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Update on Roadmap


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Her arguments regarding gear matter a great deal [in spirit] to a large segment of the PVP community and are certainly more game effecting than playing dress up with your Ken doll.

And a large portion of US don't give a crap about PvP.

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There seems to be an disagreement on who they should listen to. They should listen to all sides. Whether your do pvp, pve, story, or whatever each person has concerns and downgrading the others is not a way to do it.


My concerns is that some people actually like the new gearing system especially since they don't do pvp or raids. Of course pvp players and raiders are going to say they don't need it. Not entirely correct, if those people are doing the Veteran or Master difficulty rating in the stories, they need the gear just as well.


While pvp and raiders may need the gear faster that doesn't mean they need to go back to the old gearing system, which left a lot of people out. It really doesn't matter what you do you should be able to gear your character in whatever way you play, not by doing stuff you don't like or don't have time for. Yes I know some raiders especially are going to throw a fit, that those people don't need the gear. This is a game and there should always be a way for people to obtain gear in different ways and it shouldn't come down to you need to this or that to do it.


While some classes may need some tweaking and I imagine everyone knows that but it really doesn't matter what they do as someone will ultimately come to the forums and say nerf this class or that class. That has happened since launch.


No one is more important than anyone else and this constant bickering back and forth between the groups needs to stop. We all play and we all have concerns but that doesn't mean our concerns are more important than anyone else's. Each concern is just as relevant.

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There seems to be an disagreement on who they should listen to. They should listen to all sides. Whether your do pvp, pve, story, or whatever each person has concerns and downgrading the others is not a way to do it.

[-Snip for length-]

No one is more important than anyone else and this constant bickering back and forth between the groups needs to stop. We all play and we all have concerns but that doesn't mean our concerns are more important than anyone else's. Each concern is just as relevant.

That would be all well and good if BW had the resources to put out a product that gives enough content to "all the different groups" - but since it appears that they need to pick and choose, it makes sense to agitate in favor of your preferred content.


Now, I certainly don't think the appropriate way to go about advocating for your own preferred style is by denigrating others for having different preferences / tastes than you do. But just because one shouldn't be saying "your content is stupid and you're stupid for liking it!" doesn't mean one shouldn't be saying "that's enough of that content, what they really need to do is make more of this content."

Edited by DarthDymond
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And a large portion of US don't give a crap about PvP.


Motherkriffing signed. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely think PvP balance issues should be addressed... but I personally care a lot more about things like the GSF free ship and being able to customize companions, since I don't PvP much. So I'd appreciate it if the PvP-centric players didn't crap all over the changes being mentioned already just because they're not PvP-centric as well.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Before any new content is release swtor developers need to fix all the gaming issues otherwise it is a pointless excise,


Things like guards getting stuck in the walls, missions locking up in chats to Abilities disappearing while playing the game and programming compatibilities with laptops

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Also world boss fights should have solo achievements those that do not want to group for them with others players waiting around all day just to take down the world boss.


Nerfing characters abilities after each upgrade is not improving the game at all its just pissing off end user,


Also gearing drops getting the same items 3 to 4 times in a row is stupid. and not for the character your on so you can't send it to your other character is also ridiculous.

Edited by Darkrebellord
correct to word mistake
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Before any new content is release swtor developers need to fix all the gaming issues otherwise it is a pointless excise,


Things like guards getting stuck in the walls, missions locking up in chats to Abilities disappearing while playing the game and programming compatibilities with laptops


Exactly. I also think most of us would gladly wait a few weeks or even a month for them to fix everything before adding new content.


They also need to fix the server issues at the moment.

Edited by Icykill_
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Pvp warzones matches are so lopsided too need to be address:


You should be put into groups who have the same rating gear and command ranks or level to rebalance them,


Currently everyone on level 70 just smacked into the same command rank as someone who got tier 3 or 4 gear getting creamed even before you get started.

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All valid points and well taken. I do not think they are OP, I just don't think that they should have the highest theoretical damage is all out of all the classes.


And why not? They are a dps class just like the others. It is not that a scoundrel/operative can dish out meaningful damage while offhealing/rezzing/stealthing/rolling (versus e.g. mara popping speed with good dcd or sniper with dome AND doing damage at the same time).

I think the dps potential of a class should be offset against the raid utilities that can be used while dps-ing.

Edited by quantez
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Positives in this game are:


Command ranks system after reaching level 70 I agree with it.

Design and layout is spot on.

Chapter story lines were great.

Mix of old storyline with newer storyline seem to work great.

Companion recruitment pathways are excellent.

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Some people cannot do simple math, it seems.


It is more accurate to say that you are unable to understand that I am asking if his road map will only be taking us through Calendar year 2017, or will he be giving us a 12 month road map that leads into next June.

A road map that lays out the plans for now through the end of April 2018 would actually map out their plans for their fiscal/funding year (May 1st - April 30th of each year) and would make a lot of sense. Seeing as how the SWTOR team should have just gotten their new annual budget on the first of May creating a 12 month road map with this month being the starting point would give them the ability to align the road map to studio plans, player expectations and the start of their new fiscal budget.

Apparently some people are incapable of either engaging their brain or thinking outside the box...

Edited by RiVaN_
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It is more accurate to say that you are unable to understand that I am asking if his road map will only be taking us through Calendar year 2017, or will he be giving us a 12 month road map that leads into next June.

A road map that lays out the plans for now through the end of April 2018 would actually map out their plans for their fiscal/funding year (May 1st - April 30th of each year) and would make a lot of sense. Seeing as how the SWTOR team should have just gotten their new annual budget on the first of May creating a 12 month road map with this month being the starting point would give them the ability to align the road map to studio plans, player expectations and the start of their new fiscal budget.

Apparently some people are incapable of either engaging their brain or thinking outside the box...


A roadmap that: 1) does NOT cover plans for at least 24 months AND 2) is NOT updated quarterly to reflect ongoing changes or evolution of the roadmap = worthless PR document.


Roadmaps applied as a static document are not very reliable and very often reality will not reflect such a static document.


And worthless PR documents around here are quickly burned and pissed on by the masses.


Based on what they have done in the past with respect to roadmaps... I predict this one too will be essentially worthless. Not to mention that one minute after they do disclose this pending roadmap, it will be picked apart by all the special interest groups who feel upset about what it does and does-not portray. I would love to be wrong about this, but I sincerely doubt it.

Edited by Andryah
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A roadmap that: 1) does NOT cover plans for at least 24 months AND 2) is NOT updated quarterly to reflect ongoing changes or evolution of the roadmap = worthless PR document.


Roadmaps applied as a static document are not very reliable and very often reality will not reflect such a static document.


And worthless PR documents around here are quickly burned and pissed on by the masses.


Based on what they have done in the past with respect to roadmaps... I predict this one too will be essentially worthless. Not to mention that one minute after they do disclose this pending roadmap, it will be picked apart by all the special interest groups who feel upset about what it does and does-not portray. I would love to be wrong about this, but I sincerely doubt it.

The Roadmaps we had been given in the past actually seemed very accurate to me...it's the wishful thinkers who obscured what was promised. Back in 4.0, we were told they were focusing on story...the players said "That's not ALL they'll be doing", not Bioware. Bioware was very forthcoming in their past Roadmaps imo. It's those who think there's so much more than was disclosed who seem to have misread them.

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The Roadmaps we had been given in the past actually seemed very accurate to me...it's the wishful thinkers who obscured what was promised. Back in 4.0, we were told they were focusing on story...the players said "That's not ALL they'll be doing", not Bioware. Bioware was very forthcoming in their past Roadmaps imo. It's those who think there's so much more than was disclosed who seem to have misread them.


to be fair, BW have been good at parsing words to have a little lack of clarity.


Regarding operations, George Smith said:link


"We know that many players love our Operations and look forward to the introduction of new challenges, however with Knights of the Fallen Empire there will not be any new Operations. We felt it was important to first address some of the issues with our Elder Game before moving on to new content. These changes will allow us to be more flexible with how we release new content, as the content no longer needs to be tied to a new gear tier or level cap increase."


So in hindsight, this was totally true. But to a wishful thinker, it reads as they wanted to fix the elder game before releasing new operations. Not just abandon it completely. That was the debate going around in the thread discussing the article. Some thought it just meant no new ops at launch, etc. And BW did nothing to clarify that stance. 108 pages and no comment from them past the initial posting.

Edited by Jamtas
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to be fair, BW have been good at parsing words to have a little lack of clarity.


Regarding operations, George Smith said:link


"We know that many players love our Operations and look forward to the introduction of new challenges, however with Knights of the Fallen Empire there will not be any new Operations. We felt it was important to first address some of the issues with our Elder Game before moving on to new content. These changes will allow us to be more flexible with how we release new content, as the content no longer needs to be tied to a new gear tier or level cap increase."


So in hindsight, this was totally true. But to a wishful thinker, it reads as they wanted to fix the elder game before releasing new operations. Not just abandon it completely. That was the debate going around in the thread discussing the article. Some thought it just meant no new ops at launch, etc. And BW did nothing to clarify that stance. 108 pages and no comment from them past the initial posting.


It seems like there were like 108 forum pages in the pvp forums without a single BW response.

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Roadmaps applied as a static document are not very reliable and very often reality will not reflect such a static document.


And worthless PR documents around here are quickly burned and pissed on by the masses.


Based on what they have done in the past with respect to roadmaps... I predict this one too will be essentially worthless.


I was just asking what time period it would cover, I didn't comment on it's worth/value. I'm simply asking what timeline we should expect it to cover. With each passing day this road map potentially covers a shorter and shorter period of time.

Honestly we have been waiting a long time for this road map and I am starting to believe that Keith is trying to find a way to get people excited to spend money while trying not to let on that the game will be shutting down in the near future.

I'm sure he has to submit his message for approval and the document is stuck in the red tape process before BW/EA will allow it to be published. I mean PR is a real b!**h with a successful product, I'm sure PR in the case of SWTOR these days is a total nightmare!


At this point I would prefer honesty, not more of BW blowing smoke up my posterior...

Edited by RiVaN_
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It seems like there were like 108 forum pages in the pvp forums without a single BW response.


Pretty sure the devs don't read the PvP forums.


Staff has hinted previously that they don't like to comment on the forums as it raises the wrath of the (insert whatever term you want to call the folks around here).

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Motherkriffing signed. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely think PvP balance issues should be addressed... but I personally care a lot more about things like the GSF free ship and being able to customize companions, since I don't PvP much. So I'd appreciate it if the PvP-centric players didn't crap all over the changes being mentioned already just because they're not PvP-centric as well.


While I don't believe that the post you were quoting was stated in a very tactful or respectful manner, I agree with the point I think you were trying to make. I don't PVP, but in fairness I can understand they feel ignored and frustrated. That being said, it does seem like there has been a lot of lashing out at changes that don't focus on PVP. I'm a story player with some rpg tendencies and love my strongholds. Because of that I need to do some PVP to get a certain decoration. With all the reactions I've seen I find myself often anxious about setting foot in the pvp parts of this game. I did post in the pvp forums, and was offered help from some perfectly lovely people. In fact, the last time I checked the thread there hadn't been any nastiness. They are just as kind and willing to help as any other part of the player base, so it's kind of sad that they are being misrepresented here.


I don't really understand why people seem to create this deeply drawn line in the sand when it comes to the different players in this game. Personally, as a story and immersion player, if all I got out of this update was the ability to change Theron's (and presumably other new companions) clothes I would be disappointed, but it would give me something new to play with and I'd be fine with that. Especially, if it was a result of them fixing the PVP issues, which I gather are numerous and pretty game breaking. I can understand wanting something like that fixed. What I don't understand is why there's this them against mentality between the different gaming types. It does not have to be player versus player in the forums and we don't have to attack each other to voice our concerns. It's not a contest to see who gets their way.


The best thing we can do for the survival of this game is to come together as a community and say what we each need, support fixes and additions even when they don't effect our personal game, and exercise respect and patience for our fellow players and the people working on the game. If the forums are nothing but people constantly complaining eventually our concerns will be tuned out completely. Does this mean we shouldn't voice concerns and address problems? Certainly not, but the bickering and self interest isn't going to bring about positive change.

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While I don't believe that the post you were quoting was stated in a very tactful or respectful manner, I agree with the point I think you were trying to make. I don't PVP, but in fairness I can understand they feel ignored and frustrated. That being said, it does seem like there has been a lot of lashing out at changes that don't focus on PVP. I'm a story player with some rpg tendencies and love my strongholds. Because of that I need to do some PVP to get a certain decoration. With all the reactions I've seen I find myself often anxious about setting foot in the pvp parts of this game. I did post in the pvp forums, and was offered help from some perfectly lovely people. In fact, the last time I checked the thread there hadn't been any nastiness. They are just as kind and willing to help as any other part of the player base, so it's kind of sad that they are being misrepresented here.


I don't really understand why people seem to create this deeply drawn line in the sand when it comes to the different players in this game. Personally, as a story and immersion player, if all I got out of this update was the ability to change Theron's (and presumably other new companions) clothes I would be disappointed, but it would give me something new to play with and I'd be fine with that. Especially, if it was a result of them fixing the PVP issues, which I gather are numerous and pretty game breaking. I can understand wanting something like that fixed. What I don't understand is why there's this them against mentality between the different gaming types. It does not have to be player versus player in the forums and we don't have to attack each other to voice our concerns. It's not a contest to see who gets their way.


The best thing we can do for the survival of this game is to come together as a community and say what we each need, support fixes and additions even when they don't effect our personal game, and exercise respect and patience for our fellow players and the people working on the game. If the forums are nothing but people constantly complaining eventually our concerns will be tuned out completely. Does this mean we shouldn't voice concerns and address problems? Certainly not, but the bickering and self interest isn't going to bring about positive change.


Clarification: The "line" between PvP and PvE players is drawn by the raging children that play only one of the two. I myself can understand the frustration of PvP players, though I don't like PvP as much as PvE (however I don't lash out when I don't get more story/PvE). As you stated, there is a lot of lashing out by those that play both sides. When PvP things are mentioned, the PvE player rages. When PvE things are mentioned, the PvP player rages. Instead of having and exercising self control, they needlessly lash out anywhere as if it accomplishes something. Between the ragers and those that spread misinformation, the line is thus drawn.


Statement: There are those in my guild that prefer one type over the other, but they don't go lashing out and are very helpful and fun people to play with. Anyone with the ability to step back and think knows this.


Statement: Regarding your conclusion, I agree with it 100%. It's the very thing I've said many many times before. The "me first" attitude is becoming more prevalent.

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I just wanted to voice my concerns, here.


I'm worried that an increase in piloting speed limits is just asking for more traffic collisions. Our - already bad and crazy - drivers will only become worse and crazier. I foresee many insurance premiums going up - even for good drivers.


I'm against increased speed limits, because of safety concerns.... And we still haven't got the traffic lights installed at major intersections. When are we gonna get the traffic citation droids we were promised to help maintain safety?


Also, some of the maps aren't even big enough to justify faster speed limits... But that's another discussion....

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I just wanted to voice my concerns, here.


I'm worried that an increase in piloting speed limits is just asking for more traffic collisions. Our - already bad and crazy - drivers will only become worse and crazier. I foresee many insurance premiums going up - even for good drivers.


I'm against increased speed limits, because of safety concerns.... And we still haven't got the traffic lights installed at major intersections. When are we gonna get the traffic citation droids we were promised to help maintain safety?


Also, some of the maps aren't even big enough to justify faster speed limits... But that's another discussion....

So, what I read from your comments is we need to offer a new Character Perk - "Vehicle Collision Prevention". I'll look into it. <grin>
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So, what I read from your comments is we need to offer a new Character Perk - "Vehicle Collision Prevention". I'll look into it. <grin>


Confirmed: Mounts will spontaneously explode in 5.3 if you don't buy insurance for 50cc/mo!


I kid, I do appreciate the tongue in cheek humour! Don't let these boards take that away from you ; )

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So, what I read from your comments is we need to offer a new Character Perk - "Vehicle Collision Prevention". I'll look into it. <grin>


Please! As a person with the largest collection of Jedi Civil War era (and earlier) items in the galaxy, my insurance costs are already sky high on my Taris Swoop bike replica (The Kakkran Daggerstar). With this Cehicle Collision Prevention perk, I would save quite a few credits a month on my insurance.


Thanks Keith :p

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