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Your characters as Companions?


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This idea crossed my mind a few days ago and I thought I would share.


We have this Legacy system that allows us to share the achievements throughout all characters of one server, unlocks and so on. I also noticed the Family Tree thing, but that still need a lot of fixing as character usually just fly off the screen... and we also have Strongholds that work so well... and a good companion system...


So my idea is... what if we could have out characters as Companions... or at least "props" for our Strongholds? I have noticed that similar companions use the same set of skills whether they're DPS, Tank or a Healer... it also depends on the Side they're on. So what if we could select some of our characters, select a Side and its weapon and then design it a role. The dialogue could be bits and pieces from the Character Creation screen or just plain mute. We could unlock this after completing the Class Story on said character or maybe have it as a purchasable unlock or even a Cartel Market item as long as the price is fair. I can't possibly be the only one who thinks this would a great idea? It doesn't really sound that hard to implement, though?


What are your thoughts?

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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I would have loved this. Especially our alts as props for Strongholds - I don't think it'd be extremely hard to introduce to the game. In my mind's eye I have my alts living together in the strongholds; I have rooms for them and all but not the characters themselves. Having them as Companions wouldn't hurt either.
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I would have loved this. Especially our alts as props for Strongholds - I don't think it'd be extremely hard to introduce to the game. In my mind's eye I have my alts living together in the strongholds; I have rooms for them and all but not the characters themselves. Having them as Companions wouldn't hurt either.


I really like the idea of my Jedi Knight knowing my Trooper and so son. I would really love this addition, but I doubt it will ever happen'...

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KOTFE or KOTET would have been the perfect place to have your other 7 characters appear as companions for your canon Outlander. There can be only one after all in the story.


*If* all 8 player characters are going to share the same story going forward, hopefully they introduce this at some point rather than have the other 7 characters being MIA in the Outlander's story.

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KOTFE or KOTET would have been the perfect place to have your other 7 characters appear as companions for your canon Outlander. There can be only one after all in the story.


*If* all 8 player characters are going to share the same story going forward, hopefully they introduce this at some point rather than have the other 7 characters being MIA in the Outlander's story.

I don't have a canon Outlander. Each character is "alone" in his universe. (OK, yes, you got me. Lana is there, too.) And that's the way I like it.

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I don't have a canon Outlander. Each character is "alone" in his universe. (OK, yes, you got me. Lana is there, too.) And that's the way I like it.


You may not consider any of your characters to be the canon Outlander, but there is a canon Outlander within the story. Basically whichever one you are playing at the time is the canon at that moment, since there is only one Outlander.

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Anyone ever play, I think it was Storm of Zehir? Where you could pick companions from your own character list. I wasn't a fan of that game, but it was so fun watching a whole team of -myselfs- running around fighting things and speaking up in conversations :D


I support the OP.

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KOTFE or KOTET would have been the perfect place to have your other 7 characters appear as companions for your canon Outlander. There can be only one after all in the story.


*If* all 8 player characters are going to share the same story going forward, hopefully they introduce this at some point rather than have the other 7 characters being MIA in the Outlander's story.


All 8 of us sitting on each others laps on the throne. Characters all the way down. No, that charaception wouldn't work for me.


It would have worked great in Vanilla, though.

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Can't you do that in original Guild Wars now? Would be pretty awesome for SWTOR.


Yes. You have to pay to have them as an option, and there's a cap on how many you can have (and some other quirks such as "when you originally select them they maintain that outfit/appearance forever until you re-enlist them")... but yes the option is there.


The cost is either $10 for one, $30 for three, or $45 for eight. Eight is the cap.


Edit: In GW, however, companions have access to almost the entire skillset that human players do. They function the same way (except they're AI), and the classes are identical. Companions are not like that in SWTOR, but I don't see why they can't just base the companion type on your alts' weapon type and go from there.

Edited by SalBasss
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Can't you do that in original Guild Wars now? Would be pretty awesome for SWTOR.

Yes, you can. And you can customize their armor, weapons, skill rotation and even their personalities. You can go with 3 companions for some group content and 7 companions for raids; any or all of those companions can be clones of your own characters. You can mix and match the class composition of the group any way you want. Two players can go with 3 companions each and so on. Can set waypoints. Can split companions into groups, tell them to stay in a small area, defend it and fight while staying in that area. That game was way ahead of its time and is a lot of fun to play. Still looks good and server (one virtual server) is responsive. $30 and no subscription fees.

Edited by mike_carton
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You may not consider any of your characters to be the canon Outlander, but there is a canon Outlander within the story. Basically whichever one you are playing at the time is the canon at that moment, since there is only one Outlander.



Born in Zakuul (parent unknown), raised in either the Empire or Republic to become whatever class/job/race you choose (for that one character).


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This^. I suggested it myself once, back in early 2015 or something along the lines of it 'create a companion'. Little to no chance of it happening, ever.


Yeah, I suggested it too, here's a few other folks that did too:






I would totally love to see this happen. I even PMed Eric about it months back. Nada.

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With companions being little more than skins now, BW is better equipped to make this happen. Will they do it? That's a different story. Never say never, my guess is that it will happen eventually, but probably long after we have moved on to three new player wants/desires; basically along the lines of long after we have given up asking...then it will be a new feature :p
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I'd love this. As for what companion types, depending on what class the character is...


Guardian/Sentinel / Juggernaut/Marauder: melee (fights with single/double lightsabers depending on class)

Shadow/Assassin: melee (fights with double-bladed lightsabers)

Sage/Sorcerer: ranged (has a lightsaber, yes, but doesn't use it as much in favor of Force attacks)

Gunslinger/Sniper: ranged (two blasters/sniper rifle)

Scoundrel/Operative: melee (single blaster pistol [and shotgun for special abilities]/blaster rifle [and knives for special abilities]*)

Commando/Mercenary: ranged (assault cannon/twin blasters)

Vanguard/Powertech: melee (blaster rifle/blaster pistol)


That doesn't account for specializations within the advanced classes, like a powertech (pyrotech) having a flamethrower, or a scoundrel (scrapper) primarily using their fists instead of their pistol. But that doesn't really matter, does it? Makes it pretty easy to fit characters into various companion roles, DPS, tank, or healer. The whole "ranged" or "melee" thing is negated depending on whether or not the companion is a tank, so that's only for DPS.


*As for the scoundrel's shotgun and the operative's knives, those don't have to be equipped on the character-companion. They'd appear out of hammerspace just like Lokin's rakghoul form, Mako's ginormous shotgun, Holiday, and Blizz's...rocket launcher, zipline, etc. :p

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