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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Keith - As the new producer........


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how long until the swtor community turns on Keith...


It honestly depends on what he is prepared to do, keep the communication up,(meaning take a page from Square Enix and give us some type of road map ) don't get into a ground war with idiots who just want to hate and troll and start letting the GM's and forum mods do their jobs when it comes to the toxicity in game and on the forum.

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I would expect some sort of "State of the game" letter to the community right out of the gates to state his expectations for the game and an idea of what his approach is about in general...Not just a hello letter.


If we don't see something close to that I will take that as a very bad sign of the future of SWToR.

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I would expect some sort of "State of the game" letter to the community right out of the gates to state his expectations for the game and an idea of what his approach is about in general...Not just a hello letter.


If we don't see something close to that I will take that as a very bad sign of the future of SWToR.


The problem is that we are in the dark about so much. Are they going to pull a funcom and refit SWTOR to be something like the upcoming TSW game? If not where are we going? As good as I think the game is I see that they have left so much potential on the ground and they have a lot of places to go (a open space game continuing the stories etc etc ) I wish they would do a monthly video version of the Cantina and just give us a clue on the path of the game, right now none of us are really sure what's happening and that's not good for the community.

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how long until the swtor community turns on Keith...

Until he...:

• goes all in on story

• tells us how exciting RNG gearing is

• resets achievements we worked moths to get


He's got a lotta wiggle room from me. He's already proven he's a good guy imo.

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I suspect Keith could garner some good will by responding to this thread, a number of people have expressed hope in his appointment and wishes of congratulations and possibly address some of the points raised. It would suggest that he was reading the forums and acknowledging the players.


Now the boat may have already sailed with 5.2 being delayed at the last moment but should they roll it out ahead of schedule (or not as delayed as first thought in this case) this would give the impression that things are working. Once you start having delays and last minute updates and in general people running round like headless chickens only knowing 10 hours before an update is due when the servers will be brought down, even the best supporters will say you know this is starting to seem a little clownish and not very well run.


Where as if they can get things out early done right then it leads to confidence and support. I wonder if the guys over at EA are wondering if moving Ben over to a new project was the right thing when the new producer can't meet deadlines.

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Until he...:

• goes all in on story

• tells us how exciting RNG gearing is

• resets achievements we worked moths to get


He's got a lotta wiggle room from me. He's already proven he's a good guy imo.


My perspective exactly. As much as I've been harsh on EAWare lately, I am more than willing to give Keith a fair chance to prove himself. I also understand they can't turn the game around within a day. Changes take time because development takes time. I'm just hoping the changes we get from now on are positive ones rather than the dumpster fire that was Galactic Command's initial release.

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Until he...:

• goes all in on story

• tells us how exciting RNG gearing is

• resets achievements we worked moths to get


He's got a lotta wiggle room from me. He's already proven he's a good guy imo.


I don't want him to go all in on Story, but don't ignore it and try to turn the game into a Raid Centric or PVP centric game, there are a lot of different type of players and he needs to find a balance, but I agree he is a good guy

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I don't want him to go all in on Story, but don't ignore it and try to turn the game into a Raid Centric or PVP centric game, there are a lot of different type of players and he needs to find a balance, but I agree he is a good guy

Story has been central to every single update - I doubt we'd go without it now. But...even if he did, story folk have been well fed since launch...even they need to exhibit patience and understanding at times.

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Story has been central to every single update - I doubt we'd go without it now. But...even if he did, story folk have been well fed since launch...even they need to exhibit patience and understanding at times.




Going to say something. My boyfriend and I went back to SWG for a few months because we loved it but we both found that we couldn't get back into it again, not even me with my crafting or decorating. I was wondering why as we both loved it but then reading these comments I now know why. There was no story in the missions and the instances (Tusken Army, Hoth, etc) so that made it boring. Yes we have story or something resembling a story in most everything but in my opinion they take away the story even a small part in a flashpoint, operation they start to make the game boring. I wouldn't want to see that here.

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Going to say something. My boyfriend and I went back to SWG for a few months because we loved it but we both found that we couldn't get back into it again, not even me with my crafting or decorating. I was wondering why as we both loved it but then reading these comments I now know why. There was no story in the missions and the instances (Tusken Army, Hoth, etc) so that made it boring. Yes we have story or something resembling a story in most everything but in my opinion they take away the story even a small part in a flashpoint, operation they start to make the game boring. I wouldn't want to see that here.

I'm not hoping or suggesting he should in any way...I'm just saying that "IF" he did, it shouldn't be the end of the world. You're right...it makes SWTOR far more interesting in many ways.

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Story has been central to every single update - I doubt we'd go without it now. But...even if he did, story folk have been well fed since launch...even they need to exhibit patience and understanding at times.


Not to mention that story has been 95% of what we've received for the past two 'expansions'. We've been given lots and lots of story (whether it's good story or not is debatable and subjective, of course, but it's still story) and very little else. So it seems disingenuous for all the story-only fans to start getting upset at the idea that now group content is going to get a little love in 5.2 (one new ops boss and a new daily area with a new PvP mechanic). They had their turn for a year and a half now, let some other interest groups in the game get some attention.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Story has been central to every single update - I doubt we'd go without it now. But...even if he did, story folk have been well fed since launch...even they need to exhibit patience and understanding at times.


We have been fed....well is up for debate, I honestly think they can dovetail both or all and a great way to do that is with an expanded space game and not the on rails Starfox clone we have now. I don't expect they will ever do that, but one can dream.

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Story has been central to every single update - I doubt we'd go without it now. But...even if he did, story folk have been well fed since launch...even they need to exhibit patience and understanding at times.


Agree with this. I personally would like to see xpacs with a little bit for everyone, every 4 months or so, like ESO did from launch, but story players have gotten a TON of content in the last 3 years. In the last 2 years ops, pvp, and group pve players have gotten close to nothing.

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Agree with this. I personally would like to see xpacs with a little bit for everyone, every 4 months or so, like ESO did from launch, but story players have gotten a TON of content in the last 3 years. In the last 2 years ops, pvp, and group pve players have gotten close to nothing.


No they haven't and I think it's because the devs sorta painted themselves in a corner with the early operations....some of that content had exclusive story that if you missed it by not doing the Op, the main story didn't make sense, going forward they need to add a supplementary 'This is what's going on" quest for those that don't partake and provide people who do take the time and trouble to do the operations adequate rewards and a reason to move to the next one.


I think if SWTOR sorta backed away from the current post Raid MMO mindset and adopted a everyone matters mindset the community as a whole would be happier.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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As someone who has unsubbed I have taken notice of the recent changes and look forward to seeing how things develop.


If they do not support ALL THE PILLARS of the game I personally think a lot of people will never return. They tried a story heavy approach and it failed. You can say what you want, talk about numbers, etc, but having been here since the beginning and on my way out, through direct observation one can see the bottom line since 4.0 the game has been in clear decline. Server populations and the call for merges are just one example of how we see this. Now the producer has "moved on" as a result. Writing is on the wall.


The game needs a real expansion, not just one new daily area, not just one operation of the course of a year, but a new, real expansion. One with some story, one with some exploration, one with a real leveling experience, one with new and refreshing end game content in operations and FPs, one with some new PVP maps all the fundamental things this game has had during its successful periods.


We've tried the half @$^ approach with the game long enough. It clearly did not work. Again, just speaking for me personally, if it doesn't get that, I just don't see myself coming back because the threat of falling back into what happened could happen again. No desire to invest myself only to be disappointed again by this studio.

Edited by ChainLighning
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As someone who has unsubbed I have taken notice of the recent changes and look forward to seeing how things develop.


If they do not support ALL THE PILLARS of the game I personally think a lot of people will never return. They tried a story heavy approach and it failed. You can say what you want, talk about numbers, etc, but having been here since the beginning and on my way out, through direct observation one can see the bottom line since 4.0 the game has been in clear decline. Server populations and the call for merges are just one example of what we see this. Now the producer has "moved on" as a result. Writing is on the wall.


The game needs a real expansion, not just one new daily area, not just one operation of the course of a year, but a new, real expansion. One with some story, one with some exploration, one with a real leveling experience, one with new and refreshing end game content in operations and FPs, one with some new PVP maps all the fundamental things this game has had during its successful periods.


We've tried the half @$^ approach with the game long enough. It clearly did not work. Again, just speaking for me personally, if it doesn't get that, I just don't see myself coming back because the threat of falling back into what happened could happen again. No desire to invest myself only to be disappointed again by this studio.



I can respect that, but it really depends where Lucasarts/Disney wants them to take it. If the guys upstairs tells them to put the game on Maintenance mode, there isn't much anyone can do.

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The game needs a real expansion, not just one new daily area, not just one operation of the course of a year, but a new, real expansion. One with some story, one with some exploration, one with a real leveling experience, one with new and refreshing end game content in operations and FPs, one with some new PVP maps all the fundamental things this game has had during its successful periods.


Yes, exactly.. And I'm willing to PAY for a real expansion instead of receiving a game update for free by subscribing. Take my money BWA.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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We have been fed....well is up for debate, I honestly think they can dovetail both or all and a great way to do that is with an expanded space game and not the on rails Starfox clone we have now. I don't expect they will ever do that, but one can dream.


What I find interesting here is that all the Ben Irving bashers are happy Keith is here...even though A) he has no background as a Producer (not that that is a rocket science project by any means) B) none of us have absolutely any idea if there will be any "change in direction" and C) It is very likely the Creative Director (Charles Boyd) who steers the core themes and directions of the development team. That IS what Creative Directors do.


As for story as focus....

Boyd: I think it is clear that players enjoy the story, and therefore we are motivated to continue it – this is a big part of our DNA as BioWare, and as a studio of Star Wars fans, there is nothing we can think of that is more rewarding and fun! We know our players also like to engage in battles, fight evil adversaries that want to rule the galaxy, and even engage in factional battles and so there a definite interest to create more of that type of content as well.

source: https://venturebeat.com/2016/05/11/star-wars-the-old-republics-lead-designer-players-want-to-do-more-in-less-time/


Ben was a public face to SWTOR.. so naturally he gets most of the monkey-biscuits tossed at him. Now it will be Keith and I predict that he too will become the daily monkey-biscuit target very soon. You can't really get your monkey paws on Charles Boyd because he largely works behind the scenes.

Edited by Andryah
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What I find interesting here is that all the Ben Irving bashers are happy Keith is here...even though...
Yes we are...because we knew Ben clearly didn't get us at all. We're hopeful that Keith does. Would you prefer we not give Keith a chance? You'd be accepting of that? HAHA! Ben proved his incompetence, Keith hasn't.
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Yes we are...because we knew Ben clearly didn't get us at all. We're hopeful that Keith does. Would you prefer we not give Keith a chance? You'd be accepting of that? HAHA! Ben proved his incompetence, Keith hasn't.


Andryah just likes to be contrary. God forbid we actually try to be hopeful about this change in lead producers, right? God forbid we give Keith a fair chance! That doesn't fit their white knight narrative about how we're all just haters and trolls!

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Andryah just likes to be contrary. God forbid we actually try to be hopeful about this change in lead producers, right? God forbid we give Keith a fair chance! That doesn't fit their white knight narrative about how we're all just haters and trolls!


LOL.. pretending like you every actually give anyone at the studio the benefit of the doubt.


I really don't care if you, or me, or anyone gives Keith a chance as Producer or not, much less likes him or not. But let's not pretend you all won't turn on him at the first signs of any mistakes or lack of response to player demands. ;)


Personally, I will make no specific judgment in advance as to how Keith will benefit or hurt the state of the game. But I doubt much, if anything will change. I will be ready to say "I told you so" this summer when it turns out that Keith is just Ben-2.0 from a producers standpoint and you all turn on him like you have every other Producer of the game since launch. My personal opinion is that little or nothing visible will change with SWTOR, and you will be very upset about it.


But again.. I find it funny that you give Charles Boyd a pass on the hate, when he IS actually the Creative Director for the game, and has been since they went the chapter based story arc exapc focus in 4.0 and 5.0. And he has been pretty clear that he believes Story as a priority IS the main DNA of this game.

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I don't think the Creative Director does as much as Andryah thinks.


Sure pal. {It's just as window dressing role and title. No way he actually directs the studio design team in their ongoing efforts in the game, and sets it's creative direction}. :rolleyes:

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