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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Merge Discussion Thread


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Instead of advocating taking the choice away from those players who do NOT want to be merged, or play on a "megaserver", maybe advocate making it easier for players to make an informed decision as to choice of server.


Make it clear that all servers no have PVE and PVP instances, so that those desiring PVP are not "restricted" tot he old PVP servers.


Label the old PVP servers as "very low population" and require that any player creating a character on those servers confirms that they understand it is a "very low population server".


Label Harbinger as "highest populated West Coast" server (if not "highest populated server overall") andEbon Hawk as "highest populated East Coast server, with the largest RP community".


This is your usual dishonest comment. He's not advocating taking away any choices, that's the lie that you tell.


He is advocating for sanity: merging servers so that people can engage in multiplayer game play in a multiplayer game. Your misunderstanding of the core issue is that simple.

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This is your usual dishonest comment. He's not advocating taking away any choices, that's the lie that you tell.


He is advocating for sanity: merging servers so that people can engage in multiplayer game play in a multiplayer game. Your misunderstanding of the core issue is that simple.


But that's his point not everyone wants mergers, you merge servers and there is no choice for those that want a quieter server other than out of the door that's a pretty ****** choice IMO. Casuals and solo players make up a fair proportion of the games population and these players have no benefit from mergers and in fact would see themselves as worse off if they sort out the transfer issues fine arrange a deal for those that want to transfer but leave at least some of the other servers open for those that don't require the 'multiplayer benefits'

Edited by Jedi_riches
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i love how this thread and others like them have moved along. What was once:


we don't need a server merge cause our population is fine


has now turned into:


we don't need a server merge we do everything you need to do in our guild


down the road a bit more will it be:


i don't need a server merge i just log in and hang out in my stronghold trying on outfits



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But that's his point not everyone wants mergers, you merge servers and there is no choice for those that want a quieter server other than out of the door that's a pretty ****** choice IMO. Casuals and solo players make up a fair proportion of the games population and these players have no benefit from mergers and in fact would see themselves as worse off if they sort out the transfer issues fine arrange a deal for those that want to transfer but leave at least some of the other servers open for those that don't require the 'multiplayer benefits'


No, his point was to misrepresent another poster's words and ideas as I mentioned, and to limit the pathetic scope of his comments to the usual game of spin and misrepresentation. What you're talking about is your point, not his point and not the point.


Though you did not address the point, I'll address your point. Maybe not everyone wants server merges but that's irrelevant. The game's job first and foremost is to turn a profit and go on existing. If the current setup prevents that then too bad. Your calling it a ****** choice is silly. In what game are people who "want a quiet server" entitled to it? It reminds me of a Chris Rock joke, "I'm accustomed to this, I'm accustomed to that. What the **** does accustomed have to do with it? You eat at a restaurant and leave, that doesn't mean they owe you a steak!"


I disagree with your implying that casuals are in your camp. They're not. Casuals would benefit from faster queue times, people to play with in a multiplayer game, a more functional economy and from the continued existence of the game.


I think it is not unreasonable when you say that there should be a low population server left for people who like that sort of experience. I don't agree with serverS (plural), but server, sure why not? People have complained (whined/*****ed [iMO]) so hard, why not?

Edited by RobertFKennedyUS
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No, his point was to misrepresent another poster's words and ideas as I mentioned, and to limit the pathetic scope of his comments to the usual game of spin and misrepresentation. What you're talking about is your point, not his point and not the point.


Though you did not address the point, I'll address your point. Maybe not everyone wants server merges but that's irrelevant. The game's job first and foremost is to turn a profit and go on existing. If the current setup prevents that then too bad. Your calling it a ****** choice is silly. In what game are people who "want a quiet server" entitled to it? It reminds me of a Chris Rock joke, "I'm accustomed to this, I'm accustomed to that. What the **** does accustomed have to do with it? You eat at a restaurant and leave, that doesn't mean they owe you a steak!"


I disagree with your implying that casuals are in your camp. They're not. Casuals would benefit from faster queue times, people to play with in a multiplayer game, a more functional economy and from the continued existence of the game.


I think it is not unreasonable when you say that there should be a low population server left for people who like that sort of experience. I don't agree with serverS (plural), but server, sure why not? People have complained (whined/*****ed [iMO]) so hard, why not?


Is anyone who wants to play on a higher population server being denied the opportunity to do so? NO. Every player has the OPTION to make the CHOICE to transfer if their current server does not meet their personal desires.


Everyone is on their current server BY CHOICE, whatever the reasons for that CHOICE are.


Server merges would take that CHOICE away from those that do not wish to play on servers with a toxic cesspool community like Harbinger has.


If BW does as Keith indicated in his interview, there may not be server merges even if they can resolve all the issues surrounding transfers. Keith stated that BW does not want to force anyone to move if they are happy on their current server. That would seem to indicate that server merges would not be happening and that the choice of server and server population will be left up the individual player and/or guild.


We may see one or more new larger capacity servers added, and those desiring higher populations can transfer to one of those new servers.


I certainly hope that is the route that BW elects to take.

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No, his point was to misrepresent another poster's words and ideas as I mentioned, and to limit the pathetic scope of his comments to the usual game of spin and misrepresentation. What you're talking about is your point, not his point and not the point.


Though you did not address the point, I'll address your point. Maybe not everyone wants server merges but that's irrelevant. The game's job first and foremost is to turn a profit and go on existing. If the current setup prevents that then too bad. Your calling it a ****** choice is silly. In what game are people who "want a quiet server" entitled to it? It reminds me of a Chris Rock joke, "I'm accustomed to this, I'm accustomed to that. What the **** does accustomed have to do with it? You eat at a restaurant and leave, that doesn't mean they owe you a steak!"


I disagree with your implying that casuals are in your camp. They're not. Casuals would benefit from faster queue times, people to play with in a multiplayer game, a more functional economy and from the continued existence of the game.


I think it is not unreasonable when you say that there should be a low population server left for people who like that sort of experience. I don't agree with serverS (plural), but server, sure why not? People have complained (whined/*****ed [iMO]) so hard, why not?


Except that the person constantly spinning and misrepresenting in this thread is YOU. And you make deliberate and specific pejorative attacks on players you disagree with, particularly if they in turn explain why they disagree with you. Try discussing the topic and not the player(s) you disagree with.


It's pretty simple here. Forced merges would deny players choices... choices to stay where they are. The option to transfer to a server of any players choice does NOT deny players choices, it actually empowers them to choose.


You appear to want forced merges because you somehow think it will make the game better for you... whatever perspective or bias that might actually be.


Like it or not.. Keith has already come down on the side of: NO forced merges, fixing the loss of guild assets in a merge, AND offering a new server that all the players that demand a big server and lots of random grouping can move to while not denying other players with other choices freedom to play their way. These are things that Keith has stated and acknowledged in a fairly recent interview. If you don't like it, maybe take that up with Keith and stop personally attacking any poster who disagrees with you.

Edited by Andryah
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It'll definitely kill off the little nomadic communities who enjoy being on the "dead servers" They'll just clear off and find another game.


If BW is even considering the "name thing" the merge is going to happen.


The US will likely all be piled onto the East Coast as that's got the upgraded servers. Europe would likely be 3, German, English and French.



I doubt this, I play on the most populated server and find little issue in doing most "solo" activities (i.e. having to wait to use some form of node or what not) so if there players are truly enjoying the game in it's solo form I doubt a merge is going to change that much solely because the entire population of the game isn't that great that it would impact on them that much to do what they currently do.


Plus people quickly forget instances, if there was a population issue there is nothing stopping BWA reducing the instance size, increasing number of instances to make things less busy.


If those players still left solely because of a merge and they needed to throw their toys out of the cot as a result well I guess they weren't really enjoying the game purely for the game in the first place.

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... The game's job first and foremost is to turn a profit and go on existing. ...



If this is the case, then those wanting server merges as well as those not wanting them are irrelevant. You have know way of knowing if this game is profitable other than your own opinion based on what you believe are facts. It is Bioware's decision not yours, not mine, not anyone else's so arguing about it and calling people names is pointless.

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Is anyone who wants to play on a higher population server being denied the opportunity to do so? NO. Every player has the OPTION to make the CHOICE to transfer if their current server does not meet their personal desires.


Everyone is on their current server BY CHOICE, whatever the reasons for that CHOICE are.


Server merges would take that CHOICE away from those that do not wish to play on servers with a toxic cesspool community like Harbinger has.


It's irrelevant. The point is that the player was not doing what you described him to be doing. You described him as "advocating taking the choice away from those players who do NOT want to be merged." He was not doing so. You have not shown him doing so, so therefore your comments are misleading. All that you have done is repeat the same old stale spin, focusing only on your own deranged view of the situation, not actually engaging in debate nor discussion.


If BW does as Keith indicated in his interview, there may not be server merges even if they can resolve all the issues surrounding transfers. Keith stated that BW does not want to force anyone to move if they are happy on their current server. That would seem to indicate that server merges would not be happening and that the choice of server and server population will be left up the individual player and/or guild.


We may see one or more new larger capacity servers added, and those desiring higher populations can transfer to one of those new servers.


I certainly hope that is the route that BW elects to take.


I wouldn't trust your analysis or predictions if you said the sun was going to come up tomorrow. In any case, while I have not been assiduously following Keith's comments on this subject, it did seem like he had some sort of plan in motion for a server merge.


I'm not going to expand on this discussion beyond its original parameters as your comments are always a train wreck, so need to add more cars to the disaster.

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But that's his point not everyone wants mergers, you merge servers and there is no choice for those that want a quieter server other than out of the door that's a pretty ****** choice IMO. Casuals and solo players make up a fair proportion of the games population and these players have no benefit from mergers and in fact would see themselves as worse off if they sort out the transfer issues fine arrange a deal for those that want to transfer but leave at least some of the other servers open for those that don't require the 'multiplayer benefits'


If they partake in the game economy at all they will see a benefit and as I mentioned in my previous post the whole "busy" server part can be dealt with by better instance management.


If it's "chat is scary" then turn off chat, use private chat rooms. These are all easily solved issues.


This thread has gotten incredibly long and the gist of it, as I see it, is that server merges would be great and should go ahead for the "dead" servers at least providing the technical issues around names and assets can be remedied satisfactorily.


As for the mega servers (and taking in to consideration the technical issues as being resolved) then the opinion seems quite split, hard to say since it's more or less the same people arguing back and forward for so many pages repeating what has been said before numerous times. I would lean towards there being more independent posts for mega servers though.


I think this game being an MMO the whole "but we want to play on a dead server" argument is moot, the impact of a merge wouldn't be that massive and clearly these players make up a very small portion of the community because we can see the portion they make up by looking at dead server population i.e. it's stuff all.

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For the people who have been saying there will or will not be server merges. We do not know that. We will not know until we are told otherwise. Back before the first server merge, they kept saying there would not be one and guess what, we ended up with at least two server mergers since then.


I read things that there is a possibility that there will be a server mergers. Some months ago, I thought it was not needed, but that changed. If it does happen, I do hope we can choose what server we go to if there is still multiple servers. The fact is people are migrating to other servers, which leaves the other servers not as active as they used to be.

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Wrong, whether they want server mergers or not is irrelevant. The merits of the arguments and the information provided are relevant.


Which is as meaningless as saying you have no way to earn money at a job other than through your own efforts. Practically a tautology. Also your word choice, believe are facts is misleading. Being unable to grasp facts would be an issue that you must contend with, no reason to foist that shortcoming on others.


Wrong again as stated above.


As is behaving in a low class dishonest manner.


If Bioware says there are going to be server merges I won't continue to complain and will base my continued play in this game on its outcome. If they announce there are not going to be server mergers can you say the same? My guess is you can't.

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I love how this thread and others like them have moved along. What was once:


We don't need a server merge cause our population is fine


has now turned into:


We don't need a server merge we do everything you need to do in our guild


down the road a bit more will it be:


I don't need a server merge I just log in and hang out in my stronghold trying on outfits


It's funny cause it's true XD

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It seems the new high capacity servers for the East Coast aren't ready for any kind of merger. They continue to be very unstable. Doesn't bode well for having a lot of players on one server.


says you ? You have no clue on what tech bioware have lined up and how they would do mega servers that this game has needed since 2012.

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It seems the new high capacity servers for the East Coast aren't ready for any kind of merger. They continue to be very unstable. Doesn't bode well for having a lot of players on one server.


All good, merge them to the west then. ;)


I do wonder though if they scaled down on the feasible hosting capacity in that it might have cost more overall and they realize there may be no chance of getting those levels of players again. *shrug*.

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I just don't get it, why didn't they give cross server and improve the GF before some of the servers are almost dead?


lots of servers are beyond almost dead they are dead and this has been a matter for years in SWTOR they might be talking the talk but until we see action and a road map on this I don't take anything they say serious.

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says you ? You have no clue on what tech bioware have lined up and how they would do mega servers that this game has needed since 2012.


Well I know, since Bioware has said so, that the East Coast servers are all upgraded servers compared to the other servers in the game. That would mean they are likely the best they can have right now (assuming there was a plan for mergers all along). As for merging with the West coast, the only reason Harbinger stabilized is that it lost almost 2/3 of its population in the last several months if Fleet populations are any indication.

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lots of servers are beyond almost dead they are dead and this has been a matter for years in SWTOR they might be talking the talk but until we see action and a road map on this I don't take anything they say serious.


Yeah but why didn't they at least take some action before this happens?


If we've got cross server and improved LFG system, things could have been different. At least the decline would have been a bit slower.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Well I know, since Bioware has said so, that the East Coast servers are all upgraded servers compared to the other servers in the game. That would mean they are likely the best they can have right now (assuming there was a plan for mergers all along). As for merging with the West coast, the only reason Harbinger stabilized is that it lost almost 2/3 of its population in the last several months if Fleet populations are any indication.


You talk some real garbage saying the only reason the harb is stable is because it lost 2/3 of it's population maybe they have better hardware and have done upgrades to the backbone of that server and that's something they don't really tell us in great detail I know you like writing on the forums but god help me please write something that is real with quality facts to back up what you claim.

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Yeah but why didn't they at least take some action before this happens?


If we've got cross server and improved LFG system, things could have been different. At least the decline would have been a bit slower.


Yeah if only :( but they are to limited to have cross server the reason is unknown but Keith did say they will never do cross server play in this current version of SWTOR and all future builds of the current game but hey if they were smart they would be working hard on another Star Wars MMO with stuff that is current in today's standards and future proof it.

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You talk some real garbage saying the only reason the harb is stable is because it lost 2/3 of it's population maybe they have better hardware and have done upgrades to the backbone of that server and that's something they don't really tell us in great detail I know you like writing on the forums but god help me please write something that is real with quality facts to back up what you claim.


You're right it could all be coincidence. Servers that were stable for years suddenly becoming unstable when they are "upgraded" and a perpetually unstable server becoming stable after a huge population loss. Could be coincidence I suppose. But then again, sometimes coincidences are more than a coincidence.

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