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Discussion Topic: Bolster Changes in PvP


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So this thread was just hot air, no changes?


It's very easy to ask for opinions. Let the person tell you what they think and feel, and offer suggestions. It's even easier to either listen and understand what they said and totally ignore or, even better, pay absolutely no attention to what they say at all.


Either way, they are no free and clear of any accusations being leveled that they don't care about how how players feel, because they asked them and 'listened', why they did not effect any changes that coorispond to the opinions offer by players, is not only impossible to prove [unless someone wants to through every thread in the forums, and make notes ob every suggestion or opinion they find], it's also impossible because not everyone has the same opinions. So they asked, they gave a 'road map', so there's their "transparency", that is has absolutely nothing to do with the wants and hopes of the players is largely irrelevant because there is only one thing a player can do that they could give a rat's *** about, and that's unsubbing. Other than that, BW is untouchable.


A player can express all the unhappiness and misunderstanding on BW's track or line of reasoning, it does not matter, because the only thing they care about with regard to players thoughts and feelings is whether or not they will stop a player from giving them their money.


We can rant and rave and disagree until the cows come home, as long as a player keeps giving them their money, that player can burn for all they care.


It's all about maximum profit with the least expenditures of their resources.


In the 6 years I've been playing the game I have never seriously considered leaving the game, that is until very recently. I am waiting to see how the 'class balance' changes play out. I'm not optimistic so as much as I would not want to leave the game, If things go the way they are looking they will, I may feel obligated to leave the game and unsub on pure principle.


So far in the class balancing they have not done right by anyone, and if the same applies to 5.4, that will be sufficient 'writting on the wall' to determine just how little they care about the players enjoyment.


At some point you have to draw the line. How else will they know they've stepped over the line?

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The Devs never say they will have a discussion WITH US, I think its more of a case of let the players do the discussions themselves while Bioware look on and take notes, the discussions are not supposed to be directed by the devs but rather be a bit more free-form.


Which is pretty stupid because that's been occurring since day 1. It is even more stupid when they don't participate at all.


Oh well crystal ball and all that says it will backfire on them when they make changes and they are accused of not listening to the community even more than ever because they made these topics, didn't participate or even offer direction and then put in changes that basically ignore what the majority want anyway.

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[*]Follow-up on Bolster discussion - It was clear from the discussion thread that most of you would like to see Bolster go as high as possible, while still meeting our teams goal of having gear progression be relevant. We will be increasing Bolsters to 242 in PvP for GU 5.5 as well.



Thanks everyone.




so we know.

Edited by Thaladan
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Congratulations on getting bolster raised.


Forum PVP is despicable, but effective.


I'm looking forward to baiting bad players into Unranked under the line "gear matters not".

Edited by sayNih
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Damn, only 242

In 5.5, but not in 5.4!

No legacy bound Unassembled Components

And i bet, there will be no nerf/buffs to utilities till 5.5-5.6.


What the heck...


No ETA on 5.5 either. I'm trusting it won't come with a "New gear lvl 252 and 256" while bolster is at 242. Was hoping for some elaboration into BW's thoughts too on how impossible it is to gear alts via pvp. I bit the bullet and began running raids for my main 2 toons. I guess all the other alts have a whole pvp season to wait until they may get undusted.

Edited by Kalarie
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I guess 242 is the best of the options but still REALLY annoyed they aren't actually answering the BIG question around why they have the stupid progression goal for PVP in the first place.


It seems clear FAR more people would be happy wiith no stat gearing progression for PVP and have progression in a far better system (vanity items for example).


Oh well, still won't bother much with PVP if I still have a grind associated since the grind required is massive to get beyond the bolster point, I refuse.

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Damn, only 242

In 5.5, but not in 5.4!

No legacy bound Unassembled Components

And i bet, there will be no nerf/buffs to utilities till 5.5-5.6.


What the heck...

Keith just posted something talking about how they are working on getting us legacy currencies for a number of things (including UC and credits). So I'd imagine that's the holdup on legacy UC - they are trying to roll it all out at once.

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if they raise the gear gap in the same time as the new bolster 242 i 'll laugh a lot :rolleyes:


If they do that... i will freaking quit... it took long enough to gear my main, its not playing and pvping for fun, it's fcking grinding..and I am sick of it, if they will roll another tier of gear in next year, I am officially out and gonna look for entertainment elsewhere, probably will even go back to females :D lol If bioware continues in this manner, there will be a lot less virgins lol.

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Let's no forget that they didn't listen to what "most" of us want.

If you go back through the thread there is a majority asking for 248-250 Bolster... not 242...

They didn't listen again... why do they even bother with these threads asking for feed back???

They already knew they were going to make it 242 so the whole thread was "staged" to make it look like they wanted our feed back

If I was the "Donald" I'd be shouting "fake news"... or conspiracy...

Edited by Icykill_
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if they raise the gear gap in the same time as the new bolster 242 i 'll laugh a lot :rolleyes:


Yeah, I posted the same thing in the road map thread. It's the first thing I though when I saw how long they were going to wait to even raise it to 242. It's not that hard to punch in some numbers to change it in a few minutes.

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Let's no forget that they didn't listen to what "most" of us want.

If you go back through the thread there is a majority asking for 248-250 Bolster... not 242...

They didn't listen again... why do they even bother with these threads asking for feed back???

They already knew they were going to make it 242 so the whole thread was "staged" to make it look like they wanted our feed back

If I was the "Donald" I'd be shouting "fake news"... or conspiracy...


Indeed and even worse he couldn't even bloody post in the thread that was actually for discussion of this issue, instead burying it that other thread which isn't even a bloody discussion thread.


Reeks of laziness imo, I'm enjoying the increased communication because it's helping me see BWA's design goals etc. in more clarity and slowly realizing they don't care as much for the players as they say they do.

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Yeah, I posted the same thing in the road map thread. It's the first thing I though when I saw how long they were going to wait to even raise it to 242. It's not that hard to punch in some numbers to change it in a few minutes.


If they give out all this great news about legacy currencies and raising bolster which not perfect but is a step in the right direction....and then increase gear tiers once it all drops....They will with zero doubt experience a mass exodus from their game...


Its not even a question because that is a straight up slap in the face to all players.... they will be left with some CM whale addicts, a few "grindaholics" that have yet to discover Korean MMO(s) and the few remaining Fanboi(s).


I'm hanging by a thread and have been for quite a while....they have made some decent changes BUT! There is always a catch and I for one am tired of that practice....


We don't owe you anything Bioware and honestly many of the people still playing since launch have given you far too many chances already.

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Let's no forget that they didn't listen to what "most" of us want.

If you go back through the thread there is a majority asking for 248-250 Bolster... not 242...

They didn't listen again... why do they even bother with these threads asking for feed back???

They already knew they were going to make it 242 so the whole thread was "staged" to make it look like they wanted our feed back

If I was the "Donald" I'd be shouting "fake news"... or conspiracy...

They DID, in fact listen to what was asked. If you read the post by Eric, they raised it as high as they could while maintaining their internal objective as well. That means they were taking input from multiple sides (not just yours) and meeting everyone halfway, to an extent. Logistically, it may be impossible to go 248 while still keeping the future model that bioware has planned? You would rather them destroy their model and have to come up with an entirely different plan (which takes a lot more time than simply raising the bolster value as high as they can)? Sounds like the game would be in worse shape if the "majority" got their way and all these changes were made.

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They DID, in fact listen to what was asked. If you read the post by Eric, they raised it as high as they could while maintaining their internal objective as well. That means they were taking input from multiple sides (not just yours) and meeting everyone halfway, to an extent. Logistically, it may be impossible to go 248 while still keeping the future model that bioware has planned? You would rather them destroy their model and have to come up with an entirely different plan (which takes a lot more time than simply raising the bolster value as high as they can)? Sounds like the game would be in worse shape if the "majority" got their way and all these changes were made.


The game would be in worse shape is the majority got their way i.e. made to be a game they actually want to play?


Yeah lets cater to the minority - the 10 of them can have great fun playing warzones together and then whinging about queue times and afk players.

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The game would be in worse shape is the majority got their way i.e. made to be a game they actually want to play?


Yeah lets cater to the minority - the 10 of them can have great fun playing warzones together and then whinging about queue times and afk players.

Actually, they are catering to the masses by keeping the structure/model of the rest of the game intact, instead of changing everything in game just to hopefully fix the small pvp content.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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Actually, they are catering to the masses by keeping the structure/model of the rest of the game intact, instead of changing everything in game for the small pvp content.


Changing PVP gearing isn't changing anything for everyone else, no one is saying change everything for everyone else.

Even then it was separated prior to 5.0 and people preferred that system to this one, they actually changed it for everyone by combining all gearing.

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Changing PVP gearing isn't changing anything for everyone else, no one is saying change everything for everyone else.

Even then it was separated prior to 5.0 and people preferred that system to this one, they actually changed it for everyone by combining all gearing.

Unless you can provide in-game metrics of participation, you're basically just going off of guesswork. My guess is that a higher % of players are participating in pvp now than were prior to 5.0. See how that works?

Edited by olagatonjedi
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None of us know the code of the game. So no one can comment on how easy or difficult it is to increase the bolster.


And yes, directly commenting on how easy or difficult programming isn't much if they don't know how to program.

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Unless you can provide in-game metrics of participation, you're basically just going off of guesswork. My guess is that a higher % of players are participating in pvp now than were prior to 5.0. See how that works?


Have you not read this topic? Every major topic on PVP since 5.0? There are tons of players stating they preferred the old gearing system when it was separate to this system if not for the sole reason of being able to gear faster to max.


Have a read, educate yourself.

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The game would be in worse shape is the majority got their way i.e. made to be a game they actually want to play?


Yeah lets cater to the minority - the 10 of them can have great fun playing warzones together and then whinging about queue times and afk players.


Pretty much this ^^^


And when the majority of people are ignored they leave... it's why the dedicated pvper is a dying breed and the pvp population of this game keeps losing people...


But let's still do what most players don't want and make them unhappy... that's a good way to earn loyalty and keep subscribers playing 😕

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Unless you can provide in-game metrics of participation, you're basically just going off of guesswork. My guess is that a higher % of players are participating in pvp now than were prior to 5.0. See how that works?


LoL... and half of them don't try or afk in a corner because they don't want to be in pvp. The only reason they are there is to get gear for pve content.

More people doesn't mean better pvp if you drive the real pvpers from the game... all it is then is a play ground for preschoolers who go and play in their sand pit in the corner all match or give up and all sit at the node 😕

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