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Unassembled Components, Clarity


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Many people asked for Unassembled Components to be legacy bound. The devs then posted a roadmap responding to the feedback saying:

"We are reviewing ways to improve use of your wide range of characters, and one of our top priorities is to make Unassembled Components a Legacy currency. This allows you to play with any of your alternate characters while gaining benefits across your entire Legacy."


That was on 05.31.2017.

Since then, the change has not been implemented. At first I thought the change was in development but all mention of UC has gotten more vague and now no longer mentions legacy at all. Are they backing out of their plan? The change that players asked for? Regardless of the change in rate of UC drops they may be planning, I really want UC to be legacy bound so i can do a little pvp on each alt and still eventually have some benefit. I don't love pvp and I only do it for conquest points and UC.


Here is what they have been saying about UC since the roadmap:


"We are making changes to daily and weekly mission rewards for PvP with the intent of substantially improving Unassembled Component gain for players who complete both Ranked and Unranked missions."


"As Keith alluded to previously, there are Unassembled Component changes coming to PvP Mission Rewards. The TLDR is that we want you to be able to get more Unassembled Components each week overall while also making Ranked play a bit more appealing. We are in the final stages of locking down these exact numbers and so look for a post on this next week with the specifics."


TLDR: It looks like the devs might be planning to not live up to their "top priority" of making UC legacy bound. Please SWTOR team, make them legacy bound! If your plan has changed, please explain why. No matter the change in drop rate, we still want that currency legacy bound, so please make sure to do that. Thanks!

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Why are you posting this now?


Did they reveal any patchnotes yet?

Did they say they were going to do it overnight?


You need to calm down and wait for 5.4. And it'll be a while.

Edited by Evolixe
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Why are you posting this now?


Did they reveal any patchnotes yet?

Did they say they were going to do it overnight?


You need to calm down and wait for 5.4. And it'll be a while.


Roadmap was 5.31.17. I have been patient. I'm posting it now because they are about to patch in an update for

UC on august 22nd, and from the quoted material it seems they aren't going to make it legacy bound. Better to post before the patch than after, if I want to see change. Though I understand why my timing would seem confusing.

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Roadmap was 5.31.17. I have been patient. I'm posting it now because they are about to patch in an update for

UC on august 22nd, and from the quoted material it seems they aren't going to make it legacy bound. Better to post before the patch than after, if I want to see change. Though I understand why my timing would seem confusing.


Yup I am with you, they really should address this issue prior to 5.4.

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[tinfoil hat] Or maybe, they realized that by making UC legacy-wide, they would complicate the already horrible skill gap between veterans and newcomers. And by that I mean you set up a premade with the best of the best available to your friends and guild and turn the already hilarious roflstomping into minute-long-matches [/tinfoil hat]
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As of right now, it is not a Legacy currency. But, I know exactly what you're thinking, so let me pre-announce something which I suspect will make you smile, while at the same time, irritate you because I won't tell you when until I update the Roadmap. :eek:


We are working to change currencies to be Legacy based. This includes unassembled components, credits, the Umbara currency, and more. I'm not aware of any major obstacles preventing this from happening, and doing so will help with a number of changes we are planning for the future.



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Why are you posting this now?


Did they reveal any patchnotes yet?

Did they say they were going to do it overnight?


You need to calm down and wait for 5.4. And it'll be a while.


Sigh. Player attitudes like this are why the SWTOR ship sinks..."you need to calm down"...what an arrogant statement. It's been two months with no update on a "high priority" fix to help the mess they created in 5.0...yet with no action it just shows they really are all talk, no action which = they don't care. This was a very appropriate time to ask the question.

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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[tinfoil hat] Or maybe, they realized that by making UC legacy-wide, they would complicate the already horrible skill gap between veterans and newcomers. And by that I mean you set up a premade with the best of the best available to your friends and guild and turn the already hilarious roflstomping into minute-long-matches [/tinfoil hat]


Newcomers? At the dwindling player rate I think those are few and far between.

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