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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rage Quitters


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It's more inspiring than quitting IMO.


Republic PVPers don't have much choice but to be happy with small "wins" anyway, unless you're in a pre-made.


there are no victims, only volunteers

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let them quit. I have seen so many matches where people quit because enemy capped all 3 nodes lol


But the back fillers turned the tide, enemy over extends and end up loosing. What if I had quit?


if you see me in a match and I some how left... I definitely DC'ed. The only way I quit is if I'm trying to squeeze in one more match before i have to go and then Voidstar, hutt/Quesh ball, or OPG popped. Bye.

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Focus on your performance and get as many medals as possible. Try to top the charts in total damage, healing, protection, objectives or whatever. Get cxp in the process.

All of that, plus *never* let up. Even if the other side going to win anyway, make them *work* for it.


And who knows, maybe you'll end up with the ball in Huttball, and manage to get it across the line, or you'll have a clear throw to your team-mate who's already beyond the line. Both those things have happened to me, *in the same match*, although the comparison's a little unfair, since we crushed them 6-0. But it could happen in any match, so *never* let up.

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Focus on your performance and get as many medals as possible. Try to top the charts in total damage, healing, protection, objectives or whatever. Get cxp in the process.


When I play my Republic toons, often that's the only way to look at it.


I did that 2 years ago, I just dont have the time or patience to do it anymore. Especially when my team is so inept that the enemy has the resources to leave 3 guarding at theirs while pushing ours. Its not fun.

Edited by Ruhun
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Just because you may not be able to win doesn't mean you can't still hurt some more people before the match is over.


Violence is it's own reward.


Its unsatisfying and boring when I can rack up 5k+ dps but nothing dies because they have two healers, along with 3 mercs that off heal.


There is no point to parsing matches like that.

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The healer stalemate is the only time when I come close to quitting. It's indeed very boring when you do 3000000+ damage resulting in 1 or 2 kills, and yes I do focus healers.


Healing should be a part time support role, not the deciding factor in who wins the match. Healers should have their single target HPS decreased and DPS increased accordingly.

Edited by ViktorAres
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yea i lot of player quite and let be honest i understand them (btw i never quit and hate quiter )

because some player are new not having tier 1 set or half and just get fram vs t4 rank team they just have any chance and is just boring

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or make teams balanced where one team doesn't have more healers then the other.... wzs are won by which team has the most or better healers.... the **** do I want to play a losing match where the other team has two or more heals where you have only one or even none..... does this game even have a matchmaker?
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They should allow you to save a preset of keybinds, builds, gear, and all that noise that you can switch to while waiting for warzone to start. At the start of the warzone it should instantly prompt you to switch to DPS if the team already has more than 1 healer. Honestly I just like the idea of teams trying to make builds work so there arent 4 tanks in a reg arena vs 4 heals. I've had something similiar happen, but it was 4 heals vs 1 heal and 3 dps. How incredibly boring.


I think healfests are the thing I quit the fastest. Its boring to be against, and be on the team I will quit my own healing team too. Its so dull. I'd rather draw with white crayons on printer paper.

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I don't mind quitters . . . quit and be as mad as you want. I like to see toons come in like drawing new cards in poker when you have a bad hand. Its cool when the match turns around. I also like coming into a game that's ongoing as a way to get quick credit towards weekly and to see if maybe I can turn things around.


Just quit.

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I don't mind quitters . . . quit and be as mad as you want. I like to see toons come in like drawing new cards in poker when you have a bad hand. Its cool when the match turns around. I also like coming into a game that's ongoing as a way to get quick credit towards weekly and to see if maybe I can turn things around.


Just quit.

My fastest warzone was one that I don't remember what it was. I got one, maybe two medals, of course, because when my loading screen finished, all I could see was a "your team won!" panel.

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i quit few times duo the classes that are pop up its not even balance


the other team had 7 snipers 1 sorc


we had zero chance they keep us a long range and we didt even come close to them

and all snipers rip us to **** in no time


ore to many opertive or mercs


BW really must balance pvp more if it comes down to classes that are in the field

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Rage quitting in PvP is way to frequent. It would be nice if there's a ban that would affect players that quit in the middle of a match that lasted for several hours. That would eliminate rage quitters very quickly.


You haven't been here long I take it - the total mess that is pvp - and BW who really set it mind to make "class balance" a so much more of a problem than it ever were prior to 5.0 - I would say every rage quitter is in his fully right to ... Rage Quit:cool:

Edited by t-darko
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Long term bans wont happen until disconnections are no longer an issue. If they do this, they penalize the people not at fault, and will lose more player base over time, as just about everyones internet is at risk for random, involuntary disconnections from the server.
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