instant gratification gear piñata.


What the player base wants in terms of content is something they should ask, but an RPG has to have long term objectives or it's no longer really an RPG and instead is just a "groundhog day" where you do the same thing over and over with no progression.

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I honestly don't care what the people want when it comes to gear. In this particular instance, gear grind, it's something that large number of games have got right and wrong over many years and I'd rather rely on collective wisdom of that vs. an instant gratification gear piñata.


What the player base wants in terms of content is something they should ask, but an RPG has to have long term objectives or it's no longer really an RPG and instead is just a "groundhog day" where you do the same thing over and over with no progression.


Ummm... but this isn't an RPG 🙄

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Is GC leveling too slow and it creates a lower interest in this game compaired to other games Yes/No?

Should GC Tier leveling be 25% faster by default?

Should GC Tier leveling be 50% faster by default?


Should alts ranking be accellerated after your main toon is at a higher rank? Yes/No?


Should GC progression buff be a Legacy setting once main is higher Tier for Alts Yes/No?


Should Guild status buff your GC progression Yes/No?


Are you satisfied with create drops Yes/No?


Does gear take too long vs work Yes/No?


Random drops are working to drop too many repetitive bound drops you can't use Yes/No?


I'd leave out the first three, everyone is going to answer yes to those. Not going to be all that informative.


Number 4 is good though you will have to figure out how to define a "main"


Not sure what you mean by 5 since there is a legacy perk you can buy that gives you a boost to CXP on all toons in your legacy once you hit 300 on one toon.


If you use guild status those people not in guilds will complain. Not saying it shouldn't be a benefit but it will cause complaining. Though it might be a good question to get at how many people taking the survey are in guilds (most in guilds will say yes, most not in guilds will say no)


Number 7 is going to be another one of those that almost nobody is going to say yes to.


Number 8 is really subjective and there are a lot better ways to gear than depending on GC crates.


Number 9 is good.


One I might add is: Do you think crate drops should be legacy bound. Pretty much everyone is ripping out the mods from the armor pieces and sending them to alts on legacy gear so making them bound is not all that useful.


What you have to take into account is that people that are unhappy with gearing are going to be more likely to participate in a survey about gearing so the results may not be as representative of the game population as a whole as you may think.

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Actually I was hoping to get some questions together for people to vote so Bioware could see what the players want vs what they want us to have.


In the past I've been accused of not having the right questions or them not being formatted correctly. I figured if I asked for some input first it would allow me to formulate a better survey.


And therein, as the bard would say, lies the rub. It's not just the biased questions you ask -- it is the entire enterprise. You are assuming that forum-goers represent the players. We have explained to you time and again why this is methodologically flawed, but by all means -- keep tilting at that windmill for the three (or however many) days left you have on your subscription.

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Alright, I'll take a crack at it


1) Do you play less than 20 hours a week


2) Do you play more than 20 hours a week


3) Do you play a mix of content (PVP, Operations, Story)


4) Do you primarily play PVP


5) Do you primarily run Operations


6) Do you primarily run story content (heroics, flashpoints, leveling)


7) Do you have any toons at GC rank 300 or higher


8) Do you have any toons at least GC rank 200


9) Are all your toons below GC rank 100


10) Does the current CXP gain rate fit your playstyle.


11) If the CXP gain rate was increased would you play more.



Ideally the way to do something like this is to show the participant only one question at a time so they can't look forward to see how to answer the previous questions. I don't know if there is a survey system out there that would allow you to do it that way. There is still some bias in these questions but if you limit the participant being able to see all of the questions before answering them, some of the bias can be averaged out. You can't get rid of participation bias though and that is the real rub on voluntary surveys. You could add additional questions about changes to buffs.

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1. Is GC leveling too slow and it creates a lower interest in this game compaired to other games Yes/No?

2. Should GC Tier leveling be 25% faster by default?

3. Should GC Tier leveling be 50% faster by default?


4. Should alts ranking be accellerated after your main toon is at a higher rank? Yes/No?


5. Should GC progression buff be a Legacy setting once main is higher Tier for Alts Yes/No?


6. Should Guild status buff your GC progression Yes/No?


7. Are you satisfied with create drops Yes/No?


8. Does gear take too long vs work Yes/No?


9. Random drops are working to drop too many repetitive bound drops you can't use Yes/No?


IMO, whether intentionally or not, each and every one of these questions would likely produce a predictable response. Almost anyone would be able to predict the answers most people would give to each and everyone of these questions. IMO, a lot of that has more to do with the fact that many people got "spoiled" with the recent "easy mode; light speed; hit level cap today and be BiS geared within a week, if not days", not that GC is inherently "bad".


Note, I am not saying that GC is "good" or that it is "bad".


Alright, I'll take a crack at it


1) Do you play less than 20 hours a week


2) Do you play more than 20 hours a week


3) Do you play a mix of content (PVP, Operations, Story)


4) Do you primarily play PVP


5) Do you primarily run Operations


6) Do you primarily run story content (heroics, flashpoints, leveling)


7) Do you have any toons at GC rank 300 or higher


8) Do you have any toons at least GC rank 200


9) Are all your toons below GC rank 100


10) Does the current CXP gain rate fit your playstyle.


11) If the CXP gain rate was increased would you play more.



Ideally the way to do something like this is to show the participant only one question at a time so they can't look forward to see how to answer the previous questions. I don't know if there is a survey system out there that would allow you to do it that way. There is still some bias in these questions but if you limit the participant being able to see all of the questions before answering them, some of the bias can be averaged out. You can't get rid of participation bias though and that is the real rub on voluntary surveys. You could add additional questions about changes to buffs.


IMO, these are better questions, although 10 and 11 are still likely to elicit a predictable response, given society's (and by inclusion, the general player base's) trend toward instant gratification.

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IMO, these are better questions, although 10 and 11 are still likely to elicit a predictable response, given society's (and by inclusion, the general player base's) trend toward instant gratification.


Yes, there could still be substantial bias but the point of the first questions is to try and identify it. For example if you got an 80% yes result for 10 and 11 and then noticed that 80% of the respondents only did PVP that could indicate a substantial bias. If instead you found that the participant answers to 3-6 were pretty evenly divided you might have a little more confidence in the result. The same goes for distribution of responses to 7 through 9. Trying to identify biases needs to be part of any survey otherwise the result is questionable. You have to take the answers to 10 and 11 with a grain of salt anyway.

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Alright, I'll take a crack at it




11) If the CXP gain rate was increased would you play more.




Totally get where you are coming from, but years of MMO experiences show that when there are substantial gear goals in front of a player, they will play more and sub longer.

RNG gearing

Limited drops


New gear Tiers

Galactic Command

These are all just spokes on a Hampster Wheel. I'd be all for some other company Breaking the Wheel and seeing what might happen, but past attempts have not shown positive results from instant gratification gearing.

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System is trash as it rewards low skill effort and punishes higher skilled effort. In PvP it encourages afkers and farmers to ruin ranked even more.


Put loot 248 on all MM Bosses instead of vendor blue random trash. For PvP set bolster to 250 so gear doesn't matter and have separate PvP fast PvP gearing to remove farmers.



Keep GC for casuals if they desire.

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System is trash as it rewards low skill effort and punishes higher skilled effort. In PvP it encourages afkers and farmers to ruin ranked even more.


Put loot 248 on all MM Bosses instead of vendor blue random trash. For PvP set bolster to 250 so gear doesn't matter and have separate PvP fast PvP gearing to remove farmers.



Keep GC for casuals if they desire.


Yeah, that's a good idea. Take away the two things that actually encourage people to PVP (UCs and the hope of being something more than a trash mob in PVP). Then you can turn right around and complain about WZ pop times and how they have gotten so much worse, conveniently forgetting that what you wanted (getting rid of casuals) is the cause for the change. The vast majority of casuals queuing for PVP are not AFKers and calling them farmers for using a game mechanic as intended is insulting.


The only thing I agree with you on is that they should have left ranked rewards where they were. There is already enough cheating going on there, no need to encourage more by increasing the rewards.

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Yeah, that's a good idea. Take away the two things that actually encourage people to PVP (UCs and the hope of being something more than a trash mob in PVP). Then you can turn right around and complain about WZ pop times and how they have gotten so much worse, conveniently forgetting that what you wanted (getting rid of casuals) is the cause for the change. The vast majority of casuals queuing for PVP are not AFKers and calling them farmers for using a game mechanic as intended is insulting.


The only thing I agree with you on is that they should have left ranked rewards where they were. There is already enough cheating going on there, no need to encourage more by increasing the rewards.


If they are afk and sitting in corners they are useless and I got more pops before this systen. (You fix pops by new content and merges not casual afk farmers :p) So I call them afk farmers. Old system encouraged PvP for those that wanted not those there to waste others time by being afk farmers. Make gear separate but fast PvP as I get double the pops before GC cancer. So you disagree about NiM having actual loot. Shows you just want low skill effort gearing cause high skilled effort too hard and thus have no reason to respond further. The rest is arguing for the sake of arguing ;)

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If they are afk and sitting in corners they are useless and I got more pops before this systen. (You fix pops by new content and merges not casual afk farmers :p) So I call them afk farmers. So you disagree about NiM having actual loot. Shows you just want low skill effort gearing cause high skilled effort too hard and thus have no reason to respond further. The rest is arguing for the sake of arguing ;)


Not much to say about that other than if that is the way you feel about casuals in PVP then you have no business asking for a server merge. You drive away the part of the community that is trying to help you and then complain about how no one is queuing for PVP. The participation rate in PVP now is so low (a couple percent at best) that the community cannot afford to push out the people who are actually making an effort to participate (only a tiny fraction of the casuals playing are AFK farmers as you put it)


NIM OPs should drop 248s. All other 248s need to be earned by a longer process (there, that make you feel better). If you want 248s either do the hard content or take the time. I got most of the 242s I had through HM OPs and upgraded them to 248s through PVP so I would hardly call that low skill or effort. I only need one toon in 248s (or at least close) to do OPs with my guild. No need to really keep PVPing but I did, because it helped the PVP community. People like you make me regret that decision. Maybe that was just keeping it on life support and a quick death to it would have been better.

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Totally get where you are coming from, but years of MMO experiences show that when there are substantial gear goals in front of a player, they will play more and sub longer.

RNG gearing

Limited drops


New gear Tiers

Galactic Command

These are all just spokes on a Hampster Wheel. I'd be all for some other company Breaking the Wheel and seeing what might happen, but past attempts have not shown positive results from instant gratification gearing.


I would say that 5.0 has proven you wrong. When you make the gearing take too long and make it too random people actually play less, drop subs and play other games. Yes, that is contrary to the theory you are stating, but it is what it is. 5.0 has shown that it is easy to go to far and BW went WY too far. SWTOR may not be dead yet, but it's working on it really hard and it's all because of poor design decisions by the dev team starting prelaunch and continuing through the latest patch.

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Alright, I'll take a crack at it


1) Do you play less than 20 hours a week


2) Do you play more than 20 hours a week


3) Do you play a mix of content (PVP, Operations, Story)


4) Do you primarily play PVP


5) Do you primarily run Operations


6) Do you primarily run story content (heroics, flashpoints, leveling)


7) Do you have any toons at GC rank 300 or higher


8) Do you have any toons at least GC rank 200


9) Are all your toons below GC rank 100


10) Does the current CXP gain rate fit your playstyle.


11) If the CXP gain rate was increased would you play more.


I would add in something like:


Do you play more after 5.0 than before? Y/N


Do you play less after 5.0 than before? Y/N


Have you started a new subscription after 5.0? Y/N


Have you let your subscription lapse after 5.0? Y/N


Unfortunately, there is no good way to get the "why" behind those answers for specifics, in a Y/N survey (and one with comment fields takes a VERY long time to sort and code the responses so they become something you can analyze.)

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Alright, I'll take a crack at it


1) Do you play less than 20 hours a week


2) Do you play more than 20 hours a week


3) Do you play a mix of content (PVP, Operations, Story)


4) Do you primarily play PVP


5) Do you primarily run Operations


6) Do you primarily run story content (heroics, flashpoints, leveling)


7) Do you have any toons at GC rank 300 or higher


8) Do you have any toons at least GC rank 200


9) Are all your toons below GC rank 100


10) Does the current CXP gain rate fit your playstyle.


11) If the CXP gain rate was increased would you play more.

Great set of questions!!!

I would add in something like:


Do you play more after 5.0 than before? Y/N


Do you play less after 5.0 than before? Y/N


Have you started a new subscription after 5.0? Y/N


Have you let your subscription lapse after 5.0? Y/N

Along with these!


As was pointed out, by limiting it to YES/NO questions, you don't really get the WHY behind any of the answers...it would also need a "comments" section imo.


GC is fine for supplemental gearing, not primary gearing.

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