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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

WHAT is stopping you form making your own premade ?


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Honestly the best is when you find a player on the enemy team that is annoying. I mean there is annoying as in runs and gets all medpacks on the maps and is guarded with a pocket healer...then there is annoying because they actually are a challenge to kill and they focus you. I try to invite them aftewards if I can.


@ OP --- quite literally nothing and yet I have not been in a premade for years, all the way back to when Dxun Rising was my home, and I was in a "serious" PvP guild.


So yeah...


Let us play spot the hypocrite.

No, never mind.


At this point it matters little as the only time I would get PvP pops (lvl 70) would be when they were followed by a cxp bonus.

And PvP on TRE, which is laughable at best, the same faces, the same legacy names, the same (imp or rep, does not matter) premades, quite simply it has turned into less than a minigame.

The only fun I had was below 70, and no one in their right mind wants to wait up to half an hour for a pop..unless you are a masochist, I could understand that.


Just -- let -- go. The sooner people abandon this sorry excuse for an MMO the sooner we can hope for another (proper) MMO Star Wars game...premades or not.

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Just -- let -- go. The sooner people abandon this sorry excuse for an MMO the sooner we can hope for another (proper) MMO Star Wars game...premades or not.


I tend to think there won't be another Star Wars MMO after this one dies. The mobile gaming and console-based MOBA markets seem to be far more lucrative for a company like EA to sink its development dollars into. Otherwise, I think they would be funding a development team with enough depth to keep on working when key people take a vacation or visit with family.

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I tend to think there won't be another Star Wars MMO after this one dies. The mobile gaming and console-based MOBA markets seem to be far more lucrative for a company like EA to sink its development dollars into. Otherwise, I think they would be funding a development team with enough depth to keep on working when key people take a vacation or visit with family.


I believe that you may be quite right with your statement, but one can dream...or just play something else, no matter how much one enjoys the Star Wars lore, which is the path I have taken.


Honestly though, the topic of premade or not has no argument either way if there is no one left to play with...

Now, people can gladly say that they have no issues regarding pops, if they are on one of the few "centered" servers.

I just do not see the point of switching factions because, once again, a guild has chosen to "have fun together" and is ruining the que times.

If you do not believe it to be so, the more ignorance to you, as this has been my experience on TRE for ONLY the past 2 weeks...


Enjoy it while it lasts, premade or not....

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Yes, and we better not fix what is making people quit.


Because people quitting has not made the Q slow or the population low :rolleyes:


Was trying to answer the question. There's a load of things broken that need fixing. - But we've been complaining for years, and nothing gets acknowledged or done.


I can only ask people th queue, I can't force them. if they wanna team up, that suits me fine. If they end up on my team anyways, that's just as good. - I happen to be with or aginst a lot of familiar faces these days, suggesting that there's only maybe a couple of hundred PvPers still left. only 20 or 30 or so who I guess still PvP daily.

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Been playing since launch, and I played with a great group of people often for a very long time. We formed premades and had a lot of fun and did very well for years. Unfortunately , many of them have lost interest in the game due to the mess this game and pvp have become, and don't log on that much anymore. For me, that was part of the fun, getting together with them in voice chat and pvp together. I find myself logging on less and less, when I do I just que up a few solo matches and call it a day. I really don't feel like trying to find new people to group up with and deal with some of the toxic people. Don't enjoy the game as much as I did to try .
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I play on the red eclipse.... I don't know how my performance can be rated. I not the best when it comes to ranked because that 4v4 environment isn't my for my playstyle, but I am doing pretty well in regs and its what i acutally focus on. I specialize on making unexpected enemy turret and Pylon caps.. anyway..


Your post was very good to read and by the way you've written, you seem like an intelligent person.


I remember that there was a sin in ranked who pissed me off so hard... that I flamed her and added to the ignore list...


A few days ago I saw here on the fleet at PVP terminal and was wearng new armor and I wanted to compliment the new looks, but I couldn't because I was ignoring. I really forgot about it, and I was like.. what the hell ?? I ignored this guy because he made me lose some ranked matches ??:confused:


I removed him from ignore list and I talked to him and he was a real nice person who didnt fit my "expectations" once...


I admit that sometimes in the midst of getting raped by hordes of mercs and snipers... I lose control and let the "hate flow through me"... but it's really stupid.


I totally agree with the fact that for example ranked has much lower population because it literally drives away and discourages newbies from even trying.


I don' t think that this this is the correct attitude PVP-ers should have, but no one can really stop them.


It takes a big person to admit they were wrong and an even bigger person to reach out to the person they had wronged. Good for you. My hat off to you.


The Toxicity that's so prevalent in PVP, God only knows how many people that keeps out of the quece pool. It is the ONLY reason I don't do Ranked. I tried it for a little while, saw the kinda of people that were prevalent [not all, but a lot] and realized I'd end up spending half the time arguing with people in chat because they were being A**holes and I didn't have the personal restraint not to tell them so. A lot of the time it amounts to not much more than good ole Cyber Bullying. In such cases, I'm not interested in reporting, I'm interested in 'hitting back'. Admittedly, that only perpetuates the cycle, I just don't have the personal self control not to.


Letting bygones be bygones is great, but it takes both parties being willing to let it be.

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Well as lovely as it sounds to some. Bioware won't create a solo que. We both know it. All the things that we want that are practical or convenient wont happen. I think we would all rather have cross server and cross faction ques. If we had the players I'd say just try to match teams. If there are groups of two queing, but them against each other. Same with multiple groups of 4. Sadly we have neither the players nor the company behind the game to care.


I agree cross server queces would be an invaluable asset to PVPing in this game, and while I can't agrue so would cross faction quecing, I personally would hate that.


I don't want to be fighting next to a Jedi, I want to be fighting the Jedi. Such a practice kills immersion. Jedi and Sith are polar opposites of each other, and are each others Arch-Enemy.


Do temporary alliances with enemies happen? Of course they do. But for a game like Star Wars and the people who have grown up with and have love for the Star Wars Mythos, Red lightsabers and Green/Blue lightsabers should cross each others.


If you make cross facton queces, you will never see another match of Imps vs Pubs again and Imp vs Pub is the cornerstone of the Star Wars mythos and would be a great loss should that cease to be the case. IMO at any rate.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again - All pubs must die =]

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Running premades is the player's only means of match-making. If you have a group of 4 at least you can guarantee their is only one healer and tank in your ops frame. People that complain about premades should think things through a little better. EA aren't going to introduce match-making to regs, that requires effort. At least if you had 2 premades of 4 in your team you only have 2 heals in your group.

People who complain about premades are simply mad that no-one else wants to play with them, for whatever reason that may be. Anyone who chooses to solo queue has even less reason to complain; you've made your choice, and so have other people who decide to group together.

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Running premades is the player's only means of match-making. If you have a group of 4 at least you can guarantee their is only one healer and tank in your ops frame. People that complain about premades should think things through a little better. EA aren't going to introduce match-making to regs, that requires effort. At least if you had 2 premades of 4 in your team you only have 2 heals in your group.

People who complain about premades are simply mad that no-one else wants to play with them, for whatever reason that may be. Anyone who chooses to solo queue has even less reason to complain; you've made your choice, and so have other people who decide to group together.


If you have such a great group then why don't you run group ranked?


Oh right, because you lose and it is more fun to roll PuGs.

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If you have such a great group then why don't you run group ranked?


Oh right, because you lose and it is more fun to roll PuGs.


A) I don't play with a specific group, I play with whoever happens to be on at the time and isn't already grouped.

B) I want to play a variety of maps.

C) I main a healer, last thing I want is to play against teams of bads like yourself, as I have nothing to do but spectate.

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A) I don't play with a specific group, I play with whoever happens to be on at the time and isn't already grouped.

B) I want to play a variety of maps.

C) I main a healer, last thing I want is to play against teams of bads like yourself, as I have nothing to do but spectate.


RooRider Vs FoamBreaker


Get teams of 4 and take it to outlaws den. Stream it.

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A) I don't play with a specific group, I play with whoever happens to be on at the time and isn't already grouped.

B) I want to play a variety of maps.

C) I main a healer, last thing I want is to play against teams of bads like yourself, as I have nothing to do but spectate.


Gee who do I believe is the "Bad" player here, the guy who quite correctly called the premade chump out for not having the cojones to play premade vs premade, or the guy who thinks when healing is caught up that he should just "spectate"......hmmm....... Easy to tell who doesn't know how to play.

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Running premades is the player's only means of match-making. If you have a group of 4 at least you can guarantee their is only one healer and tank in your ops frame. People that complain about premades should think things through a little better. EA aren't going to introduce match-making to regs, that requires effort. At least if you had 2 premades of 4 in your team you only have 2 heals in your group.

People who complain about premades are simply mad that no-one else wants to play with them, for whatever reason that may be. Anyone who chooses to solo queue has even less reason to complain; you've made your choice, and so have other people who decide to group together.


Actually we're mad that engineered organization almost always renders randoms irrelevant as opposition. You try getting killed instantaneously for a whole evening by people who just have to say "kill sorc" out loud. You're just frightened that your loot farm might get taken away.

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Gee who do I believe is the "Bad" player here, the guy who quite correctly called the premade chump out for not having the cojones to play premade vs premade, or the guy who thinks when healing is caught up that he should just "spectate"......hmmm....... Easy to tell who doesn't know how to play.


You sound really angry, why is that? If people don't want to group with you, perhaps a little self examination is needed. Ask yourself why, perhaps your 1k dps isn't quite as good as you think it is; perhaps it's because you give off a Dahmer-esque vibe. Work on being a better player and a better person, then maybe one day you'll get that purple whisper asking you to join group (rather than asking you to l2p).


Now the important stuff's been said I can reply to your insightful comment. I'm not sure which server you play on, but on my server there's MORE than ONE premade running around at any particular time. They're all over the place, sometimes it's a group of two, maybe a group of three, but they're there; and you're playing against them all the time.

And yeah, I do consider it spectating when not a single player on the opposing team can manage 1k dps. You must enjoy playing against that kind of team, since you're the one that's against premades. I suggest you consider playing in lowbies, that'll be more to your standard.

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I just don't like hearing people talk while I pvp. I'd rather listen to music. Without a mic, premades are pointless, and aren't really any different than solo.


Haha so true. A lot of times when I premade I don't talk to them either. I just like being in a group with like minded people. People who can act and think like a team. Though I do talk, its to the team and I know the people I am with will listen...that is the only difference.


People act like premades are like some Airline Pilot receiving instructions to land by Air Traffic Control with perfect precision of wording, timing, instructions and so on.


Most the time its just pvp like normal but in a group, at least it is for me. No voice comms, no strategic perfect synced Ambush gank at all times with matching ping and fluidity. Just pvp, responding to calls, being aware. When you play with skilled players who aren't letting nodes fall absently minded, focusing a tank instead of a healer...then there isnt a lot of room to communicate. They are doing EVERYTHING I would have said to the 7 other players when I solo qued. Here are some popular phases I end up using.


"Why are 6 people at east when I am fighting 6 people at west?"


"Wrong Endzone."


"Pass the ball."

*10 seconds later*

"You passed it to the enemy"


"CC the *enter class here*"

*watches in horror as door timer hits 7.9 seconds then attacked by a jugg who walked 30m to hit me, absent saber throw and leap*


"Incoming 6"

The other 7 teammates are like pigeons gathering at a bird bath and beyond any location near the door.


"Vote Kick Afk player."

They afk player remains in the zone for the entire match standing around in a corner. Btw YOU CAN KICK THEM. It works.


"Focus target" = Run about and attack various things including force storm on empty spaces.


I actually had that happen once. I was on my op I think and I was destroying this sorc, like the fight was completely in my favor. Instead of making attempt to distance themselves, heal or do more dmg...then turn and try to force storm an empty area in hoping to find the other stealth...uh you have other pressing concerns. It wasn't even in a spot that revealing the stealth would have helped their team.


You ever have those matches where you feel like you tray your hardest but nothing is dying. Sure they have a healer, but your entire team is there..dmg should be happening, targets should be at half life...but nothing. I actually watched this happen and so I escaped combat, took a step back from battle and watched to my horror as my team ran about like they were in a school play for a mock battle. I saw at least 2 players just running around in the battle, free of ability casting. I saw another player standing in acid in huttball fighting and no attempt to leave and was not cc'd. I saw a sorc using saber strike over and over, I saw juggernaughts using similiar auto attacks. I saw another sorc get leaped to and they used barrier at 94% health. I think I quit...I just...why? Are they trying to look busy in hopes good players will carry them...guess they all thought that cause it was so sad that I stopped playing for a few days.


Solo que all you want in your communist system of the good carrying the weight of the rich. Sorry I don't partake in that small slice of pie life. I aim for getting the biggest slice of pie, why should I share what I earn? I will group any day I think it will be more advantageous than to try to carry the burden of 7 bads on my back.

Edited by VixenRawR
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You ever have those matches where you feel like you tray your hardest but nothing is dying. Sure they have a healer, but your entire team is there..dmg should be happening, targets should be at half life...but nothing. I actually watched this happen and so I escaped combat, took a step back from battle and watched to my horror as my team ran about like they were in a school play for a mock battle. I saw at least 2 players just running around in the battle, free of ability casting. I saw another player standing in acid in huttball fighting and no attempt to leave and was not cc'd. I saw a sorc using saber strike over and over, I saw juggernaughts using similiar auto attacks. I saw another sorc get leaped to and they used barrier at 94% health. I think I quit...I just...why? Are they trying to look busy in hopes good players will carry them...guess they all thought that cause it was so sad that I stopped playing for a few days.


Solo que all you want in your communist system of the good carrying the weight of the rich. Sorry I don't partake in that small slice of pie life. I aim for getting the biggest slice of pie, why should I share what I earn? I will group any day I think it will be more advantageous than to try to carry the burden of 7 bads on my back.


Oh Jesus, that sounds terrible. I have wondered why sometimes nothing seems to be taking any damage at all. This could be the explanation.


Yesterday I had something stupid happen that made me realize just how much of a waste of time PuGging is. We had 3 Civil Wars in a row, lost all 3. For the first 2 I thought they were just normal losses. For third I focused on the group's actions. There was either win-trading going on, or the group was moronic, and I can't tell which is worse. We captured snow, Imps had grass, and we moved over to hit mid. Suddenly snow gets capped, I tell the group that they should call incs, and head over to hit snow again. The exact second we get snow, mid is lost. I quickly look at mid, and our defender was just standing there, hiding behind pillars, while 3 imps capped. Again I tell the group that they should call incs and all I get is a whiny comment about how I am raging at them for no reason and they did nothing wrong (I wasn't raging, and standing at a pillar while getting capped with no inc call is literally the definition of wrong).


Finally we just continue playing, and then, well before the point of needing a 3-cap, SIX players start guarding snow, instead of attacking mid and grass. They only start attacking again AFTER we're past the point of needing a 3-cap, and then one of them "attacks" grass. When I go to grass, they're standing there and dancing with the imps.


Then a bunch of people (including the ONE Mando with a brain who was as angry as I was, so his quit was justified, and the 2 idiots who were whining about having the right to not call incs) quit the game. And at the score of 400-20, the game ends due to too few players, and I don't even get my daily reward out of this nonsense.


Seriously, after BS like this, who WOULDN'T premade? I wasn't even raging at the PuGs, just telling them to call incs, and all they do is whine and 6-guard a capped node until the game can't be won. So seriously, anyone who says "premades don't have real skill and are too chickensh*t, that's why they group" can go do solo ranked if they're so godd@mn leet. Leave peasantry like us to the easy stuff like objectives and inc calls.

Edited by EzioMessi
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