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Manaan SH Megathread


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They really need to fix the hooks in this SH, they're absolutely terrible. Especially in the two side rooms in the Underwater Observatory.


On a side note, i don't mind the smaller size, i actually enjoy it.

Edited by micnevv
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  • Four totally unusable rooms that suffer from gigantism and emptyness due to lack of any effort put into the layout and flexebility - no functional, artistic or simply authentic potential to create something usable and interesting without any "functionality over common sense and planing" trade-offs
  • Zero music and sounds
  • Pointless and enourmously big entrance square like it is some kind of important NPC's palace and not cozy Manaan administrator's homebase
  • Bio are not even hiding the fact that the only one reliable scenario applicable for this SH is a simple deco museum without any roleplay sense and personal space
  • Extremely lazy design comparing to Yavin 4 SH
  • No submarine default props


This SH has the same purpose as the planet itself - just a big nothing. very disappointed with its implementation. Still waiting for possible Korriban and Tython compact but cozy and diverse strongholds. Or at least some distant and classy space station.

Edited by Pateytos
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My thoughts on Manaan;



-Wow-. This has got to be the most underwhelming stronghold on the list. Sure, it is pretty and I do enjoy the underwater chambers you can purchase, but with only 4/4 rooms, you come to the realization that the hooks are very.. 'eh', and the place is very small.


I, in hype mode, replaced my guild's SH for this, as we all have been very eager for this stronghold. However, now that we've bought all FOUR rooms, yes only FOUR, we have realized the place is simply too small to house a guild, as we can only have 30 people in the SH at any given time, and the hook designs are simply disgusting.


I now realize -why- there were no teaser trailers or images, compared to the Yavin SH where we got teaser images of specific areas. There's nothing to tease; you literally get what you see when you load in..


Yep... this stronghold is WORTHLESS as a choice for a guild stronghold for anything but small guilds. It's also WORTHLESS for large RP events because you'd never be able to fit everyone who wants to attend. And I absolutely agree on your theory as to why they didn't show any teaser images or trailers... they knew people would realize EAWare spent next to zero effort on this overpriced abomination full of invisible walls and terrible hook layouts and wouldn't buy it as a result.

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They really need to fix the hooks in this SH, they're absolutely terrible. Especially in the two side rooms in the Underwater Observatory.


On a side note, i don't mind the smaller size, i actually enjoy it.


I'm fine with a smaller stronghold, absolutely, but they shouldn't charge several times what Coruscant or DK cost when it has even less usable room than those two strongholds.

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I haven't bought this yet but after seeing the video on Dulfy and knowing what I'm in for I am totally in.


I do admit that the lack of a bedroom area is a bit disappointing. However, that's my only gripe. Well that and they needed to have the Manaan music playing on a loop in the background but I think that one might be quickly fixable if enough people bang the drums and request it.


For me this stronghold is pure awesomeness. I have been saving up my credit since I got back into the game and know exactly what I'm going to be blowing them all on tonight.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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I actually like it. I bought it for two new toons that happen to be LS sith, so after much thought, I'll give each of them one of the underwater rooms and will turn them into some sort of apartment. The hook layout is a challenge, but I think I can make it look good.
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Just a friendly reminder; this is the only stronghold we've gotten in almost two years. :) Two years it took to make this.


It looks like they spent a total of two days worth of work on it though...


I know I'm getting upset over some pixels and I shouldn't... but after over two years of waiting for a new stronghold, to have one come out that looks so flat and lifeless (the underwater ocean views look terrible, boring and pixelated) and poorly designed and overpriced breaks my gaming heart.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Dear Bioware devs and Mr. Keith, please put a Centerpiece in your Underwater Rooms. You will se the Head of the Centerpiece is in the Ceiling!! :eek:


Dont tell me that you dont Test this Hook? :rolleyes:


I Need to make a Screenshot later.


And pleas give us a variety of Hooks in the 2 Underwater Rooms not only the centerpiece an some small green Hooks. When you ask me and other Players, the stronghold is Buggy. Please Fix this.

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It looks like they spent a total of two days worth of work on it though...


I know I'm getting upset over some pixels and I shouldn't... but after over two years of waiting for a new stronghold, to have one come out that looks so flat and lifeless (the underwater ocean views look terrible, boring and pixelated) and poorly designed and overpriced breaks my gaming heart.


It is not about getting upset about pixels. SH is the equally valid part of the game like operations, outfits, mounts and other mechanics and it is quite big part of the roleplay sense, which the game should inspire and support by its design in the first place.


We "lost" our toons in Zakuul story, we get stuck on our mains thanks to the Command Rank system and now we've got laziest homebase ever after 2 years of waiting for a new content of such kind. There is a poor feedback acknowledgement in this case, especially when we have Yavin 4 SH.

Edited by Pateytos
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You guys are interesting. Most players on these forums asked for a smaller SH and more hooks (no I'm not going to provide proof as this is a grown-up discussion) and when they give that you hate it?


Personally I like it. I'm fine with the size. The hooks are fine. We can get plenty creative with what we have.


My only slight disappointment is the lack of hooks in the underwater areas and the windows being so small or the upper ones being blurry.


Well, going back underwater. :D


Agree. Not to mention people have complained about too many expansion unlocks for a stronghold as well.


But this is an MMO.. and there is simply no pleasing some people.


I also agree that the underwater areas are not that impressive. They need better visuals out the underwater windows in my opinion, but it's a small nit as it's not like I'm going to camp in the basement and go googly over the fish.


I thought about the low population count limit (30), and my first thought is they should raise that. But in thinking about it some more, it probably is a performance problem with a higher count (there is a lot of eye candy rendered in this Stronghold), and I bet their data shows that not that many strongholds in game are active with more then 30 characters at one time. Guild strongholds is the real challenge with this limit in my view.

Edited by Andryah
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Personally, I haven't been asking for 'small' Strongholds. I prefer them big and vast, as there is more to decorate and more to explore. I want Strongholds for my guild, not for myself.


Had I known Manaan would've been so small, I wouldn't have bought it. It'll make for an interesting place for one of my characters, though not for my main nor my guild.

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I love this stronghold. It's probably my favorite one, although that's probably just because it's new. Once the newness wears off though, I think I'll still like it as much as Nar Shadaa and Dromund.


Couple things though:


They need to have the music loop back more often. I have to assume this is a bug.


I think the complaints about the starship hook are valid.


Random note: I love the fact that you can put stuff underwater, outside the room. I am going to have a lot of fun with that.

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Random note: I love the fact that you can put stuff underwater, outside the room. I am going to have a lot of fun with that.


oh.. I had not yet noticed this! Thanks for point that out. :)


Maybe some placed lighting will improve the visuals. Will have to experiment some.

Edited by Andryah
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All critique from my previous post aside, I do love the smaller size of that SH. We sorely needed something more cozy than a mouldy, ruined temple or a giant mansion half-buried in the sand.


Also, I just looked through the decorations in the Manaan bundle, and I must say that the hooks in the SH are shamelessly tailored for precisely that bundle. Or vice versa. I mean, come on - you put together a couch and a few chairs and it has to be a centerpiece? Idiocy.

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Just a friendly reminder; this is the only stronghold we've gotten in almost two years. :) Two years it took to make this.


You'd think in all that time they may have actually made something half decent.


I have no issue with the size, I like the idea of a smaller SH.

But the hooks are just awful.

The two underwater side rooms are, effectively unusable.

There's about 2 times as many small "green" hooks then there should be.

Adding "more hooks" really is meaningless if all they are is "green" small hooks on an isolated wall area.

What are we supposed to do decorate a whole SH with nothing but the small art/trophy things they throw at us by the hundred?


So far I am not seeing value for money, even if it was half the current price.


And I say that as someone who has been hyped to hell and back because the new SH was going to be Manaan.


All The Best

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