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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Male Force User companion...


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My main request is if you add a romanceable male Force user to the game--or honestly any new and interesting companion to the game--PLEASE make it available to all players. Don't make it a sub reward or an RNG thing on the Cartel Market or an event item you have to earn through a ton of grinding or anything like that. Let the companion be accessible to everyone. Make them acquired through story alone. Too many people get upset when they find out certain companions have been gated off through arbitrary requirements--ESPECIALLY interactable companions with story, like Master Ranos for example. Don't repeat the same mistake.


Also, to be blunt, you guys at EAWare shouldn't even contemplate introducing any brand new companions or starting pre-production work on creating one until you have returned ALL of the still MIA class companions, ESPECIALLY all the previously romanceable companions. Seriously now, it's been roughly one year and eight months since KotFE dropped, you should NEVER have kept them gone for this long.

Edited by AscendingSky
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For existing companions & NPCs:


-- Lord Praven without the goofy hat. There is a very funny cartoon with him taking off his hat to reveal very long luxurious hair and that is the way I picture him how. So long haired Praven!


-- Lord Scourged cured of the Emperor's ritual so he can once again feel and be romanced.


-- Lord Cytharat even though he should stay male only.


-- Arcann as a romance. Add in his cyborg customization.


-- The adorable Attros Finn with the added bonus of being the first Mirialan companion.


-- Overseer Harkun. Ok I know he only has a small fan base, but we exist!


-- Ghost Marr. Because Marr!


-- Lord Medechas just because I love his voice and eye make up. (His VA also did General Hesker who is another big favorite of mine since I love stuffy Imperials.)


1. Praven can be killed

2. Scourge is possible so long as the conditioning to him is undone.

3. Cytherat can be killed.

4. Arcann can be killed.

5. That researcher in the tower? I haven't thought of that one as anywhere near interesting enough to consider.

6. Emperor Harkun FTW! But seriously, he can be killed.

7. Marr is too old and his priorities lay elsewhere... and he is also dead.

8. Medechas? again another forgettable throwaway character in the game the same as Attros Finn.


that list only has 3 realistic options. the rest are killable or already dead which makes their involvement in future content impossible.

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that list only has 3 realistic options. the rest are killable or already dead which makes their involvement in future content impossible.


Considering they have already said they have been thinking about adding a romance for Arcann, I don't think potential death is a problem ;)


And as for Marr, the biggest obstacle is his mask, not his death.


And as for Finn & Mendachas, the question was what we would like to see, not what we think everyone else wants to see. There are a lot of little gems in the stories, why not expand on them?

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


Something i would like to see is for the female zabraks customization be a dathomir style like ventress

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If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


It'd be nice to have a male jedi, since the other existing male force users have been sith (Lord Scourge, Xalek etc.), and preferably with fleshed out character? Just my opinion but the pre-KOTFE male companions have been rather bland (when compared to the likes of Kira, Vette etc.)


On another note, not likely to ever come true but funny to imagine, if they did a KOTOR 2 where 'you get to be a force user, and you get to be a force user, EVERYONE gets to be a force user', and you get to train Theron as an apprentice. :p

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)

Just make him good looking and likable and we're good. ;)


I prefer him to be a Jedi though, with their naivety and do-gooder attitude. :D

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


Personally I feel you already have a few gems in your arsenal, namely Lord Scourge. Yes, he'd require curing but he's a much beloved classic companion (I think people have been requesting him as LI for 5 years now?) with one hell of a backstory. He'd work for female players regardless of which side they picked on Iokath (due to his background) and depending on his re-introduction he could even be a suitable match for Imperial females—he's still Sith and mainly teamed up with the Jedi out of necessity.


Since Acina is flirt-able, I would suggest the same for Vowrawn and/or Ravage should they ever return, and I'd love for them to become an LI. Same applies for Marr but the deadness may be an issue...


If a brand new companion is designed, my personal preference would lean to a Pureblood Sith and a Human Jedi... or a Pureblood Jedi because you know, Praven... :)

Edited by JennyFlynn
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A male force using companion who we can romance would be nice. Only one I can think of in game only had a very short run, could die and was only able to be romanced by men. That would be Lord Cytharat....I liked him as a character a lot and wished he had more screen time...I would have loved to have him as a companion, still would if we can get him back in game. Please Charles? ;)


He would totally join the alliance if he was still alive...which he technically is on all of my Imperial characters since I always saved him.


I'll second Lord Cytharat. His story is interesting to me. Would be great to see him again

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Honestly I would prefer more content from current companions, not even more new companions (or romances) and therefore getting less content for the ones we already have.


There's already male force users NPC and companions, bring a few back faster, and give all the current romancable companions more content, not make brand new ones so we all get even less *sniffles* KotFE/KotET failed in this regard, not enough content with our current romances!

Making an NPC we already know or have (Arcann, Scourge , Ravage) romancable would be ok, but still cuts romance stuff from the others. It's sadly obvious the past two years that swtor writers don't have time to add content for the current companions, we don't need more and so even less content... :(

Edited by Asmodesu
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Not wanting to hi-jack a male companion thread, but if BW are looking for suggestions I'd love a female companion with body type 4. With the exception of Akaavi (body type 3), all female companions are either type 1 or 2. It would be nice to have a companion for those of us who love bbw.
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For existing companions & NPCs:

-- Lord Cytharat even though he should stay male only.

Problem with Cytharat is that on my main and some my alts I allowed him to be killed and I suspect many other people did too. The Cytharat would have to be changed to allow him to somehow live regardless of choice - I don't think that's going to happen.


-- Lord Medechas just because I love his voice and eye make up

OMG Yes! I had forgotten about him. Give us him or a Sith/Jedi with his look!

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)

I would like a dark side (but not insane) character to go with my Sith warrior. Also, I would like the character to be part of the main team. We have so many companions now, but most could be dead or are not involved in the story much.

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1. Praven can be killed

2. Scourge is possible so long as the conditioning to him is undone.

3. Cytherat can be killed.

4. Arcann can be killed.

5. That researcher in the tower? I haven't thought of that one as anywhere near interesting enough to consider.

6. Emperor Harkun FTW! But seriously, he can be killed.

7. Marr is too old and his priorities lay elsewhere... and he is also dead.

8. Medechas? again another forgettable throwaway character in the game the same as Attros Finn.


that list only has 3 realistic options. the rest are killable or already dead which makes their involvement in future content impossible.


How is lord scourge any more unrealistic than the ones that can be killed?

Lord scourge isn't even a romance companion, they generally barely even matter in the story, with one exception,. Maybe two.

Then he's also a companion for the Jedi Knight Knight. But he's suddenly going to be a love interest for everyone? None of the other returning companions were, like Quinn, Elara, Aric, Kaliyo etc. It isn't really "fair" to those who would want that option too. ( I personally don't care)

Also most Returning companions can be killed and they tend to shove those who did to the side. We might as well give up now and focus only on Lana and Theron as they can't be killed, have been here since shadow of Revan and we'll probably never be able to kill either of them.


While swtor isn't DAI, you can outright deny romance companions from ever joining you, yet that never stopped them from making them an in depth love story a 100x deeper than any of the swtor ones.


1 - Lord scourge returns

2 - undo his conditioning

3 - Write the story so that he can't be killed, unlike many(but not all) others, romance and non alike.

3 - Be the first non romance companion being able to be romanced. (Kind of unfair as some would like that option for quite a few other companions.

4 - Be the first companion to allow interclassial dating. (Totally made up that word.):rak_03: (Quite unfair for those who would like this with other companions)

5 - Assuming the swtor story team is going to continue with making everyone bisexual and I really hope not, he's also be the first companion that returns being able to be romanced by both sexes. A lot of people want this option with all the vanilla companions.



This is not to say I'm against lord scourge, I heavily prefer Arcann and don't really want anyone else:rak_03: But the person I quoted talks realism, and it isn't any more realistic than those who died, if anything it's probably the most unrealistic one.

Edited by Eshvara
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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


Boyd, speaking as a straight man, i gotta say i do agree, and also believe the Ladies need more Romance Options, Also, We do want to be able to Romance our new Companions from KOTFE and KOTET, like those from the Alliance alerts to.


I have Faith in you Boyd. :)

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Honestly I would prefer more content from current companions, not even more new companions (or romances) and therefore getting less content for the ones we already have.


There's already male force users NPC and companions, bring a few back faster, and give all the current romancable companions more content, not make brand new ones so we all get even less *sniffles* KotFE/KotET failed in this regard, not enough content with our current romances!

Making an NPC we already know or have (Arcann, Scourge , Ravage) romancable would be ok, but still cuts romance stuff from the others. It's sadly obvious the past two years that swtor writers don't have time to add content for the current companions, we don't need more and so even less content... :(


I always thought it was lacking of the BW team, that they didn't make the returning romancable companions, romancable by everyone! At least some of them! They know the popular enough ones they could have done it with. :p

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


How about the 8 playable classes? It's confirmed they all disappeared at the start of KOTFE, and on any given toon 7 are still unaccounted for.

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How about the 8 playable classes? It's confirmed they all disappeared at the start of KOTFE, and on any given toon 7 are still unaccounted for.


Always thought it would be kind of cool to have my other characters as companions. Could kind of build your own that way.

Edited by MrLuigiEW
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How about the 8 playable classes? It's confirmed they all disappeared at the start of KOTFE, and on any given toon 7 are still unaccounted for.


The Dev team, like Boyd Irvin, and them said on the Livestream, because of the focus of the game now being on Multi-player, like the New Ops and Pvp, that All content relating to Story would have to be put literally on the back-burner. Which means, yeas, we will still get our Original companions back, but it will be now instead mor of 4 maybe even 12 months in my opinion.


But yeah, we havent had any real story chapters because the Devs only have the resources to put full attention on usually 1 and a half things a given' time.

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