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How many players go 'romanceless' as Jedi & Sith are 'supposed' to be?


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It actually makes for a really interesting role-play in your head to think about the sort of mind shenanigans a Sith would have to go through if he/she found him/herself in love. How could it possibly end well? How do they protect the one they love? Is it a weakness? Yada yada etcetra...


I'm currently writing a fan-fic all about it. My Inquisitor screws around with Andronikos but ends up falling in love with Theron, which was totally not what she was looking for. But, love just happens. Enter absolute angst with falling in love with someone you're supposed to hate.


Not to mention that going into FE, you're not really a "Sith" or "Jedi" anymore anyways. So if you have a character who wants to love, but is afraid due to the various dogma related to each order, it's a chance to start over.

Edited by Dracofish
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Two points:


1) Theron Shan was born from what was basically a short term relationship between his mother and father. Which goes back to my point about 'one-night stands' not being forbidden by the jedi. (In other words if you are just releasing urges with random partner X, the Jedi Order is not going to make a fuss. If you are actually getting 'attached' to a partner and seeing them frequently...Jedi Order is going to forbid it.)


2) It's been a while since I looked at the Kira romance but if I remember correctly doesn't she say that marraige can only be between jedi who entered the order as infants ? and is completely not allowed if a jedi entered the order at an older age? Plus there were plenty of restrictions placed on the couple (I got the feeling they would need to submit an application so they could meet and another one if they wanted to sleep together. As I said, it's been a while since I saw the Kira romance though, so I could be mistaken. )


Then why does Theron get all out of sorts when in the presence of either of them? this leads me to believe that they both had some part in his upbringing which in turn tells me they at least were "together" at some point and long enough for Theron to form opinions about them.


What I remember from the Kira romance is that it is all about numbers: in times when the Jedi Order has sufficient numbers to sustain itself, marriage and child bearing are severely discouraged...not forbidden, but you are right that if a couple decides to be on the up and up (unlike the padawans on Tython (side quest)) then the council does force them to prove that they can have the relationship but remain objective. On the other hand, when numbers are low (like after the war and the sacking a Coruscant) then the order is far more lenient, in fact in times of extreme low numbers marriage and procreation are encouraged because a child born of two Jedi is very likely to be Force sensitive and therefore will increase the order's numbers.


And yes, Jedi are not sworn to celibacy, but I would think that a one-night-stand just to get a female jedi pregnant would be morally repugnant to the order, therefore if/when child bearing becomes desirable marriage comes with it.


That said, maybe this was a little retconning on BW's part. Luke's New Jedi Order in the EU had several couples who had children . (Remember that SWTOR was written before Disney turned the EU to "legends") Maybe this was BW's way of legitimizing that part of the New Order; that if thousands of years BBY Jedi married and had kids to swell their numbers that Luke discovered this bit of information and said..."that's a great idea."

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Then why does Theron get all out of sorts when in the presence of either of them? this leads me to believe that they both had some part in his upbringing which in turn tells me they at least were "together" at some point and long enough for Theron to form opinions about them.


No, the supplementary materials clearly show this isn't the case.

Satele gave Theron to Master Zho on the moment of his birth, not even telling Jace about him and naming him as an afterthought.

He only meets her when he's an adult already (Shortly after Zho's death) in "The Lost Suns" (A comic by Alexander Freed aka "Imperial Agent Storyline Guy"). And he doesn't actually tells her he's her son, it's only implied that she'd guessed that.

Later, he meets Jace Malcom during the incidents related in "Annihilation", a novel written by Drew Karpyshyn (Head writer of KOTOR 1, Mass Effect 1 and 2, the Revan novel, all that) and up until that point, he wasn't aware of Theron's existence and he's pretty pissed at Satele for not giving him a chance to know and possibily raise his son. (But they do reconcile before the end of the novel, and they attempt to have normal family relationships. Then Forged Alliance happened.)

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No, the supplementary materials clearly show this isn't the case.

Satele gave Theron to Master Zho on the moment of his birth, not even telling Jace about him and naming him as an afterthought.

He only meets her when he's an adult already (Shortly after Zho's death) in "The Lost Suns" (A comic by Alexander Freed aka "Imperial Agent Storyline Guy"). And he doesn't actually tells her he's her son, it's only implied that she'd guessed that.

Later, he meets Jace Malcom during the incidents related in "Annihilation", a novel written by Drew Karpyshyn (Head writer of KOTOR 1, Mass Effect 1 and 2, the Revan novel, all that) and up until that point, he wasn't aware of Theron's existence and he's pretty pissed at Satele for not giving him a chance to know and possibily raise his son. (But they do reconcile before the end of the novel, and they attempt to have normal family relationships. Then Forged Alliance happened.)


Theron still has an awkward relationship with his father, as shown in some of the "add-on" materials published on the official site. It would make sense...they never knew about each other til he was in his mid-20's.


In regards to his mother, he seems to carry a pretty big chip on his shoulder...which again, makes sense. Either way, Theron seems pretty messed up on the relationship front because he's never really had much of a family, and he feels like he was thrown away (once by his mother, and then again by Zho once it became apparent he was force blind), so he focuses on his work.


From what we can glean from materials other than the base game, Satele and Jace had a pretty passionate affair that lasted about six months...and Satele only broke it off because she saw darkness in Jace.

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When I first went through the Iresso romance, I was not terribly impressed. I thought he was boring, and I never finished playing that character- I ended up deleting her later. My second consular romanced Theron, but after playing through a friendship with Iresso, I actually started to really like him. He's a solid, responsible guy. He puts his job (and by extension, the Consular's job) first, and his personal feelings second.


So then I played through fully a second time, and this time I romanced him. I actually really, really like Iresso now. He's a good man, and even his love for the Consular doesn't cloud his mind when he needs to get a job done. After they get married, one of his letters says he was approached by another Jedi Master who asked him about his relationship, and apparently the marriage was officially approved by the Council because they ended up trusting him. That's really, really cool. I felt that the romance suited my Consular in that playthrough.


My Jedi Knight did end up falling for Doc. I role-play it as her initially actually liking his smooth-talking charm (she took it all with a grain or twelve of salt, of course), and she liked the fact he didn't want anything serious... at first. That way there'd be a nice, clean break at the end. But he was her first real anything, and as soon as the feelings started to get serious, she started questioning whether or not it was worth it. When she did that, and Doc suggested that they take a break, they both ended up re-evaluating things, and they both separately realized how they really felt. When Doc asked her to marry him, she basically thought "What the hell. I've given and given and given- even a Jedi deserves some happiness." She made a leap of faith and never looked back.


As for my Sith- I play my Warrior as being an Honorable Warrior. She admired Quinn's dedication, discipline, and control. He was a good soldier, and she admired that loyalty... even though eventually it came back to kick her in the butt. But they worked it out (after she threw a few things at him and shouted abuse for a while).


My Inquisitor did eventually go for Andronikus. It was an interesting way of deciding to go for him. See, in my head-canon, my Inquisitor had been offered as a 'reward' to those who did a good job for her original master, so if they pleased him, they got to sleep with her. Andronikus was the first actual long-term lover she ever took by her own choice and decision (she did have a fling with that one Sith on Alderaan, and who knows where that may have gone had he not faced the end he had), and while she knew what the concept of a romantic relationship was from her parents and from others, she had never experienced that herself, nor had she ever thought she would. So for her, the pirate ended up falling for her before she started falling for him, which accounted for her nonchalant attitude whenever he initially decided to leave and declared that he was his own person and she didn't own him. Naturally she didn't own him, just like no one owned her. But by the end of the romance, they had both decided that they didn't mind belonging to someone... just so long as it was to each other.

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My Sith Inquisitor is "romanceless" not for to reasons or anything. There just isn't a good option for her out there.:rak_03:

I did try Theron on my abandoned character, though I never finished the story while being in a relationship with him, it just bored me to no end.


But why should sith be romanceless? Malgus wasn't, and neither was Jadus, or even Valkorion and he isn't even capable of love. I think it's more pressing for the Jedi, but not for Sith.

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For the two rep force users, I am going romanceless for them. Though I did a counselor that romanced felix and I thought he was a very good choice. Hate the one for the Jedi, yes I know some like him but he is a pig. The new ones I have are going to go for Theran . The same if I made a male one, they will for Lana.


Warrior and Insquistor will do the same and go for Theran. But if I were to make a male version, the warrior is going to romance vette. The male insquistor would go for Lana.

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My Jedi Knight always had a bit of a ruthless edge...she did what she needed to to get the job done and expected others to do the same. It didn't take much for her to turn to the Dark Side and fall for Scourge. So technically she's romanceless, but she's in love with a Sith. By the end of the Knight main story, she hates Satele with a passion and walks away from the Order in the end because she feels like the Jedi are weak and try to hold her back. She still fights for the Republic, viciously, but she's turned her focus to destroying the Emperor for good.
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I did on my consulars because of no viable companions. I did kind of look at my mentors grandson though.


Nadia is basically a teenager. I want her back because she was my female consulars female padawan and like younger sister, but on my male consular I just ignore her lol, can't talk to kids these days.

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dun dun duuuuuuun. Same. On so many characters. How anyone makes it through Kotet without smooching him is a mystery to me.


I actually have to skip SoR if I want my married characters to NOT cheat on their spouse with Theron lol.

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All my female Jedi and Sith are romanceless at least through Rise of the Hutt Cartel because I think their choices for companion romance are bad or dull. I haven't taken any of those characters through SOR or the KOTFE/KOTET series though so who knows.
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Many of my characters go without romance, but for totally different reasons than following some code. Some of them I would like to have romance, but there isn't anyone who fits them personality wise( and since I am not into polygamy, and I like to imagine all of my characters existing within the same story, I don't romance a companion on more than one character) , some of them I just consider unfit for romance backstory-wise, just like some companions who are not romanceable.


Also, a lot of my characers as of now are females, and female romances in this game, IMO, leave to be desired. I'd rather have my character stay single for the rest of their life than have hem hook up with someone as awful as Doc( like I told my guildie, keeping to the Jedi Code is easy when your only option is an obnoxious guy who harasses women). I do have a free Pureblood Shadow as of now that I am deciding whether to romance Iresso or Lana on. I did find Iresso a bit of a bore during my initial run as a Consular though, but I wonder if I should give him a second chance.

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Many of my characters go without romance, but for totally different reasons than following some code. Some of them I would like to have romance, but there isn't anyone who fits them personality wise( and since I am not into polygamy, and I like to imagine all of my characters existing within the same story, I don't romance a companion on more than one character) , some of them I just consider unfit for romance backstory-wise, just like some companions who are not romanceable.


Also, a lot of my characers as of now are females, and female romances in this game, IMO, leave to be desired. I'd rather have my character stay single for the rest of their life than have hem hook up with someone as awful as Doc( like I told my guildie, keeping to the Jedi Code is easy when your only option is an obnoxious guy who harasses women). I do have a free Pureblood Shadow as of now that I am deciding whether to romance Iresso or Lana on. I did find Iresso a bit of a bore during my initial run as a Consular though, but I wonder if I should give him a second chance.

I'll drink to Doc being an undesireable sleazeball lol I just started a female Jedi Knight for the first time and she's gonna end up with Theron, Doc isn't even a footnote. I did think Felix Iresso for the Consular was super sweet though it sucked we get him so late in the game and have so little time with him :( We should have gotten him on Nar Shaddaa and gotten Theran Cedrax...never.

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Depends mostly on who the LI is.


Kira, yes, Doc, ungh, no.

Felix Irreso, yeah, he's ok, Nadia... just to see the story, honestly. Was a bit... weird.

Andronikos, pf, no. Ashara... i think i started on a character, but never finished - stopped playing on that server.

Quinn, just once, and ended it when he backstabbed my SW. Jaesa, once, it fit that character fine, and Vette on another that was a bit more light-sided. Jaesa is bat-guano crazy: i half expect her to have gotten Bothan Nether Rot by the time she gets back in the game...

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With my current character (light side sith assassin) I've kept her without an LI because she's had such an agenda with her head-canon backstory. She's spent her whole career protecting the misused and abused and "fixing" people (including protecting her Jedi apprentice Asharra.) So...it's only natural that in the Eternal Throne expansions, she's going to fall in love with the ultimate fixer-upper, Arcann, whether the devs eventually make him an LI or not. Edited by deFafnyr
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With my current character (light side sith assassin) I've kept her without an LI because she's had such an agenda with her head-canon backstory. She's spent her whole career protecting the misused and abused and "fixing" people (including protecting her Jedi apprentice Asharra.) So...it's only natural that in the Eternal Throne expansions, she's going to fall in love with the ultimate fixer-upper, Arcann, whether the devs eventually make him an LI or not.


Aww, I hope for both our sakes that comes to fruition

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