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Manaan SH Megathread


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WTS - Barely used 3 Room Oceanside Apartment...


Cost $8.5 million to unlock

Selling for $4 million and it's really made for people with no friends (30 limit)


Oh yeah - I'll provide a free Rope ladder as you can't get to/from your starship.


Bioware - You guys are on the roll today setting the bar very LOW on bad product changes.

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I can see why they didn't do a livestream for this...



I like the overall concept of a Manaan Stronghold but the place feels very small to me, smaller than DK/ Coruscant even because of the lack of meaningful expansions/ rooms.


When I bought the interior expansion to the elevator, I was like "alright looking pretty good so far" and then I get to the end of the hallway and was like "I paid 2 million for this hallway?". Really I don't see how the creator of this place doesn't think to put a couple extra side rooms in that hallway to the elevator, little bedrooms for example.


There's just so many missed opportunities, I get to the rooftop garden and nothing really catches my interest until I look out the left window and see a little submarine area... except well I can't go there :confused: and the starship hook is in such a ridiculous spot.



Overall I feel pretty disappointed, why cut so many corners with this stronghold? And why is the place so big when we can only access like half of it?

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I would suggest starting with the outside entrance area and then work inward from there.


This stronghold is very different then prior ones, so if you enter it with an open mind and realize all the outdoor as well as indoor hooks... it has A LOT of potential. '


The only thing I do not like is when I port into a stronghold, I would like my cargo holds, mail, vendors, etc.. right there waiting for me, but indoors. (Same beef with the Yavin strongold.) In this stronghold, that would be outside hook placements, which I think will work out.. but I need some time to experiment. It would be nice if they had a decoration that autoported you to a specific point in a stronghold when you enter, but I bet that's not that easy to do.


I placed my gtn and banks over to the side in one of the side areas but it still a bit of a walk but so was Yavin so to me not a big deal. I do like the fact you can decorate under the water when you get down to your observatory. The hooks are not perfect but I figure something out. I always do even if it takes me some time to do it right but I am in no rush.


The funny thing is I keep hearing well I can't use any of my decorations here they don't fit the "theme". Now certain ones like the Yavin ones maybe but if they get creative a lot of them will work. I have used 2 of my Makeb centerpieces in the roof top garden and it looks cute there.

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Another thing... why are there dozens and dozens of Floor Small hooks arranged in lines and blocks that can't be converted into Floor Medium Narrow or Floor Medium hooks?! There is literally ZERO reason for this, and all it does is keep people from decorating to any sensible degree because all there are in MASSIVE areas of the stronghold are a bunch of Floor Small hooks. Why couldn't you give us larger hooks with the options of breaking them down into smaller arrangements LIKE IN EVERY OTHER STRONGHOLD? The walls aren't any better either... Wall Smalls that can't be used or converted.


Whoever designed this place ought to be ashamed of themselves for what a low-effort job they put into it. It's like they got the exterior and the main upstairs room mostly done, then they said "Ehh, bored now" with designing the other rooms or fixing the hook layouts. There's less usable room in this place than in DK/Coruscant, which are way cheaper!

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Even though I wasn't really looking forward to a Manaan SH, let me preface by saying I really, really like this place.

My one gripe, and it's a big one, is the entrance location. I really wish I could start in the small elevator room on the lower floor, between the two observatories. As it is, while I have some cool plans for decoration, I have to go way too deep into it to get a good "utility room".

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Too many ceiling hooks that aren't horizontal, and wall hooks that aren't vertical.


Too many small-green wall hooks that are so low that half the decorations that can fit on them clip into the floor. And they aren't vertical either. And they overhang.


But at least there are enough small-green floor hooks in the "garden" that I was able to put one of each type of Utility/Crafting gatherable resource decoration in there. (This is not a positive thing.)

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Does it increase your personal conquest stronghold bonus above 125%, up to 150%?


It seems to. I'm at 4% with filling the stronghold and my conquest bonus is now up to 126%. I'm just going to fill'er up until I get some ideas. I feel dirty, but my brain is just devoid of inspiration right now, but an extra 25% bonus will be welcome!


Is there any way to get the into scenes for stronghold to replay for characters that have already been there?

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It just baffles me how much space there is in the complex that we can't access... the only interior area on the main floor that we can access is that little hallway but when looking on the outside there should be so much more. We cant access the exterior on the sides or back, like the submarine area that can be spotted from the windows above.


We can't get to the starship hook area either...

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There is a giant one swimming around if you look out the window in the underwater part. Sadly there is only the 1.


You only need one shark to jump over. Fonzi aka Keith has just jumped it. Unlock all 4 rooms and you get to too. :rod_tongue_p:

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I personally love it, love the small size. But most of all loving all the centrepiece hooks (this is where the pricy price comes in guys).


Even though I like it, it definitely has bad hook placements Just like a couple of other strongholds. Honestly I've only liked Tatooine for hook placement layout so far. But so many centrepiece hooks for a small stronghold, no wonder it's costly.

Fully unlocked it, and started decorating. I'm used to fighting with Yavin hooks, this will be fine (smaller mess rather then spacious mess).

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I dont like the "Deepwater Sanctuary" rooms... You can only see a shadow of a huge shark once every 10 mins or so. Its so empty and boring outside your window. There is no life in there. Im disappointed ;/


PS: The underwater atmosphere in KOTOR 1 was way better than this.

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I like the size, though it could stand to be just a bit bigger - maybe two rooms larger. I was a bit let-down by the underwater windows as well. I think they should have been larger, or the view much better. Or, preferably, both.


The hooks are pretty terrible, though the underwater thing is interesting.


It didn't live up to my hype, but I appreciate that we have one more option for SHs all the same. Still, I'm holding out for the next SH ;););););););)

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I am very disappointed about the result of this stronghold. Just like others said, it is way too small.. and what is it about all those areas we can not access what we see outside the windows from the upper room? (Like your ship hook)

There is still so much potential to fix this stronghold, and add these area later as extra expansions for this stronghold.

Also there is nowhere a button at the start of the stronghold area to have a turn on or off button for the Manaan theme, now it starts at the entrance and then it is gone. Also where is the sun in the sky??? Have you guys noticed that the star that lights up the sky and makes the shadows is not even in the sky?

I do like the underwater rooms, only for the deep ocean view add some more plants to make it feel also more alive. The first room you enter there is well done with the glass below your feet.

Overal first time I say a stronghold failed: 2,5 stars out of 10.

I gave all other strongholds 8 or 9 stars first time I came to those. Very amazed about this one not being on par with the others, but this stronghold has still a lot of potential to get fixed and that it can get as awsome as the other strongholds. Can you please do that Bioware? Would be fair, and Manaan Stronghold is an easy model to make addons for it. Anyways good luck.

Edited by -JE-BLAZAR-
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1) Sht hooks. You cant even make living room underwater (f really? no ceiling large on 2 rooms?). Hooks really fckd up.

2) Costs like a normal SH but with ADEQUATE HOOKS. Manaan just all about random hooks.

3) Manaan is just a big promenade zone and crappy rooms with nothing interesting. Underwater hooks? Really? For statues and **** like that? (ok i can add a star map to look like Kotor)


Thanks bio! Ive waited for 4 years and now realise, that my Tatooine was +146% better than manaan. Crappy balance, crappy end-game content (2nd boss really? old ops now in the dust and new one casual AF), crappy manaan stronghold. You definitely dont give a hood about game and players! Nice job.


I hope they will add more rooms or just make:

1) normal hooks for underwater living rooms

2) normal hooks for garage (medium narrow for mounts? kiddin me? or 6 large in the "garden"?)

3) normal starship hook not in the arse and unreachable.

Or this SH is gotta be a "face of bioware 2017"

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You guys are interesting. Most players on these forums asked for a smaller SH and more hooks (no I'm not going to provide proof as this is a grown-up discussion) and when they give that you hate it?


Personally I like it. I'm fine with the size. The hooks are fine. We can get plenty creative with what we have.


My only slight disappointment is the lack of hooks in the underwater areas and the windows being so small or the upper ones being blurry.


Well, going back underwater. :D




I think this will be perfect for the character I'm going to move in there, as well. He isn't the type to have a giant mansion, nor fortress. He just needs a quiet place to recollect, hang his hat, and plan his next move. What better place than a small house on a completely neutral world?

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There is no point to waste credits on this SH... Its better to travel to Manaan and stay there till you queue for FPs/WZs. The actual planet zone is look more alive and cooler than this new SH. And you can listen the relaxing "Manaan" theme in there for hours.
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For those on Ebon Hawk Imperial side, Headquarters: Clairvoyant is open to the public for people who would like to see a fully unlocked stronghold, get decoration ideas, and etc. :)


Thanks Foxxy. I'll do that :D

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I'm very disappointed.

I thought this was going to be the one SH I was actually going to decorate aside from utility stuff like cargo bays and GTN.


But very underwhelming, specially the underwater rooms, very small and too much "wall". I was expecting a lot more glass to see the ocean while spending time there.


Oh well....

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It seems to. I'm at 4% with filling the stronghold and my conquest bonus is now up to 126%. I'm just going to fill'er up until I get some ideas. I feel dirty, but my brain is just devoid of inspiration right now, but an extra 25% bonus will be welcome!


Is there any way to get the into scenes for stronghold to replay for characters that have already been there?


Thank you for replying :)

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I definitely like that the stronghold is a bit smaller, since Yavin 4 was a pain considering how way too huge it was.


But. There's always a but (or many).

The hooks aren't great, and it's further baddened by the fact that not enough decent-looking decorations are easily obtainable. I've got way too many decorations I got only one of, which makes them difficult to place while having the stronghold look good, and way too many plain ugly utility decorations that sucks. Especially the upstairs big room got horrible hook placement in my opinion.


Also, I was against a Manaan stronghold from the get-go - I wanted RIshi or Rakata Prime, seaside strongholds with an actual view. Manaan... yeah. It's water and a few Selkath kelp silos(?). Didn't expect anything else, and the view from the underwater rooms are horrible too. Why the small windows? They should basically have glass walls instead.


Could've been done better.

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I like the stronghold. There are some odd placements but also a lot of good ones. It's not perfect but I can at least get symmetry in most places.


There are a couple of more serious gripes I have though:


1) The starfighter size hook is on the roof and has limited space. Why is this not in the big open are where you enter?

2) There are no hooks near the exist console. It's in a very unflattering place and I cannot cover it up. I'd rather it be somewhere else entirely to be honest. Somewhere, where it's more out of sight really.

3) From the balcony on the toop floor you oversee a huge roof area. You cannot access it. I find that a missed opportunity. I really wish we could go there and put stuff there as well.

4) In the underwater area next to the elevator there is this awesome sort of hole in the ground where you can watch in the water. It has a fixed blue lamp above it. I'd rather it was blank and I could put a lamp there myself or that the lamp was white in colour so I can decide the colour tone myself in that room.


Other than that though I really like it. Just a shame all the Selkath stuff was sold out long ago. Kinda would've been nice to have some more Selkath Couches that don't cost 24 million on the GTN.

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Thank you for replying :)


fully unlocked, filled with imperial guard and craps.... and 150% conquest bonus...

excepted the roof garden that you can do something almost nice with it.


nice looking, but they asked their child to do the work, underwater view is wrong, hook placement make bleed my eyes...

underwater centerpiece hook? to put speeder?

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Im a bit sad the music doesn't keep on playing. Is it just me or does anyone else have this? It only played at the introduction.

Same here - no music.


Also every time I enter a grouped thing, (such as a warzone), when it ends, instead of just appearing back in my Manaan SH I get the "press space bar" nonsense and Manaan SH intro cut scene every time. I am beginning to hate the place. Should have saved my millions for a Nexu pet instead.

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