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100 new Galactic Command levels and exciting new gear rewards, on the way!


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Well this should be interesting to see what the rewards are and so on but remember keep the posts to a good level and express concerns in a good way.




Don't forget this going to hit the same time that they go back to the old system for cxp payouts when the event ends, and I bet with increased buffs being sold in the cartel market. Get ready for the grind again.

Edited by Darkside
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Oh boy... cue the firestorm of hatred from everybody on the forums, twitter, facebook, and whatever else...


I don't really care about gearing, so I personally am not disappointed by Galactic Command, but at the same time, the RNG aspect *does* seem rather ridiculous. I hope they change that to make it less frustrating for people. Other than that... eh. *shrug*

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It's official... EAWare wants to kill this game, by doubling down on the same tactics that have already caused many subscribers to quit after 5.0 dropped. Why they want to kill it, I don't know, but I can't see any other reason for adding ANOTHER tier of RNG Disintegration Crates to grind within a few months of the expansion dropping. Edited by AscendingSky
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This is interesting.


I wonder how people who already reached rank 300 feel about going to level 301 after repeating level 300 many times already. I suspect none of those repeated ranks will be added retroactively to the count above 300.


This is the same as any level cap increase though. At least they're giving content to grind for in 5.2 with Master Uprisings and Tyth.

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what I find interesting is the fact they are touting it as this great feature..."Look! You can now gain more levels of the thing you've been complaining about since last October. Exciting!".


I mean...even if you don't have a problem with GC do 100 more levels really "excite" you? Honestly, this feels like straight-up trolling. Or straight-up cluelesness and I'm not sure which I prefer :rolleyes:

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lmao, they know the vast majority around here truly hate the "exciting" thing regarding opening all those crates of junk, to a point that had become like a meme, but they still rub us that in our faces. Last time with the "heal to full" nonsense they learnt... but this bunch is hopless...
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they announced i on facebook so **** is coming....

but seriously.. do you guys in austin smoke crack?

nobody who isnt intoxicated would do such stupid move after what happened with 5.0.

how will you manage the new tier gear drops in ops? i bet u havent even thougt bout that...

does anybody in the developer team play the game beyond heroics?

i doubt that.....

i havent even 1 toon on tier 3 now because i am the ******* in my guild who has to play every role.

u guys dont care about ur players at all.....



in dissapointment,


another guy who wont resub

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In all honesty it was expected. Other then increasing drop rates, component / pieces rates or making the level increase faster that's all that can be done.


If anyone is expecting a complete removal of GC or redesign before 6.0 you'll be disappointed. While possible just like when it was changed in 4.0 and 5.0 my expectation is that it will have a major change in 6.0.


All they will probably do is look at the earning rates and adjust it accordingly.

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Have they stated this or is it just datamined info?




Remeber that time you told us to not act like were "in the know" about the fact that BWA would continue to increase the grind and gear gap by adding even MORE command ranks and gear tiers into the game as was found out by the people who data mine the game ?



Oh turns out it was right, looks like your finally "in the know" like the rest of have been for while now

Edited by Udoroththefinal
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Seems to me that without GC being legacy, the extra 100 ranks would make gearing alts even harder. And that's not to mention any new players.
New characters usually aren't a problem for this sort of thing, as the usual solution by devs is to make the earlier levels go faster. Like with the changes from 1-50 that made side missions unnecessary. Devs usually have a time-to-level number in mind, and make adjustments accordingly, on the low end, so that it takes new characters about the same amount of time to cap as always, while the newest levels take up most of that time, so that existing characters have something to keep them busy.


It is more people that have a ton of current alts, all in the high end of GC that would "suffer"... I put that in quotes because obviously, if they have that many alts up there, they play a ton, so it's really just more of what they already do, and considering this is a leisure activity, why would they do it if they didn't enjoy it?

Edited by Battilea
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100 levels is nothing. It's not really an issue that there's 100 more levels. The real issue, and the reason everything fails with the galactic command gearing is that Bioware simply will not touch the crates themselves which is a total misstep.


Nobody would care if we had 100 more levels if crates only dropped 230/236/242 gear. Nobody would get upset if the green and blue gear got 86'd from the crates. Nobody would care if 228/ 234/ 238 / 240 were the craftable armorings mods enhancements. Nobody would care that there were 100 more levels if the junk non moddable gear schematics were removed.


They need to increase the drop rates of the 230/236/242 gear in crates, and by extension any other "top tier". They need to make these one step lower gear tiers for crafting. They need to remove the junk.


Until they do these things, nothing they do matters cause the system itself will fail no matter what.

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How out of touch are these guys? I get that pride can blind people to not seeing how terrible something is, but seriously? Why do I even bother playing this game still... oh yeah, it's the only SW MMO. They know they have us by the short and curlies for now. They will just do as they please.
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OK someone really needs to explain the raging to me. And I mean it in a genuine way. I've recently returned to the game and haven't played since early days of RotHC... Anyway, got my sniper to 70 and started gearing. For now mostly PvP for components and solo content for the RNG boxes. And I'm really missing the issue with the system. I mean I've always expected a gear grind in MMOs since the early days of WoW (only got as far as Lich King with it) and this is more of the same... Do high end PvP and PvE content for the best great... And getting whole sets has always required a grind of some sorry...The RNG boxes are just a bonus as I see it.


Now, the numbers might need adjusting to make it slightly easier to get the best gear but personally I always thought that top of the line gear should be a challenge to get. And I don't think expecting to gear all your toons quickly is reasonable... I dunno, for me there's a reason Ive had a "main" and x nr. of "alts" in any game. I expect and put the effort into gearing my main first and foremost and don't expect my alts to all be on par with my main... Maybe it's just me... What am I missing here?

Edited by Valceanu
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