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Everything posted by CROWKROW

  1. I think a lot of "class balance" talk starts because someone maybe had a ****** wz or a bad duel but alot of it just boils down to individual player skill. I run a rage jug and ive been able to beat all of those classes mentioned. The ones i have a difficult time with are the skilled players. Yes some classes are better than others for certain things. For example an op can beat guardian tank but for a marauder that will be a lot more difficult to achieve. Also in your case fighting sniper/slingers as a tank you are just immobolized the whole time whereas with rage you can constantly leap to them to deal damage. There are many factors. Personally i think Merc/Jug Guardian/Commando are the strongest in pvp due to their heal regeneration.
  2. I've been playing PVP since launch and this just sounds like "wah why is everyone taking pvp so serious? It's only regs omg *** its supposed to be chill". I have a few suggestions. 1. You should not give a **** about someone giving you crap in wz. **** em. You're paying your own subscription right. 2. Don't queue. Not for the weak of heart. 3. Don't need PVE carebears in PVP. **** your daily quests and everyone elses. 4. Every wz map clearly has an objective. The way you make it sound is like youre running around aimlessly not going for objectives so everyone is getting pissed off at you. Sitting on the node defending is about the most "casual" thing you can do and no one will give you **** for it. Sorry but this thread is dumb. I mean seriously?.
  3. I completely agree with you on this, here on Harbinger it seems to happen almost everyday. I just don't see why SWTOR doesn't do what WoW did and make pvp WZ pugs match you with players from other servers. That way you would get even more ppl queuing thus the possibility of more games going on. Also it would let those premades get a shot at everyone else so we don't get them all day on the same server. Nowadays the only way to get in a ranked 4v4 is if we make 2 groups of premades within our guild we usually just end up going against each other.
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