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Who is the Traitor?


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That's Revan. I'm pretty sure.


what would revan have to gain by warning you of future events? and what reason would revan have to kill you for especially in knowing how valuable you are to the galaxy? why would this man who spent his whole life fighting, suddenly wish to give up on that and kill the only fighting chance left?


none of it makes any sense regardling revan.

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Satele would make sense, because it appears that BW is killing off all major original NPCs of Swtor. Saresh. Acina. Malcolm. All the ones before. I have the feeling that this is all on purpose. Satele would make sense from that point of view. But then again, my e. g. Warrior neither trusted her, now was she close to her nor anything.


I don't think it can be a companion we already have. BW knows that players disapprove of having companions they showered with gifts go away (Odessen summoning machine aside) in a forced fashion (not by own choice). Theron or Lana would make a lot of sense because all chars are forced to actually be close to them / trust them, but the hatred BW would get for pulling that off... it would be a stupid idea.


The Scions would make sense from a story perspective, but the way the traitor was presented doesn't fit.


Tora would also make sense, because she is presented throughout KotFE/KotET as someone who is a fixed part of your crew. Even if you as the player dislike her, your char cannot do anything about it, except maybe some not-so-friendly lines. But it can be assumed that the Outlander is OK with her. That said, BW would make me a very sad panda if they choose Tora for that, so I hope this won't happen. ;) I also don't know a reason why she should do that in the first place.


I can imagine that we will get introduced to the traitor during the next chapter(s) and that it will be a former companion. Tyth then would have spoken about the future as the present. Time probably is irrelevant for him. Would it make sense from a story perspective? I don't know. Probably not.


Revan is always an option. I also wouldn't rule out the bass viol player from Raz and the Ubo-Kings.

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Gemini Prime is the perfect conduit, and she's sitting in your base...

This is the one I forgot in my list of suspects earlier which gives me a list of 10 (including 2 joke ones):

  • Satele (prime suspect)
  • Gemini Prime (who may be under Juvard Illip Oggurobb's or SCORPIO's control)
  • Jaesa
  • Zenith
  • Scions (one or more of them)
  • Brennan (Heralds of Zildrog - though unlikely as involving the Heralds would not make sense)
  • Thea
  • Sana Rae (she's very smile-in-your-face-stab-you-in-the-back & was the only one of the 4 to have side questions)
  • C2-N2 (joke)
  • 2V-R8 (joke)

Theron and Lana are not above suspicion either. I thought the hooded figure looked like they had a mechanical hand and other than Arcann & the ship droids (which I don't think is likely) Gemini Prime could be the one, though Satele is still highest for me.

We need the Homicide Hunter!

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For it to be a traitor it has to be someone in your alliance. Else the witch hunt that can be started would mark Lana and Theron as too stupid to be allowed to live. I think that they say it had to be someone close to the throne, I take that to be connect to you and your alliance and not just that they were standing near it when it went off.


This rules out everyone from class stories or people that are not part of the inner circle. You couldn't have Marr, Malgus, Satele or Jaesa or the Heralds, Scions, etc mostly because its been stated it someone in your ranks but also because none of those people would be a traitor. After Chapter 8 nobody is working with the Heralds they almost got you killed so they can't turn round and be betraying you.


The most obvious choices aside from that they he may be dead is Arcann. If you let him in his already sat on the throne once, a few mystical words isn't going to change a life time of being a ****.


Next is SCORPIO she betrayed you once and if you are stupid enough to forgive her why wouldn't she do it again, she doesn't value humans or any organic and you have already proven you are so weak you let he do as she pleases.


The same goes for Senya, Koth, Kaylio who all are untrustworthy and yet you welcome them in with open arms like a chump. They would probably see your utter stupidity as justification for betraying you.


What it can't be is someone who doesn't have access to your inner circle, because 3rd technician from the right didn't betray you and would not have been in a position to sneak in to do anything.

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For it to be a traitor it has to be someone in your alliance. Else the witch hunt that can be started would mark Lana and Theron as too stupid to be allowed to live. I think that they say it had to be someone close to the throne, I take that to be connect to you and your alliance and not just that they were standing near it when it went off.


This rules out everyone from class stories or people that are not part of the inner circle. You couldn't have Marr, Malgus, Satele or Jaesa or the Heralds, Scions, etc mostly because its been stated it someone in your ranks but also because none of those people would be a traitor. After Chapter 8 nobody is working with the Heralds they almost got you killed so they can't turn round and be betraying you.


The most obvious choices aside from that they he may be dead is Arcann. If you let him in his already sat on the throne once, a few mystical words isn't going to change a life time of being a ****.


Next is SCORPIO she betrayed you once and if you are stupid enough to forgive her why wouldn't she do it again, she doesn't value humans or any organic and you have already proven you are so weak you let he do as she pleases.


The same goes for Senya, Koth, Kaylio who all are untrustworthy and yet you welcome them in with open arms like a chump. They would probably see your utter stupidity as justification for betraying you.


What it can't be is someone who doesn't have access to your inner circle, because 3rd technician from the right didn't betray you and would not have been in a position to sneak in to do anything.


You are making too many light side assumptions mate. On my playthrough these characters:


- Senya

- Koth

- Kaliyo

- Many many many more....


Are all dead. Yes, I killed them. SO again, it's either a NPC or a companion yet to be introduced in the new story content.

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I think the traitor has to be Theron or Lana. It makes the most sense. If you sided with the Empire the traitor is Theron if you side with the Republic the traitor is Lana. Characters like Lana and Theron are kind of wasted like they are right now plus there are no other characters that all of us have trusted more than Lana or Theron. Will it be unpopular yes, but that has not stopped them in the past from taking companions from us. Besides we have to many companions as it is.
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You are making too many light side assumptions mate. On my playthrough these characters:


- Senya

- Koth

- Kaliyo

- Many many many more....


Are all dead. Yes, I killed them. SO again, it's either a NPC or a companion yet to be introduced in the new story content.


I fully agree they can't be the traitor because they are dead or could be dead. Same goes for Vette or Torian or Quinn or Elara or any of the uprising , Which is why the story will make so little sense because the people that would betray you wont and it will end up being anti-climatic as its one of your supply officers or stupid in being Lana or Theron who are in charge of the alliance anyway. We do what they tell us why would they need to try and betray us.


As for Lana or Theron that makes no sense either because the betrayal happened before you picked a side, so they can't justify it with we you sided with x or y. They are the one that lured everyone there so the wheels were in motion without knowing who you would side with.

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Every single one on this thread is wrong...


The traitor is noone you have among your crews, nor are they from the Empire or Republic.


The traitor is...


The Zakuulian Scions.


If you pay VERY, VERY close attention during that cutscene, you can see in the clearest of detail the robe bottom of the traitor.


Later on during that same cutscene, you see that exact robe being worn by the Zakuulian Scions that tell you of the Mechanical Gods.


They are forcing their own prophecy to be fulfilled by using you as the bait to call upon the Iokathian Gods.


You are welcome.

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Every single one on this thread is wrong...


The traitor is noone you have among your crews, nor are they from the Empire or Republic.


The traitor is...


The Zakuulian Scions.


If you pay VERY, VERY close attention during that cutscene, you can see in the clearest of detail the robe bottom of the traitor.


Later on during that same cutscene, you see that exact robe being worn by the Zakuulian Scions that tell you of the Mechanical Gods.


They are forcing their own prophecy to be fulfilled by using you as the bait to call upon the Iokathian Gods.


You are welcome.


1) Not everyone in this thread is wrong - The Scions have been mentioned more than once.

2) The Scions makes no sense at all from a Story point of view because a) they are NOT a part of our inner circle, b) they have already betrayed us once, so why would we not expect them to again, and c) no one but the most naive light-sider ever trusted them anyway.


If it is the Scions it is appallingly bad story writing - even worse than the Trooper storyline.


All The Best

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1) Not everyone in this thread is wrong - The Scions have been mentioned more than once.

2) The Scions makes no sense at all from a Story point of view because a) they are NOT a part of our inner circle, b) they have already betrayed us once, so why would we not expect them to again, and c) no one but the most naive light-sider ever trusted them anyway.


If it is the Scions it is appallingly bad story writing - even worse than the Trooper storyline.


All The Best


Sorry, I just read back and see the Scions were mentioned, however, your first point of #2 is wrong for this one reason...


They are in your inner circle simply because they directly serve the Emperor of the Galaxy, which previously was Valkorian, whom you killed and assumed his role, making them now your Zakuulian Scions.


From a story perspective, yes, it is totally wrong, stupid, and totally out of left field, but there it is...


The evidence is as plain as day, if you very closely watch the cutscene, start to finish.


They ARE the guilty party with zero doubt.

Edited by ThadiusMoor
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ThadiusMoor is right, it is the Scions. It makes sense. The writers are just trying to "not give the surprise" away by making us believe it is someone we are close to - - kinda like when you watching a TV series and the main character dies in the season finale. Is he really dead? Hell, naw! They just want you to get pumped up for the next season, where they will find some magical way to "revive" your dead protagonist.


BTW this whole Iokath Crap makes no sense. So, the fact that the Scions are close to you and betrayed you is right up that alley.


Furthermore, these "Gods" are the mythical Gods of ancient Zakuul. No doubt the scions believe that by making you "sacrifice prime" the Gods will restore Zakuul to its former glory. It's not so bad, if you think about it. The writers just did a poor job of misdirection. They should have just let Tyth said we were deceived, and then let our character jump to the conclusion that it is someone close to us.


Edited by Yezzan
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Here's the thing and I'm going to off a bit. When I asked Lana to keep tabs on everyone I got a mail from Beywan complaining how could I done this. What kind of BS is this? This is how the former head of Sith Intelligence works? This is a really sloppy job from a top spy.


And a real sloppy story telling. Unless Beywan is the traitor, because how could he knew? No really, even than, it's sloppy story telling.

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here's the thing and i'm going to off a bit. When i asked lana to keep tabs on everyone i got a mail from beywan complaining how could i done this. What kind of bs is this? This is how the former head of sith intelligence works? This is a really sloppy job from a top spy.


And a real sloppy story telling. Unless beywan is the traitor, because how could he knew? No really, even than, it's sloppy story telling.


bw's infinite stupidity.

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Here's the thing and I'm going to off a bit. When I asked Lana to keep tabs on everyone I got a mail from Beywan complaining how could I done this. What kind of BS is this? This is how the former head of Sith Intelligence works? This is a really sloppy job from a top spy.


And a real sloppy story telling. Unless Beywan is the traitor, because how could he knew? No really, even than, it's sloppy story telling.


That Beywan thing annoyed me too. Why does he even know they're doing surveillance xD The whole point is to catch the "traitor" unawares.

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2) The Scions makes no sense at all from a Story point of view because a) they are NOT a part of our inner circle, b) they have already betrayed us once, so why would we not expect them to again, and c) no one but the most naive light-sider ever trusted them anyway.


If it is the Scions it is appallingly bad story writing - even worse than the Trooper storyline.




If it is the scions I am going to literally LOL as it's the most transparently stupid option for betrayal. *No one* trusted them in the first place. It would be the apex of bad writing. Of course, that means it's probably the scions.

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Yes. The minimum is an option to kill Lana for this. She was assigned a job to do, she blew it, off with her head. That's how I roll with my alliance commander.


Lana is not the one doing the surveillance.

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I just assumed I was monitoring everyone in the first place. I have the former head of Sith Intelligence and The Cute Spy Boy as my two bff's, why wouldn't they be monitoring everyone? That's why I kept them around!!!! They are *so* bad at their jobs. The only choice in that situation should have been to either spare Lana or punch her in the face for admitting she hadn't been doing it.
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That Beywan thing annoyed me too. Why does he even know they're doing surveillance xD The whole point is to catch the "traitor" unawares.


Did you read bw writing handbook 101?


The smart leaders doesn't actually lead and when you spy on a whole group of people, you make sure to tell your other leaders so they can weigh in.



Edited by Quraswren
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I see a bunch of people guessing it's someone who's not shown up yet. That just makes little sense to me. How can they betray you if you don't know them. Keep in mind it has to be someone all classes know and are presumed to be an ally with. I think Satele is one who it could be, but it does not fit in anywhere. Choices given for interaction with her made it where you did not have to care or trust in her to begin with. Looked female to me, but not sure if that's just their way of bringing back romance crew members. If so it's Jaesa for me. Ranos and Vette both stated how far out there she became. I was leaning toward it being Vette or Torian depending on who you allowed to die at Vaylin's hands, but that female body model would not make sense as I let Torian take one for the team. Unless **** got weird upon his return. As for Sana-Rae...could be. We have had extra convo's with her in the past and she was on Voss as well but she did not seem to upset at all the destruction so why would she now? Could be Vaylin herself back from the dead and a way to have her as a comp because so many liked her brand of psycho. IDK who it could be. Will suck though if it turns out to be as I think a return of our main romance crew member. I kinda wanted them all on at least one, but then again Vik , M1/or Pierce for Pubs already ruined that chance. Would be cool if it's Zoom using her, it's proxy ability and is still the Shroud. But that would only work for those who got her I guess. Still she needs to be able to use that ability. Like the probe droids celebrate and reboot sequence. Anyway...... It'll probably just be some random NPC you've passed in your base a hundred times and mean very little to you personally but can be seen as a betrayal because they did serve in your alliance.
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