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Male Force User companion...


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I don't know. Malgus did murder his last wife to make himself stronger in the dark side.


Plus it would just not fit his personality.


I completely agree, it's just something I want, but not something I expect or necessarily feel like should happen. Unlike Arcann it's not like Malgus needs to be redeemed, he is who he is and I do agree that a player romance does not suit him. It's just one of those fantasies in your head that you kinda run with and have to mention because why the hell not.:rak_03:

Maybe if swtor was more in depth with it's story and romances, it could have worked!


I also wanted dark side Arcann before kotet as a romance option, more than redeemed Arcann, but that wouldn't suit his personality either, not that stopped me from wanting it! But luckily we have redeemed Arcann who is totally suitable.:rak_04:

Edited by Eshvara
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Chiming in with the others who have asked for Lord Scourge, Arcann, or even Darth Ravage. Or hey, someone like them if it's too complicated to make them romanceable at this point in the game. Powerful, controlled and maybe even a bit snarky (Ravage) with a velvety voice.
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I don't know. Malgus did murder his last wife to make himself stronger in the dark side.


Plus it would just not fit his personality.


Malgus didn't murder his wife out of some misguided idea that he wanted to do it to get more darkside cookies, at least not at the time. He murdered Eleena because she was becoming increasing more a liability to him due to her efforts to get her husband to turn away from the dark side and because she was captured by a Jedi at one point as a bargaining chip to get at Malgus in retaliation for the death of Zen Vallow. Malgus had little choice to murder her then and there or the other sith and the jedi as a whole would be using Eleena to get at him every time.


However after he murdered her, all those dark emotions he felt on her death at his hands, all that sorrow, regret, hatred of himself, missed chances and finally the action itself and what he could of had if he didn't and so on. i don't think he realised it immediately, but after a few days after clearing his head, it empowered him further into darkness.


He really loved Eleena to the point that just before her death he asked her forgiveness and shared a moment.

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At this point, the only Introduction that would make sense would be a (male) Scion; they are human-looking after all. Could make him look elfish ( like Orlando Bloom (from Lord of the rings)).


Sidenote: For some reason my Sith pureblood Marauder sounds like Lord Scourge ( in Knights of the fallen Empire). he sounded difference during the regular class story up to SoR. Did they change the voice actor?


Nope, warrior has same voice. Trust me, I would know, he's my bae.


And I would be ok with a Scion Orlando Bloom (who wouldn't?).



He really loved Eleena to the point that just before her death he asked her forgiveness and shared a moment.


That is horrible. Malgus is gross and he looks gross. Let's all agree to strike him off the list :p

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I always liked lord Draahg,(pre cyborg) was kinda sad the way it ended. I think he had Quinn's base face, it's hard to not like that one! Except maybe on body type 4.:rak_03: Edited by Eshvara
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OMG!! You've finally noticed us. Thank you.


And yes, I would love to give you feedback. I would like to see a male ROMANCEABLE force using character. I would prefer to romance Lord Scourge, but if that isn't possible for whatever reason, I would like to have a the chance to have a strong, good looking Sith...maybe even a dark council member. Ideally, I like Pureblood Sith or Human or Cyborg. (I'm not into Arcann so that's not for me.)


I would prefer someone important and with a very very nice voice. Jadus might be interesting if he wasn't completely insane...


Sith I adore: Scourge, Marr, Ravage, Vowrawn, Jadus, Arkous, Cytherat, Soverus...Praven before he went Jedi mode <.< These are just an idea of the sort of Sith I enjoy.


I hope you will take this under advisement. I would love a romanceable Sith companion. Thank you, Charles! <3




Listen to Luna!

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


Romance for both sexes! We can never have enough LGBT romance ingame :) I'd absolutely love for example to romance a sly male Sith Lord alike Reyes Vidal, or a heroic male Jedi Knight alike Jaal both from Mass Effect.

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Romance for both sexes! We can never have enough LGBT romance ingame :) I'd absolutely love for example to romance a sly male Sith Lord alike Reyes Vidal, or a heroic male Jedi Knight alike Jaal both from Mass Effect.


I'll second this.

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I'll second this.


But not just a normal romance like "oh yes, we're together now" but I want a romance that can end in marriage as well, that is always an amazing thing to see. But really, a male Sith Lord inspired by Reyes Vidal or a male Jedi Knight based off Jaal would be absolutely amazing to see. Especially the Reyes Vidal-like Sith Lord, I'd fall so hard for him...

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Romance for both sexes! We can never have enough LGBT romance ingame :) I'd absolutely love for example to romance a sly male Sith Lord alike Reyes Vidal, or a heroic male Jedi Knight alike Jaal both from Mass Effect.


I disagree. While there should be romance options for everyone, straight, gay, bi, I find the multisex extremely stale. Which is what makes DAI's romance amazing in my eyes, it all fits right.

But as it's easier and requires a lot less companions, you'll probably get what you want in terms of multisex.

Edited by Eshvara
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I just litterally subbed when I saw this post, go check your data or my data, IM NOT JOKING!! PLEASE ARCANN!!! I've been his biggest fan ever since he was masked and mad! There's no man more interessting in this game than him.

I think you created him/his story? It's totally amazing and I loved it from the start. Idk how much I need to write over here but HOLY HELL PLEASE!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

I had to fight for Arcann pretty hard during the past year, in a more serious manner than i'd like to admit:rak_03: BUT THIS IS SERIOUS!!! You should defenitly check out the "lets romance Arcann thread" it's worth it!!





yeah....this sums up my entire wishlist for SWTOR :D:D <3


wait wait waaait...there is a "lets romance Arcann thread" ? :eek:


PS : sry if it has been over quoted lol :p

Edited by Milishor
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Reyes Vidal? i didn't think much of him before or after that whole deception in MEA, he was just dull, give this sith lord vidal a more interesting personality to fit this deceptive role, something extroverted but more action orientated, less flash and more substance.
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This thread has pulled me out of my LOTRO binge to respond. I appreciate that you are actually listening to this request, Charles. After so long, I began to wonder if we were just beating our fists uselessly at a brick wall. It is indeed a huge oversight - and a bizarre one - that 5 1/2 years into this game we have still been denied a romanceable male Force-user companion. I do think there is some kind of sub-conscious resistance to the idea, probably like another poster said because there is fear of upstaging the main male Force-using character that the default is assumed to be.


Anyway, thank you for listening and considering this!


My first thought on this though is....why does this need to be a NEW companion? I continue to be baffled by the decision to eliminate 40 well established (and in many cases well-loved) characters from the story, in favor of trying to get the player base to become attached to an ALL NEW cast. These old companions had a built-in fanbase, why did you not take advantage of that? Why reinvent the wheel?


All I really want is Lord Scourge, honestly.


But failing that...here's what I would like to see:


1) There are six romanceable female Force-user companions already....One romanceable male Force-user companion is NOT going to be able somehow contain everything that has been lacking in one person. So you either need 2 companions minimum, or you need another Jaesa, who can be turned either light or dark. I love the idea of a bad boy Sith to romance, but this isn't everyone's cup of tea, so options are needed.


2) Alien race. Other than Jorgan, there are none for female characters to romance currently. I'd prefer a Sith Pureblood or a Twi'lek, but Zabrak is fine, or Mirialan or whatever! Just, not another fur-covered guy.


3) An older character. I don't want some teenage Padawan/Apprentice to fawn over me in baby-faced innocence while I show them the ropes. No....I want a male Force-user who can stand toe to toe with me, who my character can respect and even admire. I want someone who is just as bad*** is she is. I need someone who has been around the block.


Other issues that are important to me:


1) Companion customizations must work in ALL cut scenes. This is non-negotiable. ;)


2) Companion's clothes and lightsaber must be fully customizable.


3) When you click on him, the companion's mouth should move when he talks.


4) Companion should work correctly as a decoration, showing all your customizations.


5) If companion is a returning one, he should still be able to talk at trigger points around the world. (Why was this removed? Seriously guys, it just feels like you cut corners on these companion returns and it shows. Please don't give us back broken companions.)


Really all I'm asking for is to have companions that work they way they always used to. Don't take features away and expect us not to notice! I want Scourge back, but if he is broken, I will not bother to get the new version of him. In other words, new or old, please take the time to give us properly functioning companions. I would rather wait longer and have a fully functional companion than have you rush out a partially working one.


Thank you and I really do hope that something great comes of this.

Edited by CloudCastle
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My first thought on this though is....why does this need to be a NEW companion? I continue to be baffled by the decision to eliminate 40 well established (and in many cases well-loved) characters from the story, in favor of trying to get the player base to become attached to an ALL NEW cast. These old companions had a built-in fanbase, why did you not take advantage of that? Why reinvent the wheel?


All I really want is Lord Scourge, honestly.


But failing that...here's what I would like to see:


1) There are six romanceable female Force-user companions already....One romanceable male Force-user companion is NOT going to be able somehow contain everything that has been lacking in one person. So you either need 2 companions minimum, or you need another Jaesa, who can be turned either light or dark. I love the idea of a bad boy Sith to romance, but this isn't everyone's cup of tea, so options are needed.


2) Alien race. Other than Jorgan, there are none for female characters to romance currently. I'd prefer a Sith Pureblood or a Twi'lek, but Zabrak is fine, or Mirialan or whatever! Just, not another fur-covered guy.


3) An older character. I don't want some teenage Padawan/Apprentice to fawn over me in baby-faced innocence while I show them the ropes. No....I want a male Force-user who can stand toe to toe with me, who my character can respect and even admire. I want someone who is just as bad*** is she is. I need someone who has been around the block.


This whole post really! And mainly the quoted parts, I 100% agree with this.

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I'd like a romanceable male Force user!


Saber and fighting style: We have 3 staff users, 2 dual-wielders, and 3 or 4 single saber users in the game so far. Since single saber users are probably the most common in the galaxy, I have a slight preference for that, but any will do. Or maybe they have a pike to be unique?


For fighting style, we have a lot of melee types. I'd love to see the char do a lot of ranged attacks (rocks, lightning) when set as DPS. Make them more of a caster kind!


Species: I think a lot of people are going to vote Human since most of the Force-users are also human. That would be okay, so would Cyborg. Honestly, I'd really like to see Zabrak! I could also go for Mirialan, Nautolan, or Togruta.


Alignment: Unless you're going to make 2 of these, 1 for each faction, which would be really cool, they need to be someone who could plausibly side with either of them. So maybe a Sith or Jedi who fell to the middle path, or a Force adept from an unaligned world who wasn't raised on either side?


Customization I'd want them to come with a variety of customizations, like the vanilla companions. These would have different hair styles and colors, skin tones, any markings, etc. (So if it was a tattooed race like Zabrak or Mirialan customizations would have different skin colors, tattoos, and hair.)


Also, we have to be able to fully change their outfit pieces. (This goes with alignment above: I might put them in Jedi robes to match my consular or in Sith regalia to pair with my warrior.)


Storyline: We got Ranos and can't do anything with her after we recruit her. Same with the SF companions. I'd want him to come with a questline where we can chat about our pasts, maybe go on a mission like with our first vanilla companion, and of course carry out the actual romance.


Sexuality: We have Lana as a bisexual female Force-using companion, so I'd want this guy to also be available to male or female PCs.

Edited by Capella
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1) There are six romanceable female Force-user companions already....One romanceable male Force-user companion is NOT going to be able somehow contain everything that has been lacking in one person. So you either need 2 companions minimum, or you need another Jaesa, who can be turned either light or dark. I love the idea of a bad boy Sith to romance, but this isn't everyone's cup of tea, so options are needed.


2) Alien race. Other than Jorgan, there are none for female characters to romance currently. I'd prefer a Sith Pureblood or a Twi'lek, but Zabrak is fine, or Mirialan or whatever! Just, not another fur-covered guy.


3) An older character. I don't want some teenage Padawan/Apprentice to fawn over me in baby-faced innocence while I show them the ropes. No....I want a male Force-user who can stand toe to toe with me, who my character can respect and even admire. I want someone who is just as bad*** is she is. I need someone who has been around the block.



I agree with these points, mainly the first one, with all these different tastes just one isn't going to do it. While I like alien races fine and don't mind having one, I would certainly like a human male force romance available too. It should have been there from the start. One sole male romance just won't suffice, I feel like there would be more unhappy people than happy as there's just too many different tastes.

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


Real same gender romancing option would be good to. One with consequences if you jump the fence 😉

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Oh and if Arcann somehow won't happen for whatever reason (which will totally leave me heartbroken) Malgus!!!!! I know the chances of that are slim and he's probably being used later in the story, I love Malgus!!! If that's still too unrealistic and I know it probably is, a dark council member would be nice. I can only think about ravage, I thought his toon looked handsome.:D


While I originally liked Cytharat from the start, he's gay. I don't see him turning straight, assuming he gets a romance as half the people probably killed him, like some killed Arcann.


So My first choice is Arcann, second Malgus, third Scourge/Ravage. They can fight for the third spot as I can't choose!

Preferably, I'd like them all.:rak_03: We women deserve more than just one man who uses the force!


I'm wondering if I missed something in countless playthroughs. Is there lore on Cytharat that says what his sexual preference is? Is it a flirt option for males only somewhere in the story?

And if they were to "bring him back" someway, couldn't they just make him bi like Lana? I wouldn't begrudge making him gay only, that would still be interesting, but I like the bi feature because it places no restrictions and opens things up for more than one orientation without much effort. Everyone wins in that (and similar) cases.

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I'm wondering if I missed something in countless playthroughs. Is there lore on Cytharat that says what his sexual preference is? Is it a flirt option for males only somewhere in the story?

And if they were to "bring him back" someway, couldn't they just make him bi like Lana? I wouldn't begrudge making him gay only, that would still be interesting, but I like the bi feature because it places no restrictions and opens things up for more than one orientation without much effort. Everyone wins in that (and similar) cases.


Only males can flirt with him and I think it was announced that he was the first gay romance love interest. I like the fact that he's for males only, they deserve someone cool and deserve to be thought of as well! Usually same sex romance means female +female but hardly ever male +male. It is a shame however that he died, I would have liked him as one of my companions permanently.


I said before that I personally am against multisex as I don't find it interesting, but I do understand if that's the way they're going to go because it's easier, requires less creativity/work to make a companion for every gender.

Why think of a male and female companion that works for straight, gay, les when you can just make it free for all!

Boring, but I get it.

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I'm wondering if I missed something in countless playthroughs. Is there lore on Cytharat that says what his sexual preference is? Is it a flirt option for males only somewhere in the story?

And if they were to "bring him back" someway, couldn't they just make him bi like Lana? I wouldn't begrudge making him gay only, that would still be interesting, but I like the bi feature because it places no restrictions and opens things up for more than one orientation without much effort. Everyone wins in that (and similar) cases.


Yes, Cytherat is only romanceable by Imperial male characters.


Here's how it panned out:


Cytherat - Empire-side, romanceable by male characters only


Lemda - Republic-side, romancable by both male and female characters.


Players of Imperial female characters were the only group who had no romance in Hutt Cartel.


If they really wanted Lemda and Cytherat to be the "gay option," as advertised, then why offer Lemda to male characters? Either both Lemda and Cytherat should be gay only, or they both should be bi. Randomly choosing to exclude one specific set of players always struck me as odd and unnecessary. Hopefully that won't happen in any future content.

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Yes, Cytherat is only romanceable by Imperial male characters.


Here's how it panned out:


Cytherat - Empire-side, romanceable by male characters only


Lemda - Republic-side, romancable by both male and female characters.


Players of Imperial female characters were the only group who had no romance in Hutt Cartel.


If they really wanted Lemda and Cytherat to be the "gay option," as advertised, then why offer Lemda to male characters? Either both Lemda and Cytherat should be gay only, or they both should be bi. Randomly choosing to exclude one specific set of players always struck me as odd and unnecessary. Hopefully that won't happen in any future content.


And yet another reason why the expansion sucked. Female players have always gotten the shaft where the romances are concerned. Make them bi so anyone who wants them can have them, I think that's the best solution for everyone. I remember I was terribly disappointed we couldn't romance Cytherat, he was lovely, but it figured, yet another 'nope' for the female player. :(


I'm glad that we're getting a male force using companion, hopefully romanceable, because that is the best part honestly and what makes it fun. I hope they don't just crap out some generic, storyless goober like that chiss jedi.


Sadly, I'm afraid that's exactly what will happen. I'm afraid to get my hopes up that it will actually be a quality companion with a story and romance with it. :(

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