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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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The two games are in entirely different genres. Apples to oranges, let's agree to coexist because anything but the most general comparison is...well, silly.




What? Out of all of the ridiculous crap I have seen on these forums white-knighting this game over the years, this is probably the crowning achievement. They are both MMOs. They both have paid subscription plans in line with the MMO genre. It has instancing and zones, (bad) combat, simple questing, a game-wide general chat system, multitudes of different servers for play, and an (utterly broken) auction house; these are all genre standards.


Just because Morgan Freeman is narrating a book for me with his incredibly amazing voice doesn't mean it is no longer a book that I am "reading".

Edited by Voxtrot
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People are stupid.



People expect a game that was released to uphold to WoW's standards, despite the fact that it may have been just released. It's stupid, ignorant and impatient. Of course, what do you expect from a society that's abandoned responsibility, grown incredibly impatient, and just continually sought after it's 15 minutes of fame.

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What? Out of all of the ridiculous crap I have seen on these forums white-knighting this game over the years, this is probably the crowning achievement. They are both MMOs. They both have paid subscription plans in line with the MMO genre. It has instancing and zones, (bad) combat, simple questing, a game-wide general chat system, multitudes of different servers for play, and an (utterly broken) auction house; these are all genre standards.


Just because Morgan Freeman is narrating a book for me with his incredibly amazing voice doesn't mean it is no longer a book that I am "reading".


Do you think all of these things will change just because you don't like them? If I hated that many things about a game I'd just move on back to what I was playing before.

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To be honest, all they really need to do at this point in development is make the UI customizable and fix bugs. I am assuming that not being able to search in the market is a bug. It is somewhat silly to complain about the end game for a game that had been out for 9 days. Aside from those who blew through the story and leveled like crazy, most people are not there yet. There is plenty to do from level 1 to 50, plenty of flashpoints, plenty of missions, space missions, and the crafting system is among the most unique i've seen. I like that I don't have to spend hours flying and running around in circles gathering mats. I like that I can do other things while leveling my crafting. Aside from the bugs, this game is actually pretty good at launch.


Within the next few months, they will have to add some things of course. They are already planning on their first content patch within a month. They need to fix the game stopping bugs, like the story stopping bugs. It would be nice if they fixed the bug that keeps the sound of my speeder from following me everywhere I go. It would be awesome if the eyes of NPC's during dialogue weren't black or glassy.


As far as some of the other features people want, like dungeon finder. It would be nice to have a better LFG feature. However, dungeon finder was responsible for some of the worst behavior I have ever seen in an MMO, and I have been playing them since Everquest beta. I absolutely do not want to see dungeon finder as implemented in WoW. It caused the kiddies to come out, and it emptied a very large world.


Also, the whole thing with the dialogue in the game, it is nice and I am really enjoying the main story and some of the side story lines (the Alderaan kingmaker storyline was awesome), but it would be awesome if my character didn't repeat himself all the time.


One other thing. for the love of all that is unholy, please make an option to silence companion speech. If I hear Vette say "Brutal, better check I have all my parts" or my droid talking about how he doesn't want me to decommision him one more time, I am going to dismember them and send them to various parts of the galaxy.

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Do you think all of these things will change just because you don't like them? If I hated that many things about a game I'd just move on back to what I was playing before.


Well, I was playing only single-player games. As it turns out, playing a game with genuinely fun gameplay systems and a living world is a treat in itself.


And honestly, I don't hate this game. I hate the fact that in the years I have been on these forums and worried about the persistent (almost single-minded) focus on storyline and voice-acting, not one person there was able to say "Hey, maybe we should spend a little more time on accessibility and a little less time on making every NPC blurt out the same canned dialogue!" The story and voice-acting are fun and all, but this is a one or two month game at best. The lack of a functional auction house, UI comforts, and an efficient grouping mechanism are all painfully apparent from the moment you get off your first world (and in the case of the UI, the second you start playing). Add on top of that a lot of the lifelessness issues and it just isn't a great game to play, especially not by yourself.


If they had spent half the effort they spent on making the game fully voice-acted in another department, (say, gameplay or accessibility or world design) this would be a really good MMO as opposed to one that I would rather just quit after the free month. And instead play EQ2, again, for my fix.


For some historical reference, I do not love EQ2. In fact, since release it has failed to hold me past the mid-30s (the cap at release was 60, I believe). But it is free and I haven't seriously played a MMO for years, now, and at this point what I played 2 years ago in EQ2 for a bit is better than what this is currently.

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People expect a game that was released to uphold to WoW's standards, despite the fact that it may have been just released. It's stupid, ignorant and impatient.


"People" expect that a game that has taken 6 years to develop on the by far largest budget in the entire gaming industrys history to at least have basic functionality standards similar to WoW and other MMO´s.


"Basic" as in a customizable UI, user-friendly AH, Chat bubbles and whatnot.


If you cant understand that, well tbh I wouldnt use words like "stupid" and "ignorant" if were you.

Edited by DaEzz
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People expect a game that was released to uphold to WoW's standards, despite the fact that it may have been just released. It's stupid, ignorant and impatient. Of course, what do you expect from a society that's abandoned responsibility, grown incredibly impatient, and just continually sought after it's 15 minutes of fame.


I got a car to sell you, it has no air conditioning, an 8 track player, no heater, no emergency break, no seat belts, and you have to fill up the gas tank every day...........but it's ok because that's how the older cars were, btw it still costs 35 thousand dollars.

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People expect a game that was released to uphold to WoW's standards, despite the fact that it may have been just released. It's stupid, ignorant and impatient. Of course, what do you expect from a society that's abandoned responsibility, grown incredibly impatient, and just continually sought after it's 15 minutes of fame.


No one expects TOR to compete with WoW content-wise. It would be unrealistic to expect 7 years of content to be included with a new game.


Game play elements are a different story though. SWTOR has been in development for a long time and BioWare had plenty of time to examine the various features that WoW, and other MMOs, offer (popular or not) and implement the good ones into their game.


It's a pretty known fact that BioWare set out to imitate WoW with SWTOR. What's mind boggling is that BioWare completely missed the reason why WoW is such a popular game. The gameplay features like LFG, responsive combat, good AH, customizable UI, chat bubbles, dual spec, amongst many others, are what keeps people coming back.

Edited by krookie
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People who succeed learn from mistakes, or other people mistakes.


SWTOR clearly did not learn from any of the mistakes made by WoW.


You are right of course, but I would rather put it that the Bioware devs didnt learn enough from what WoW and other MMO´s did/does right when it comes down to the basics.

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No one expects TOR to compete with WoW content-wise. It would be unrealistic to expect 7 years of content to be included with a new game.

You're KIDDING, right? This forum is FULL of threads/posts whining about no endgame content.

Game play elements are a different story though. SWTOR has been in development for a long time and BioWare had plenty of time to examine the various features that WoW, and other MMOs, offer (popular or not) and implement the good ones into their game.

Which they have done. Just because they don't have your favorite element doesn't mean they haven't done it, it just means they didn't consider your element worthwhile enough to add.

It's a pretty known fact that BioWare set out to imitate WoW with SWTOR

No, that's called an opinion, not a fact. There's a huge difference. Your opinion != fact.

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You're KIDDING, right? This forum is FULL of threads/posts whining about no endgame content.


Which they have done. Just because they don't have your favorite element doesn't mean they haven't done it, it just means they didn't consider your element worthwhile enough to add.


No, that's called an opinion, not a fact. There's a huge difference. Your opinion != fact.


If you look at this game and seriously do not see the similarities (sans voice-acting) to WoW, then you have some serious problems. I wouldn't go as far to say that they deliberately were lifting parts of WoW wholesale, but they certainly took as much (if not more) inspiration from WoW as it did from the original EQ.


Now, this is different from what they apparently chose not to do, i.e.


- Auction House search function or useful filters (why?)

- An easy way to travel from major hub to major hub more than once a day (again, why?)

- An ability for mouse-over healing and other various conveniences


and on and on.

Edited by Voxtrot
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Just simplifying 95% of the posts in this thread, in case anyone just tuned in.


Here, let me simplify the other 5% of posts for anyone just tuning in:


"unnngghhhhh Go back to WoW! unnnnnghghhhghh"




e: apparently f-a-p is a dirty, dirty word.

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Which they have done. Just because they don't have your favorite element doesn't mean they haven't done it, it just means they didn't consider your element worthwhile enough to add


If they don't think a combat log, UI customization, or a proper GCD system was "worthwhile" then they are morons and should be shunned.

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You're KIDDING, right? This forum is FULL of threads/posts whining about no endgame content.


No one in their right mind expects 7 years worth of end game content, except for the troll that is. However, a game has to be released with something that will keep that players at max level entertained long enough for more content to come out. Whether or not the current endgame does that, I can't tell you as my highest character is level 37.


Which they have done. Just because they don't have your favorite element doesn't mean they haven't done it, it just means they didn't consider your element worthwhile enough to add.


Barely functional stripped down versions. No real LFG tool, which would be OK if there was at least a global LFG chat... Which brings me to my next point, no global chat. No chat bubbles, barely functional AH. Clunky UI, unresponsive combat and controls. NO COMBAT LOG! How do you release an RPG without a combat log?


No, that's called an opinion, not a fact. There's a huge difference. Your opinion != fact.



"It is a touchstone," Zeschuk told the audience. "It has established standards, it's established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that's pretty dumb. If you have established standards, WoW established them."

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If they don't think a combat log, UI customization, or a proper GCD system was "worthwhile" then they are morons and should be shunned.


Sorry bro, you should just go back to WoW.


Like, just go back to it. Come on, get out of here. Go on, go home to Blizzard's teat, you big baby!

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