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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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No, not really. Seems like the other 5% is saying "these things will come in time."


And completely missing the point of the people who are saying "But, why should we wait 7 years for features that are industry standards now?"


Regardless, your hyperbole was the reason I, too, used hyperbole in describing anyone on your side of the issue. If everyone saying there are serious problems here is an impatient baby, then literally everyone else is a BW white knight participating in a forums-wide circle jerk. You dig?

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And completely missing the point of the people who are saying "But, why should we wait 7 years for features that are industry standards now?"


Which brings me back to my original post:


I want it all and I want it now.


I'm not sure why you are taking it so personally, I didn't single you out.


Apologize if I touched a nerve.....

Edited by Skoobie
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Which brings me back to my original post:


I want it all and I want it now.


I'm not sure why you are taking it so personally, I didn't single out you.


Apologize if I touched a nerve.....


No, what they (and I) want is a game that is just as functional as a game released this decade, not last. Do you understand this, or is everything either THIS or THAT to you? You can be upset with the direction of a game without wanting literally EVERY SINGLE FEATURE of another.


I am not taking it personally, I just think it is the hallmark of a poster not acquainted with critical thinking.

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No, what they (and I) want is a game that is just as functional as a game released this decade, not last. Do you understand this, or is everything either THIS or THAT to you? You can be upset with the direction of a game without wanting literally EVERY SINGLE FEATURE of another.


I am not taking it personally, I just think it is the hallmark of a poster not acquainted with critical thinking.


I understand it perfectly.


You want it all, and you want it now.


You are upset because the game doesn't have all the features YOU wanted, right at launch. Even tho they obviously are not necessary to launch. You also can't seem to comprehend (or have the patience) that these things may come in time. You don't want to wait for it? Well, too bad, you're going to have too...or you can leave. It really is that simple. Come back when the game is more suited to your tastes.


You say your not taking it personally, yet you make personal attacks? Yea....

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You are right of course, but I would rather put it that the Bioware devs didnt learn enough from what WoW and other MMO´s did/does right when it comes down to the basics.


I think because the foundation had already been set and they already had a concept created and a game in place, they wanted to just make sure the game was ready for release instead of trying to redo things to catch up with the competition. Release date delays weren't going to happen so they can go back and try to put the game in development all over again.


Now that the game is out, they can focus on what the competition is doing today.

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I understand it perfectly.


You want it all, and you want it now.


You are upset because the game doesn't have all the features YOU wanted, right at launch. Even tho they obviously are not necessary to launch. You also can't seem to comprehend (or have the patience) that these things may come in time. You don't want to wait for it? Well, too bad, you're going to have too...or you can leave. It really is that simple. Come back when the game is more suited to your tastes.


You say your not taking it personally, yet you make personal attacks? Yea....



Even Rift had a customizable UI, Combat Log, Functional AH, and decent combat.........but hey, it's all about voice acting!

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Even Rift had a customizable UI, Combat Log, Functional AH, and decent combat.........but hey, it's all about voice acting!


I don't have any problems with the combat other than some bugs that force the GCD, and some flaws with melee in pvp. Lag, range, etc.


I don't think anyone can defend the lack of a combat log though.

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I understand it perfectly.


You want it all, and you want it now.


You are upset because the game doesn't have all the features YOU wanted, right at launch. Even tho they obviously are not necessary to launch. You also can't seem to comprehend (or have the patience) that these things may come in time. You don't want to wait for it? Well, too bad, you're going to have too...or you can leave. It really is that simple. Come back when the game is more suited to your tastes.


You say your not taking it personally, yet you make personal attacks? Yea....


How did I make a personal attack any more than you did? I merely explained what I was conveying. If I explain what you were conveying (i.e. we are whiny, entitled brats), it sounds equally as harsh.


And yes, I was spot on about the lack of a capacity for critical thinking.


I guess you feel people who get angry over any product not carrying basic features of the product type is a whiny, impatient baby, eh?


e: In the end :itisacaranalogy:, this is exactly the same as buying a car with no air-conditioning or heating. Sure, those are convenience features, but EVERY VEHICLE SINCE THE 80s has carried them as standards. It makes sense to be a wee bit miffed that they are not present, and basically calling people who have these problems impatient or "unable to comprehend" anything is laughably dumb.

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Even Rift had a customizable UI, Combat Log, Functional AH, and decent combat.........but hey, it's all about voice acting!


In this game, it is, and Bioware made that pretty clear from the get go.


Here's the thing, neither a customizable UI or combat log were NEEDED to launch the game. They can come later. Yes, they would have been nice. Yes, I would like to see those, too.


Functional AH? I haven't had any problems with the AH.


And decent combat is a matter of opinion.


There was a interview with SR and he explained it nicely. Bioware had to decide what was needed to launch, and what could come later. Unfortunately, many things had to get tossed in the later category.

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Those of you who are complaining so much, I'd like to remind you that you're not entitled to anything. BW is not your government, your employer, nor are they your mother. They have no responsibility to cater to your every whim. They provide a product and you, of your own volition, pay to use that product. Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of the workings of a market economy should be able to get it through their head that, if they're not satisfied with said product, they can stop paying and therefore stop playing. That's what I did with WoW; I grew bored with it and stopped. It's as simple as that.


SWTOR is not like BW's single-player games; it's a living world and, as such, will keep changing as they receive feedback from the community. Of course it won't be perfect at launch (or ever). It's healthy to give suggestions and say what you do or don't like about the game; this will change it for the better. But there's no reason to get so hung up over this; nobody wants to hear sob stories about how you were so excited and then BW (who obviously hates kittens and makes small children cry) let you down. MMOs are not life - at least not for reasonable people. If they are for you, I implore you to seek help.


wrong. you are entitled to a working products thats what you pay for and thats what your entitled to. all these bugs are not something we paid for. By your logic when you buy a new T.V. your not entitled for it to work properly.

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In this game, it is, and Bioware made that pretty clear from the get go.


Here's the thing, neither a customizable UI or combat log were NEEDED to launch the game. They can come later. Yes, they would have been nice. Yea, i would like to see those, too.


Functional AH? I haven't had any problems with the AH.


And decent combat is a matter of opinion.


You're absolutely right, good UI and responsive combat, as well as other features that had become part of this genre, are not needed to launch the game. They are, however, needed to retain player subscriptions past the first month.


Story and voice acting are all nice and good but if people are having a hard time actually playing the game, they will not stay.

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The absolute best thing about this game is that I'm not doing dailies I've done a thousand times, not running dungeons I've ran a thousand times, not doing the same leveling quests i've done a thousand times, and not killing the same raid bosses I've killed a thousand times. It's a new game people, hasn't even been out two weeks, give it a few months and see where it is then. They are coming out with a content patch in the next month. After getting this much feedback, do you honestly think that they aren't going to add features and fix problems? They spent the GDP of a 3rd world nation on this game, I don't think they are going to let it fail.
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Here's the thing, neither a customizable UI or combat log were NEEDED to launch the game. They can come later. Yes, they would have been nice. Yes, I would like to see those, too.


Neither a vibrate setting nor a contact list is technically "needed" in a cell phone, and yet no one would buy one that didn't have both of them. But hey, the phone still makes calls. Just not as well as other phones made 7 years ago.

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In this game, it is, and Bioware made that pretty clear from the get go.


Here's the thing, neither a customizable UI or combat log were NEEDED to launch the game. They can come later. Yes, they would have been nice. Yes, I would like to see those, too.


Functional AH? I haven't had any problems with the AH.


And decent combat is a matter of opinion.


Voice acting is nice, but they could have and should have spent the money elsewhere FIRST making sure everything was fully functional and would live up to peoples standards set by MMOs of NOW not 7 years ago, I mean seriously just imagine how much they shelled out just for Timothy Omundson (Detective Laseter from Psych, also did other voices for Star Wars and several other TV shows etc) and Juliet Landau (Drusilla from Buffy) among other real actors, they actually hired REAL ACTORS not just people that do voice acting which is an expense they could have used ELSEWHERE to make it a more polished and better game!

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The funny thing about everyone comparing it to WoW is that Blizzard didn't include those features. The majority the additions to WoW came from Add-on/Mod Authors. Those mods after a couple years of being used then got integrated into WoW's UI. They even used some of the original code from those Authors. Of course something that allows custom Mods/UI's will have better features than SWtOR.


When they open up SWtOR to the Add-on/Mod community many of the issues people are having will be taken care of. For now in order to do that, just like WoW did, 2 things have to happen.


1) The framework has to be in place to allow this. That is still being laid.


2) They have to know what Add-On's/Mods that the community will actually utilize.

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wrong. you are entitled to a working products thats what you pay for and thats what your entitled to. all these bugs are not something we paid for. By your logic when you buy a new T.V. your not entitled for it to work properly.


Having unrealistic expectations and then crying when the sky isn't limit though is your problem.


It is new MMO, if you expected WoW after 10 years of development (they started way before they launched) but better in all aspects then you were just plain delusional.


The launch was much better than WoW's which is already a lot. Most of the bugs are minor annoyance and will be fixed in due time (NOTE: few weeks is really fast, if you were expecting anything faster again you are delusional).


And this is coming from someone who is lvl45/17 on his characters.


btw, game works for 99.99%. Your television analogy is ridiculous and even in that silly analogy you might have dead pixel or two and not get new tv due manufactures policy.

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The funny thing about everyone comparing it to WoW is that Blizzard didn't include those features. The majority the additions to WoW came from Add-on/Mod Authors. Those mods after a couple years of being used then got integrated into WoW's UI. They even used some of the original code from those Authors. Of course something that allows custom Mods/UI's will have better features than SWtOR.


When they open up SWtOR to the Add-on/Mod community many of the issues people are having will be taken care of. For now in order to do that, just like WoW did, 2 things have to happen.


1) The framework has to be in place to allow this. That is still being laid.


2) They have to know what Add-On's/Mods that the community will actually utilize.


Again I point to Rift that has all those features, the blunt truth of it is they put all their cash into voice acting and skimped out on the actual fruit of the game.

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I like the game from leveling point of view but since this game cloned combat system and UI and quests from wow, they could have cloned em from 2011 WoW and not 2004. They promised to add combat logs, and they need to add targets target, macros and threat indicators to have any meaningful end game. So far there aint any decent end game content but in the future when they evolve from Molten Core level boss mechanics they need to address those issues.
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When they open up SWtOR to the Add-on/Mod community many of the issues people are having will be taken care of. For now in order to do that, just like WoW did, 2 things have to happen.


1) The framework has to be in place to allow this. That is still being laid.


2) They have to know what Add-On's/Mods that the community will actually utilize.


In all honesty, they should have figured this out during beta. This is barring the fact that mods that have actually been incorporated successfully into WoW (and MMOs since) should have been included as a basic feature or at least an option. If they really want to cut into the market, they need to have competitive feature sets.


Having unrealistic expectations and then crying when the sky isn't limit though is your problem.


It is new MMO, if you expected WoW after 10 years of development (they started way before they launched) but better in all aspects then you were just plain delusional.


The launch was much better than WoW's which is already a lot. Most of the bugs are minor annoyance and will be fixed in due time (NOTE: few weeks is really fast, if you were expecting anything faster again you are delusional).


And this is coming from someone who is lvl45/17 on his characters.


btw, game works for 99.99%. Your television analogy is ridiculous and even in that silly analogy you might have dead pixel or two and not get new tv due manufactures policy.


Wanting a combat log, something present since the ORIGINAL Everquest, is unrealistic expectations?


Please, do go on.

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I find it amusing that wow is the gold standard simply because they are the most popular mmo ever. Sounds odd right? Just because wow is the most successful mmo ever doesnt mean every feature they implemented was a step in the right direction or innovative the only thing wow did for the mmo genre was change it and in my opninion the ONLY thing wow got right in its entire 7 year history was raid encounters. I for one think TOR is in a good spot right now, the game is playable solo and in groups and the story is amazing.


But i digress, people keep stating that because TOR lacks this or that that it is a borderline failure but Id like to know who sets the rules for what is a basic mmo feature just because you feel feature x is a must have doesnt make it so. I for one feel the Dungeon finder and raid finder features are the worst things to ever be in any mmo ever and ive played alot of them over the last 12 years.

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Wanting a combat log, something present since the ORIGINAL Everquest, is unrealistic expectations?


Please, do, go on.



A customizable UI isn't unreasonable either seeing even F2P games let you move things around, hell Rift (which will be F2P soon mark my words) has a MASSIVELY configurable UI.

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