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your as intelligent as "mercenary player" at providing accurate, analytical, and logic responces to posts.

I decided to be a jerk an say what I was really going to say to skilly over here.


You need to learn the difference between being a petty 12 yr and insulting and passive aggressive trolling....


You sir, are a hypocrite...


And since I have no problem using petty insults, I'll go ahead and call you a moron too.


reeeeally look at my responce.


"your as intelligent as "mercenary player" lol I dont remember insulting you. I said you have as intelligent responces as "mercenary player" the beauty of being a passive aggressive troll instead of outright insulting ppl is I don't have to insult you. all I have to do is hint at something and ppl go off the deep end of assumtions... while I just sit chuckling at how silly they look as they claim I insulted them despite my posts clearly saying otherwise.


your too easy.


the biggest irony, the easiest way to completely bypass an PA troll is to actually be intelligent and smart. if you dont assume, and you respond accuratly to conversation a PA troll cant do a thing. which is why PA trolls will always be better than trolling, we only bother the silly people who get triggered over everything.

Edited by Seterade
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LOL I can't believe the direction this thread has gone.


I just want to make a couple points:

  • No class or spec can handle tunnel from 3-4 good dps. This has utterly nothing to do with operative dps and everything to do with positioning (not getting yourself into that situation in the first place).
  • If you're playing a Sorc dps and are getting trashed by an operative 1v1 while guarding a node, you are dealing with a l2p issue. Sorc dps has literally all the tools to deal with this situation.

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your as intelligent as "mercenary player" at providing accurate, analytical, and logic responces to posts.


Questioning someone's intelligence when you don't even know the difference between your and you're . Really makes you think about how smart your average "nerf operatives" poster is.

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If you're playing a Sorc dps and are getting trashed by an operative 1v1 while guarding a node, you are dealing with a l2p issue. Sorc dps has literally all the tools to deal with this situation.




omg cant breath..... someone give me some air......

Edited by Zolxtren
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omg cant breath..... someone give me some air......


*whistles innocently*

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Questioning someone's intelligence when you don't even know the difference between your and you're . Really makes you think about how smart your average "nerf operatives" poster is.


lulz, if you think I dont have second grade reading lvl you have a lot to learn an you need a lot more internet exp


we all suck at spelling cause 1) were too lazy to look up second grade spelling bee champion check, and 2) cause we type so much honestly in 2017 the only reason you need to grammar police is if your making a very important post.


btw. difference between your and you're is you're is a short version of you are. and before you get on your grammar horse, were is we're (we are) dont is don't (do not) lvl is level, and exp is expierence, I mean I could go on, but long story short, save your grammar police posts. no one cares. if you know enough of what Im typing to correct it, then I got my point across.

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*whistles innocently*


Bubble stun doesnt work on good melee, we pop your bubble with our ranged atts. example on operative, our basic shot will pop your bubble. mara, double saber throw, sin, low slash or ball lightning, jugg (little up crap river but if you play smart you might pop it with an aoe.) and power techs have basic shot as well, or if you run extended mag shot, that has a 7 meter range I believe.

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Bubble stun doesnt work on good melee, we pop your bubble with our ranged atts. example on operative, our basic shot will pop your bubble. mara, double saber throw, sin, low slash or ball lightning, jugg (little up crap river but if you play smart you might pop it with an aoe.) and power techs have basic shot as well, or if you run extended mag shot, that has a 7 meter range I believe.


But it does work on people trying to cap your node.

You can manually trigger the stun by clicking off the bubble's buff. Even while you are in a stun yourself.


With 3 breakers, bubblestuns and the general tools a Sorc has to kite for at least a moderate amount of time, there is PLENTY of time to call for help before ANYONE will be capable of ninjaing your face.

It's not about the kill.. it's about not losing the node. Sorcs... are hands down #1 for that job.

Edited by Evolixe
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With 3 breakers, bubblestuns and the general tools a Sorc has to kite for at least a moderate amount of time, there is PLENTY of time to call for help before ANYONE will be capable of ninjaing your face.

It's not about the kill.. it's about not losing the node. Sorcs... are hands down #1 for that job.



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Bubble stun doesnt work on good melee


Bubblestun works on everyone in melee range, and operatives best of all. I even consider it the #1 counter to dps operatives, because they have absolutely nothing (but resolve, which everyone has) to shrug off its effects (Shroud, leap-immunity in Veng, Force Crush immunity in Fury, etc etc).


If you wanna try and auto-attack someone to death to pop the bubble while out of range of it every time it is up, I guess you can go ahead and try that, it won't work though. Operatives excel at bursting people to pieces (concealment), and simply outlasting them (lethality). Concealment requires melee range to effectively burst someone into oblivion, so you can't really get away with soloing someone at range unless they're a total derp. And any spec of Sorc can kite just as well as a Lethality operative, so you two will basically be running around LoSing and stunning each other until you both want to puke.


When an operative comes to cap a side node, they have a few options, with a Sorc guarding. They can try to ninja it, or they can try to 1v1 the Sorc and take the node with no defenders standing. A Sorc of any spec has enough breakers to prevent the former, and between bubble stun, force speed, and Phase Walk, enough dcds to prevent the latter for an absurdly long time.

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But it does work on people trying to cap your node.

You can manually trigger the stun by clicking off the bubble's buff. Even while you are in a stun yourself.


With 3 breakers, bubblestuns and the general tools a Sorc has to kite for at least a moderate amount of time, there is PLENTY of time to call for help before ANYONE will be capable of ninjaing your face.

It's not about the kill.. it's about not losing the node. Sorcs... are hands down #1 for that job.

now thats true. I was more saying a 1v1 duel for node, not stalling for reinforcment.

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Bubblestun works on everyone in melee range, and operatives best of all. I even consider it the #1 counter to dps operatives, because they have absolutely nothing (but resolve, which everyone has) to shrug off its effects (Shroud, leap-immunity in Veng, Force Crush immunity in Fury, etc etc).


If you wanna try and auto-attack someone to death to pop the bubble while out of range of it every time it is up, I guess you can go ahead and try that, it won't work though. Operatives excel at bursting people to pieces (concealment), and simply outlasting them (lethality). Concealment requires melee range to effectively burst someone into oblivion, so you can't really get away with soloing someone at range unless they're a total derp. And any spec of Sorc can kite just as well as a Lethality operative, so you two will basically be running around LoSing and stunning each other until you both want to puke.


When an operative comes to cap a side node, they have a few options, with a Sorc guarding. They can try to ninja it, or they can try to 1v1 the Sorc and take the node with no defenders standing. A Sorc of any spec has enough breakers to prevent the former, and between bubble stun, force speed, and Phase Walk, enough dcds to prevent the latter for an absurdly long time.

no that not what I ment. we use the ranged shot to pop the bubble. thats it. its not like burst is going to work on it anyway.

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[*]If you're playing a Sorc dps and are getting trashed by an operative 1v1 while guarding a node, you are dealing with a l2p issue. Sorc dps has literally all the tools to deal with this situation.


In what world, what META, what patch, has a DPS sorc EVER been able to handle the gods of 1v1s and off-nodeing? Let me edgumacate you random no name shadowlander, or maybe grim can. Sorc has 3 things to deal with an operative; Barrier, Bubble stun (*********** scum), and overload root. Do you happen to know what happens when you're out of "oh **** buttons" on a sorc against a dps operative? You kinda die....relatively fast.....with a knife up the ***.


So no, you do not have ALL the tools to deal with a 1v1 off-node situation against a dps operative (assuming concealment). You sir lack brain cells and should probably go back to school in an attempt to gather them back before you do or say something even more stupid.


O.k, i said my sch-peel, KBYE ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


P.S.; Do you even windowlick? :rak_03:

Edited by Nayrhollis
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in what world a sorc cant be ninjaed ?


I would suggest you to read back a page or 2. It's extremely easy to ninja a tank, however ninjaing a sorc before help arrives is practically impossible. The only shot you have is if your team has enough raw strength to make it impossible for the sorc to receive help without that team losing the node wherever the "big fight" is.

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