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No room for Casual PVPers


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It does suck, but the issue is more complex than that. You have to understand that objective based pvpers have no outlet for competitive objective pvp anymore. So we have to play regs to play it. Some people get frustrated that their fun is also being ruined by people who don't perform up to their lvl. While this isn't good, blame shouldn't just be put on the players. Bioware are ultimately responsible for this situation and no matter how much we ask, beg or point this out to them, they just won't give us back Ranked 8 man.

Yes, some people take regs seriously, it's their only outlet for their pvp.


Exactly, I think the OP is missing the point. Some of us only have a few hours a night to game and when we get on we are going to 4m or even queue sync if we can. I love having 6 or more in group. Solo queueing you are often put into unwinnable games. With a reward of 2 or 3 UC's for a 15-20 minute game, especially if pubs take one node with their 3 healers 2 tanks and refuse to lose quickly, instead choose to lose slowly and make us spend almost 30 minutes in one game, it is pretty exhausting...

Edited by PoshTS
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Oh, you are talking about being an AFKer?


I was talking about winning :p


EDIT: Also comparing the lowest tier or PvP to the highest tier of PvE, deceptive much?


This is such an old *********** yawn argument honestly.


As someone who has done both aspects at the highest level in 2 different games I can safely say that you won't be walking into an operation unprepared and be the star. Neither will anyone focussed heavily on operations walk into any PvP instance and do as well as seasoned veterans.


It's different. Any other argument is DoA.



What I WILL say is that I think any veteran PvPer generally has an edge stepping into PvE since they tend to know what other classes are capable of a bit better. Then again.. that hardly goes for all PvPers, especially the ones in this game.

Edited by Evolixe
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VixenRawR, the terms "casual" and "hardcore" have been around since LONG before Rift.


The terms are poor at best because the range of play is not binary. A third term "casualcore" has gotten thrown around as well but even that is not a good term.


The terms are both generally derogatory used by the "other side" to describe something they are not:


  • Those who do not make a game part of their lifestyle call those who do make a game part of their lifestyle as "hardcore"
  • Those who do make a game part of their lifestyle call those who do not make a game part of their lifestyle as "casual"


This week's Extra Creditz video on youtube discusses "

" and MMOs definitely fall into that category. Which is why I am using the terms I am using.
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You have to admit it's scripted play and if people know where to stand and their rotations, then any challenge wears off fast.

At least with pvp it's always different.

I know back when I did the occasional OPs with a guild I was in that I found it extremely boring and easy. If the current OPs have been dumbed down like the rest of the pve content, then it maybe a face role. But without testing it I can only speculate.


Scripted, yes. Identical, not really. But it doesn't matter.

The reality is the number of people actually capable of fully clearing those NiM ops is very very low. Hell, hard mode Master and Blaster will wipe most groups. I wonder how many can even make it past the first phase, lol


I honestly don't get this pvp'er self-flattery attitude comes from. The amount of facepalming dumb stuff pvp'ers do on an hour basis is astonishing. Seriuosly.

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I consider myself a "casual" PVPer because I do not play ranked. That doesn't mean I don't take PVP seriously, because I do. I grind for my gear, I read up and research when I'm offline, and I make it a point to learn from and not repeat my mistakes. But, I also try to keep things in perspective, and I try to remember that it's just a game, with real people behind the pixels.


I think it's all a question of how respectful people are being, and that goes both ways. Someone who joins a WZ for lulz and makes no attempt to play well has no respect for the people who do. They are no better than someone who takes a video game waaaaaay too seriously and starts trolling someone who may be trying their best, but just doesn't have the knowledge, experience or skill to do well. Plenty of blame to go around for everyone, methinks.

Edited by Kurj
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It's honestly very simple.

If you're joining a PvP game, no matter if it's ranked or not.. people will expect you to do what you can.

Since really.. if you just want to farm numbers you might as well sit on a dummy or go do some PvE.


If you enter a Warzone of any kind, the only point.. literally, is to win it. So if you're not trying, then why are you playing?


The whole "it's just regs bro" argument is so horrendously dumb in itself. It doesn't make any sense.

Just because there isn't a number tied to it for epeen showoff doesn't mean it's grounds to be a total asswipe to the rest of the team.


People just use it as an excuse when they do stupid bad stuff like interrupting CC that would grant the team the upper hand towards a win. Even when I'm "not trying" I won't be interrupting peoples CC when they are capping pylons. Why in the gosh darn world would I want to do that? Oh yeah.. I love getting less gear tokens at the end of a game. Yummy.



"It's just regs bro" people are retarded.

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It's honestly very simple.

If you're joining a PvP game, no matter if it's ranked or not.. people will expect you to do what you can.

Since really.. if you just want to farm numbers you might as well sit on a dummy or go do some PvE.


If you enter a Warzone of any kind, the only point.. literally, is to win it. So if you're not trying, then why are you playing?


The whole "it's just regs bro" argument is so horrendously dumb in itself. It doesn't make any sense.

Just because there isn't a number tied to it for epeen showoff doesn't mean it's grounds to be a total asswipe to the rest of the team.


People just use it as an excuse when they do stupid bad stuff like interrupting CC that would grant the team the upper hand towards a win. Even when I'm "not trying" I won't be interrupting peoples CC when they are capping pylons. Why in the gosh darn world would I want to do that? Oh yeah.. I love getting less gear tokens at the end of a game. Yummy.



"It's just regs bro" people are retarded.


Yes, thank god other dedicated pvpers feel this way 😊

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the entire game is casual now, unless you're on harb or euro servers


you can be casual and still improve, at least in regs. i'm super, super casual now yet I still try to do my best. if anything, I play far better when there's no stress.


I mean people aren't going to, you know, switch to DPS sorc or die to you with cooldowns available just because you're "casual"


sounds more like laziness


it takes 1-2 months to learn the basics if you pvp a couple hours a day. nobody expects you to be a god, so don't stress it. I giggle when people stun into entrench or net me and then mez me, but I don't exactly plaster it all over ops chat or let it count against them.


there's always stronghold RP

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Because some of us do exclusively this content, that's why your "let's frolick through the forests" attitude is annoying people. It'll be the same pretty much everywhere-- you can't police social interaction, you only arrive at a circumstance where there isn't any more.


tl;dr Get over it, sunshine

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I've been playing PVP since launch and this just sounds like "wah why is everyone taking pvp so serious? It's only regs omg *** its supposed to be chill". I have a few suggestions.


1. You should not give a **** about someone giving you crap in wz. **** em. You're paying your own subscription right.

2. Don't queue. Not for the weak of heart.

3. Don't need PVE carebears in PVP. **** your daily quests and everyone elses.

4. Every wz map clearly has an objective. The way you make it sound is like youre running around aimlessly not going for objectives so everyone is getting pissed off at you. Sitting on the node defending is about the most "casual" thing you can do and no one will give you **** for it.


Sorry but this thread is dumb. I mean seriously?.

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It's honestly very simple.

If you're joining a PvP game, no matter if it's ranked or not.. people will expect you to do what you can.

Since really.. if you just want to farm numbers you might as well sit on a dummy or go do some PvE.


If you enter a Warzone of any kind, the only point.. literally, is to win it. So if you're not trying, then why are you playing?


The whole "it's just regs bro" argument is so horrendously dumb in itself. It doesn't make any sense.

Just because there isn't a number tied to it for epeen showoff doesn't mean it's grounds to be a total asswipe to the rest of the team.


People just use it as an excuse when they do stupid bad stuff like interrupting CC that would grant the team the upper hand towards a win. Even when I'm "not trying" I won't be interrupting peoples CC when they are capping pylons. Why in the gosh darn world would I want to do that? Oh yeah.. I love getting less gear tokens at the end of a game. Yummy.



"It's just regs bro" people are retarded.


It is not about winning or loosing, but about the expectation of what type of player you will team with ( if pug) or what type of player your opponent is.


Let say I am a fairly active PVP focused player, with some skill to match, so I decide to to go to the warzone ( any of them), and today I am going through GF alone, so I'll end up with a pug group.

Now get things rumbling and one guy in the group does everyting under the sun wrong, and seems to be slow to catch on to "help", but at least it is not a chewing out from anyone yet.

Two more matches and the guy is gone.......or I am.

Now next time pugging, same issue, another guy...so I begin to complain about it.

I feel that it hurts MY fun, MY time playing, MY limits MY MY MY MY and MY.


I feel all the rage, but I forget this ONE thing, maybe even I didn't know about it.

It is an introductory feature for most, and desptie most focused PVPer's lack of mental capacity to understand, the WZs were ment to have "EVERYONE" in them, so all te PVPers blights will and should go unheard, in those regards.


It is so that Bioware have made WZs accessable on lvl 10, now by going there you do NOT have gear, so any and ALL gear related issues in WZ's should be laid dead at the door.

Now with many players pugging in to see what this is about, or try it for those that "knows" more the WZ's are, will be and are MEANT TO BE full of everyting, and most of it to fit in the focused PVPers worst experience nightmare.


However it turns out there is a more "serious" pat of PVP here, meant to more facilitate the focused PVP player base, allowing them a place to NOT have to worry too much about running into "too many " newbie players and those not really interested in PVP, but in te WZ for the XP, the coms or what not.


However due to a "lack in content" the pvp community stays away, and becuse of their CHOISE to stay away they at the same time feel it some "RULES OF THE GAME" LAWS that give them then the right to basiclly tresspass and occupy the regular WZ, chasing away those that the areas was meant for....and then say it is our right becuse the other content was so boring, or lacking in some areas......SO WHAT!


I didn't like iokath all that much, maybe I should found a guild, ave ALL of us ONLY go to som WZ nd have OUR iokath there, after all we are unhappy with the content there, so it is OUR right to then go elsewhere and play this, even in the wrong place.


So what is the "only" thing the PVPers in my opinion should do on SWTOR, play RANKED; or be NICE, meaning yes you can win, want to win........but accept that it is YOU and not the under-geared "knowng nothing at all what soever, and hard to talk to" player that you pugged with who are in the "wrong zone" so Accept them, or leave your self.

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I've been playing PVP since launch and this just sounds like "wah why is everyone taking pvp so serious? It's only regs omg *** its supposed to be chill". I have a few suggestions.


1. You should not give a **** about someone giving you crap in wz. **** em. You're paying your own subscription right.

2. Don't queue. Not for the weak of heart.

3. Don't need PVE carebears in PVP. **** your daily quests and everyone elses.

4. Every wz map clearly has an objective. The way you make it sound is like youre running around aimlessly not going for objectives so everyone is getting pissed off at you. Sitting on the node defending is about the most "casual" thing you can do and no one will give you **** for it.


Sorry but this thread is dumb. I mean seriously?.


It is dumb, but imo it is only dumb because the ones I feel are forgetting this is simply "regs" are the ones taking it seriously.


Last I pvped was shortly after new years, yes it is a long time , I am a very casual pvper, but WHEN or even IF I PVP I want like everyone else to have fun.


It is NOT up to me to NOT queue to regualar pvp, as regular pvp is meant for players like me, as well.

Tis means that since EVERY TYPE of players, form those that just stands in a corner jumping up and down, to those that makes OTHERS see how hard they try, and in the regular zones this is what to expect.


So I would say that a pvp focused player should simply NOT queue up if they want to avoid , those that do nothing in all the "nothing" ways......is is basically the same thing.


I say if everyone realize where they are, then the ones that do seem like "they don' give a SHI....." and then messes up for the team, will always be there, and there is only thing to be done to avoid them, not queue, or........admit some defeat, get some weeks of counselling mybe go see a therapist for some weeks, by queue to RANKED,


After all it seems to me only logical that to get more an better ranked content then it should be a need for it, now it seems the main need for the pvp playerbase is to somehow "OWN" a feature on the game meant for actually ANOTHER player group...


Go figure.

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I would never condone someone abusing you verbally or in chat about your abilities, but I would suggest not queuing for PvP if you're not there to compete. It's supposed to be competitive, and you should be "in it to win it." Casual and PvP just don't work together. If you insist on PvPing because, you know, you pay for the game and all, change your attitude towards your approach. Your job is to provide protection to your team, heal your team or beat down the other team while you work towards objectives, and to be as great as you can be at it. If that can't be your attitude and approach, I don't want you on my team, and neither does anyone else.
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This post, i feel like i am talking to my 7 year old who gives up in the middle of a race because it is too hard. Casual does not mean you dont try your best. In every single MMO that i have played pvp (and pve for that matter) has always required a bit of knowledge ,usually found via videos or third party sites, and i do not think it is too much to ask of anyone that they should at least have a basic Desire to win!


In your post you say you dont care if you win or lose because you are casual, what does casual have to do with winning or losing. casual means you dont play alot. it does not mean you have the right not to try your best, and if that means looking up info in videos or the games forums, you should do it.


I personally hate arenas in this game, i never wanted them in this game from the beginning and because of that i chose to only do regs, when 8v8 ranked was a thing i definitely brought my team and we did pretty good. Since the developers thought it was a good idea to remove 8v8 ranked and implement arenas i will take my skill and my knowledge into regs and expect everyone to Do there best. i expect people to want to win and avoid losing.


All that being said in the lowbie bracket i dont expect much msot people are new to the game or at the very least new to the class they are playing( and said classes dont even have most of the abilities). even in the mid bracket i dont expect much for the same reasons for lowbies. At Level 70 i fully expect players to have at least learned what the class can do, i expect them to try and win and care about winning. This has nothing to do with wasting my time or anything of that nature, it is purely about expecting a level of competence.


Do i expect you to be as good as i am? no not at all. Do i expect you to be perfect? never. I am willing to teach or answer any questions after the warzone. I also do not run my mouth off in chat at people who perform badly. i have even been known to whisper a person in game and suggest things to them.


I expect anyone who has played this game long enough to get to max level(boost or not) to want to try there best and to try to win.


while i am patient with my 7 year old and am instilling a never give up mentality in him. people shouldnt have to do that in game for you.

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Man i feel silly


i feel like this guy is seriously purposely trying to make people angry with this thread, it almost feels tailor made to piss everyone off. i know there is a word for that but im drawing a blank. Op you have defintiely got a good sense of humor i dont think i can take you seriously , there is no way this is a an honest opinion.

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I would never condone someone abusing you verbally or in chat about your abilities, but I would suggest not queuing for PvP if you're not there to compete. It's supposed to be competitive, and you should be "in it to win it." Casual and PvP just don't work together. If you insist on PvPing because, you know, you pay for the game and all, change your attitude towards your approach. Your job is to provide protection to your team, heal your team or beat down the other team while you work towards objectives, and to be as great as you can be at it. If that can't be your attitude and approach, I don't want you on my team, and neither does anyone else.


i disagree with casual and pvp not going together , as i am of the belief that just because you are casual does not make you bad or unskilled it is just a limitation of your time. but i do agree with the rest of what you wrote:)

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i disagree with casual and pvp not going together , as i am of the belief that just because you are casual does not make you bad or unskilled it is just a limitation of your time. but i do agree with the rest of what you wrote:)


Well yeah. The denotation the OP referred wasn't just logging on occasionally or having limited time. He wants to have a relaxed story time and doesn't care about winning. That's crap.


OP, learn your class the best you can, and play balls-out. PvP is not for the chill bro.

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I have been frustrated for years with PVp here on SWTOR.

It really took me a while to really identify what I at least feel the problem is.

Let me first introduce my PVP self. I am a very casual PVPer, more concerned with having fun, learning a trick or two then I am with how I perform in the eyes of others, my PVP is not at all competative in nature, to me it is about the fun and the experience.


With how the system works, we are introduced to PVP at level 10, generally wen we finish the start planet we go to a WZ for the introduction, and for players new to the game, to get a tase of the feature.

All this is great and makes a lot of sense, and a brilliant way to peak player's intrest in a game's feature.


However, due to what I have gathered is a serious lack in content for Ranked PVP, the more competative PVPers migrate to the Unranked PVP zones, which is only natural.


However, I often feel chewed out, picked on and critizised by competative PVPers, who I feel fail to recognize that the area was not ment for competative PVP, and that players regardless of their character's level can be total newbies to PVP or like me casual PVPers who lack the competative skill and mindset.


I have more or less stopped doing the lvl 10 introduction missions when I level a new class, again becuse I feel I have to be measuerd up to par, against players that copetes outside the arena, if you will.

Before Gear was another issue, it was expected that you were so and so geared, so and so reachearching how to and what to just do follow an introductionary feature of a game, something only those specifically interested in that spesific feater does.

Becuse I am a casual PVPer, I never spend hours researching, vatching videos and so and so to make my self an "expert" on something I may or may not enjoy in the game.

I am more of a story player, concerned wit the story and the overall content.


I really don't see how this can be fixed in the game, but to me the only real solution is on the competative pvp community to "loosen up" in the unranked zones where they are facing or teamed with "casuals" rather then complain about skill, gear and even team tactics.


It is not really a casual player's responsibility to "learn" and to get upto par with a focused player, nor is it the other way around, BUT most of the player base falls somewhere withing the casual category, with PVP skills and experience rnging form totally nothing to very good and experts, and they have equal rights on all the servers.


I have heard many of the arguments in most PVP discussions on most MMO forums, and it is allways a PVP vs PVE rather then the combination we all want.

All critique of PVP is seen as an attack on a personal level and is defended with outright fury at times, the same can be said about how PVP is critizised , and it is generally on a player or player base level.


This is what drives me away from PVP, not the PVP it self, but the feeling that there is no room for a casual PVPer.


To me this game has developed into either, it is either PVE or PVP and the ones wanting both draws the short straw.


How can this be fixed, how can it be room for a casual PVPer on SWTOR?


soo lemme get this straight, you dont want to take the time to look up videos on utube or google on how to better yourself but you will take the time to write this qq essay??? If you dont want ppl on your butt about your gameplay, be proactive and get better...

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Like everyone else I like to win, it sure as heck beats loosing.


For me winning is NOT my main focus, my main focus is to TRY MY BEST to contribute, be it to guard a node, heal or what not, but if the team looses I shrug it off, in that way it really don't matter.


I am by far not skilled enough to even consider thinking of winning anything, however in the future when the skill grows naturally the focus on a win ( at all cost) will come.


Like everyone else I prefer my team to win, but if we don't ten I really shrug it off and think so what, maybe next time.


Because it is hard to know if someone tries or not, the expectations in unranked should be next no none in regards to skills.

Character level have not meant anything in this game in over a year, as you could token up to lvl 60 even as a one day old player, and then if you made the mistake of going to the WZ you were expected to be a pro, becuse you had a max level toon.

I find the lack of insight into the game to be at best silly when the same group begins to make expectations of skill and knowledge, but to even know that a leveling token has been part of the game for over a year....no no no....that is too much, it is better to expect the unreasonable.


Last I PVPed, sometime in late january I tink, I was basically guarding the node, calling incommings and did that part ok, in my book.

I was chewed out for this and that mistake, and accused of not pulling my weight, even though I performed A LOT better then what I did the previous time on the same map.

Who is to judge another's "effort"?


So in reality, expecting a cartian level of "serious" skill and competitiveness in the unranked zones is actually unreasonable, because there is too many players simply there to try.


If I know that I have done better then before and thus grown in skill, I have made an effort and I have given my best, now if the team looses, I do most everything wrong, and are too late in reacting, calling incomming etc and I am chewed out and accused of NOT trying etc then it is unfair..........the expectations should be that at any time you may end up with either a total newbie, or an *** that simply is there for some other purpose then being serious.


Now I am on a team, one is totally loco and out of touch, reacting slow and not communicating, and all the stuff that nobody likes, then I would naturally be upset, but I would also simply wait it out, let the 3 rounds pass, get a new group with hopefully better players and then get some better PvP.


Why would I do that, and thus in a way accept that people messes up my game?


I would do that because I can never really know if the "worst" player out there is new to pvp and unskilled, and actually tries is best, or not.

Because I can not know, I also should not expect, it is only logical.


Then there is the issue of game focus, any PVP focused player will be geared for PVP, comming in as a casual player, with less then optimised pvp gear then the casual player will always under-perform, it has nothing to with attitude, but again unreasonable expectations from the focused pvp player base.


Does this mean people should not try their best, no not at all, but who is to judge another's efforts?

The fact that a playeer may have spent one out of 3 rounds running around the map don't mean he don't try, it may mean he was never there and tried to get to know the map a little.

Next round running less, trying( but again failing HARD) to guard objective, or even deal damage, go for a kill or what not.

Due to lack of experience, he tries thing tat others would not, usually fails, seems to understand but be incapable of actually following instructions, at least following them "well enough". And after round 3 the player had been a total disaster and much so cost us a huge loss.

Those of us on the team with experience will chew the guy out, he was so and do and he was not competitve enough, he did the stupid mistakes, he was so and so in the negative.


The player on the other hand was like WOW! I found out what the matches are actually about,

I actually managed to deal some good damage

I actually managed to both type and move

I found the objective, now I know where it is is

etc etc

growing in skill every time...


Then, wanting to PVP some, having gotten in my own mind better, but since I am not able to filter the maps, I now entered a new map, now I know a little more about my class, moving fighting, but still green to objectives of the map, learning it, but since I appear not upto THEIR par, I ma chewed out and really not too keen on going to WANT TO be better, after all someone feel they have the right to judge if another makes an effort of not.......


That is what I mean with not expecting the same level of competitveness and skill in the unranked zones

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i disagree with casual and pvp not going together , as i am of the belief that just because you are casual does not make you bad or unskilled it is just a limitation of your time. but i do agree with the rest of what you wrote:)


I think this can be put into perspective by saying it like this.


If you win the WZ you get 8 UCs if you lose the WZ you get 3 UCs. Same time investiment, same, same goals, same fervor.


If certain people are perceived to not be carrying their own weight [ a subjective call to be sure], as far as the others are concerned, the slacker [call him what you will, noob, casual, loafer UC farmer] just cost them 5 UCs.


PVP is toxic as hell. People want their gear. Everything else is just details. Sparing people their feelings is not something most pvpers are interested in doing when they're losing.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I think this can be put into perspective by saying it like this.


If you win the WZ you get 8 UCs if you lose the WZ you get 3 UCs. Same time investiment, same, same goals, same fervor.


If certain people are perceived to not be carrying their own weight [ a subjective call to be sure], as far as the others are concerned, the slacker [call him what you will, noob, casual, loafer UC farmer] just cost them 5 UCs.


PVP is toxic as hell. People want their gear. Everything else is just details. Sparing people their feelings is not something most pvpers are interested in doing when they're losing.


I can not disagree....


However this very accurate description does not explain HOW it is "protected" with the rules of the game that, UNRANKED pvp meant as introduction, and meant as "NON SERIOUS" pvp all of a sudden became hard core competative life or death pvp becuse "some" players are unhappy with "another" game feature??????

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I can not disagree....


However this very accurate description does not explain HOW it is "protected" with the rules of the game that, UNRANKED pvp meant as introduction, and meant as "NON SERIOUS" pvp all of a sudden became hard core competative life or death pvp becuse "some" players are unhappy with "another" game feature??????


Why do people assume UN in unraked means not serious? Who even takes ranked serious? No ones lively hood depends on playing this game...and if it is I doubt they are making a smart investment with their lives. "Watch me play." = 3 people...nice! :D


Anyways, people take non serious pvp to mean do bad. That is their excuse. I think anyone that can do better should strive to be better. I mean do you think salespeople go "Oh this is a non serious client" and make little effort to sell a product? I mean I get going all out to secure a win in pvp and like trying extra hard to communicate or coordinate a gank....if thats what you mean then sure...sometimes I don't really wanna talk in pvp, though I still call out a node. Yet standing around guarding with 3 people and saying "Well this isn't serious pvp." Uh...you should play to win, I don't expect you to play like a God or something, or communicate with 100% efficiency...but you shouldn't be throwing in after the enemy team gets 1 score in huttball. Like even in elementary school when I was scored on in basketball I didn't just give up and walk off the court. "Oh it it's impossible its 1-0...noone can ever come back from those odds..."


Trying isn't a matter of serious or nonserious pvp, but rather bads coming up with an excuse to being bad. I've seen people not get great numbers but I also saw them making calls, trying not to over rotate and focusing heals and essential targets. They may not have the skillls to perform top of their class...but they are performing to the top of their ability...and THAT is a big difference.


Try your best or don't. It's the players attitude I find is the problem most of the time.

Edited by VixenRawR
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Why do people assume UN in unraked means not serious? Who even takes ranked serious? No ones lively hood depends on playing this game...and if it is I doubt they are making a smart investment with their lives. "Watch me play." = 3 people...nice! :D


Anyways, people take non serious pvp to mean do bad. That is their excuse. I think anyone that can do better should strive to be better. I mean do you think salespeople go "Oh this is a non serious client" and make little effort to sell a product? I mean I get going all out to secure a win in pvp and like trying extra hard to communicate or coordinate a gank....if thats what you mean then sure...sometimes I don't really wanna talk in pvp, though I still call out a node. Yet standing around guarding with 3 people and saying "Well this isn't serious pvp." Uh...you should play to win, I don't expect you to play like a God or something, or communicate with 100% efficiency...but you shouldn't be throwing in after the enemy team gets 1 score in huttball. Like even in elementary school when I was scored on in basketball I didn't just give up and walk off the court. "Oh it it's impossible its 1-0...noone can ever come back from those odds..."


Trying isn't a matter of serious or nonserious pvp, but rather bads coming up with an excuse to being bad. I've seen people not get great numbers but I also saw them making calls, trying not to over rotate and focusing heals and essential targets. They may not have the skillls to perform top of their class...but they are performing to the top of their ability...and THAT is a big difference.


Try your best or don't. It's the players attitude I find is the problem most of the time.


I don't think anyone WANTS to loose. But the "un serious" argument is a fair one for the lesser skilled player.

I know hutt ball better now then I did a year ago, therefore I perfom better then I did a year ago.


But my point is that when the UNRANKED zones are made so that ANYONE can go there, including the maybe ONE player in MMO history that plays to loose.


However only a total idiot will go out and TRY to win something he KNOWS he is not skilled enough for at all.....therefore the WIN/LOOSE aspect is gone, it matters nothing what so ever.

What matters is perfoming better then last time....and ONLY that.

Any win will simply be a bonus.


Now I do not in anyway respect those that complain about other's efforts or skill or gear in pvp, and for good reason.

In swtor you can token up to lvel 70, 60 etc, and thus being a brand new player yo will be placed with other players of same level that are not token. To then expect that there should be an underlaying "minimum" skill level based on the comfort of a handful of "pros" is at best retarded.


There is no way at all that anyone can really see if the person making ALL the mistakes on the map is not actually making an EPIC effort.

After all it could have been earlier the same day the player ( on same map) didn't even know where objectives were, etc etc.


So even if somone is so bad at things.......it is THEIR right to do so without being complained about, becuse the UNRANKED zones pr definition are meant for all, not just the skilled.


So what I react to is the "god given" right that some have to judge my effort in pvp, when they can not in any way know my actual pvp-skill level, and thus in the extreme to be able to actually attack anything could be a major acheivemnent for some.


So having a win-loose expectation in the unraked zones are stupid............un intelligent ....period!


Do I want to win, yes, do I try my best to win, yes,.....am I happy if I win.......yes....does it matter to me becuse I generally loose, not at all...as every tine I win......and only WIN......by getting marginally better every time.


THAT is the only WIN I care about in PVP.


PS! Not caring about win/loose don't mean the same as try NOT to win, it just means intelligence and realistic expectations, based on one's own limitations.

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