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I love how people are complaining about roots on ops, when mercs can root you every 8 second. It's about twice as often as Crippling Slice and obviously from range (Missile Blast, Utility). It's one of the most troll ability I have ever messed around with.
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I love how people are complaining about roots on ops, when mercs can root you every 8 second. It's about twice as often as Crippling Slice and obviously from range (Missile Blast, Utility). It's one of the most troll ability I have ever messed around with.


Your wrong! Operatives spam knify root attacks. They are broken. Rolling applies aoe root.

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Your wrong! Operatives spam knify root attacks. They are broken.


the sad thing is that thats enough to take down half the ingame specs if they dont get help from teammates lol when people say ops needs skill XD

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Your wrong! Operatives spam knify root attacks. They are broken. Rolling applies aoe root.


Can you imagine if they actually made ops completely and utterly FOTM? I am talking 1.0 ops + Current Mercs level of OP. The amount of tears (and obviously justifiable ones at that point) would flood the forums and short circuit the servers :D

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Can you imagine if they actually made ops completely and utterly FOTM? I am talking 1.0 ops + Current Mercs level of OP. The amount of tears (and obviously justifiable ones at that point) would flood the forums and short circuit the servers :D


Haha yeah, they decide to give operatives all their powers back or replacement.


Snipers lose plasma probe. YAY and it is given to operative since they lost orbital strike.


Hidden strike is returned with 2 second knockdown.


Blood boiler applies cluster bombs.


Veiled strike, crippling slice, lacerate and backstab now have 10m range to match Corrosive Assault to bring equal balance.


Evasion has 5 second cooldown, reflects dmg, and heals 10% per hit.


Shield probe reapplies if destroyed within 3 seconds of applying.


Roll resets when you take critical dmg.


Roll reset evasion.


Flashbang gets 30m


10 seconds of entrench after operative roll.


Corrosive dart will pass to all nearby enemies within 30m after target dies.


Kolto probe has no stacking limit.


Explosive probe is returned but you still get to keep bloodboiler and apply both of them.


Operatives get a finisher, Takedown.




Honestly I played sniper in 1.0 and I never learned that operatives were OP until after they were nerfed. I would always knock them back and then use my spammy ranged root attacks. Without roll it was so much easier then =)

Edited by VixenRawR
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Don't know much about Urwz.. not gonna step in there with full 248. I do have visited unrwz, but don't even bother to out dps anyone. In regards to Rwz, ops have started to become an epidemic. Its ridiculous to play against them as a rpds or melee. 1v1 they're not much of a problem, but the issue at hand is that no class should posses abilities that will impede others from using theirs for long periods of time. Once you're being root it.. you cant cast or use any ability, you have to wait until the root effects wear off.. and also impedes the used of abilities that purge incapacitate and movement impairing effects. Its totally ridiculous to created classes with such a strong domain over others. Dev's need to include the resolve to come into effect went a player is being root it.


Overall, I don't think OPs are OP, but yeah, their cc kit is a bit to much at times.

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How does a melee class, with melee cc lock down people with ease? That is an understatement of the century. If you want to look at a class that can lock people down at ease, Snipers have the heaviest load of CC in the game...way more than an operative and can be used at 30-35m.


Yeah, snipers are rediculous when it comes to melee.


That said, in it's own regard, I do think OPs cc-kit is a bit much in pvp. Even still, I do not see them as being OP overall.

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Yeah, snipers are rediculous when it comes to melee.


That said, in it's own regard, I do think OPs cc-kit is a bit much in pvp. Even still, I do not see them as being OP overall.


Well they are identical to sins, assuming the sin specs into insta WW cast (it is a must). Both have sleep dart so to speak, and the spike on sins is a full stun compared to crippling strike on operatives. Even juggernaut tanks have 3 stuns etc.


I am not calling for nerf or buffs to any class. I am simply saying that op-stuns is nothing special, but we have to control the situation, and we are likely to save all stuns to one person, whom in return will consider ops to be stun-OP.

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Well they are identical to sins, assuming the sin specs into insta WW cast (it is a must). Both have sleep dart so to speak, and the spike on sins is a full stun compared to crippling strike on operatives. Even juggernaut tanks have 3 stuns etc.


I am not calling for nerf or buffs to any class. I am simply saying that op-stuns is nothing special, but we have to control the situation, and we are likely to save all stuns to one person, whom in return will consider ops to be stun-OP.


I'm sure you're right.


It's not that one stun is worse than another, as you said, Assy's got a lot and jugg tanks got 3 stuns, it's just what I notice that a bit different about OPs from the others is it seems like they can chain stun you while attacking you without breaking the stun. I don't know all the nuances of the class, that may be spec related though because I don't see all OPs doing it all the time like that with the stab-iddy stab stab. Plus if they are working in tandem with another member of their team, the OP keeps on stunning you while their team mate annihilates you and there doesn't seem there is anything you can do about it because even if you use a breaker or the like you just get immediately stunned again one second later. It strikes me just like Engen snipers with plasma probe in that regard.


Even with that in mind, I still don't think OPs are OP, most of the time their DPS specs get out DPSed by other classes [in pvp], although they do do well nonetheless and i've seen them top of the WZ board. Of all the classes though, they seem to be the least frequently on top dps wise. I do feel they have a bit too much control. I say that more as a QoL sort of thing.


There's so much CC that gets thrown around in WZs that it's truly sickening and you can't lay the blame for that solely on OPs! I don't think anyone would really mind if they culled some CC from PVP. I think overall people would find the WZ experience funner that way.


OPs are in no way, shape, or form akin to mercs and snipers. I mean, it's night and day. It is only in the CC area I see a minor issue comparatively.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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LOL yeah ops only have one stun and depending on alacrity and using the utilityh point it has a 27-30s cooldown.. so there is no way they can stun lock anyone. OPs have LESS cc than some of the other classes mentioned in this thread a few posts above... Juggs have more cc , more roots, and more slows (spammable).

Ops have one stun (4 meters...) one mez (10 meters), one root (4 meters), and one slow (10 meter) on a cooldown

Also have utility points to make the slow root, or make backstab root for a couple seconds, but since like almost every other class has get out of roots utilities, it makes those almost useless, plus they can be cleansed, while ops are EXTREMELY vulnerable to being rooted (can't roll while rooted so are just screwed). I don't feel they are overpowered in any way and actually feel like they need more or better dcds to counter being tunneled. While they are good 1v1, if you get 2 or more dps attacking you, you are just completely screwed unless they are very bad players.

Even 1v1 it's very RNG, for example if you roll the enemies stun, your chances of winning just doubled, and rolling the stun is very RNG since u have to try and predict it and you never know. If you get stunned you get destroyed because no utility for DR on stunned.

Getting netted for example without any cooldowns up is basically GG.

Honestly the overall damage output just seems way to high in PVP at the moment. If there was some way to scale it down as a whole (including healing) there would be much better gameplay. It's difficult to balance health vs dps vs heals vs cc...especially with percentage based heals. If they simply increased our health pool, then percentage based healing would suddenly become way stronger.

I know not everyone plays ranked, but if you have good players, someone can be killed in less than 2 seconds if 3 dps focus them, which in my opinion is way too fast (mainly because CC lasts longer than that and the GCD is too long.. this is referred to as being globaled because you can't react to it due to the gcd in this game being so high).


I prefer lower dps overall and healing so that fights (even 1v1) last longer and let you use all your abilities and cooldowns a few times or more during a fight. Percentage based healing would have to be adjusted to accommodate this though.

Ugh I went off on a tangent haha.. I'm a math person so would probably be very good at balancing things.

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It's true. I have more CC on my Jugg than my Op, especially slows. The roots need utilities to get, though. But one soft and two hard stuns, out of the box.


Spammable Chilling Scream is more effective than anything an Op has for slows.


Nerf Juggs! Oh wait.

Edited by stoopicus
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It's true. I have more CC on my Jugg than my Op, especially slows. The roots need utilities to get, though. But one soft and two hard stuns, out of the box.


Spammable Chilling Scream is more effective than anything an Op has for slows.


Nerf Juggs! Oh wait.


you're referring to tank jugg, which isn't really the same as they get an extra one.

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Lulz. Ppl actually think the operative class doesn't need a nerf.... I can say with 100% certainty coming from a player who despises all OP specs, the concealment is one of the most powerful spec 1v1 in this entire game. Not only that, but an operative of equal skill to a deception sin will roll that sin into a corner to die.


a 4 sec LOS root every 15 seconds is stronger than a resolve building stun that cant take dmg. a 30 sec hrd stun vs a 45 sec hard stun. a 1 minute cooldown force shroud that takes white dmg vs a all moves resist roll every 10 sec. 5 sec 200% white dmg eva with 150% reflect vs 12 sec 50% white dmg evade and 50% reflect. shield probe every 25 seconds vs 30% defence every 45 sec (hatred) or 10% def from crits and maul. are you strting to see a pattern?


sin an ops are not in the same class. not only that, but if you think the ops dont need a nerf you need to either fight better ops, or you need to learn the power of the 4 sec root an op roll.

Edited by Seterade
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Actually I think the operative only needs one change.


mirror exfiltrate to the sniper roll. purge roots, offer immunity to stuns/roots and the one difference to offput the low cd and twin roll, would be change the 100% resist to 70%.


You dont want to break anything, but no class deserves a 10 sec every thing resist dcd. the magic is in the cd an duration. if this move was on a 30 sec cd, more power to the op. or even 20 sec. its not. its on 10 sec.


the threat of operative is sumed up in one point. you will never complete a full dmg rotation on a good op. ever. thats it. thanks to 4 sec LOS root, evasion, shield probe, full everything resist roll on 10 sec cd, no class will ever complete a full dps rotation.

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Lulz. Ppl actually think the operative class doesn't need a nerf.... I can say with 100% certainty coming from a player who despises all OP specs, the concealment is one of the most powerful spec 1v1 in this entire game. Not only that, but an operative of equal skill to a deception sin will roll that sin into a corner to die.


a 4 sec LOS root every 15 seconds is stronger than a resolve building stun that cant take dmg. a 30 sec hrd stun vs a 45 sec hard stun. a 1 minute cooldown force shroud that takes white dmg vs a all moves resist roll every 10 sec. 5 sec 200% white dmg eva with 150% reflect vs 12 sec 50% white dmg evade and 50% reflect. shield probe every 25 seconds vs 30% defence every 45 sec (hatred) or 10% def from crits and maul. are you strting to see a pattern?


sin an ops are not in the same class. not only that, but if you think the ops dont need a nerf you need to either fight better ops, or you need to learn the power of the 4 sec root an op roll.


Yeah cause PvP in this game should be balanced around 1v1...


Sorry, but that's just ridiculous... right now ops are severely underperforming in group ranked and are fairly balanced in solo ranked. They are also one of the least played classes in ranked right now, simply put, that would not be the case if they were overpowered as some people would suggest.


It keeps cracking me up how this thread has become an operative rant.

Edited by J_McSkill
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lulz, Iv been in 10 matchs today ( stopped cause some pleb began throwing for shiggles.) I fought 5 different operatives all requeing in that time. dunno what your talking about, no ops in queue.....


Top 3 operative rating is in the 1700's, for scoundrel it's in the 1400's... that's right, you could earn a top 3 title as a scoundrel and not even get gold tier... SO OP!


Do you main a merc or sniper?

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lulz, Iv been in 10 matchs today ( stopped cause some pleb began throwing for shiggles.) I fought 5 different operatives all requeing in that time. dunno what your talking about, no ops in queue.....


Honestly: L2P. Just because you dont know how to play one and fail to understand the class is not a good reason to be trowing false statments like that on an almost universial celebration of the nerf of mercs. Jeez, I hate to be that guy but just L2P.



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Honestly: L2P. Just because you dont know how to play one and fail to understand the class is not a good reason to be trowing false statments like that on an almost universial celebration of the nerf of mercs. Jeez, I hate to be that guy but just L2P.




wut? the guy flat admited he had been paid to throw. I chat logged it an sent it to bioware.

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