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Maintenance: May 2nd, 2017


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I'm just thinking that there has to be a better way to pad the timing for updates like this. The European market shouldn't be down and entire Prime Time day of gaming. I know there are people all over the world playing at all different times; I for example work nights, so my normal playtime is 3am - 8 am CST, but there has to be a way to more appropriately insert server downtime to reduce overall lost play time.


Of course, that being said, I know Sith does happen sometimes...it just kinda stinks.



true i play on my day off all day (BST) or after work 5pm -11pm BST lol and now i did removed bitraider and redownloading game lol

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If you haven't got an ETA how do you have any idea if you are getting closer or not?


All The Best


that is what we call in the industry a lie to the player base. They do have an eta it just might not be very accurate...I have never had a boss that took no eta as an acceptable answer...

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So you voluntarily pay for and agree to something you don't like? And then are willing to let others know that you pay for and agree to something you don't like. /boggle


I pay for a service. Honestly, I'm not even bent out of shape about this. I'm just pointing out that people aren't happy about the fact that they can't play right now for various reasons, some of them not even reasons one might consider stupid. (For some people this might be there only day off for the week and they were genuinely looking forward to playing. And when you bust *** at work all week and you wanna play the one thing you paid for and it doesn't work? Leaves a bitter taste.)


And also--because pointing out that 'we' don't have to like it is just as silly as pointing out that people agreed to hiccups when they signed on to play the game and paid the sub fee.

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This thread right here?


Exactly why Bioware shuts down the forums while servers are being patched.


No chill in yall's game. You're out literally 50c. If the servers are still down tomorrow, you're out a dollar. Like, get over it.


It isn't the money, it's the lost game time. For some people, today may have been one of those days when they can devote several hours to game play, when on other days they don't have available time. Perhaps, this was the one day of the week when they have that time, and now it is gone. This "inconvenience" deserves compensation. And I don't mean monetary, I mean game time. At least extend all subs by 1 day. I know it won't be much, or make up for the lost time, but at least it shows that BW/EA give a rats behind about their subscribers.

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Not only is it money I'm paying for a service I'm not receiving (or at least that's the case for the Euro players - whether we East Coasters get to play today is still in the air), but it would be an indication from Bioware that they take this matter seriously, take their customers seriously, and have respect for their customers' time and loyalty.


EA: Screw them, give us their money!

BIoWare: We are working to fix this so players can play.

EA: Get them to pay more!


EA all about money.

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you haven't been waiting since 9:00 am PST...... I have patience, but the big thing here that sucks, is this isn't a job. its for fun, but we're all sitting around twiddling our thumbs cause we think maybe the next 5 minutes it will start.


worst is..... most likely bioware wont give anything more than a "thanks for waiting" and we know it.


I remember when the game crashed mid afternoon and it was down for a couple of hours, nobody lost it on the forums like the did today

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All the people complaining clearly don't remember the old 1.2 update where the entire patch was accidentally deleted and had to be reinstalled...that was fun! There hasn't been a single update since then that has taken quite so long...I'd say that's pretty good going for an mmo that's almost 6 years old.


I'm sure the team are working as hard as they can to fix the problem and get the servers back online.

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We're going to hold you to that one Keith......


If you fail.... get ready for the fire storm that will follow....


Zeus is f****ing today

Venus is on strike

and Poseidon on bbq.


have patience until 17 of may

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We should make this waiting thread a drinking game - for every 20 minutes that passes without the servers back up, we all take a shot or slug of a Star Wars-themed drink/liquor.


Any takers?


Ruby Bliel in a clean glass please!

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I just have to shake my head. Yeah, the maintenance ran longer than planned. No one likes that. You know who that "no one" includes? The people who did the work on it, and the people responsible for delivering the bad news to us when it doesn't go as planned. Everyone would much rather nothing go wrong, and that includes the devs and CS staff. Sure, people would rather have been playing instead of refreshing the forums, but think about this for a minute. Imagine you worked on a patch, things seemed fine, you took the servers down to implement the patch... and then you brought the servers back and nothing worked. You've got an angry mob breathing down your neck, yelling at you, and you're supposed to figure out how to fix it when, as far as you can tell, it should be working right now. Then you've got people screaming at you that your communication has been terrible, purely because what you're communicating is something they don't want to hear. You're supposed to remain pleasant anyway, regardless of what absurd comments are thrown your way.


tl;dr: They're people, too, and don't like this any more than we do--perhaps less than we do. They've given us 7 updates in about 6 hours about this downtime, which is well beyond what any other MMO I've played recently has been willing to do. From my perspective, their communication has been fantastic, both in frequency and in actually containing concrete information about the problems.

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for every hour of server downtime my autism increases.


This made me smile (a little - while dying inside). I feel the same about my mental illnesses sometimes. I even slept away the down time because of them, as I'd taken the day off from trying to do real life things a change, the one day/evening I was actually really 'feeling' it...


So here I am, sitting pathetically at my laptop, feeling awful for the Bioware Austin team having to work under pressure and probably having to stay late to sort this... but also mourning the loss of (approaching) 6 hours (well a whole day) that I would only have wasted standing around in my stronghold just spacebarring to avoid being logged out....


The point is I'm not complaining I'm rambling, ultimately I bloody love SWTOR, look after it, Bioware! I needs it, my precious....:jawa_angel:

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I can see the people who complain in retail about store being closed for reinvention :jawa_angel: These things happen and it's just for today. Bioware is already working for a fix and don't need an angry mob. We are getting a double xp event along with a free Pet so i'd say that enough compensation. Just take the time to do something else :):jawa_smile:
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