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Why Do Female Characters Have Such Revealing Clothes?


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Yeah, I never understood the whole "Jedi parading around in a sports bra" thing. I mean, we get it, you do light saber combat and you might get sweaty, but you also eat dinner like that and meet with Generals and World leaders like that? O.o It's something that always bothered me about the Clone Wars series. Obi and Anikan and the male jedis get to wear bad-*** jedi robes that command respect. The females were walking around in sports bras and leggings with holes in them? asdfasdfasfd Little girls notice things like that, you know?


Barriss Offee was a good example of what a fierce female Jedi Knight can look like. I found her outfit absolutely amazing, stylish yet it commanded respect. I mean, look at this one for example, I would not dare to speak out against her looking like this. She looks like a strong and incredibly capable warrior without any revealing clothing.

Edited by Ylliarus
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And I'm deadly serious about this. I'm so tired of games exploiting the females of the species just because 90% of the boys playing this game are straight. And wanna see virtual skin.


I agree, 100%. If you do revealing sets for female, then give the choice to also do the same for males. I definitely wouldn't mind to have some more revealing sets for males... :p but, at the same time, i want to have the choice to pick a revealing or unrevealing set for either gender. Aka, choice diversity.

Edited by Ylliarus
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It could be worse. At least the game doesn't have a bunch of cleavage window armor. That's my favorite. :D


Yeah, TOR is not nearly as bad in the female pixel skin exposure department compared to male exposure as other games. I remember years and years ago when I played WoW, I saw a certain set of crafted armor on a male toon and I thought it looked great, so I took out my miner and gathered up all the needed supplies and then gave them to a guildmate to craft a set for me. And then I found out that set turned into a sports bra and chaps with your aft exposed on female toons. This was a full plate set for a kriffing paladin! I was SO MAD.

Edited by AscendingSky
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It could be worse. At least the game doesn't have a bunch of cleavage window armor. That's my favorite. :D


If people are into that, be my guest. But if it is a feature in a game, the opposite, aka, no cleavage, should also be an option #choicediversity

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As for Male and Female appearances being different on some of the skimpier armor pieces... DUH.... society sets different norms for acceptable public skin exposure between men and women. And what society sets as norms DOES trickle down into games played in said society. Fix that societal issue and you can then bring this discussion back to the table with some level of merit.


Because, sex sells, it always has look at all the TV shows.


But at the same time TOR isn't nearly as bad as somethings, I think they've been quite good, especially as of recent.


Yeah, I never understood the whole "Jedi parading around in a sports bra" thing. I mean, we get it, you do light saber combat and you might get sweaty, but you also eat dinner like that and meet with Generals and World leaders like that? O.o It's something that always bothered me about the Clone Wars series. Obi and Anikan and the male jedis get to wear bad-*** jedi robes that command respect. The females were walking around in sports bras and leggings with holes in them? asdfasdfasfd Little girls notice things like that, you know?


Yeah, TCW was terrible in that regard, considering whom the series was aimed toward.


Also, TCW just gives rule 34 ammunition to work with. ᗒ ͟ʖᗕ


I wouldn't mind the revealing version of the aspiring knight's set on dudes. That version of the set would go super well with a cocky af Jedi dude.

Edited by TyonYlle
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Because, sex sells, it always has look at all the TV shows.I wouldn't mind the revealing version of the aspiring knight's set on dudes. That version of the set would go super well with a cocky af Jedi dude.


Or if it turned to an open vest type arrangement, kind of like Canderous Ordo's vest but without the undershirt? That would be a nice look!

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I mean, they have OPTIONS that can be revealing, but then again, I have a guildie who runs around almost fully nude except for his adult diaper looking underwear, so it's not really just women. Then again, any orange gear can be used by anyone so you could have not an inch of skin showing if you wanted.
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Lol, I expect toggles are the very opposite of simple to implement. :D


If they were simple, I'd want loads of them! Give us hood toggle, massive-shoulderpads toggle, butt-cape toggle...! :p


Likely true XD but such toggles would be life though

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Likely true XD but such toggles would be life though

Totally! I figure they'd be hard to implement, but I actually want them so much. They'd be amazing...


I have never modded SWTOR (can it even be modded to any significant degree?), but I have modded other Bioware games, and I suspect there are at least some similarities under the hood. In actual fact, all jokes aside, I think that a toggle for "revealing" clothing would be much easier to implement than the other toggles I mentioned. Near as I can see, it's only a texture issue. One texture displays for male characters and a different one for female characters.


In terms of the structure of the 3D model, and not just its texture, a toggle simply controlling whether a hood displays or not also should not be extremely difficult, given that we already have headgear that causes hoods to not display. However, a true "hood down" toggle would be hard, in my estimation. Also, toggles for the various other bits that I mentioned would probably require a lot of work. Creatures models have a certain structure to their animation that determines how armour moves in conformity with their bodies. That "skeleton" simply might not have any parts that clearly isolate the bits I mentioned from the rest of the armour. Still, a girl can dream! There are so many armours that would look better without butt-capes or massive shoulders...

Edited by Estelindis
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Can't say I disagree. It's bugged me since 2011 that I find a piece I really like only to have part of the fabric ripped away because I want to wear it on a female character. And then there's the opposite, where I find a piece I like but the male version has added fabric that maybe ruins the look. Yes, we have lots of armour to choose from so we don't have to wear the pieces that do this, but that's not the point at all.
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This topic comes up in ever game forum and really it just does not apply. When I see a real light saber or Death Star or Dragon for that matter then you come and argue real world topics but today "This is make belive it is not real and the worlds rules do not apply" its really bordring on foolishness when statements like how could that possibly protect you are used, I mean really you get rezzed from the dead is that real ??
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Can't say I disagree. It's bugged me since 2011 that I find a piece I really like only to have part of the fabric ripped away because I want to wear it on a female character. And then there's the opposite, where I find a piece I like but the male version has added fabric that maybe ruins the look. Yes, we have lots of armour to choose from so we don't have to wear the pieces that do this, but that's not the point at all.


it kind of exactly is. you have revealing ones for both and you have non revealing ones for both. it's you happening to find one that is in one catagory you wish was in the other that's not really the point

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EDIT: If for example Darth Marr or Mortis walked in with the revealing spikey-armour set, showing off their sixpack in the Dark Council chamber, I'd very much hope the other Dark Council members would blast them as well. I really don't care if it's males or females wearing revealing sets in the Dark Council chambers, I personally, with the reasoning I wrote down above, don't find that appropriate for people in power. But again, that is not the point of this thread, the point of this thread is more choice for player appearance.


Casual Fridays, bro.

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I'd like to see the option to use the bare midriff version or the covered one on characters of each gender. Just like there should be an option to use a hood-up or hood-down (with hood visible in the back!) version of each hooded piece of clothing/armor. Edited by Glzmo
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This is all just SJW/feminist nonsense. :eek:


I'm sorry if every last armor set in the game is not to your liking, but that applies to almost everyone.


And, really, is a bare midriff (as in the case of the OP's armor set) really what you'd call "revealing"? I'm more put off by the exaggerated ugly shoulder pads than the bare midriff. :cool:


there are some armor sets where the male version has a bare chest but the female's do not. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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This is all just SJW/feminist nonsense. :eek:


I'm sorry if every last armor set in the game is not to your liking, but that applies to almost everyone.


And, really, is a bare midriff (as in the case of the OP's armor set) really what you'd call "revealing"? I'm more put off by the exaggerated ugly shoulder pads than the bare midriff. :cool:


there are some armor sets where the male version has a bare chest but the female's do not. :)


Shoulder pads and capes are awful! Especially the cape, it ruins so many nice sets.

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I'm all for female empowerment but that doesn't stop me from enjoying revealing armor as much as non-revealing. In my eyes, empowerment or feminism, etc, is about having the choice to do/wear as you like. Have options. A female SW running around in her underwear, because she enjoys it or wants to (or whatever reason that's within her right) is no less empowered than one who chooses to bulk up in armor. And vice versa.


As for the subject at hand, I sympathize but I'm personally rather grateful there's differences at times. We all have our own preference and I do feel the collection of armor offers a wide range of different flavors and styles in general.

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