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Keith! You continue to amaze!


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Condensed quote: :mad::mad::mad::mad:


Seriously, Alec. You (And a few others) are acting like a child who didn't get the toy he wanted for Christmas. Would it kill you to have some good feelings for someone in your heart? From what I've seen, no. So CS couldn't give you the starter world armor, so what? If you want it so badly, make an identical level 1 character and get those armors.


I don't like to fight with someone who has contributed to my KotOR armor thread, but... dude. Stop, just stop.

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If this is the kind of person you truly are at heart, by your own admission? I don't want to know you.


I hope you become a better person in the future and find a way to make up for how you are treating your fellow human beings in the present.


Do you have to make assumptions about his life every time you reply to him? Why are you trying to put the guy down? To make you feel like a big man? Can't you debate him without throwing insults? He's been quite courteous and respectful in every post regardless of whether you agree with his view or not. I'd say your constant need to try to denigrate his lifestyle when you really know nothing about him says more about YOU than him really. Learn to deal with an opposing viewpoint without making the other person into some ridiculous straw man. At the end of the day his entire complaint is about a game. I doubt his posts on this one thread sum up his entire worldview, morals and lifestyle.


I for one don't think the devs should be giving out gifts when they can barely get tickets answered. That doesn't mean I wasn't happy to see how pleased the streamer was. I just don't agree with the precedent. And whether you choose to believe me or not I'd feel the same if it was me. I prefer to know I've earned something rather than just be handed it.

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Aaaaaand this thread is why we can't have nice things. Let a developer/anyone else with authority in this game make a positive gesture towards an active member of the TOR community (who is actually active playing the game and promoting it on a livestream and not just complaining about it on the forums), and all the unhealthy obsessives and sore losers come out of the woodwork to take a big steaming crap all over said positive gesture just because said positive gesture didn't happen to them, and therefore it's bad.



^ This x's 50


So glad to see Keith involved with the people playing and promoting the game in a positive light

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So CS couldn't give you the starter world armor, so what? If you want it so badly, make an identical level 1 character and get those armors.



This armor is automatically bound. Old players can't have it on their main/alts.

Alec try create ticket and LIE that You had this armor before but You've drop it or sold by mistake. Im sure they will give You in that way.



About the thread im a mad too.


Im not mad about Girl that was so lucky to get an armor set that she dream about, but could buy by her own 159kk in inventory and still have 59kk .

I really enjoy about her reaction. I have no problem that was totally Free item. I don't blame her, I would be happy and keep armor anyway too! :rolleyes:


Iam just angry that STAFF MEMBER (Customer Service/Game Master!) give someone for free, very expensive item! (item for free at all!) It was not even lottery, that every player had chance to win. That is unfair! I can't understand this and everyone that says it make no difference for them. :eek:. It was obvious (that was livestream and Keith knew that!) that this small gesture will be noticed by players and Developers will get more respect in eyes of many young players. If You belong to this group that is good thread for You. You will learn how unfair life is even in stupid video game. ;)

Edited by tummiswtor
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Congratulations for her. I personally don't feel victimized or treated unfairly in this regard. If she did something.like is part of the influencer program and for something for it cool for her.


Keith, her or CS doesn't have to explain anything as far as I'm concerned and honestly we don't know the background of the situation other then what the video shows. Could easily be more to it but again I don't personally don't view it negatively but to each their own I guess.


But again congratulations for her.

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Congratulations for her. I personally don't feel victimized or treated unfairly in this regard. If she did something.like is part of the influencer program and for something for it cool for her.


Keith, her or CS doesn't have to explain anything as far as I'm concerned and honestly we don't know the background of the situation other then what the video shows. Could easily be more to it but again I don't personally don't view it negatively but to each their own I guess.


But again congratulations for her.


What I don't get is, when the Community team gives away platinum items during livestreams, that is ok, but all of the sudden, THIS is bad.


Of course, I think everyone who is mad about this is just salty it isn't them who got the armor. Or in Alec's case, mad that someone else got attention, where as he still hasn't gotten the Jedi Robes he wants.

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I think this is a tempest in a teapot. If it creates good publicity and brings new players to the game, that'd be a good thing IMO. Maybe Keith is just trying his best to help the game? From what I've seen so far, it looks like he genuinely wants to do the best he can for the game. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. And it still puts a smile on my face to see her reaction.
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Am I salty? A little bit. Of course I am jelous of someone getting the attention. ^^


But, as much as I hate rl comparisons:

Imagine a prime minister visiting your neighbour, who you know has a friend working for the government, and gifting him a pile of freshly printed notes amounting to 100,000 euro. How would you feel about it, not to mention this is not economically sound.


Unless, I can't tell, the case actually was that Keith was acting as a deliveryman on behalf of his friend who actually got Tulak hord set for the girl through legitimate means and they didn't just spawn it. Please tell me this was the case and make me feel stupid and embarrased.


I am extremely happy and supportive for people who get lucky with things in life and get'em through hard work or luck. What I am not supporting is people getting special treatment because of their connections. :l


Did she deserve something for being an "influencer?" Sure, it is free publicity and BW can do whatever they want. But , in my eyes,Tulak Hord set is a damn overkill. There are so many other people doing much better SWTOR content and all they get are referral clicks or gifts from players.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Am I salty? A little bit. Of course I am jelous of someone getting the attention. ^^


But, as much as I hate rl comparisons:

Imagine a prime minister visiting your neighbour, who you know has a friend working for the government, and gifting him a pile of freshly printed notes amounting to 100,000 euro. How would you feel about it, not to mention this is not economically sound.


I would hope that said prime minister did it privately, but it sounds like hypothetically the neighbour is rubbing it in your (general your) face. That make's them an ******, so I would, and as the kids today would say "block them on twitter" :p and get on with my life.


Unless, I can't tell, the case actually was that Keith was acting as a deliveryman on behalf of his friend who actually got Tulak hord set for the girl through legitimate means and they didn't just spawn it. Please tell me this was the case and make me feel stupid and embarrased.


That's the thing, the chat was really too small for anyone of us to grasp a proper understanding of the conversation. I know I couldn't read a word of it, and I literally came right up to my computer.


I am extremely happy and supportive for people who get lucky with things in life and get'em through hard work or luck. What I am not supporting is people getting special treatment because of their connections. :l


Did she deserve something for being an "influencer?" Sure, it is free publicity and BW can do whatever they want. But , in my eyes,Tulak Hord set is a damn overkill. There are so many other people doing much better SWTOR content and all they get are referral clicks or gifts from players.


That's a little unfair to say, if you don't watch her content, and a little disrespectful, too.

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Am I salty? A little bit. Of course I am jelous of someone getting the attention. ^^


There are so many other people doing much better SWTOR content and all they get are referral clicks or gifts from players.


Alec, you seem to be more than just a little salty... I mean, why bring up the quality of this person's content? And who cares what people get. We both know if you got your Jedi robes (Assuming you didn't find something wrong with them), you'd never stop bragging about it.

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You should probably edit that part out, cause I don't think people will be able to read this thread through the tears of laughter.


Too late. :p:D:):D


Thread has definitely attracted a new low in the forum for silly emotional outbursts.

Edited by Andryah
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What I don't get is, when the Community team gives away platinum items during livestreams, that is ok, but all of the sudden, THIS is bad.



Everyone can win item. Join livestream. You have a Chance to WIN. See difference now between lotto and favor one player?


We both know if you got your Jedi robes (Assuming you didn't find something wrong with them), you'd never stop bragging about it.


Let's give a Chance and gets one, so we will talk.

Edited by tummiswtor
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Everyone can win item. Join livestream. You have a Chance to WIN. See difference now between lotto and favor one player?

No, and as far as I see it the video was just a different type of "lotto". Some people can't see it, I know, I realize how hard it is for some people to merely be happy for others. Not everything is about winning, though, most of us were just happy with the smiles that the video created.

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No, and as far as I see it the video was just a different type of "lotto". Some people can't see it, I know, I realize how hard it is for some people to merely be happy for others. Not everything is about winning, though, most of us were just happy with the smiles that the video created.


Read my previous post. Iam happy girl got item she always wanted. I don't blame her.

Im angry that GAME MASTER (Or Game Producer, no difference.) give that item. I would see no problem if the normal regular player give her armor set.

Hey Keith i want some expensive item now too! Will You give me? I doubt. Is that fair?

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Unless, I can't tell, the case actually was that Keith was acting as a deliveryman on behalf of his friend who actually got Tulak hord set for the girl through legitimate means and they didn't just spawn it. Please tell me this was the case and make me feel stupid and embarrased.


From the little part I watched, he was delivering it to her on behalf of her friend. How said friend obtained it I don't know but it wasn't Keith going "Here's a gift from us at Bioware".

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Everyone can win item. Join livestream. You have a Chance to WIN. See difference now between lotto and favor one player? Let's give a Chance and gets one, so we will talk.



But, you could say giving away something like a Saberpike is favoring one player, if you didn't win it. And I don't get the last bit, but I assume you are talking about a chance cube? Why would you give an influencer a chance cube, and run the risk of them getting a garbage item?



It was obvious (that was livestream and Keith knew that!) that this small gesture will be noticed by players and Developers will get more respect in eyes of many young players. If You belong to this group that is good thread for You. You will learn how unfair life is even in stupid video game. ;)


I have no idea what this has to do with anything, but I'm not a "young player" (Unless 26 is young), but believe me, I know how unfair life is, but I don't lose my mind over someone getting something I don't have.

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Read my previous post. Iam happy girl got item she always wanted. I don't blame her.

Im angry that GAME MASTER (Or Game Producer, no difference.) give that item. I would see no problem if the normal regular player give her armor set.

Hey Keith i want some expensive item now too! Will You give me? I doubt. Is that fair?


My post wasn't calling you out personally, I'm sorry if it seemed that way, I was just trying to answer your question. Like Alec asked in his last post, and Jenny's answer in hers we really do not know the circumstances of the discussion.

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Keith has a bit to prove yet before i make my mind up. for now, i'm going to watch and see how he handles the rest of Ben Irving's content thats still making it's way through the pipeline and any other changes in the meantime.


Keith needs to do something meaningful and with enough impact to really get me to go one way or the other and i can't really see that coming until the end of the year, minimum. What would be impressive is the removal of GC.



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Do you have to make assumptions about his life every time you reply to him? Why are you trying to put the guy down? To make you feel like a big man? Can't you debate him without throwing insults? He's been quite courteous and respectful in every post regardless of whether you agree with his view or not. I'd say your constant need to try to denigrate his lifestyle when you really know nothing about him says more about YOU than him really. Learn to deal with an opposing viewpoint without making the other person into some ridiculous straw man. At the end of the day his entire complaint is about a game. I doubt his posts on this one thread sum up his entire worldview, morals and lifestyle.


I for one don't think the devs should be giving out gifts when they can barely get tickets answered. That doesn't mean I wasn't happy to see how pleased the streamer was. I just don't agree with the precedent. And whether you choose to believe me or not I'd feel the same if it was me. I prefer to know I've earned something rather than just be handed it.



I am glad at least one person understands this.

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