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Discussion Topic: Game Update 5.4 and the Next Roadmap


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Soo you are an incredibly minority and listening to you is a waste of time because it won't benefit the overall population of the game?


Thanks for finally admitting that.


Nope just on reddit we are but playerbase wise we are the majority.

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Nah, shouldn't have been and if it was it looks a bit suspicious because it was a follow up post to my one asking that person who was actually paying them to play the game so they could post on the forums and if they actually did it for work?


Considering their original post to say they got paid and my reply is still there, my second should still be there too. It just seems weird or suspicious that it would disappear if there wasn't a server roll back.


it's because they assumed I was implying BW was paying me which I wasn't but I guess they have a hard time understanding context.

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THIS! So much this. My Reps also want that "Vette Customization 2", please...


Or they could just make them legacy bound so you could transfer them. That would be much easier and less work for Bioware.

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it's because they assumed I was implying BW was paying me which I wasn't but I guess they have a hard time understanding context.


So do you get paid from a Review site or something?

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While I am not one that would have to worry about exceeding the maximum number of credits, I think the number of people that could potentially be affected is far higher than some would think. I also think the number of credits that could potentially be "obliterated" is far higher than some think.


Hypothetically, player A has 10 characters, each with over 3 billion. That is over 30 billion credits. If the maximum number of credits is a little over 4 billion, that is almost 26 billion credits that could be "obliterated", over 85% of player A's total credits.


Would you want to lose 85% of your credits?


great money sink, gets 100's of billions out of circulation. win-win they never concerned themselves with taking currencies away from other players in the past, why change now? I wonder how many of those credits came from exploits?

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Try it with 89 toons 😳


I've been asking for a legacy bank for years... only a few months ago I brought it up again and got shouted down about how it isn't possible and should stop asking 😉


I guess anything is possible and you shouldn't stop asking for it because it may come true... just be careful what you wish for because sometimes you'll get the bad ones too.🙄


It is possible and thank you for asking!

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Wait, are you saying other people pay for your sub so you can be their mouth on the forums?

If that's the case, do you even play the game or are you only being told what to post based on what others have said to you about different parts of the game?

I do hope it's not Bio paying for it. Although that would explain the white knightism in most of your arguments.


He is a ghost writer..unfortunately the ghost is anakin.

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So do you get paid from a Review site or something?


I had said before they deleted it that it's more or less like a twitch type deal where I cover a bunch of different MMO's and people sub to hear my thoughts on the updated content from various MMO's.

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I had said before they deleted it that it's more or less like a twitch type deal where I cover a bunch of different MMO's and people sub to hear my thoughts on the updated content from various MMO's.


So you have a vested interest in white knighting the game... ?

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So you have a vested interest in white knighting the game... ?


He's the complete opposite of a white knight - check reddit for proof.

He just has a bee in his bonnet over James Ohlen for some reason, maybe he stole his lunch money.


Also I am assuming you are just humoring him and don't actually believe any of that?

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he's the complete opposite of a white knight - check reddit for proof.

He just has a bee in his bonnet over james ohlen for some reason, maybe he stole his lunch money.


Also i am assuming you are just humoring him and don't actually believe any of that?


*** deleted

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He's the complete opposite of a white knight - check reddit for proof.

He just has a bee in his bonnet over James Ohlen for some reason, maybe he stole his lunch money.


Also I am assuming you are just humoring him and don't actually believe any of that?


That is because unlike you I realize James Ohlen is the man at the top that has the final say about anything to do with the game and has slowly lead the game to the point where we are now.

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He's the complete opposite of a white knight - check reddit for proof.

He just has a bee in his bonnet over James Ohlen for some reason, maybe he stole his lunch money.


Also I am assuming you are just humoring him and don't actually believe any of that?


Also you shouldn't listen to the MeNaCe here who is only interested in praising the sorry state the game is in instead of seeing it for what it really is a big mess.

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I hope Keith has scored a significant increase in budget (or that the seemingly low resources available on the game where because of misappropriation and there is the budget) to put out WoW levels of content. But I suspect such hope will seem stupid and instead in the next 3 months we will see one new flashpoint hinting at Malgus having returned but waiting on over a year before it will be confirmed and 5.5 bringing changes to some numbers and the next Op boss.


I suspect that most of the budget BioWare has overall, as well as developers, is being pushed towards Anthem development. So much so, that regardless of any improvement Keith and his team make for SWTOR or the scale of those improvements will make little difference over the longevity of this game. Which is a shame, this game has finally got (in my view) a good Producer who has a solid core team behind him, he just needs the budget from BioWare to produce the content on a much larger scale than can be achieved currently.

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I suspect that most of the budget BioWare has overall, as well as developers, is being pushed towards Anthem development.


It wouldn't be a surprise, after Andromeda was launched we suddenly got ops mentioned here. Swtor is just an afterthought.:rak_03:

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That is because unlike you I realize James Ohlen is the man at the top that has the final say about anything to do with the game and has slowly lead the game to the point where we are now.


He just has a bee in his bonnet over James Ohlen for some reason, maybe he stole his lunch money.


See? I was right. ;)

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I suspect that most of the budget BioWare has overall, as well as developers, is being pushed towards Anthem development.


I'd really hope that Keith will come in and show that EA has faith in TOR and he had the budget to do anything more than a delaying tactic where it takes months to add even a single new boss encounter; with his grand plan to hope some vague yellow posts asking for feedback which are never followed up on will distract everyone from the lack of content.


I suspect though there is no budget, that most the team that are left are the ones who couldn't get onto the Anthem team and are polishing their CV's rather than working on the game; all the while telling Keith it takes weeks to place an object on a map and this ain't like dusting crops kid. Though given the mess of technical issues the game has had, it seems that they are also stripping the copper wiring from the systems or some people think he betrayed Ben and stabbed the guy in the back to get the producer gig and deliberately sabotaging the game. Is a simple update the the launcher such that it will cause log in issues through the day?

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