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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing: Why it had to be nerfed.


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Hence, I am supportive of the slicing nerf. Slicing missions should introduce zero money into the game as it is an easily abusable and scaleable means of introducing money to the system. It can easily become the single largest source of inflation in SWTOR.


Without a slicing nerf, people will be "forced" to take up slicing on as many toons as palatable in order to keep up with inflation. How can that possibly be fun? Imagine your country giving everyone the ability to print money (instead of aggregating this power in a carefully managed central bank). There would be chaos as everyone struggles to buy and use as many money printers as possible.


Well ... we can always buy credits from gold farmers right.

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Slicing is still a great way to make credits. If you go out and gather on your own. You know, just like any of the other gathering skills. Slicing has the added benefit of getting the credits straight up with out having to sell the gathered materials on the GTN.
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Slicing is still a great way to make credits. If you go out and gather on your own. You know, just like any of the other gathering skills. Slicing has the added benefit of getting the credits straight up with out having to sell the gathered materials on the GTN.


Again ... if I go out I can just kill stuff for credit. I don't have to look for nodes.

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There seems to be a lot of misinformation about Slicing and it's nerf. I know it's probably a waste of time but I figured I'd try to explain what is going on as best I can.


Let me start by explaining what slicing is and what it is for.



Let me explain something to you. This is your opinion, It is not fact. Do not try to come here and explain your opinions as facts.


Having said that, my opinions differ from yours in that I see slicing as it was at launch, boosting the economy. You see, people do not spend money if they do not have money. So by removing the shot in the arm to the economy that slicing was, you force the economy to stagnate. This opens the door for gold sellers, and all the other bad things we would rather avoid.


But you are welcome to your opinions. Did you get your junior dev man hat yet? No? I wonder why...

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I support the Slicing nerf. Why? Because it DOES bring it more in balance with the other skills. Complain all you want about the lockbox missions tending to return with a loss, I could care less. You know why? I level Treasure Hunting.


While Treasure Hunting does have two other mission rewards (Gemstones and Companion Gifts), the lockbox missions almost always return a loss. So why do I still do them? Because they can also give me weapons and armor, and maybe even higher quality boxes that give better items and/or more creds.


The economy will even out. I've seen worse things happen to an MMO (Yes, I'm looking at you Runescape). It's not going to be an overnight thing, especially since a HUGE (Stupidly overpoweredly so) cred fountain was governed. But all the slicers that are annoyed that they can't make infinite gold doing nothing are NOT helping.


By taking the mindset of "I'm doing missions to make a profit!" you're just setting yourself up for failure. Yeah, a large majority of the time, your missions return creds. That's not what they were intended to do. Slicing (exluding random drops) is the only way to get missions for other skills. Those (I know, it's surprising) come from lockboxes. The creds you get are essentially a consolation prize. It's like that in Treasure Hunting AND Underworld Trading, and you don't hear people from those respective parties making as much as an uproar as the Slicers.


Face it, you're mad that Bioware implemented their first controversial balance, and you want to strike out and anyone you can.


...So by removing the shot in the arm to the economy that slicing was, you force the economy to stagnate. This opens the door for gold sellers, and all the other bad things we would rather avoid.


I'm going to call out the bolded part. Having Slicing where it was would have made cred sellers MORE inclined to do their business. By nerfing it, Bioware removed a massive, effortless, credit fountain that could be (...and was, from the way people are complaining about the nerf) exploited.

Edited by Felicrux
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Face it, you're mad that Bioware implemented their first controversial balance, and you want to strike out and anyone you can.




I'm going to call out the bolded part. Having Slicing where it was would have made cred sellers MORE inclined to do their business. By nerfing it, Bioware removed a massive, effortless, credit fountain that could be (...and was, from the way people are complaining about the nerf) exploited.


not really... in my case, i'm mad cause i managed to make a little more than 2kk only... at level 30 that isnt going to last too long, even less with the loads of alts i have



and regarding gold sellers, the nerf just makes things worse (better for them) since now people (not the sellers) will have to work harder to make money, thus making the option to buy gold more viable for those who hate to farm

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Seems like after the slicing nerf hit people started to buy less and less off the AH..wonder whats going to happen with the prices


At this point, the best thing to do is wait. I'd say the economy should settle down in around a week or two. Until then, just play the game normally.

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not really... in my case, i'm mad cause i managed to make a little more than 2kk only... at level 30 that isnt going to last too long, even less with the loads of alts i have

have you ever seriously leveled any character WITHOUT slicing?

My first character is now lvl 37 with Artifice 353, Archaeology 349 and Treasure Hunting 383 ... I never played slicing and guess what .. I couldnt afford my speeder before lvl 29, I still have to buy a lot of skills which I seldomly use since lvl 16... I currently have a bit less than 50k credits with me.

Most of the time during early levels I had no more than 1k-3k credits at a time !

Why? because I leveled Treasure hunting !


Treasure Hunting is a lot like Slicing (Whereas there are no nodes to level with), without the insane cashflow for doing nothing! (And treasure Hunting is NEEDED for Artifice ... so there have to be people to level it)


You complain about having made "only" 2.000.000 credits with level 30 thanks to slicing? thats ludicrous...


Try to make money while having to compete with other crafters...

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Am I the only one who acutally doesn't see any major difference? Missions still reward more creds than they cost, stuff you hack while questing or farming still give > 1k creds minimum at 50 and the epic missions and schematics already fill my entire bank and just wait to be used my twinks or guildmates... so I don't really felt a nerf... maybe a slight one... but nothing that makes Slicing somewhat a smaller moneymaker than it was before the nerf.
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have you ever seriously leveled any character WITHOUT slicing?

My first character is now lvl 37 with Artifice 353, Archaeology 349 and Treasure Hunting 383 ... I never played slicing and guess what .. I couldnt afford my speeder before lvl 29, I still have to buy a lot of skills which I seldomly use since lvl 16... I currently have a bit less than 50k credits with me.

Most of the time during early levels I had no more than 1k-3k credits at a time !

Why? because I leveled Treasure hunting !


Treasure Hunting is a lot like Slicing (Whereas there are no nodes to level with), without the insane cashflow for doing nothing! (And treasure Hunting is NEEDED for Artifice ... so there have to be people to level it)


You complain about having made "only" 2.000.000 credits with level 30 thanks to slicing? thats ludicrous...


Try to make money while having to compete with other crafters...


funny thing is, i didn't have slicing until lvl25~26... i already had my speeder at the time, but seeing how people were making tons of money with slicing i decided to drop synthweaving (arround lvl 100 at the time, completly useless) and got slicing...


oh well, i feel bad for you though :(

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funny thing is, i didn't have slicing until lvl25~26... i already had my speeder at the time, but seeing how people were making tons of money with slicing i decided to drop synthweaving (arround lvl 100 at the time, completly useless) and got slicing...


oh well, i feel bad for you though :(

so you even made 2.000.000 credits within 4 levels ? and you seriously think the nerf was not needed ?

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You are losing money running missions. You were never intended to make money running missions. You make money harvesting nodes.


In which case, why bother to take slicing? You can turn any gathering profession into a cash generator by selling the output. Slicing only generates credits, so if the only profit is in gathering, then you shouldn't take it. You should take another gathering profession because then the results of your gathering can be used both to create things and to generate credits. Slicing can only generate credits so is less useful.

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Slicing was as it was for months in beta. Never changed. The fact that it was hit so hard so quickly after launch just shows poor foresight and planning. It makes me think the developers really don't have any clue what's going on with crafting or where it's headed. It also blows a big giant hole in the "never intended blahblahblah" argument.


The latest patch was extremely underwhelming as far as revisions went, but here's hoping things improve for all professions soon.

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Great post. I think you get it.


I tracked all of my slicing missions last night to see how much I lost or earned. Granted I didn't make 50,000 credits, but I knew from the start that was an error. Yet I still managed to make money choosing the correct type of missions. I avoided high cost/high risk missions and stuck with those that were mid-ranged or simple for my companions. The returns were usually positive with a gain of 500 to 100 credits, which is very reasonable. There were a few where I lost between 50 and 200 credits, but I still managed to end up with a gain of about 5000 credits for the evening and three purple items (1 schematic & 2 missions).


It's easy to see why people are upset they can't pull in thousands of credits per hour. Yeah. It really stinks that you can't be totally covered in rare items at level 15 now.... Clearly that was something that needed to be adjusted and I don't see where slicing has been ruined. I can still earn enough that it makes sense to go outfit my character and companions every few levels in fresh green and blue items. Plus player crafted items of exceptional quality are still a great value and better than most quest rewards (and typically very reasonably priced).

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Supposing you are correct, then we could say you are no longer intended to profit off missions and are now intended to profit off nodes. Slightly different I admit but ultimately the same for our current situation.


This is simply untrue. I am a slicer, and the nerf was absolutely necessary, but I still make oodles of money running missions. Not nearly as much as before the nerf, but it seems a lot more balanced now.


All of the gathering missions make you money in one way or the other. I even vendor some of the things I craft from low level mats for a tidy profit. All skills can be converted into cash if you know how to do it, slicing just makes that easier.


I agree that a nerf was necessary, but your statement that you are not expected to make money out of slicing missions is false. You just need to run the right missions.


Of course, I don't really understand why they have any lockboxes bellow 'bountyful' in there at the moment as those typically lose me money.

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I dropped slicing on my main and took it up on my first serious alt. Why? Because I am mostly through with questing, i.e. finding nodes on my main. I'll still make a good profit on my alt.


Since I have five companions running missions, I got Underworld Trading up to 375 in one day and by today I am at 400.

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So, did all the people complaining about slicing also complain about rogue's pickpocketing in WoW? And their lockpicking ability?


This isn't wow...and contrary to your belief not everyone played wow. This question is so impertinent it's not even funny.

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