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Starting to believe the reviews now?


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Well so far for every 1 support post, i have seen 5 times as many unhappy posts on the forum.


One thing is clear, in 15 years of playing mmo's, i have never seen so much bashing for a game thats just been released.


Thats because the complainers feel the need to complain here on the forums and are NEVER EVER constructive lol.


As for never seeing this many complaints on a new game... AoC lol. That game was riddled with horrible feedback.

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Funny, nearly all the reviews I have read have been positive, and I tend to agree with them. This game's got some rough edges, but I'm definitely having more fun with it than I have with any other MMO at launch.


So yes, I believe the reviews.


When he says 'reviews' he is talking about troll posts on this forum before the wipe.. you remember how the forum went, no?

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Can you blame people for bashing the game a bit?

Bioware knew upfront about some game breaking bugs, in fact some of them have been in game 6 months before release.


Obviously they had some deadline to make but some of these bugs should not be in.

It's not even bashing Bioware when you state that it's just unacceptable that they haven't fixed a game breaking bug while knowing it for such a long time.


They decided the product was good for release.

Just like some companies decidef that releasing a game with a broken DX 11 function is fine (aka game is unplayable) or another big company releases a game that has a blinking cursor and tons of bugs which have not been fixed for 2 months +.


You always got the fanboy crew stating how people whine and that's fine when a game is unplayable at launch.

I guess I got to be a fanboy to understand that.


I kind of expect the obvious crash bugs to be fixed before a release.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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If the negative posts were all like this I'd have no problem. But as it stands, most of them are just dumb whines with no point or substance.


It works both ways.

When people state that they don't like something they need to make a political correct post other wise people call them whiners.

How ever it's in general accepted to state that you disagree with it or like something with out giving any form of explanation.


I don't take either of them serious neither haters or fanboys, both the same type of people just on the other side of the fence.

Think the forum would be a better place with out the two of them.

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It works both ways.

When people state that they don't like something they need to make a political correct post other wise people call them whiners.

How ever it's in general accepted to state that you disagree with it or like something with out giving any form of explanation.


I don't take either of them serious neither haters or fanboys, both the same type of people just on the other side of the fence.

Think the forum would be a better place with out the two of them.


I can't say I disagree. Unfortunately I have seen fanbois posting insulting remarks even in well written threads that have obviously had a fair amount of thought put into them. But, such is the internet I guess :p

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Thats because the complainers feel the need to complain here on the forums and are NEVER EVER constructive lol.


As for never seeing this many complaints on a new game... AoC lol. That game was riddled with horrible feedback.


I played Aoc at release, i dont belive within the first 11days it was like this, the reason being it didnt take less than a week to get to 50 in aoc.

Edited by Elgarr
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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready




Game it self is great


Only problems are the "other MMORPG" Community thats come over and leveling to fast making everything kinda meaningless and worthless


The game it self is amazing and fun and very addictive!


As for game being ready


I can say with out any doubt, the game today has more bugs/issues then it had in the last 4 weeks of beta.


I have no idea what Bioware did to TOR but it did get buggy between beta stoppage and retail start.


The game that was running at end of beta WAS ready for release


So your articles and what not are still a bunch of horse pucky as they were incorrect and inaccurate at the time of creation.

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I played Aoc at release, i dont belive within the first 11days it was like this, the reason being it didnt take less than a week to get to 50 in aoc.


People were awed by Tortage (the first time they went through it), when they got to the mainland...the **** hit the fan. You didn't hit 50 in a week because well there wasn't anything to do, especially passed lvl 30. There is a limit to how many times a day you can grind Villas....

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People see what they want to see I guess.

Some see the good reviews, some see the bad reviews. I've seen them both.

And I see a lot of activity on this forum. So I'm saying it's quiet succesfull.


Have been in games that were horribly bad in the past, and guess what, the forum was as dead as the game.

If you're going to post stuff here anyway, why not start being positive for a change?

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These threads are getting boring.


Imma do a /dance instead of actually replying. You have no concerns, you just want a pat on the back. Here it is:











Unsubbing won't help you, it'll just run you back to where you came from.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready

Peeps unsubbing? You basing that on forum nerd rages? Lolthread

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Peeps unsubbing? You basing that on forum nerd rages? Lolthread


you think we still have the oh-so-mentioned 2m preorders still playing?

try half of that

try even less than half

and going down as we speak


I love your kind of fanbois, but I dont get to enjoy you for long. when official numbers are given and they reflect a reality WAY grimmer than what they expected they fall in depression and dont post ever again

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