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Keith - As the new producer........


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Hey don't be picking on my Commando! We finally got it perfect! Now, if I can just get them to tweak my Operative/Scoundrel healers....hmmmm...


But...but...what about tweaks to concealment?! Like our faceplant back ;) or maybe replace substance with explosive probe? :D

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Some Advice for you Keith on WZ and pvp the whole attaching cxp to pvp has lead to a decline in the quality of WZ matches where you have many players who play to farm medals and don't care about helping their teams win but rather throw the match for faster cxp so the best way for you to deal with this is remove dps and healing medals and make medals all objective based so that it forces players to do what is needed to win a match other wise they get little to no cxp.
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Some Advice for you Keith on WZ and pvp the whole attaching cxp to pvp has lead to a decline in the quality of WZ matches where you have many players who play to farm medals and don't care about helping their teams win but rather throw the match for faster cxp so the best way for you to deal with this is remove dps and healing medals and make medals all objective based so that it forces players to do what is needed to win a match other wise they get little to no cxp.



Plus the gearing system is creating a big gear gap between the haves and he have nots. Either gearing up needs to be faster or a major change needs to happen in gear for pvp. Or you could try turning Bolster up to 246

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Hey all,


I’m just back from Orlando and have been focused all day ensuring Game Update 5.2 was available for everyone. But, thank you for the congrats and the warm welcome. I’m trying to figure out how to respond to everything so I can have fun with you guys, but also be able to put on my Producer hat and sometimes be serious, too.


The foundation between us has to be based on communication and feedback. I won’t promise you something we can’t deliver, nor will I purposely hide things you need to know.


As I mentioned in my introduction, I’ll be providing a SWTOR 2017 Roadmap in the next few weeks. In the meantime, look for responses from me on the Forums throughout this week and beyond. I’ll do my very best to be available.




Hi Keith,


I'm currently reporting to CS about multiple PvP Bots on Harbinger every day. Can we please have an easier way to report, similar to how we report credit bots in chat.. ie, right click report bot.

Having to go into the CS help, create ticket, report inappropriate behaviour.. then type out a message is time consuming if you are reporting them all the time. After a while you get report fatigue and stop doing it or can't be bothered.

I think if you made this change a lot more people would report them and it would slow down those credit sellers who seem to be the ones making all of them.

I'm also seeing the same bots reappear 3 days later. I'm not sure if you are doing temp bans or if they haven't been banned yet or those names aren't banned so they just recreate them on another account.

Can you please look into it because having the same ones reappear days after you've reported is a massive turn off to reporting them in the first place.

Edited by Icykill_
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Having to go into the CS help, create ticket, report inappropriate behaviour.. then type out a message is time consuming if you are reporting them all the time. After a while you get report fatigue and stop doing it or can't be bothered.


You dont seem to have a problem going on forums and writing a zillion threads, so a small report of player has to be a piece of cake for you :p

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Great News about the Road Map and the added communication.


However, 5.2 was a little disappointing in the way it played out. First off PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Stop with the Betrayal Story lines. It seems that half the chapters and almost all the stories involve our Hero being betrayed and 95% of the time the story has them oblivious to it or with an after the fact 'I knew you were going to betray me' only despite every choice being I know you will betray me it seems to catch us completely by surprise.


But more specifically the use of returning companions seemed to be pointless, these roles could have been by imperial or republic officer first class. For some reason it was deemed a good idea to take everyones companions away and then to slowly return them with fairly generic quests that begs the question why take them away in the first place. My Sith Warrior spent Balmora working with Quinn had a lot of talks with him etc etc which was a great way to know him and yet his return is, Hello I'm Here now Ill disappear till its all over. Hardly worth the wait and almost redundant, the terminal would have offered almost as much depth.


But the big thing, the next tier of gear is launched and yet it can hardly be felt that the new content offers anywhere close enough content to grind this out. I get it, there is a grind but the new chapter doesn't even get you one rank into tier 4 gear. Now if ranks 1-299 were about regrinding heroics and chapters and PvP and old ops fair enough. But to add a new tier without anywhere close to the content to make even a dent in that seems like you want to punish people silly enough to play the game. Now it would work if the combat and game world felt alive and dynamic and not just doing the exact same thing to burn through the exact same mobs standing in the exact same position playing the exact same cool downs to work through the same heroics or whatever to do the grind.


Now I don't know what the resources are available, I don't know if 2 scenes with Quinn was everyone working flat out around the clock. I don't know if the game engine is so bad at this point that it takes miracle workers to do anything with it. I don't know if one guy on paternity leave for 2 weeks stops any class changes or what state he will be in for the next two years with a baby keeping him up every night. But I imagine that it will be an uphill battle to get people back and to create enough buzz or hype to encourage new players or those that have moved on to pastures new to give it another shot. So it will be nice to hear what the plans are to say with the hype around star wars how you will work with that to offer the best possible star wars mmo experience.

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with regards to the roadmap....


1. thanks for doing it, looking forward to it


2. if it is so negatively received as 5.0 was long before launch, are you will to change things based on player feedback, rather than just plough through regardless ? (look at the state of the game now)


The biggest issue with the previous regime was an inability to listen, and only do what they wanted rather than what we wanted. (followed closely by baffling decisions... see paying for iokath dailies)


If you're seen to be actively seeking feedback and then acting on it, then you'll win people round early doors

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A simple request please, can you give us something else to use our command tokens on other than gear. I have over 800 that I haven't used yet. I don't do pvp that much and operations even less than I used to. I would like to be able to use it even if it is on decorations, actually since I like decorating that would be great, but cosmetic or even pets or mounts just something else other than gear.


Thank you.

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A simple request please, can you give us something else to use our command tokens on other than gear. I have over 800 that I haven't used yet. I don't do pvp that much and operations even less than I used to. I would like to be able to use it even if it is on decorations, actually since I like decorating that would be great, but cosmetic or even pets or mounts just something else other than gear.


Thank you.


Seems you are one of the target players for the original Galactic Command Crate System if you are not using the Tokens for gear...


SO many people trying to change or scrap the GC system I guess they have not really thought about those that use it exclusively to gear.


It would be nice if they implemented a token vendor but then the problem would likely be that they refuse to put anything attractive on the vendor...pretty much like all other Non-Cartel Market items.

Edited by Soljin
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Seems you are one of the target players for the original Galactic Command Crate System if you are not using the Tokens for gear...


SO many people trying to change or scrap the GC system I guess they have not really thought about those that use it exclusively to gear.


It would be nice if they implemented a token vendor but then the problem would likely be that they refuse to put anything attractive on the vendor...pretty much like all other Non-Cartel Market items.


I have gotten set gear on my dps through the command crate and some for my medic. Medic gear seems to be slower than my dps and since I have mirror classes on both sides what I get as a repeat I remove the mods and send to my alts. Not ideal but it works for me.


I used to do operations when the game was released but when people started acting "elite" when they added the story mode for operations and decided a friend of mine couldnt' help me heal because she never had done an operation, even though she had the right gear and augmented too, I decided it was time to stop doing operations for awhile. Pvp I only do with my boyfriend due to some of the attitudes of the pvp players. I play to have fun and for me having fun is playing with my friends and my boyfriend not dealing with attitudes. I can get the attitudes outside of the game.

Edited by casirabit
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A simple request please, can you give us something else to use our command tokens on other than gear. I have over 800 that I haven't used yet. I don't do pvp that much and operations even less than I used to. I would like to be able to use it even if it is on decorations, actually since I like decorating that would be great, but cosmetic or even pets or mounts just something else other than gear.

I agree. This is definitely something we want to improve. I'll let you know when we can roll out changes.
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Nice to see Keith reading and replying to player requests. I don't expect him or anyone else to promise the earth moon and stars buts its always nice to see a little nod that yes fans are being listened to. Keep it up Keith and good luck in your new job.
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I agree. This is definitely something we want to improve. I'll let you know when we can roll out changes.


I hear the whispers.....and they tell me.....that decorations should be buyable with those tokens....or is it just the dark side trying to convince me to join? ....wait. I am on the dark side --- and LOVE decorating in SWTOR, so that would be really cool!

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I agree. This is definitely something we want to improve. I'll let you know when we can roll out changes.

Since Keith was announced as producer, communication between the players and BW has improved.

I respect that.

It seems plans are being made that will improve the game. I hope these plans are executed and are implemented well.

We'll all just have to wait and see.

I'm rooting for you, Kieth.


It's a win-win for all of us if the game improves and even starts to thrive.

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Hey all,


I’m just back from Orlando and have been focused all day ensuring Game Update 5.2 was available for everyone. But, thank you for the congrats and the warm welcome. I’m trying to figure out how to respond to everything so I can have fun with you guys, but also be able to put on my Producer hat and sometimes be serious, too.


The foundation between us has to be based on communication and feedback. I won’t promise you something we can’t deliver, nor will I purposely hide things you need to know.


As I mentioned in my introduction, I’ll be providing a SWTOR 2017 Roadmap in the next few weeks. In the meantime, look for responses from me on the Forums throughout this week and beyond. I’ll do my very best to be available.




A staff post that wasn't by Eric Musco? Nothing against the guy, but it's a nice thing to see.

We have high hopes for a roadmap without RNG!

Edited by RACATW
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Since Keith was announced as producer, communication between the players and BW has improved.

I respect that.

It seems plans are being made that will improve the game. I hope these plans are executed and are implemented well.

We'll all just have to wait and see.

I'm rooting for you, Kieth.


It's a win-win for all of us if the game improves and even starts to thrive.


Improved is an understatement, he has communicated more than any other devs in the last 4 years. :D


Welcome home Keith!

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Since Keith was announced as producer, communication between the players and BW has improved.

I respect that.

It seems plans are being made that will improve the game. I hope these plans are executed and are implemented well.

We'll all just have to wait and see.

I'm rooting for you, Kieth.


It's a win-win for all of us if the game improves and even starts to thrive.


I must admit he has been very responsive and that is great. It's really good to see and hopefully it's a sign of good things to come.

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Improved is an understatement, he has communicated more than any other devs in the last 4 years. :D


Welcome home Keith!


While he does appear to be engaged somewhat at the moment... though absent any specifics whatsoever (which is therefore easy), we've seen this before, and usually it peters out in a month or two, or faster if the studio does something that players really get worked up over. I really really really hope we do not see yet another rinse and repeat on communications proficiency.


He has it easy right now as there was a lot of pent up frustrations with Ben.. so anyone could come in and start communicating and it would be welcomed with open arms and praise. Peoples "hope" are kind of running the feelings and praise at the moment. The real test is how he does once the honeymoon is over in the forum and players start turning on him (like they have every other gold poster over the last 5 years). But I am sure he knows this going in.


As for more then in the last 4 years... a simple comparison of Ben's posting history and Keith's would demonstrate you are exaggerating. ;) But I get it.. you Wuv him right now. Let's compare notes again in say... 90 days. :cool:

Edited by Andryah
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While he does appear to be engaged somewhat at the moment... though absent any specifics whatsoever (which is therefore easy), we've seen this before, and usually it peters out in a month or two, or faster if the studio does something that players really get worked up over. I really really really hope we do not see yet another rinse and repeat on communications proficiency.


He has it easy right now as there was a lot of pent up frustrations with Ben.. so anyone could come in and start communicating and it would be welcomed with open arms and praise. Peoples "hope" are kind of running the feelings and praise at the moment. The real test is how he does once the honeymoon is over in the forum and players start turning on him (like they have every other gold poster over the last 5 years). But I am sure he knows this going in.


As for more then in the last 4 years... a simple comparison of Ben's posting history and Keith's would demonstrate you are exaggerating. ;) But I get it.. you Wuv him right now. Let's compare notes again in say... 90 days. :cool:


I agree with every single word in this post. Everyone is in Wuv with the new guy.. no suprise! We need to see how things are after his first 90days. Before we fall head over heals for this dude:rolleyes:

Edited by Lt-Snake
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I agree. This is definitely something we want to improve. I'll let you know when we can roll out changes.

I'm pretty sure one of the other devs (I think it was Musco) already asked that question, and got replies like "vendor that sells the cosmetic drops from GC crates" and other stuff. I'll see if I can find it

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Hey Keith! I tried to ask Musco this in bugs thread, but didn't get any answer, so may as well try asking you here.


MM Uprising are currently absent from both GF and GC, so the only way to find group for them, is to asseble it manually.

My question - is it an intended design choice (sorta like Mythic dungeons in WoW, which are also not in GF)? Or are you gonna add them later?

Edited by Gelious
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