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Discussion Topic: Bolster Changes in PvP


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So you think 190 command tokens are just, what, growing on trees? That's 38 command crates before you can even purchase a boost. People need the boost at rank 1, not rank 38, and they sure as **** can't afford to be spending every last command token they have just to buy a boost. I don't need to ask, you really are high.


Command tokens are easy af to get xD

Most people were at cap by the time they finally introduced a way to spend them on 100% boosts.

2 hours of pvp should earn you more than enough to cover another boost. Cry more please.

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Command tokens are easy af to get xD

Most people were at cap by the time they finally introduced a way to spend them on 100% boosts.

2 hours of pvp should earn you more than enough to cover another boost. Cry more please.


38 command ranks in 2 hours eh? You're not high, you're just profoundly stupid (possibly both).

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190 divided by 14 is 38? Maths is really hard I guess.


No, 190 divided by 5 is indeed 38... he is talking about being in T1 :rolleyes: and if you are not cxp leveling multiple alts, command tokens are not so easy to accumulate (casual player here, so I can relate)

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No, 190 divided by 5 is indeed 38... he is talking about being in T1 :rolleyes: and if you are not cxp leveling multiple alts, command tokens are not so easy to accumulate (casual player here, so I can relate)


If you are t1 then you really dont need to worry about using a command boost yet, the game will throw boxes at you for the full day or so before you hit t2 and then soon after that, t3 where you will be getting 14 per box.


As for casual players though, why would it even matter?

All command rank does it get you a chances at access to gear pieces to give a boost to the main gearing methods of operations and pvp. A casual player doesnt need BIS and so is most likely not attempting to gear fully.

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If you are t1 then you really dont need to worry about using a command boost yet, the game will throw boxes at you for the full day or so before you hit t2 and then soon after that, t3 where you will be getting 14 per box.


As for casual players though, why would it even matter?

All command rank does it get you a chances at access to gear pieces to give a boost to the main gearing methods of operations and pvp. A casual player doesnt need BIS and so is most likely not attempting to gear fully.


It is not about needing or not needing BiS gear - If I want to grind for it then ffs let me (I will get there eventually, at least with my main, I am T3 now)


BTW: on topic: increase bolster to 240/242 and lower the cost of UC for gear or increase the UCs we get

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As a pvper I don't dislike the current gear system. I hated what it was like at the start of 5.0 but now it's reached a point where anyone who puts in even a little bit of effort can easily gear up multiple toons.


Yes Agree!


^ SWTOR employee


Why would he be?

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No true scotsman harder pls


Gear has always been a part of pvp, get over it lmao. People have spent a lot of time getting their full 248s and then you come along wanting a free hand out. Lel no, put some effort in.


Learn what the No True Scotsman fallacy is before you try to reference it in a sentence. It makes you sound simultaneously clueless and pretentious.

Edited by DsevenO
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Somebody without a job needs to go through this thread and pull out relevant feedback and put it in a new thread. There is basically one decent post every 2-3 pages that need to be consolidated.. 40 pages of useless banter with an occasional good post. Reading thru all of it


1. Increase UC

2. Increase CXP

3. Better/unique Rewards in drops from command crates


5. PVP Mod/Enh Vendor to make stats easier to modify at reasonable UC or CC cost

6. Make all Top Gear drops LEGACY

If they do any combination of the above then we vote NO to bolster


If they don't want to bother making any changes suggested then sure we vote bolster to 240 because it would be better than nothing being done but even that could be argued


On a side note discussion threads need to be heavily moderated to keep it focused on the topic. Surely you have a high school work study looking for something to do

Edited by Glocko
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I'd like bolster to be as high as possible. No one plays PVP in order to get a satisfaction of gearing their character, they spend time gearing because it's a necessity. Let the PVE-ers play the RNG gearing game.


I'd even be okay with them reducing the amount of CXP earned from warzones if they made components legacy-wide and had the bolster only a few levels lower than the highest tier of gear. That way, PVE-ers wouldn't feel like they needed to PVP to get gear quick, and PVPers wouldn't need to worry about gearing as much.

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This thread has been hijacked by me having to respond to your drivel, so I'll let you continue to post to yourself after this.


At any rate, despite how pitifully weak your analogy is to the NTS fallacy, I'll at least give you credit for looking up the structure on Wikipedia. I never made the claim that no one likes it, I made the claim that it was unnecessary. We had our own gear progression and it worked just fine. The "autism" meme is just sad wannabe **** lording.




This is just nonsensical gibberish. Lay off the bong.

Lel, why is it wikipedia worthy again?


And no you accused me of not being a pvper because I like the gear system pal xD


No memeing here sir, would never do such a thing. Was just quoting what I had gathered from your responses. Was I off the mark on your condition?


HOWEVER! I will give you credit where credit is due! Lets not let this take over the thread too much, I'm sure the devs wouldnt be happy and I want them happy so we can get some semi decent rewards. Feel free to hit me up if you wanna continue this elsewhere ;) I would love to do so.

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You are nothing but a troll who gets their jollies from people's reactions, but you might want to edit out that autism part. Making fun of medical conditions is not okay, and makes you even more of a jerk than you already are.


Someone called me a troll and a jerk on the internet. Oh my how will I sleep :(


We should hang out some time, you sound fun ;)

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Was I off the mark on your condition?


EDIT: Instead of ranting and stating the ovious here, I'll shorten this: If you ever had any point not to call yourself an inflamatory troll, it is now gone forever.


Gear has always been a part of pvp, get over it lmao.


The issue isn't that gear is a factor in PvP, it's the time associated with getting said gear that makes people criticise the system. 208 expertise gear was always used in PvP and nobody ever complained. Nobody has to "get over it" because, frankly, it's not in any way criticism that gear has use in PvP.


People have spent a lot of time getting their full 248s and then you come along wanting a free hand out. Lel no, put some effort in.


What you can clearly see in this sentence is called "vested interest." This is how things always are: The time it takes to grind gear can change based on community feedback, and you or others having 248s doesn't give you any right to monopolize it. You better "get over it."


And, no, I don't expect you to jump out and say you're wrong. You made the idea that we are complaining about the existence of gear in PvP and put it into this argument, when in fact nobody ever made it the main point. The basis of the criticism is the time it takes to gear, and not the existence thereof. If you'd reduce the gearing to what it was in 3.x and 4.x, nobody would be complaining about gear. How do I know that? Because these complaints were so rare and so nonsensical that they were completely off the mark. Nobody ever said: "Please make expertise gear a months long grind so we can have a long-a** grind before we're viable." We're saying that the existence of gear advantages based on months long grinds is bad, and the old 4.x system (which had gear too) was vastly superior due to the time it took to gear. That was a bearable gear advantage, but gear still existed.

Edited by Alssaran
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Right I forgot getting BiS gear was a "do it in a day thing, no worries, easy peasy mate".


What nonsense.


The irony being that I literally just did a PT tank from head to toe last night in 242's shy one implant..... lol..... Took a tad over 2 hours, and if I had plans to PVP with it, I would be off to the races......smh


Have you seen the prices for gear? Do you think that's something every player can readily afford? As I said the grind to get credits for gear would be as bad if not worse than the grind for gear in the first place. Nothing you've said even tries to counter this point.


And again, I simply say, if you can't earn credits quickly now?? I mean, is that a joke??? Sorry, I just don't know what to say to that......



Many people don't have toons to 300, they left when they introduced the stupid system. Some came back when they realized they can now gear by ignoring GC but for the most part anyone coming back now and staring at a grind to GC level 300 on ONE toon just to START getting gear to help in PVP will often see that as a detriment and may very well not bother coming back at all.


As has been said by many on this forum, the "grind" to 300 is pretty easy now...... And once you have one, you usually have a surplus of extra components you can slap in an alt's gear.......


It's easy to say you know of anyone in a game that has had a serious population decrease so the smaller portion of players (vs those that left since KoTFE) actually probably enjoy the system. Point remains with more people having left over time then changes should be put in to try bring them back.


I never said anyone truly enjoyed this system, but comparing it now to the state it was in when it launched is just ridiculous. The grind and gear drops when 5.0 launched were FAR more of a labor than they are now...... It's not like the GC system is going anywhere in the near future, so that argument is pointless atm, but it's a joke now compared to when it launched.


Just a couple of month? Lol. Just a couple of months to get my one toon a level where I can start getting gear drops to help in PVP? Wow thanks for proving my argument for me and also proving you have no concept of what "little to no time" is.


That's if you are an EXTREME casual..... If you're playing the game with any regularity, and especially if you do the 242's from PVE first, you could gear a toon in weeks...... But let's just say you're that EXTREME casual, and you do take months to min/max a toon..... Is that really that long in a yearly content cycle?? Is a three month grind for a complete casual too long in a 12 month expansion cycle???? lol


That costs credits the requires a time grind as well as has been established.


Not wanting to put the time into any grind at all seems to be a pretty common theme with you. :)




You only really NEED gear grind in PVE for HM/NiM ops, thats a MASSIVELY small part of the content of PVE.


It's literally the only thing PVE has....... smh....... ops progression..... What, you think PVE guilds get together and schedule FP runs and dailies more often than ops???? lol


Ah right another of these "this is an MMO - this is how it should be" arguments that seem dead set on driving the game into the ground because they think if it's the way it was it's the way it has to be. They of course ignore the fact that the game population is in decline as are most MMOs in general.

Adapt or perish.


Ah right...... another of these "how dare you make me work for my gear", "I deserve something for nothing" posts........:rolleyes:........ The all too familiar "If they don't give us what we want, we will quit", "MMO's are dying, the population is leaving, SWOTOR will be dead in months" mantra. Funny how that's been chanted for years now on the forums to no avail every time players threw a hissy fit over a change, yet the game is still here........:eek:

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Noted. I quoted the only sentence in your post that matters, in that case. PvE players that do not PvP should have no input on PvP gearing at all, just like I shouldn't tell you how to raid.


Never mind the fact that they are forced to do it if they want to min/max..... And that they have to put more time into PVP than the PVP'ers have to put into PVE to do the same...... :rolleyes:

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It seems the TLDR of this entire thread is....... "money for nothing and your chicks for free" from the L2P and FOTM crowd (no big shock there), and basically a "leave it alone" or "set it to 242" from the actual PVP crowd...... Edited by Lahandra
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and basically a "leave it alone" or "set it to 242" from the actual PVP crowd.


I think the feedback of the PvP crowd seems to be more akin to the lines of: "Gear shouldn't matter that much, or at least the grind should be shorter. If given the chance, set it to 242, or leave as is and adjust the gearing to make it slightly faster." I think I haven't seen many people here outright saying: "Leave it as it is and keep a big gear disparity with months of grinding.", except the most hardcore 248s.

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They would start to complain after a few more weeks that its not fun anymore and they want new maps, new modes etc.


So setting bolster to 238 is effectively saying that Bioware does not see themselves fit to deliver PvP content in a timely manner, and thus needs PvP players occupied by meaningless gear grinds to make them forget they'll maybe receive a PvP update once every two years?


That isn't a good justification for not bolstering to 250. That is a good explanation for why a 238 bolster would be akin to calling maintenance mode for PvP players. Let's keep it at 238 to give them the feeling of achieving something, when in reality we're only stalling for time because we can't deliver content?


And except the fact that most people were only starting to get pi**ed in 3.x and 4.x after there was no communication on PvP features, ranked rewards and class balance for months/a year. Nobody expects to be delivered monthly warzone and mode updates.

Edited by Alssaran
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Swtor economy is a joke. Im on harbinger an everything is millions of credits. I miss when 10 million was a lot of money.


SWToR economy is a joke because In game items generate a small portion of the items on the GTN...When was the last time you looted something that you could sell that was worth anywhere near a CM item?...


Crafting is the exception but with the huge push to create alts in 4.0 I have one of every craft discipline on my alts. I don't buy crafted items....I make them...

Edited by Soljin
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OK so, I just had a thought: if we are to "bolster" to 248 and remove gear from PvP entirely, why don't we bolster to 248 for higher tier Ops, Flashpoints, Uprisings, and GSF?


If the gear game is to be removed from PvP, then it should be removed from the entire game. After all, raiders don't raid for gear; they raid for the joy of killing bosses! So let them take on the hardest encounters right out of the gate! After all, it shouldn't be about gear, but skill.


Anyone who suggests that raiding isn't about skill or that people raid for gear isn't a REAL raider and is just a carebear who isn't that good at the game tbh.


Hate me all you like, the point stands.

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Oh I'm aware of this. The only ones who hated Expertise were PvE'ers, and if the devs are intent on having PvP having a gear progression as well then bring back Expertise.


The devs really need to stop making changes to PvP to appease the PvE'ers who rarely play PvP anyway.


EXACTLY!!!!!! We don't see bioware catering to the PvP'rs when it comes to operations! So stop catering to the few PvE'rs that randomly que! Keep them separate. stop trying to please everyone by pissing everyone off instead.

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