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Most active servers?


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I hadn't played since a little after the launch of the Hutt Cartel, all my characters are in Prophecy of the Five server which right now seems pretty much dead.... Is there any server worth moving to or are all of them just as dead? I don't really care if it's East or West, I just want to be able to do some PvP without waiting for hours
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I hadn't played since a little after the launch of the Hutt Cartel, all my characters are in Prophecy of the Five server which right now seems pretty much dead.... Is there any server worth moving to or are all of them just as dead? I don't really care if it's East or West, I just want to be able to do some PvP without waiting for hours



For NA Servers Harb is the most active server. PvP does pop frequently, but it is very imp sided.

For European servers The Red Eclipse is the most populate, don't know how PvP is there.

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For NA Servers Harb is the most active server. PvP does pop frequently, but it is very imp sided.

For European servers The Red Eclipse is the most populate, don't know how PvP is there.


Those two are the only active servers, well that and the german one were the only 3 to make it to standard population this weekend.

Shows the sad state of the game really.

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When you get sick of the churlish and unnecessarily rude community on Harbinger, consider moving to a pleasanter place like Shadowlands.


People having lively conversations on fleet with 2 or 3 instances who are trading, lfg, or talking nonsense versus Shadowlands with it's 1 instance and silent fleet. If you ever intend to do MMO content then Harbinger is really the only server left to do that on.

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People having lively conversations on fleet with 2 or 3 instances who are trading, lfg, or talking nonsense versus Shadowlands with it's 1 instance and silent fleet. If you ever intend to do MMO content then Harbinger is really the only server left to do that on.


Ebon Hawk is a happy medium its what the 3rd largest server or 4th, solo ranks pop pretty well (usually a guy goes around and pulls 8 people into an ops group they each solo que so its a guarantee pop) GSF pops very well, especially when GSF if the bonus day, just a few days ago when it was the bonus day i had 4 straight matches in a row of 12 vs 12 imp vs pub. fleet usually has 2 instances on both fleets during prime time. So if Harbi is to much for you Ebon Hawk is great.

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People having lively conversations on fleet with 2 or 3 instances who are trading, lfg, or talking nonsense versus Shadowlands with it's 1 instance and silent fleet. If you ever intend to do MMO content then Harbinger is really the only server left to do that on.


If by "lively conversations", you mean inane, immature, childish and outright rude chat usually filled with racial slurs, or other trollish insults, then I guess you could say that Harbinger chat is "lively".


Harbinger is the most populated US server, but that population came at a price. The community is most definitely a cesspool. Harbinger would make Mos Eisley look like Gand.



I have characters on all US servers and Ebon Hawk has the best combination of population and community, IMO.

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If by "lively conversations", you mean inane, immature, childish and outright rude chat usually filled with racial slurs, or other trollish insults, then I guess you could say that Harbinger chat is "lively".


Harbinger is the most populated US server, but that population came at a price. The community is most definitely a cesspool. Harbinger would make Mos Eisley look like Gand.



I have characters on all US servers and Ebon Hawk has the best combination of population and community, IMO.


I agree with this assessment.


Harbinger, back in the day, was not too bad... but that era is long gone. And, for the most part... it was the mass diaspora incoming from long running 90cc transfers that seems to have enabled much of the negative shift on The Harbinger.


Harbinger as it is today is a loose (and often bickering) conglomeration of restless players who are generally dependent on high populations which for them means faster pops in queues. Which is fine as we certainly need a server that both attracts and feeds a lawless ratpack approach to MMO play. Whereas Ebon Hawk has long been one of the top three US servers in the US, remains healthy, and it's community is more stable, sociable, and mature by simple virtue of mostly stable organic growth within the server rather then mass imports from other servers.

Edited by Andryah
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All that matters is that the people seeking the highest probability of doing group content know that it is on Harbinger. It's the only server in North America that still hits the 'Standard' population mark. You can come up with all the reasons the small town America feel of the 'Light' servers are the place to be but honestly it but the title of the thread say's MOST ACTIVE SERVER.


Personally the coolest people I've met are on Harbinger and I've played on all the North America servers except POT5..

Edited by HuaRya
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Harbinger is NOT a cesspool. I mean sure if your game is solely sitting on fleet in gen chat then you will see trolls. But I prefer to actually play the game. I've found a fun guild. And I stay in my stronghold on Tatooine a lot for gtn needs and gear changing and waiting for wz or uprisings to pop. Tatooine chat is hilarious sometimes. I've not run into too many ragers on PvP either. Life on harby is pretty nice. But I don't fleet sit 24/7 Edited by americanaussie
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Harbinger is NOT a cesspool. I mean sure if your game is solely sitting on fleet in gen chat then you will see trolls. But I prefer to actually play the game. I've found a fun guild. And I stay in my stronghold on Tatooine a lot for gtn needs and gear changing and waiting for wz or uprisings to pop. Tatooine chat is hilarious sometimes. I've not run into too many ragers on PvP either. Life on harby is pretty nice. But I don't fleet sit 24/7


Harbinger's vile. Shadowlands has an older population, by far. I'm 49 and I'm 20 years younger than some of my guild mates. Imagine being in an 8th grade classroom where the teacher's been gone for 20 minutes and the students have taken the run of the place and acting wild. That's harbinger.


Think of it this way: For all the people that say it's a zero sum game to be anywhere other than Harbinger, that Harbinger is the place to be for high population, consider that it might be even higher were the people on it a lot nicer. The people on it are not representative of every kind of person, and the people on Harbinger will just need to live with the fact that there are people who have no intention of being around that kind of crowd.


They'll forego population size for peace of mind.


Consider that the people on Shadowlands and Ebon Hawk and elsewhere aren't where they are for the "small town feel" but because they don't want someone 1/3 their age saying "hey dude, you suck at PVP, go kill yourself."

I'll stay away. A long way away.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I can echo that Ebon Hawk is good. While not the most active, it's still a good server: people on fleet, queues pop, etc.


I will be honest and suggest avoiding Allies channel if you did hop over, as it's basically devolved from a group finding chat to a war between a guild leader (who likes to spam guild recruitment messages in Allies) and his guildmates vs a group of other people that..I honestly have no clue what all happened. I ended up leaving that channel tonight :(


But besides that, EH is quite nice and friendly, from what I've experienced

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Harbinger is NOT a cesspool. I mean sure if your game is solely sitting on fleet in gen chat then you will see trolls. But I prefer to actually play the game. I've found a fun guild. And I stay in my stronghold on Tatooine a lot for gtn needs and gear changing and waiting for wz or uprisings to pop. Tatooine chat is hilarious sometimes. I've not run into too many ragers on PvP either. Life on harby is pretty nice. But I don't fleet sit 24/7


You say that Harbinger is not a cesspool, but in the same breath say that you tend to sit in your stronghold, which begs the question "if Harbinger is not a cesspool, why sit in your stronghold avoiding most of the server?"


Like you, I am in a fun guild. It's very small, but filled with good people that are fun to be around, and who are respectful, mature and responsible. In addition to my guild, I have friends on Harbinger who have the same type of behavior and attitudes.


I do not need to use the LFG tool on Harbinger for any group content. I do almost all my group content on Harbinger with my guild and/or friends. About the only time I group outside of my guild or friends is to do the few heroics that would otherwise be almost impossible to complete in any kind of reasonable time frame. I avoid all of the risk of being grouped with players who's behavior is less than desirable.


If it were not for my guild and friends, I would have left Harbinger long ago in favor of Ebon Hawk and its much better community. As it is, being recently retired and having more time to play, that is my server of choice during the normal work day when I sometimes find no guild members or friends online.


That said, as I previously stated, Harbinger is the most populated server and if a player relies solely, or even mostly, on the LFG tool for group content, then Harbinger is likely the best server for them.

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You say that Harbinger is not a cesspool, but in the same breath say that you tend to sit in your stronghold, which begs the question "if Harbinger is not a cesspool, why sit in your stronghold avoiding most of the server?"


Like you, I am in a fun guild. It's very small, but filled with good people that are fun to be around, and who are respectful, mature and responsible. In addition to my guild, I have friends on Harbinger who have the same type of behavior and attitudes.


I do not need to use the LFG tool on Harbinger for any group content. I do almost all my group content on Harbinger with my guild and/or friends. About the only time I group outside of my guild or friends is to do the few heroics that would otherwise be almost impossible to complete in any kind of reasonable time frame. I avoid all of the risk of being grouped with players who's behavior is less than desirable.


If it were not for my guild and friends, I would have left Harbinger long ago in favor of Ebon Hawk and its much better community. As it is, being recently retired and having more time to play, that is my server of choice during the normal work day when I sometimes find no guild members or friends online.


That said, as I previously stated, Harbinger is the most populated server and if a player relies solely, or even mostly, on the LFG tool for group content, then Harbinger is likely the best server for them.


Hehehe. My stronghold preview window doesn't bug out so I can preview all night long if I wanted. And Rakghoul plague is on. So if I don't have a vaccine then I stay clear of fleet. So maybe that's vile I dunno. But exploding green goo on people is an achievement so I dunno maybe they are trolls or maybe they are going for the achievement. I won't step foot on fleet until after that plague. And finally I can exit my sh and go right back to wherever I was without taking an elevator, finding my hangar, and paying credits to fly back. :p it's so much more handy to access legacy and cargo hold that way and gtn.


There are bad trolls but most people are friendly.

Edited by americanaussie
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Hehehe. My stronghold preview window doesn't bug out so I can preview all night long if I wanted. And Rakghoul plague is on. So if I don't have a vaccine then I stay clear of fleet. So maybe that's vile I dunno. But exploding green goo on people is an achievement so I dunno maybe they are trolls or maybe they are going for the achievement. I won't step foot on fleet until after that plague. And finally I can exit my sh and go right back to wherever I was without taking an elevator, finding my hangar, and paying credits to fly back. :p it's so much more handy to access legacy and cargo hold that way and gtn.




I don't disagree that strongholds are very convenient.


I just find it a a little questionable for Johnny to claim that Harbinger is not a cesspool when he makes it a point to avoid most of the general population, no matter how he tries to justify that avoidance.


I also think that if Johnny is reliant upon the LFG tool for group content, that it is highly unlikely that Johnny will actually admit that Harbinger is a cesspool because that might deter some players from transferring to that cesspool that calls itself a server.


There are bad trolls but most people are friendly.


Some people are friendly. Unfortunately, those friendly people are few and far between.

Edited by Ratajack
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You say that Harbinger is not a cesspool, but in the same breath say that you tend to sit in your stronghold, which begs the question "if Harbinger is not a cesspool, why sit in your stronghold avoiding most of the server?"


Like you, I am in a fun guild. It's very small, but filled with good people that are fun to be around, and who are respectful, mature and responsible. In addition to my guild, I have friends on Harbinger who have the same type of behavior and attitudes.


I do not need to use the LFG tool on Harbinger for any group content. I do almost all my group content on Harbinger with my guild and/or friends. About the only time I group outside of my guild or friends is to do the few heroics that would otherwise be almost impossible to complete in any kind of reasonable time frame. I avoid all of the risk of being grouped with players who's behavior is less than desirable.


If it were not for my guild and friends, I would have left Harbinger long ago in favor of Ebon Hawk and its much better community. As it is, being recently retired and having more time to play, that is my server of choice during the normal work day when I sometimes find no guild members or friends online.


That said, as I previously stated, Harbinger is the most populated server and if a player relies solely, or even mostly, on the LFG tool for group content, then Harbinger is likely the best server for them.


4/5 times it's been fine. I've never fleet sat as I rarely just do PvP and I don't play the market. I wasn't on last night. Tv catch up and the time change in Australia has screwed with me. Spent all night sun in ops. Sat night heroics saving up for ops. Fri night a few chapters which kicked me to odessen. And then PvP from there and my first ever uprising crimson fang in a pug. Great group. Thursday night chapters. All night on zakuul to get to ch 9 in kotfe to lock in Theron romance on sorc. Wed night all night ops. Started on fleet. There was one troll but some funny stuff too. Nothing terrible. Only there 15 min before ops. Tuesday night drommund Kaas/maintenance. Dk chat is where I met my awesome new guild. Everyone was lovely. Monday. Ziost. Sunday Rishi and yavin 4. Sat manaan and korriban and tython flashpoints. Fri Black talon a million times to raise a LVL 30 sorc to 55. Ok. So like 5 times or whatever.


I've not been in game today. This is a legit acct of my playing history. I don't fleet sit because I am playing the game. I have been busier than normal as I'm trying to gear up my new 70 sorc and I'm taking advantage of the XP/cxp bonus. I'll be leveling my sage next to unlock legendary. :)


Edit to add: maybe it has something to do with my game time. I'm rarely on before 730pm AEST +10 GMT. Maybe by then all the little troll boys and girls have been put to bed by their mummies and daddies.

Edited by americanaussie
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Just jumped onto Red Eclipse to check the Ping from Australia. It's 7.30am London time and there is 36 people on the fleet.

If that's the most populated server in EU then there is a major problem


Lmao. You know people go to work and that bs. You can't judge numbers at 730am from fleet. Omg the game is dying because there's hardly anyone on fleet 7am on a weekday! :eek: show of hands? How many of you aren't online at 7am?

Edited by americanaussie
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With our species, no matter where you go, jerks will be around. Personally, I have not spent enough time in Harbinger, but I have had several guildies over the years warning me not to venture out there due to "inhospitable" nature. Obviously each individual's tolerance for rudeness will vary, but with so many saying the same thing, I stayed clear away.


While I would agree with other's positive assessment of Ebon Hawk, the server has it's fair share of jerks as well... Just needed to put that out there.

Edited by VincentMaric
missed a word
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With our species, no matter where you go, jerks will be around. Personally, I have not spent enough time in Harbinger, but I have had several guildies over the years warning me not to venture out there due to "inhospitable" nature. Obviously each individual's tolerance for rudeness will vary, but with so many saying the same thing, I stayed clear away.


While I would agree with other's positive assessment of Ebon Hawk, the server has it's fair share of jerks as well... Just needed to put that out there.


Ebon Hawk is not a Utopia full of people bending over backwards to accommodate others, by any means. No server will be.


That said, Ebon Hawk does have a much more pleasant community overall than Harbinger.

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Just jumped onto Red Eclipse to check the Ping from Australia. It's 7.30am London time and there is 36 people on the fleet.

If that's the most populated server in EU then there is a major problem


Its been that bad at that time for years now. It doesnt pick up during the week till around 17:00. Weekends around 11 AM CET

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