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Why Do Female Characters Have Such Revealing Clothes?


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16 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I'll be honest with you, I am guilty of all of these things, but I don't think it would be fair to say that there is something wrong with how I think about gender. Same may apply to others as well.


Playing a female character doing those sorts of things is just something I cannot relate to myself and thusly feel no desire to do so. It's not like I think "Yeah, that sounds like fun, I think I'd enjoy that, but I'm not gonna do it because it makes me uncomfortable and worry about how it might look to others."

The interest is simply not there. The thought never even entered my mind.

So...you've been here since launch and you've never played the Vector romance? Or Corso? Or any of the F/M romances? You don't do romances when you make female characters, you just make them to ogle or wait so you can romance Lana? And it's never occurred to you to try just to see what the story is like? You can't relate to it? You can't relate to flirting with a male NPC but you can relate to *checks notes* possessing ghosts and defusing WMDs? It would make sense if you didn't do romances on Jedi because it's not canon or whatever. That, I get. But for all?

Yes, that's weird. I'm not saying you're a bigot or anything. When I talked to the mass effect guys about this they were like "I know I'm a pervert..." and no, that's not the issue. I'm straight too, but I literally cannot understand how that would stop you from playing through at least once. To me it's like someone saying "well I would never kill anyone irl so I can't play roleplaying games because my character would have to kill. I'm okay with violence in videogames though" and it's like what are you talking about??


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5 minutes ago, Ardrossan said:

So...you've been here since launch and you've never played the Vector romance? Or Corso? Or any of the F/M romances? You don't do romances when you make female characters, you just make them to ogle or wait so you can romance Lana? And it's never occurred to you to try just to see what the story is like? You can't relate to it? You can't relate to flirting with a male NPC but you can relate to *checks notes* possessing ghosts and defusing WMDs? It would make sense if you didn't do romances on Jedi because it's not canon or whatever. That, I get. But for all?


I don't see the problem.  The romances are 100% optional content.  If someone doesn't want to do them, then that's fine. 

There are some romances I will never do, or have only done once, and that's not weird, that's me not wanting to flirt with certain companions.

If asked I'll recommend some romances, or say why I don't like the idea of others, but that's my preferences.  Someone else will have their own preferences, and what looks horrible and skeevy to my perspective might be their favorite thing. 

Nothing wrong with having different tastes, or not doing everything available in the game.

There are bound to be some players who have never hit that flirt button at all.  Is that wrong?  No.  Optional content is just that.  Optional.

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1 hour ago, Ardrossan said:

So...you've been here since launch and you've never played the Vector romance? Or Corso? Or any of the F/M romances? You don't do romances when you make female characters, you just make them to ogle or wait so you can romance Lana? And it's never occurred to you to try just to see what the story is like? You can't relate to it? You can't relate to flirting with a male NPC but you can relate to *checks notes* possessing ghosts and defusing WMDs? It would make sense if you didn't do romances on Jedi because it's not canon or whatever. That, I get. But for all?

I haven't been here since launch. On the way to 11 years tho. I only play one character. A Carnage marauder.

I did play the Jedi Knight, Bounty Hunter, and Sith Inquistor (as a Jugg) vanilla story lines simply because people always say that the vanilla story lines are the best in the game. And I agree that they are much better than what tends to come after.  But those are the only other ones I played, albeit for a rather limited amount of time.

I don't make female characters at all, so it would be rather hard to do any of those other things that would follow from that.

Possessing ghosts in the Sith Inquistor storyline, which I more or less thought was very good, yeah, I did have a problem with the whole possessings ghosts. I thought that was rather silly and would have much preferred they not included that element, because of like you said, canon issues and all.

I can relate more to defusing WMDs than flirting with a male NPC for sure. And that's just me being honest.

Even playing a male character, options have come up that offer flirting with male NPCs, Darth Rivix and Theron come to mind, and yes, in both instances (and any other ones that may have come up that I don't recall at the moment) I declined to flirt with them because my character is straight so it wouldn't really have made much sense to do so, anymore than it would have made sense to choose an option for my character wherein he spares a Jedi.

When I played the Sith Inquistor story line, part of the reason I did play it is because I really like Ashara and I wanted to play that romance.

On both instances, my characters both being Sith, they declined to flirt with males because they were both straight, but I flirted with every female that ever offered a flirt option because Sith are selfish and greedy and they think of themselves and their own personal gratification. (Again, based on canon and what Lucas said in interviews talking about the Sith and the Dark Side.)

1 hour ago, Ardrossan said:

Yes, that's weird. I'm not saying you're a bigot or anything. When I talked to the mass effect guys about this they were like "I know I'm a pervert..." and no, that's not the issue. I'm straight too, but I literally cannot understand how that would stop you from playing through at least once. To me it's like someone saying "well I would never kill anyone irl so I can't play roleplaying games because my character would have to kill. I'm okay with violence in videogames though" and it's like what are you talking about??

Well, ya know we all have different views on things, and I do appreciate that even though you thought it was weird that you said you didn't think it was based on any bigotry as it really isn't.

I kinda see it just in terms of what people are comfortable with and points of view.

I wouldn't be able to correctly portray a female character, as a female might act. And yes, I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable with or have any desire to play any sort of romance aspects with a male NPC. There's just no interest there for me. I don't think it would any way be a reflection on my actual sexuality IRL, it's just a video game after all, it's just there's no inclination or interest there for me.

It's sort of like how most people who have played this game for a long time, many of them gave played all the classes and have tons of alts, sometimes doing the same storylines over and over again.

I don't do that, I'm definitely the off man out on that, I get that. I don't do it because there is simply no interest there for me. The idea of a Jedi Knight, a Bounty Hunter, and another type of Sith, these are all very core aspects of Star Wars, things that I can see in the movies and such and that I think are interesting concepts.

I'm the same way in all RPGS (Even table top RPGs - I've done them my whole life). I tend to play very similar concepts in all of them.

AD&D/DDO - Fighter -- Star Trek Online - Klingon Warrior -- LOTRO - Champion -- SWTOR - Sith Warrior

I was into the martial arts for a long time, and Feudal Japan, the Samurai (Hence, WayOfTheWarior). And so that's where my interest lies.

I never played a healer type or a tank type in any game. There's just no draw for me.

So, I think a lot of this just comes down to personal preferences, interests, and our own personal inclinations. And that's different for everyone.

So if you or someone else likes the idea of playing female characters, playing romances with male NPCS, playing healers or Wizards, hey God bless. Takes all kinds. Everyone's entitled to their opinions and their preferences.

I'm certainly not making any judgements on any guy who chooses to play a female character. My first, best, and longest friend I ever made in this game and who I've known since day one (Shout out to Sonus), he always plays female characters and he's straight IRL. And if he wasn't straight IRL, wouldn't have made a difference to me. He'd still be my friend.

To each their own.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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14 hours ago, eabevella said:

All true.

But I'm simple. I only want to ask: where's the male slave outfit?

PS: on a fashion's note, all the old "slave" and "elegant" outfits in cm are ugly as f*ck. The loincloth on the body armor piece is a dreadful clipping hell that makes any bikini top difficult to mix match with pants. Also, who in 2012 would think dresses with frill that look like grandma's table clothe is good looking lol

I agree you are simple...

But you also have no imagination. My male characters wear nothing more than the Swim wear shorts, belt, gloves and a weapon. Which is even less that the female slave outfit.

You should see a Buff Pure Blood with nothing but Swim shorts and a weapon on. With Akavi Spar in a Relaxed Jumpsuit Jacket and Magnificent Dancers bottoms. Very Sexy....

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On 7/8/2023 at 5:20 AM, Picasso said:

This was a non-issue in 2017 and is a non-issue in 2023.

nothing wrong with asking for less revealing versions of the same sets.

also nothing wrong with asking for "gender specific" outfits to be available for both genders.

 and as a dev/design team, I'd see nothing wrong with saying "no. not re-engineering all of the past gear, b/c that's a lot of work to do just for old 'content,' but future sets will be available both ways whenever possible."

fwiw: this is a non-issue for me b/c idgaf. my toons wear armor not bikinis or speedos.

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5 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I'm certainly not making any judgements on any guy who chooses to play a female character. My first, best, and longest friend I ever made in this game and who I've known since day one (Shout out to Sonus), he always plays female characters and he's straight IRL. And if he wasn't straight IRL, wouldn't have made a difference to me. He'd still be my friend.

To each their own.

ok, I apologize, I shouldn't have said there's something wrong with how you think about gender. It's not right or wrong. 

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11 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

So...you've been here since launch and you've never played the Vector romance? Or Corso? Or any of the F/M romances? You don't do romances when you make female characters, you just make them to ogle or wait so you can romance Lana? And it's never occurred to you to try just to see what the story is like? You can't relate to it? You can't relate to flirting with a male NPC but you can relate to *checks notes* possessing ghosts and defusing WMDs? It would make sense if you didn't do romances on Jedi because it's not canon or whatever. That, I get. But for all?

Yes, that's weird. I'm not saying you're a bigot or anything. When I talked to the mass effect guys about this they were like "I know I'm a pervert..." and no, that's not the issue. I'm straight too, but I literally cannot understand how that would stop you from playing through at least once. To me it's like someone saying "well I would never kill anyone irl so I can't play roleplaying games because my character would have to kill. I'm okay with violence in videogames though" and it's like what are you talking about??


I can't speak for WayOfTheWarriorx but for me, it's just a matter of preference.

It's like food.

I love licorice, but many people hate it.

A lot of people love cake, but I would never eat one unless I absolutely have to.

It's the same for the SWTOR romance options to me.

I never tried most of them, and the few I tried was during my 1st run (I finished 8 class stories in 2 or 3 months iirc) and I had no idea how MMORPG worked (I used to think you have to pick all DS options to get to DS V).

I never tried Lana romance even though objectively it's not bad (unlike Corso and Doc and Nadia romances, which are simply creepy in different ways) and she's probably the most popular option out there.

The only romances I picked on my terms are: fem JK/Sourge, male Agent or Sith/Theron, any SI/Khem.

Am I weird? Maybe. But the other romances just don't click for me.

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6 hours ago, denavin said:

I agree you are simple...

But you also have no imagination. My male characters wear nothing more than the Swim wear shorts, belt, gloves and a weapon. Which is even less that the female slave outfit.

You should see a Buff Pure Blood with nothing but Swim shorts and a weapon on. With Akavi Spar in a Relaxed Jumpsuit Jacket and Magnificent Dancers bottoms. Very Sexy....

Wearing little =/= h*rny.

There's no male-only outfit in SWTOR that was designed with "I want this male toon to look like a sex slave" in mind.

Hence the "where's the male 'dancer' outfit" I kept poking about.

And please, if we are talking about imagination, Ventilate Triumvirate pants (speedo?) is a way better unintentional "sexy" option on male toon. That plus the Expert Fighter top, the cuffs from the Jumpsuit set, and a full face helmet, all dyed in black, you get a really good BDSM outfit (except those damn loin and butt flaps that come with the Expert Fighter top, I hate those with passion).

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Lol what? Theirs like 5 sexy sloot mogs in this game. And that's why theirs barely any girls that play, Ffxiv has all the girls that wanna dress cute and sexy and its awesome. Hopefuly the japanese and koreans dont cave to this west nonesense and keep chugging along and taking the west money  with manga and anime they know what nerds like.

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1 hour ago, Skummy said:

Theirs like 5 sexy sloot mogs in this game.

This tells me that you believe that "sexy" is a shorthand for "separated from naked by several strategically placed triangles of cloth".

It isn't.  A person can be sexy as all (...) even when wearing opaque stuff covering the whole body from the neck down, including gloves and shoes, if that person bears in mind Sophia Loren's comment on sex appeal:



Sex appeal is fifty percent what you've got and fifty percent what people think you've got.


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17 hours ago, denavin said:

You should see a Buff Pure Blood with nothing but Swim shorts and a weapon on.

This made me throw up a little in my mouth.


6 hours ago, Skummy said:

Theirs like 5 sexy sloot mogs in this game.

Can somebody please tell me what in the sweet chocolate christ a 'sloot mog' is?


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34 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Can somebody please tell me what in the sweet chocolate christ a 'sloot mog' is?


Replace the "oo" with a "u", for starters, and then note that some folks tend to name cosmetic gear (whether it's pure-cosmetic like the planetary specialty goods vendors sell, or just fancy-looking moddable gear like what you find on the CM) for its very, very vague similarity, when used in Outfitter, to WoW's "Transmog" system.

That is, Skummy is referring to outfit sets that make the character look like a woman of monetised "virtue", if you catch my drift.

EDIT: and Skummy's count of only five is wrong.  (at the very least: Slave Girl, Exquisite Dancer, Magnificent Dancer, Imperial Dancer, Republic Dancer, and at least three Reveler sets, with a shout out to an assortment of "crop top" sets, and the possibility of counting the Mantellian Privateer and Mira's sets for their respective tops, to say nothing of creative fusion of different parts of those, possibly including melding them with Jori Daragon's "leg" armour)

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9 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Replace the "oo" with a "u", for starters, and then note that some folks tend to name cosmetic gear (whether it's pure-cosmetic like the planetary specialty goods vendors sell, or just fancy-looking moddable gear like what you find on the CM) for its very, very vague similarity, when used in Outfitter, to WoW's "Transmog" system.

Ahh, okay. Got it now.

I do seem to recall about a month or so ago you mentioning the whole 'transmog' thing in another string, which I was also confused about.🫣

Johnny on the spot. =]

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On 7/8/2023 at 4:23 AM, Shayddow said:

Personally I don't tend to wear those type of revealing outfits for my characters because I tend to wear what is appropriate for the planet. I.e. I'll wear hooded garments on Tatooine so as not to get sun-burned, and arctic-type parkas on Hoth to keep warm. I'll wear bio-hazard suits on Hutta or Quesh, and go full military on Corellia. I really like the outfits options so I can "dress" appropriately for whatever planet I'm on - for whichever gender character I am playing. 

I do this, too! The polar explorer outfit for Hoth and Ilum, something deserty for Tat (usually revealing since it's so hot there), jungley outfits for Onderon, etc. And I almost always don the pirate armor on Rishi (this is the one time I do put armor on my comp, depending on the comp, anyway; though I do use some comp customizations, too).

I also like to get in the spirit of events, so I'll wear the chef's hat, get decked out for playing the slots or throwing snowballs, put on some hazard gear for the tunnels, etc.  (I used to do the bounty hunter event with that snazzy bounty hunter hat, but I refuse to do that event now that Quick Travel is so ridiculously expensive).  It's fun to me, and I always love to see other people doing the same thing since we all have our own idea of what's good for a planet (or event).

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8 hours ago, Skummy said:

Lol what? Theirs like 5 sexy sloot mogs in this game. And that's why theirs barely any girls that play, Ffxiv has all the girls that wanna dress cute and sexy and its awesome. Hopefuly the japanese and koreans dont cave to this west nonesense and keep chugging along and taking the west money  with manga and anime they know what nerds like.

It's so cute that you think the skimpy outfits for fem toons are designed mainly for girl players. 

I don't mind having skimpy options, but they should be avaible for all toons and the 'only skimpy options and only for fem toons' that exist in some games means I will never play them.  I don't think Im alone in this.  Odds are there are a lot more of us girls playing swtor then those other games.


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11 hours ago, Skummy said:

Lol what? Theirs like 5 sexy sloot mogs in this game. And that's why theirs barely any girls that play, Ffxiv has all the girls that wanna dress cute and sexy and its awesome. Hopefuly the japanese and koreans dont cave to this west nonesense and keep chugging along and taking the west money  with manga and anime they know what nerds like.

You know, when you see a female character in a slootish outfit, there's like 80% chance the player behind that character is actually a dude, or that the game gives very little non-slootish options (like in MH Rise, i ended up dressing my huntress in a fairly manly looking armor, because that was one of the very few options that didn't look like she'd die to the first monster she'd encounter because of how not protected she was).

Then, after a few bad experiences, i usually let other players assume i'm a guy, makes life online easier, and i imagine i'm not the only one who does that (if you go to the love threads, you'll see that the majority of players there are women, so there are quite a few of us in the game actually).

And as to how i dress my characters and their companions, whether they're male or female, i'll usually go for outfits that

  • reflect their profession (so more Jedi looking for my Jedi, more Sithy for my Sith, Mando armor for my BHs, and so on),
  • reflect a bit their personality
  • reflect their combat style
  • are practical,
  • are adapted to the planet's climate (so light fabrics but protecting from the sun on Tatooine, but warm outfits for Hoth for instance)
  • and things that look good on their respective Body type, so thing that give a bit more volume for my male BT1 for instance so that they don't look as skinny, or things that make the male BT3 look a bit less bulky because male BT3 is a bit extreme.

In the end i have 1 character who wears somewhat revealing outfits (counting all my characters and their respective companions), that's my female Smuggler just because that's the kind of outfit that suits her personality, everybody else show very little skin.


Now on to the revealing outfits, i personally don't really care either way what other people wear, i'm not the biggest fan of these kind of outfits, but to each their own, my position though, is that something that's revealing on a female character should behave the same way on a male character and if it's not revealing on a male character, then it shouldn't be on a female toon either.

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My gf wearing a bikini must of been a man then, When i moved in with her from meeting in ff she hid her neckbeard good lol. Most roleplay houses in ffxiv are run by real life women and they have harems and nightclubs with sloot outfits lol. Because its a fantasy game and they can be what they want in that fantasy setting. Its okay though star wars has been took over by woke wierdos. I can careless tbh. Im just glad asian media is to smart to fall into it. :csw_jabba: Any ways new wow patch bai o/  kiss kiss xoxo <33

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51 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Yes, playing/watching some translated and subbed/dubbed Japanese games/anime/manga totally makes you an "Asian culture" expert lmao

All I'm gonna say is check that guy's hard drive if he's that deep into "Asian culture" Probably refers to himself as "A man of culture" as well, when we all know what he's really doing.

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7 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

You know, when you see a female character in a slootish outfit, there's like 80% chance the player behind that character is actually a dude

Where did you pull that 80% from laser brain?

Most of my actual RL female friends who’ve played swtor over the years have all used the revealing outfits, including myself. 

There are way more women/girls playing swtor than you think. We just don’t all advertise it.

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11 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Where did you pull that 80% from laser brain?

Most of my actual RL female friends who’ve played swtor over the years have all used the revealing outfits, including myself. 

There are way more women/girls playing swtor than you think. We just don’t all advertise it.

You know sometimes I think there are those that still believe women don't like MMO and I just want to shake my head and the reason most of us don't advertise is because of the ones that make those types of comments.   I like certain revealing outfits as well p

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1 hour ago, casirabit said:

You know sometimes I think there are those that still believe women don't like MMO and just want to shake my head and the reason most of us don't advertise is because of the ones that make those types of comments.   I like certain revealing outfits as well p

There are a certain amount of males in society who think women don’t game on anything except candy crush type apps 🤦‍♀️
I remember growing up and I was the only child with an Atari 2600 console in my area. Everyone wanted to come to my house to play & the girls out numbered the boys. Then I got the first gen Nintendo & then the Super Nintendo & the same thing happened. It wasn’t until PS1 & Dreamcast did the boys start out numbering the girls. At that stage I too stopped playing games for a few years cause I was busy with college, work, relationships & socialising. Once I settled down, I was looking for entertainment again & went right back to gaming, but this time on PC’s. When WoW was released, most of my female friends started playing it. We had nearly a full guild of all women (& a few husbands/boyfriends). As we got older, more came & even introduced their kids. Now some friends even have their grandkids playing MMO’s with them.

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