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SWTOR image on EA/RPG page


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That is very interesting. First time seeing that image. A Jedi with neck and wrist shackles, broken chains and all hell breaking loose. Mandos or some sort of Troopers, in unknown armor. I approve :cool: Edited by Vyerix
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It's probably some recycled image from a pitched game that failed to get developed.


"We've got this great game idea, a Jedi gets captured instead of killed during order 66 and she goes on a revenge trip trying to take down Vader and Palpatine. Like Lara Croft meets Force Unleashed."


"Yeah, we're gonna pass. We can't stare at her *** if she's wearing robes. That art work will save us some money though. Throw it up on the EA portal website in case anyone is still playing that mmo, whats it called? Mordor something?"




"Screw that garbage. I want Jedi running around Middle Earth killing orcs by the end of the week"


"We don't own that IP."


And that's how SWTOR 2, Assault on Middle Earth, never happened.

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So I'm monkeying around on EA's page and I get to the RPG section and I see an image on the SWTOR link that i've never seen before. Can someone tell me if they know what it is/what's it's context? Thanks.




And that is what's wrong with this game. They've tried to turn an MMO into and RPG and in the process pissed everyone off,

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Here's the whole pic only a bit larger size. There's no part of consular story with neck chain etc, or did I miss some side quest?




Not that I'm aware of. The closest the consular ever comes to being imprisoned is on Belsavis.


Where the person the consular is chasing tricks them into a secure vault in the psychiatric ward... which they very easily get out of. It takes less than ten minutes, actually.



But that image is definitely from the TOR era - the armor on the people behind the Jedi is what standard Imperial troopers wear, and the emblem on the vehicle is the Sith Empire emblem.

...I wonder if this was supposed to be Satele Shan? Some early concept art...? Parts of the lady's outfit look similar to Satele's (the boots and fingerless gloves, mainly). I don't know; just a wild random guess. Regardless, the picture is really, really neat. I'd love to know the story behind it.

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...I wonder if this was supposed to be Satele Shan? Some early concept art...? Parts of the lady's outfit look similar to Satele's (the boots and fingerless gloves, mainly). I don't know; just a wild random guess. Regardless, the picture is really, really neat. I'd love to know the story behind it.


The robes are the ones she's wearing in Odessen.

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And that is what's wrong with this game. They've tried to turn an MMO into and RPG and in the process pissed everyone off,


To be fair, an MMORPG is still an RPG. From my browsing, the RPG aspect isn't what ticked people off. It's the solo linear story (which most MMORPGs have to some degree, although after the 8 class stories, I can understand frustration there, especially for non-force users), lack of content, and RNG.


As for the image (I know I'm late), I feel like I've seen it before. Maybe it was previously a teaser image when they were first developing the game? *shrug*

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1) While SWTOR is an MMO... it is very much one cast in the mold of RPGs (as are a good number of MMOs to be honest), so I really don't understand the comment made by Icykill.. other then to vent about not liking the direction the studio is taking the game. MMO and RPG are NOT mutually exclusive terms in gaming. MMOs with a heavy emphasis on story (and backstory) in their content are often classified as RPGs.


2) To the OP.. keep in mind.. this is a product promotion landing page at EA.com. As such.. it has a marketing and sales promotions focus to it, so they can and will use a range of available "eye candy" artwork as splash graphics. Exhibit A: See The Secret World listed there? Also an MMO, and also cast in the mold of an RPG. Now.. why would that MMO be listed on this page? Simple: EA is the publishing distributor for The Secret World, even though it is actually a Funcom MMO.

Edited by Andryah
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It's probably some recycled image from a pitched game that failed to get developed.


"We've got this great game idea, a Jedi gets captured instead of killed during order 66 and she goes on a revenge trip trying to take down Vader and Palpatine. Like Lara Croft meets Force Unleashed."


"Yeah, we're gonna pass. We can't stare at her *** if she's wearing robes. That art work will save us some money though. Throw it up on the EA portal website in case anyone is still playing that mmo, whats it called? Mordor something?"




"Screw that garbage. I want Jedi running around Middle Earth killing orcs by the end of the week"


"We don't own that IP."


And that's how SWTOR 2, Assault on Middle Earth, never happened.

It's funny, because it makes me think of Manveer Heir and the theories about the uglified female characters that look nothing like normal/their actors, while the male version looks jut like his model, lol. Not to mention he is one of the lead dev's for ME:Andromeda, and a racist.

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1) While SWTOR is an MMO... it is very much one cast in the mold of RPGs (as are a good number of MMOs to be honest), so I really don't understand the comment made by Icykill.. other then to vent about not liking the direction the studio is taking the game. MMO and RPG are NOT mutually exclusive terms in gaming. MMOs with a heavy emphasis on story (and backstory) in their content are often classified as RPGs.


2) To the OP.. keep in mind.. this is a product promotion landing page at EA.com. As such.. it has a marketing and sales promotions focus to it, so they can and will use a range of available "eye candy" artwork as splash graphics. Exhibit A: See The Secret World listed there? Also an MMO, and also cast in the mold of an RPG. Now.. why would that MMO be listed on this page? Simple: EA is the publishing distributor for The Secret World, even though it is actually a Funcom MMO.


This seems to be a TOR era picture and, yes, I remember seeing it SOMEWHERE. Maybe it really is Satele, but she has a Blue lightsaber(and a saberstaff at that!). Hm...


What is more interesting to me is TSW's inclusion there. I don't remember vividly the opening screen of TSW(or its box cover to its tiniest detail), but I don't recall TSW having anything to do with EA...has it changed?

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