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This is why PVP is unbalanced.


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your point is :



Healer are imbalanced in pvp.



your proof is a screenshot where the team with 4 healers got rolf-stomped by a team with only 2 healers.



Trying to see how exactly this prove your point that healers are imba?


Your issue was clearly bad dps, not an overabundance of heal on their side.

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There are 3 things I can see from that screenshot:

  1. No matchmaking
  2. A team with good damage stomping a group of healers
  3. Your team's inability to do even remotely close damage when backed by no less than 4 healers


From what exactly should I deduce that healers are OP?

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You have 4 heals on the team, of course they should be able to keep you up. None of the healers had higher numbers than the top dps on the other team, which brings me to my question; if a sniper is able to double the dps of anyone on your team, does that mean snipers should be nerfed? Or maybe your team shouldn't ignore the guy that can reduce your health by 50% in two gcd's. Much easier to blame snipers being op than accept any personal responsibility, so I say nerf snipers.

Seriously, in that game you should be happy for the lack of match-making; if you replaced two of your healers with two dps the caliber of your other dps (including you), they would have beaten you 100-0; you would have spent half the game re-spawning, and you'd have zero kills instead of 8.

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the real problem:


the matchmaker is full of bad.

every thread attempting to show what's wrong with PVP in a screenshot ever

There are 3 things I can see from that screenshot:

  1. No matchmaking
  2. A team with good damage stomping a group of healers
  3. Your team's inability to do even remotely close damage when backed by no less than 4 healers


From what exactly should I deduce that healers are OP?

☐ Not rekt

☑ Rekt

Edited by yellow_
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From that picture, I see that teams with good dps is superior than teams with bunch of healers. The team with 4 healers lost. They even got triple capped by the end. This shouldn't be happening. Ever. Evidently, healers are weak.


BW, fix your game and buff heals. Thank you

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You have 4 heals on the team, of course they should be able to keep you up. None of the healers had higher numbers than the top dps on the other team, which brings me to my question; if a sniper is able to double the dps of anyone on your team, does that mean snipers should be nerfed? Or maybe your team shouldn't ignore the guy that can reduce your health by 50% in two gcd's. Much easier to blame snipers being op than accept any personal responsibility, so I say nerf snipers.

Seriously, in that game you should be happy for the lack of match-making; if you replaced two of your healers with two dps the caliber of your other dps (including you), they would have beaten you 100-0; you would have spent half the game re-spawning, and you'd have zero kills instead of 8.


It was clearly an engineering sniper who spammed their aoe. And yes, engineering snipers should be nerfed.

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End game healers have been OP since this game came out over 5 years ago. when you have 2 fully geared DPS unloading everything on a sorc healer and you can't even get him under 50% that is an issue... Of course anyone who plays a healer will argue otherwise. I understand Healers need survival otherwise everyone jumps on them and there dead in 2 seconds, but the DEV's need to decrease their heals on other players while keeping the heals on themselves high. The purpose of a healer is to extend a team mates life not make them live forever.


it's just like right now end game Merc's are the FOTM... Their survival skills are off the chart if played by someone who knows how to play them properly. with the 250% XP boost I would say most people are rolling merc's now. The last several weeks every match (out of 16 people) 8-10 of them are always mercs.. People wouldn't be rolling them like crazy if they weren't OP.


PvP right now is not worth playing until they Nerf Merc's...

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Other team top 5 did >20M damage between them. - All other things aside, you need to learnt to shut them down instead of letting them freecast from the sidelines. Not blaming OP as such, since it's a team game, but you can use ops chat and target markers to your advantage. Looks like the enemy DPS were just going through their optimal rotations time and time again.


If the DPS And the same number of healers are just facing off, then you'd expect it to be pretty even. It's the other things that can swing the match, your utility, your CCs your debuffs, your cleanses, situational awareness, team-co-ordination, guarding, taunting, pushbacks and knockbacks, peeling, focus fire and so on.


If you can tie up 5 of their DPS, then the rest of your team should easily be able to take and hold 2 nodes against their remaining 3.....

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Other team top 5 did >20M damage between them. - All other things aside, you need to learnt to shut them down instead of letting them freecast from the sidelines. Not blaming OP as such, since it's a team game, but you can use ops chat and target markers to your advantage. Looks like the enemy DPS were just going through their optimal rotations time and time again.


If the DPS And the same number of healers are just facing off, then you'd expect it to be pretty even. It's the other things that can swing the match, your utility, your CCs your debuffs, your cleanses, situational awareness, team-co-ordination, guarding, taunting, pushbacks and knockbacks, peeling, focus fire and so on.


If you can tie up 5 of their DPS, then the rest of your team should easily be able to take and hold 2 nodes against their remaining 3.....


While i agree. It is still easy to analyse a pug game during or afterwards and sometimes your just stuck in these types of games. Pug's are pug's and most of the time your stuck going with the flow (just one more match for daily etc).

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End game healers have been OP since this game came out over 5 years ago. when you have 2 fully geared DPS unloading everything on a sorc healer and you can't even get him under 50% that is an issue... Of course anyone who plays a healer will argue otherwise.


Nonononono, I main a healer and I totally agree. If 2 fully geared DPS cannot take a Sorc below 50% health, there's indeed a very serious problem.


Just not with the healers.

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While i agree. It is still easy to analyse a pug game during or afterwards and sometimes your just stuck in these types of games. Pug's are pug's and most of the time your stuck going with the flow (just one more match for daily etc).


Exactly. Solo pug regs are a crap-shoot anyways. Always were, always will be. -It doesn't mean you personally are bad, more like the other team got a better mix and co-ordinated a bit better by having a plan at the start.


Funny how a lot of pug teams don't understand inc calls, 4-4 split, take 2 and hold, don't over extend....don't blindly death-match in mid, follow the ball, co-ordinating CCs and all the other things that make you roll your eyes in disbelief.

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Wants to proof that healers needs to be nerfed.


Posts a screenshot of a match where the team with the most healers lost and had more deaths.




Maybe you should ask for a buff to dps. But of course: just your mates' dps, the other team is fine.


Nerf enemies. Buff my team please. Thanks.

Edited by Bobby_McDonald
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Exactly. Solo pug regs are a crap-shoot anyways. Always were, always will be. -It doesn't mean you personally are bad, more like the other team got a better mix and co-ordinated a bit better by having a plan at the start.


Funny how a lot of pug teams don't understand inc calls, 4-4 split, take 2 and hold, don't over extend....don't blindly death-match in mid, follow the ball, co-ordinating CCs and all the other things that make you roll your eyes in disbelief.


Well some of it is accidental or new player mistake. Though a lot of it is truly stunning.


Last night I'm in a game of Odessen, it's quite late in the game and theres 4 nodes about to activate. I'm up north so i take north solo and just sit and wait...all of a sudden i see another sentinel heading towards me from west. He's carrying a deactivate... my mind immediately goes "please no" . So you guessed it, they walk up and deactivates the node. Great, when i then question this person i'm told "it's a buff noob" and they run off.


In the end we won by the smallest of margins and this 1 instant could have cost us the game.


The reason I'm using this story as this is the absolute worst kind of player you will find in any online game. Firstly, they obviously dont know the buff differences and failed to read the tooltip that's right in their face. I won't be mean where there is no need to be but this is just plain stupidity, no other word for it. Touching ANYTHING when you are not aware of the outcome is stupid. Secondly, because they "know" (or believes that they do) how things work this limited perception becomes not only their reality...but reality for the rest of us. You know, the type of player who spends all of Alderaan in mid, sorts scoresheet by DPS, see's their self top and thinks "i was the best player that warzone"... not a clue that the tank/healer pre-made combo who capped and held snow vs waves of reinforcements was more than likely the main "contributing factor". They see the MVP votes come in and this gives them justification for their original thought. This makes them dangerous.


These types of players are what make the "better" players in the community run in pre-mades. It's not the true noobs or players with lower numbers or "skill" but the ones who BELIEVE that they know what they are doing when taking actions (that are actually negative actions). These actions can have ramifications across the entire warzone. That coupled together with the fact that these "actions" can be completely random (from playing deathmatch in no-mans to using the wrong "buff" in Oddessen) forces people to at the very least group up with people they trust.


It's like stealthers trying to sap cap hypergates. The node is quiet and ripe for the picking at any moment...then a melee DPS turns up immediately gaining the attention of the other team and drawing some over. That potential deal sealer is now gone and a free kill for the other team no doubt.


One of the only qualities that i personally think defines a good player from a bad is situational awareness. I don't just mean in the match, i mean with the whole game...being aware of the meta and how things truly work.


TLDR; If your not on the same page as the rest of the team and are taking certain "actions" you are more than likely more harmful to PvP in general than the F2P who just installed the game a few days ago.

Edited by Marstrike
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End game healers have been OP since this game came out over 5 years ago. when you have 2 fully geared DPS unloading everything on a sorc healer and you can't even get him under 50% that is an issue... Of course anyone who plays a healer will argue otherwise. I understand Healers need survival otherwise everyone jumps on them and there dead in 2 seconds, but the DEV's need to decrease their heals on other players while keeping the heals on themselves high. The purpose of a healer is to extend a team mates life not make them live forever.


Have you looked at the picture posted ? If healers are so OP, how come the team with four of them lost ?


And forget the result of the match, did you notice the death count ? Team with most healers (and a PT with 1.2 mil protection ) had the most deaths... Where this healers being OP, this making team mates live forever, was in this match ?

Healers seem god like only with low dps on the other side. Obviously.

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Everyone seems to be missing the point. 4 healers doesn't make it an automatic win. For the majority of the match it was a sorc healer, merc healer, and me with an assassin coming in only twice at east. The enemy was a sorc healer, that sniper, and two mercs. How why i supposed to pressure 3 dps and a healer by myself while stopping spam clicking. I couldnt do it, though i did last longer than west who got capped before i did. The more i look at it maybe you guys were right, healing is that op, but i thought it was bizarre that i had a mill protection with 5 mill damage taken, but three deaths while the 3 other dps where basically freecasting. My point is about matchmaking because believe it or not having many healers actually hurts you, not help you because you have no dps to pressure other dps and healers. Also, for the people saying the team with 4 healers had the most deaths trust me, three of the healers wasnt that good and the rest of my team didnt give two ***** about dying. Because of all them healers my team didnt want to pop defensives, and trust me i have a healer i play time to time and that **** happens all the time. People got cocky and think their invincible.


I agree that it is about matchmaking. But in this case in specific it is more about good players vs bad players since when it comes to classes, you had no disadvantes. 4 healers in novare is uasually a win, because your team should be so relaxed that at least one of you can just try to cap south for the whole match while the others are fighting. And as soon as you have two nodes you can just send a healer to defend west/east and south shouldn't get lost with three healers, too.


If you are asking for a nerf to healers, for this match, two enemies would perform less good, but four mates of you would also perform less. So the result of the match wouldn't be better but even worse! You would probably have died even more often!


You should make this thread about balancing skills, not healing.

Edited by Bobby_McDonald
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I agree that it is about matchmaking. But in this case in specific it is more about good players vs bad players since when it comes to classes, you had no disadvantes. 4 healers in novare is uasually a win, because your team should be so relaxed that at least one of you can just try to cap south for the whole match while the others are fighting. And as soon as you have two nodes you can just send a healer to defend west/east and south shouldn't get lost with three healers, too.


If you are asking for a nerf to healers, for this match, two enemies would perform less good, but four mates of you would also perform less. So the result of the match wouldn't be better but even worse! You would probably have died even more often!


You should make this thread about balancing skills, not healing.


Your right, also in reference to healers i meant to say. "Maybe healers ISNT that op." Sorry

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its not healers per se its just this games perpetual problem with class/spec stacking. One or two sorc healers on the other team? No problem, but 4 sorc healers on the other team cross healing each other and well, nothing is probably gonna die since they're just gonna heal each other. This isn't really just a healer issue though because fighting a lot of anything is gonna suck, like 4 mercs or 4 snipers on the same team.
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