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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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Maybe they don't intend for Slicing lockbox missions to turn a significant profit. But if that is the case, they should explain why they even have such missions in the first place.


Lack of official communication is really hurting this game. A few simple clarifying statements from Bioware could reduce the complaint level by probably 40% or more.


Or maybe we shouldn't suggest that we know what bioware intended because we aren't bioware.

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i make anywhere from 300-500 credits from every 4 mobs i pull on Ilum and 10k a pop for daily quests, so something like 50-60k for a half hour. i make about 1000-2000 credits doing slicing missions in the same amount of time.



Fix your Shtuff


Exactly. Slicing benefited lower level characters and made extra income but didn't make that much compared to mobs and quests at higher levels, I'd say after level 30ish.


BW should have reacted to this in a smarter fashion to stop the exploiters, people running 8 toons a server constantly. We were punished for their actions and the market has crashed as a result, punishing slicers and non-slicers alike.

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Anyone else notice that when slicing was nerfed, all the credit sellers and bots came out to play???


Yeah. Pre-nerf 0 spam emails. Post-nerf I average 5-6 a day.


On a positive note, they usually send me 1 credit. Only 39,961 gold spam emails to go and I'll have gotten a free speeder training for an alt. :D

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Yeah. Pre-nerf 0 spam emails. Post-nerf I average 5-6 a day.


On a positive note, they usually send me 1 credit. Only 39,961 gold spam emails to go and I'll have gotten a free speeder training for an alt. :D


Lol! Seems with slicing viable, the gold sellers didn't have a market.


If BW re-adjusts slicing to make it somewhat viable, the gold sellers wont have any leg-up on the average player. Slicing leveled the playing field for ALL!

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I started a new character and picked slicing again.


The Tier 1 missions for lockboxes (moderate yield) that cost 95 credits give me a 2 credit profit (companion returns with 97 credits).


2 credits.


Why don't they just come into my house and slap me silly?



You're lucky. I did this too, and I'm losing 5-10 credits per mission on t1. :(


When I don't lose money, I make 5-10 credits. So overall I'm bleeding out credits, because I lose money way more often than I don't. And I'm not even getting any missions to make up for it. :(

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Yep, slicing is now FUBAR. I have 400 slicing skill, and I only do missions with rich yields. I constantly have two of my companions running these missions and since the nerf I have done nothing but lose money. For example: I sent my two companions out for rich yield lock boxes. One mission cost me 870 credits and only returned 756. The other cost 2025 credits and only returned 1876. If I successfully complete a mission, I should not be losing money; I mean, what is the point of doing them, Bioware. You guys are really starting to turn me off.
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Im at 400 slicing, I send 5 of my companions of missions 2k each.



4 of them bring back crappy augments that are worth 230 credits each (lost 1800 credits per.)


and 1 ofthem brought me back a lockbox with 1000 credits in it.





How rewarding.

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Treasure Hunting has lockboxes, too. I use them to level treasure hunting, not to turn a profit. Just sayin.


Treasure hunting returns items far more often than slicing does. That is the issue. If slicing gave the mission drops reliably, I don't think slicers would be complaining so much about losing money. I know I wouldn't - I slice for the mission drops not the cash. But the mission drops aren't often enough to make up for the consistent cash loss.

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Some of you are either big fat liars (!!!), or I'm just luckier than you.. because I've not lost any credits in the long run, and I run rich lvl 42-48 lockbox missions as often as I can, when I'm online, and I usually gain around 100-300 credits average, plus I occasionally get lucky with a mission drop, which sell for anywhere between 3k and 20k depending on type and skill level.


Anyway, keep posting, I'm sure they'll raise the rewards by a bit eventually, if you keep nudging them about this :)


There are other ways to make credits, too :)

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Some of you are either big fat liars (!!!), or I'm just luckier than you.. because I've not lost any credits in the long run, and I run rich lvl 42-48 lockbox missions as often as I can, when I'm online, and I usually gain around 100-300 credits average, plus I occasionally get lucky with a mission drop, which sell for anywhere between 3k and 20k depending on type and skill level.


Anyway, keep posting, I'm sure they'll raise the rewards by a bit eventually, if you keep nudging them about this :)


There are other ways to make credits, too :)


lies i can send them off to do mission that COST 1200+ in the 42-48 lockboxes mission and they Never make me no money slicing has been nerfed too much FACT. it needs to be somewhere in the middle Bioware not this low! :tran_frown:

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lies i can send them off to do mission that COST 1200+ in the 42-48 lockboxes mission and they Never make me no money slicing has been nerfed too much FACT. it needs to be somewhere in the middle Bioware not this low! :tran_frown:


You lie, are mistaken or got some weird bug. Those seldom give me less than 1500 and often around 2000. Crits return 4-6k and and a mission. Some have a negative return but over all I make good money. Doesn't make me super rich, but that is a good thing!


I'm amazed people still bother with the QQ. Slicing will never change back. Just accept it.

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You lie, are mistaken or got some weird bug. Those seldom give me less than 1500 and often around 2000. Crits return 4-6k and and a mission. Some have a negative return but over all I make good money. Doesn't make me super rich, but that is a good thing!


I'm amazed people still bother with the QQ. Slicing will never change back. Just accept it.


So you're calling people liars and proclaiming that "slicing will never change back".


You're a psychic?


I suggest you accept the fact that you make unsound assumptions.


You know, just accept it.

Edited by Volki
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It's funny because now that I am dead broke all the time it seems very tempting to take the gold farmers up on their offer.


One of the reasons I've sent a request for a full refund and why I'm leaving this game isn't because Slicing is broken (it so is!). Its because after 260++++ pages of this, there still hasn't been any official response. Just like before they broke the skill. No communication, no information, just did it.


What else will they just change with no information and no responses after they've changed it?


It's the absolute lack of communication that drives me away from this game, albeit I'll admit that having to grind is also a factor. When I got myself and my friends into this game, it was under the promise that with slicing, we would have a self thriving economy without the hassle of never having enough credits to enjoy the game. So we are all leaving, but not to worry, there seem to be enough grind loving WoW players to come and take our places.

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You lie, are mistaken or got some weird bug. Those seldom give me less than 1500 and often around 2000. Crits return 4-6k and and a mission. Some have a negative return but over all I make good money. Doesn't make me super rich, but that is a good thing!


I'm amazed people still bother with the QQ. Slicing will never change back. Just accept it.


Crits on anything less then Rich gives a medium credit box, and those barely contain more then a regular small credit box. These DO NOT return 200-300% the yield of a small case


There are 2 rich missions in the 42-48 range. A rich mission always returns a medium credit case (the same as a lesser mission returns when it crits) so you can see just for yourself how much it returns. And its in the rough range of 1.7-2.2k range. No where near 4-6k, that only comes from the Large credit cases, which only come from crits in Rich (or higher) missions. And those are quite rare.

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One of the reasons I've sent a request for a full refund and why I'm leaving this game isn't because Slicing is broken (it so is!). Its because after 260++++ pages of this, there still hasn't been any official response. Just like before they broke the skill. No communication, no information, just did it.


What else will they just change with no information and no responses after they've changed it?


It's the absolute lack of communication that drives me away from this game, albeit I'll admit that having to grind is also a factor. When I got myself and my friends into this game, it was under the promise that with slicing, we would have a self thriving economy without the hassle of never having enough credits to enjoy the game. So we are all leaving, but not to worry, there seem to be enough grind loving WoW players to come and take our places.



Well people like you inspired me to pick up slicing POST NERF to see if in fact the skill was horribly broken. I did so and you can see the results on my stream at HanibalHendrix. Twitch TV I went from 90k gold to 1.5 million between questing selling slicing items for aroudn 16k each and slicing boxes I then spent it all on a 1.5 million mount and have only done the Illum dailys for 2 days and I went from 2k credits back to 700k credits in less then 2 days. Slicing is not broken in the least.


It is by far the most potent way to earn credits in the game hands down no contest and I got the credits to prove it. If you are going to slice and want to make gold you do the following ( slice every chest in the open world you come across. The gold is free no cost to you, you dont have to auction anything and high level chests usualy range in 1k-2k area with chance to crit for up to 5k .


You always have companions out on missions as you play. When you play all 5 companions must be lockbox grinding all the time with only your 6th with you. The way slicing is set up the more you do a mission the less chance you get to fail it. If your starting out on a mission it will be orange indicating you have a high chance to fail by level 50 if you have missions on farm most will be grey or green and you will only fail once in a blue moon.


Each box will reward you several hundred to a thousand gold over the cost of sending it out x5 (once for each character) You will end up making several thousand gold for each rotation plus each rotation will usually earn you purple schematics 340 and above can auction for as much as 14-20k if they are rare. remember you will be getting this every rotation so if you do the math 14k plus say 3k gold from missions , plus whatever boxes you sliced not to mention quest gold from dailys at 50 which is 10k per quest and you will be swimming in credit.


If anything they need to nerf the drop rate of the level 340 and above schemetics so they dont flood the auction as much as they do currently. Aside from that if you just went and farmed chests all day and rotated your squad along with doing the daily pvp quests on illum you could easily make over 300k in one day with minimal effort.

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I should add that in the 2 day period I made 700k i also leveled a sniper to 16 and a Bounty hunter to level 12 and I was barely even playng my main ......if you need further prof ask nice and I'll do a slicing tutorial showing you how to maximize your wealth....laterz
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I should add that in the 2 day period I made 700k i also leveled a sniper to 16 and a Bounty hunter to level 12 and I was barely even playng my main ......if you need further prof ask nice and I'll do a slicing tutorial showing you how to maximize your wealth....laterz


Thanks for the offer, that would be nice of you. Thing is, I don't want to have to stress around with going to auction house and selling this and that. I just want to play and be able to afford decent armor for my level.


Also, my main point was the lack of communication. Its that that worries me. For me its about signaling a point that they need to be better at communication with us.


One of my friends have since guilt tripped me into staying (I kinda got him to buy the game =p) so it looks like I'm staying after all =(


Edit: Also, I can't help but thinking that the people who are saying slicing is fine are working for gold sellers. Seing as gold sellers activity went up a few hundred percents after the nerf... Can't say I support gold sellers, but can't say I blame people from buying credits from them either. You reap what you sow.

Edited by DarthMalet
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I still say slicing missions need to be buffed alittle. And no I am not one of the people who took advantage of it pre-nerf QQn about it. As it is now you are lucky to break even with the lockbox missions which makes it almost pointless to even run them unless you get a crit or get a schematic....It's really a joke as it is now idc what anyone says about how it's free money. Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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Slicing post-nerf is profitable but only like 2k in cash per hour or so from the best mission.


Continuously running the best 5 missions on your 5 companions will earn you around 7.5k per hour, as per my table (however that may even change as sample sizes or nerfs change). In my opinion, that is good and dandy at lower levels, but as you hit higher lvls or 50s, those sums start to look like very little.


Of course one could argue that you can go around and gather Slicing nodes, but that time can be invested in doing dailies or killing mobs which will net you the same, if not more.


PS: I think "The Automated Saboteur | Arranged Accidents" missions (currently the best profitable) have been ninja/stealth nerfed very recently. The last 10 attempts yielded pure losses which never happened before. Either that or I am astronomically unlucky which I really doubt. :(

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Crits on anything less then Rich gives a medium credit box, and those barely contain more then a regular small credit box. These DO NOT return 200-300% the yield of a small case


There are 2 rich missions in the 42-48 range. A rich mission always returns a medium credit case (the same as a lesser mission returns when it crits) so you can see just for yourself how much it returns. And its in the rough range of 1.7-2.2k range. No where near 4-6k, that only comes from the Large credit cases, which only come from crits in Rich (or higher) missions. And those are quite rare.


I crit a lot. Certainly enough to make money. Sorry you do not. Maybe you should try another profession?


Currently some people like slicing and some people do not. That tells me it is balanced. Everyone picking it was a sure sign it needed fixing.

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