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Hood/Mask issue


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Speaking personally, the SOLE reason I picke Twi'lek was from the descriptions, it sounded like the most powerful race in the force.


I have since been told that there is no racial difference in attributes.


It sounds small, but the most important thing about looking like a true force user is having a hood - Twi'lek apparently cant currently have hoods; simple solution, clip the head protrusion when the hood is up!


Its already that way for helmets like [Kallig's Countenance] - when you put that head on the head protrusions are simply "removed". Surely its even more realistic to say that Twi'lek's can fold their protrusions in such a way so they arent vissible with a chest's hood up?

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i also agree, i havent had the same experience in swtor from beta that i have in the real game, there where many things removed from beta like the mask and hood that im really sick about, i want this back. we all do. and changing it on revan is just damn god *********** wrong.
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I'd love to see a toggle hood option for both Imp and Pub factions... Marauders have been asking for hoods up and my Knight wants a hood down option...


My Knight has had her head covered since Coruscant even though my hide head slot is on...


I would like to be able to see my toons head and face better.


Please address these issues with some future fixes.


Thank you.

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Fix it. Signed.


My issue is that many helmets actually look worse without their helmet.


Three examples of NPCs that arguably look worse without their hood are Kallig, Darth Marr, and Revan, who look like their helmets leave their heads bare. In contrast, Kallig's codex entry shows him wearing his helmet and hood together, and it was clearly in beta.


Whatever the problem is, please fix it BW, and make it a higher priority for the nearest patch. Its important to me at least to have the choice to put on hoods and helmets, especially for Sith Inquisitors and Sith Warriors who we have screenshots of having their hood and helmets together and looking much better than with just the helm.

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Fix it. Signed.


My issue is that many helmets actually look worse without their helmet.


Three examples of NPCs that arguably look worse without their hood are Kallig, Darth Marr, and Revan, who look like their helmets leave their heads bare. In contrast, Kallig's codex entry shows him wearing his helmet and hood together, and it was clearly in beta.


Whatever the problem is, please fix it BW, and make it a higher priority for the nearest patch. Its important to me at least to have the choice to put on hoods and helmets, especially for Sith Inquisitors and Sith Warriors who we have screenshots of having their hood and helmets together and looking much better than with just the helm.


I agree with this... especially Revan....

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I'll back this too. I've also seen all the other threads that have died on this same issue so its definitely one that will stick around.


Sure its cosmetic, but it is important enough. I agree with everyone here that it does seem like a simple toggle option like the hide headslot. Leave it to the individual to deicide if the clipping is awful or not. In fact, some clipping might make for some interesting combos.


"Working as intended"? Fail.

Whichever dev 'intended' that should be replaced. Or the PR rookie that wrote it.

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It is one of the things that bothers me.


That it wasn't on Revan was really dissapointing as his mask/hood combo is legendary among the players that know his story.


as a marauder I use hooded armor (PVp atm) with a helm/mask that fits perfectly under it.


It would make characters look so much better.


and if poeple don't like hoods over helments just implement a toggle option for it.

Hoods already dissapear when helms are on, this shouldn't be a big issue to make.

Edited by Mythic_MK_II
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I agree with this topic. Basically the game, at present, needs some more cosmetic options, like the 'wardrobe' functions in other games.


I had a circlet that looked great with a hood, but had to change it for a gimpy-looking headpiece with far better stats. I'd much rather wear the helmet but show the circlet. The same applies to various other bits of armour too.


Also, I sometimes don't want to wear a hood because I prefer my characters tattoos/implants, facial piercings and hairstyle to be on display. I chose them carefully at character creation, after all!

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Where do we go to post shi* that bioware will actually see? I mean this thread is nearly 30 pages long and I have yet to see any bioware response. I for one not only request the hoods with masks, but DEMAND it. It was in beta, and as an inquis Ashara (torguta not twelik but close enough) has centurion chest and the hood looks just fine on her.


LET'S GET THIS FIXED ASAP CUZ 1.2 gear is hideous!



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I also find it weird that the feature to toggle on/off hood isn't in the game.


In the trailers you see NUMEROUS sith having hood on mask, WHY would you have them look bad *** that way and then not have it in game, at least as an option?


So they obviously know it looks good, and they know we do it as well, yet it's not in the game.

Now I know trailers are known to be a bit misleading sometimes, but when it comes to Star Wars and Hoods you have a perfect match.;)


So - /Signed

Edited by XRenegade
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Between this, and the way many of the armors look in general, someone really needs to question the design desicions. It really makes you wonder who looked at all this and said it was good and ship it out? It's like they completely ignored all the excellent aesthetics in KOTOR and tried to do "Star Wars Epsiode 7: Lord of the Rings." Edited by agamemnon-
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There is just one problem with this: severe clipping


When I wear a helmet under a hood, the helmet pokes out from the hood. Heck, I've even seen my character's own hair poke through just a helmet. How sorry is that?

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There is just one problem with this: severe clipping


When I wear a helmet under a hood, the helmet pokes out from the hood. Heck, I've even seen my character's own hair poke through just a helmet. How sorry is that?


True there would be problems but people could just turn off hood if there's particularly bad clipping on some helmets.


The more drastic thing they could do is Item re-designs. They did it in WoW with character models to keep up with new industry standards in graphics. With the way gear looks now I doubt much of them would be missed (especially the crafted gear) if they were to be changed. No reason why they can't do it here. Sure it could take a while, but at least let us know its coming. :mad:

Edited by Abmong
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