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SWTOR's life.


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Unfortunately I have no sources of statistics, graphs or scales but my own eyes and what I have seen in the game. SWTOR did far worse back then than it does now. I do not think that EA have funded this game additionally than what it has already managed to scrape through with recurring subscriptions and cartel coins purchases. Back in 2012, Blizzard had earned a profit through World of Warcraft enough to fund the game for the next 7 years if their donations through subscriptions, expansion purchases and gem purchases ceased.


My point with the paragraph above is that I highly doubt that BioWare to this day have been able to fund SWTOR with the money they made from founder purchases and subscriptions to the time span of right before Rise of the Hutt Cartel was released. Rise of the Hutt Cartel, Galactic Strongholds, Galactic Starfighter, Shadow of Revan, Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne - I am not convinced that BioWare could fund these expansions if they did not have a source of income. That source is the players through Cartel Market purchases and subscriptions.


We have to agree that the first pancake you make will never be the best pancake you eat. Neither was the first expansion of SWTOR. But we have to agree that the expansions are becoming far more better. Rise of the Hutt Cartel was sort of ok(like the first pancake), Galactic Strongholds was good, Galactic Starfighter was amazing when it first came out (shame it didn't evolve into something bigger), Shadow of Revan was great, KOTFE was pretty good and KOTET was even better than the last one. I highly doubt that the expansions will get worse from here. Only sad thing is that this game is stepping away from the aspect of being a MMO and rather focusing on the single player aspect which I think is a shame. It's good to see that they are sort of working slightly for a new operation.


The price of subscribing to SWTOR did not increase than what it already did cost 5 years ago, the expansions did not become worse the past 5 years; in fact they became better. And from my understanding; the more money you shoot into a game, the better the game become.


ROTHC was by far SWTOR's best expansion. There isn't even a contest, it's so far ahead of the rest.

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ROTHC was by far SWTOR's best expansion. There isn't even a contest, it's so far ahead of the rest.


I am talking about story content. I did not find Rise of the Hutt Cartel story, the cinematics, combat and story nearly as entertaining as KOTFE and KOTET was.

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I found a new Sci-Fi MMO that will offer Sandbox planets, offline crafting/trading etc. etc.. its still in development, Alpha hasn't started yet. forums are up though, it looks to be a lot like SWG use to be. PM if you want a link, not sure about forum rules regarding that... if its ok ill make an off-topic thread. :)
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I am talking about story content. I did not find Rise of the Hutt Cartel story, the cinematics, combat and story nearly as entertaining as KOTFE and KOTET was.


did you happen to get the link? not familiar with SWTOR messages I had to quote you to respond lmao!

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The only time I get that dead feeling is when I go to any North American server other than Harbinger and Ebon Hawk off hours. I would bet the OP is from either Shadowlands or JC. By having 17 servers any time there is a dip or lull in between expansions it's impact is magnified.
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Sorry to disappoint you mate, but SWTOR is not dying. SWTOR had fewer players before Rise of the Hutt Cartel than it does now. As long as BioWare and EA have people like me and you who post in this forum(subscribers) and people who buy tons of credits on the Cartel Market, this game will not die.


Disregard of the game is dying/dead or not, please do not pull info out of your a**. If you think in 1.0 era that the game had less players than it does now you are either ignorant or lying.

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SWToR is in a state of decline and if it reaches a certain point EA will likely pull the plug as they are known for doing just that.


What may save the game is a Disney influence that deflects EA's standard protocol of shutting down unprofitable games.


That said with the obvious attempts to salvage the 5.0 gearing discontent I would say SWToR is not currently in danger of closing down.


However, If Bioware continues on their current path of forcing unfavorable gearing systems and listening yet ignoring the spirit of the community requests in favor of forcing subscriptions through practices of attrition rather than fun activity... I would say at the very least Bioware is going to hasten the end of SWToR.

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this has been stated since the beginning but one day it will probably be right as eventually all games die so of course someone one day will be right.


What I don't do is worry when someone says it is going to die or whether it isn't. No one knows when it will happen only that eventually it will happen.

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this has been stated since the beginning but one day it will probably be right as eventually all games die so of course someone one day will be right.


What I don't do is worry when someone says it is going to die or whether it isn't. No one knows when it will happen only that eventually it will happen.




On a more constructive note.. most of those who declare the game dead.... move on and find something else to play. What they really mean, in my view, is the game is dead to them, which is a much different reality.


We do however have a small handful who will re-subscribe periodically just to try to tell us the game is dead.... yet again.

Edited by Andryah
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We do however have a small handful who will re-subscribe periodically just to try to tell us the game is dead.... yet again.


I suspect the majority of the people you have mentioned resubscribe near a patch to see how things have changed. If they are still displeased they spend the remainder of their subscription expressing how they feel about the state of the game... Which is a very large part of why the forums exist.


Granted there may be a few that come back solely to complain out of angst. On the flip side some spend tons of time on the forums blindly contradicting those very angst ridden posts with blind loyalty to a corporation. Irony being the Corporation would likely sell their defender to slavery for a tidy profit if it were only legal.


So I guess it all balances out...

Edited by Soljin
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SWTOR had fewer players before Rise of the Hutt Cartel than it does now.

That is the single most ridiculous thing I've read on these forums. There is absolutely ZERO truth to this obvious and blatant falsification.

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This game feels like -- if not dying -- it's on life support. However, that won't stop me from enjoying some of rare types of new content BWA finally seems to be making: dailies, reputation, OW pvp, new ops bosses. These things will keep me subbed and begging for more.


I'm pretty sure SWTOR had a rough couple of months in Jan-Feb. Hence, the special direct CM sale of overpriced super-rares. 5.2 won't "save the game." But it will definitely stanch the wound.

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That is the single most ridiculous thing I've read on these forums. There is absolutely ZERO truth to this obvious and blatant falsification.


Thats also my stand on this but he's convinced otherwise. I've been here since the beginning and of all the forum time I have here, I don't remember once anyone ever claiming that. Just when you thought you seen it all.

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Thats also my stand on this but he's convinced otherwise. I've been here since the beginning and of all the forum time I have here, I don't remember once anyone ever claiming that. Just when you thought you seen it all.

Likewise!!! The forums seem to be a place where players can let there imaginations run wild ;)

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That is the single most ridiculous thing I've read on these forums. There is absolutely ZERO truth to this obvious and blatant falsification.


Not to argue with you tux but back then there was at least 2 red maps of every planet up to Nar Shaddaa now when ever I log on starting planets barley have 25-45 people on them. while back then it didn't matter what time of day or night you logged on those planets were packed back during RoTHC. where are my sources? from my own EYEs and photo memory lol.

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Yeah I can pretty much assure you that if anything the game has more players now than at launch and is a cash cow for Bioware. This game is going to be around at least 7 or eight more years.


Estimates at launch the game had about 2-3 million subscribers. Estimates now are around 10% of that.


Not saying the game is gonna close door tomorrow, but for being run supposedly by a mega gaming corporation (EA) and having one of the most powerful Scifi brands (Star wars) and yet failing to even maintain a million subs says much about this game's management capabilities.


In all likelihood the game will continue till EA license for Star Wars expire (4-5 more years). If I am Disney I surely will not renew with them.

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Estimates at launch the game had about 2-3 million subscribers. Estimates now are around 10% of that.


Not saying the game is gonna close door tomorrow, but for being run supposedly by a mega gaming corporation (EA) and having one of the most powerful Scifi brands (Star wars) and yet failing to even maintain a million subs says much about this game's management capabilities.


In all likelihood the game will continue till EA license for Star Wars expire (4-5 more years). If I am Disney I surely will not renew with them.


or Disney gets a wee bit angry and slaps EA in the P P

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Let's be honest, SWTOR is dying. Now I do not know at the rate of it dying but I know it is. Therefore when it dies completely I personally think that they should make a new star wars game (such as the rumored KOTOR) or maybe even a SWTOR 2. I do not know how a SWTOR 2 would work. Maybe make it in the era of the original of the sequels. But I think that they should make a new game. And start on it soon.


This game will "die" one of two ways, and there is no evidence to suggest these will actually happen. They could happen, but it is impossible to tell.


First, corporate does an analysis that says this is not a profitable enough game for the resources devoted to its maintenance, and is not even valuable enough to be labeled as a nonstrategic asset. It will be a decision based purely on numbers, stuff I doubt any of us will ever see.


The other instance could be that Disney chooses not to renew the license in 2022, or their price for renewal is too high for EA, in which case the game would not be licensed anymore, which I assume means they would have to end the game.


One piece of evidence I would argue against the "dying" label is the stability of pricing. My sub has been $12.99 a month forever. If I started seeing changes to price structure, suggesting they are not making enough revenue to meet their expenses or turn the projected profits, then I would say that the game COULD be in trouble. Another indicator would be major team change-ups or terminations, suggesting that EA sees poor performance in the game.


The OP is subjective and speculative. I would want to see solid numbers or evidence from EA or Bioware itself, through statements and actions, suggesting the game has issues. This is a game produced by a business. Money will dictate all decisions.

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