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Bioware Please Merge Servers


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I've not bent the truth in the slightest. I really wish I had not been queued that long.
I'm terribly sorry Icykill, that was NOT aimed at you...that was aimed at the person I was quoting originally. I used your quote to demonstrate how the lie was fabricated.
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Lol. I know, its braick racking stuff here! xD


Instead of congratulating yourselves for an all-too-easy solution that addresses only a part of the problems with different language servers, why don't you take a second to address the further concerns risen? What about group finder? "Just don't use it if you don't want to/can't speak or understand english"?

I really don't see the problem with one remaining server for german and french speaking people, at least on the german side the population on the main server is just fine (for now at least).

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Instead of congratulating yourselves for an all-too-easy solution that addresses only a part of the problems with different language servers, why don't you take a second to address the further concerns risen? What about group finder? "Just don't use it if you don't want to/can't speak or understand english"?

I really don't see the problem with one remaining server for german and french speaking people, at least on the german side the population on the main server is just fine (for now at least).

I've played multiple games in the past with that had people speaking all kids of languages - players adapt. It's not a real concern imo.

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Instead of congratulating yourselves for an all-too-easy solution that addresses only a part of the problems with different language servers, why don't you take a second to address the further concerns risen? What about group finder? "Just don't use it if you don't want to/can't speak or understand english"?

I really don't see the problem with one remaining server for german and french speaking people, at least on the german side the population on the main server is just fine (for now at least).


I've played multiple games in the past with that had people speaking all kids of languages - players adapt. It's not a real concern imo.


While some members of the "Merge servers NOW!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!" crowd may wish to dismiss those concerns as "not real" (possibly because acknowledging those concerns would be counter-productive to their agenda), they are "real" concerns for many that deserve be addressed.

Edited by Ratajack
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While some members of the "Merge servers NOW!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!" crowd may wish to dismiss those concerns as "not real" (possibly because acknowledging those concerns would be counter-productive to their agenda), they are "real" concerns for many that deserve be addressed.

So are dead and dying servers, but you don't seem to want to address that either. And there is no "agenda" unless you think making the game appealing for new/returning players is an "agenda".

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So are dead and dying servers, but you don't seem to want to address that either. And there is no "agenda" unless you think making the game appealing for new/returning players is an "agenda".


You still here pretending you're fighting for the people who "maybe one day" will play the game, instead of listening to play who already actually do play (and subscribe) just so you can get your guildship transferred?

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So are dead and dying servers, but you don't seem to want to address that either. And there is no "agenda" unless you think making the game appealing for new/returning players is an "agenda".


I am against server merges until/unless BW resolves ALL of the headaches and nightmares they would cause. That does not mean I am against players being able to play one servers with higher population, should they choose to do so.


Fortunately, that option already exists. All that is required is that the players who wish to play on servers with a higher population avail themselves of the option that already exists that will allow them to do so. Those players who choose not to avail themselves of that option are making the choice to play on lower population servers.

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I've played multiple games in the past with that had people speaking all kids of languages - players adapt. It's not a real concern imo.


The important question with these games is, was it always a community with mixed languages or do players really had to adapt at some point from native language servers to an international community? If it was a mixed community from the beginning, I don't see the situation as comparable.

In SWTOR there are people who chose to buy and play the game under the sole condition that there are servers dedicated to their language, who wouldn't have made that decision if they knew beforehand that they only had the choice to play on an english speaking server, and who are not playing games like ESO for that single reason.

I'm not bothered by it personally, I'm playing on different servers with different languages. But I know a lot of people who are. Who feel intimidated by the thought of even to try playing on Red Eclipse for example, and who would rather stop playing altogether than to try to adapt, but can't raise these concerns here because they can't write english well enough to express it (and honestly, when was the last time someone from the dev team took a look into the german/french forum sections?).


The answer to "You're all playing on an eglish speaking server now" would likely be "Then I don't play at all anymore" from some people. Of course, I can't tell how big the number of lost players would be, and if it would be higher than the number that could potentially be lost due to a european community that is fractured between three servers. But I don't think that the benefits from going from a high to a very high population number on the european server outweighs the damage that would do to the french and german communities.

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I cannot speak to then needs of others or people on servers other than TEH. But I don't see any need to change what we have on TEH. I get pugs easy enough, either building them through allies/fleet/friends or group finder for fp and ups. PvP pops well I see contestant PvP ranked is popping calls. I am not sure how it is anywhere else. But TEH is fine no need to merge here.
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Fortunately, that option already exists. All that is required is that the players who wish to play on servers with a higher population avail themselves of the option that already exists that will allow them to do so. Those players who choose not to avail themselves of that option are making the choice to play on lower population servers.


How many times do you have to post the same thing over and over, ad nauseum? We get get it already; you've made your point countless times in this thread and others. Unless you have something new to say please just stop.

Edited by kvandertulip
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Instead of congratulating yourselves for an all-too-easy solution that addresses only a part of the problems with different language servers, why don't you take a second to address the further concerns risen? What about group finder? "Just don't use it if you don't want to/can't speak or understand english"?

I really don't see the problem with one remaining server for german and french speaking people, at least on the german side the population on the main server is just fine (for now at least).


Works fine in TESO. Broken english is the universal mmo language afterall. Most Germans know english or french, and most french know english or german. So that problem is pretty much a non issue.

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Works fine in TESO.


As I said, because in ESO it was this way since launch and every german/french player knew what they were getting themselves into and made the conscious decision to play nevertheless. It's a different deal here, where there are some people who have never played and would never play any game where they only have this choice.

For the mostern part these are older (30+) people from east germany, by the way. English was not a mandatory class and sometimes not even offered for voluntary classes at school and many were learning Russian instead. Therefore they only speak maybe a few words and not even broken english, some just never had the oppurtunity to learn it in school. In some regions schools that offer english classes were as rare as schools offering japanese classes today, for example. It's not a issue for the younger generation, I agree. But to claim that it is a non-existent non issue in general is simply false.

And as I said, the reason you don't see these people in other games is that they weren't even beginning to play these games in the first place.


So, again: There are some players you would loose by closing the german and french servers. Why do this just to consolidate three well populated servers (english, french, german) into one, that is insignificantly better populated (at some population point there is just no difference anymore between a warzone pop every 3 or 4 minutes)?

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As I said, because in ESO it was this way since launch and every german/french player knew what they were getting themselves into and made the conscious decision to play nevertheless. It's a different deal here, where there are some people who have never played and would never play any game where they only have this choice.

For the mostern part these are older (30+) people from east germany, by the way. English was not a mandatory class and sometimes not even offered for voluntary classes at school and many were learning Russian instead. Therefore they only speak maybe a few words and not even broken english, some just never had the oppurtunity to learn it in school. In some regions schools that offer english classes were as rare as schools offering japanese classes today, for example. It's not a issue for the younger generation, I agree. But to claim that it is a non-existent non issue in general is simply false.

And as I said, the reason you don't see these people in other games is that they weren't even beginning to play these games in the first place.


So, again: There are some players you would loose by closing the german and french servers. Why do this just to consolidate three well populated servers (english, french, german) into one, that is insignificantly better populated (at some population point there is just no difference anymore between a warzone pop every 3 or 4 minutes)?


I am quite positive that the majority of german players are not only from Eastern Germany. I , for example, am from Heidelberg Germany. And if they were 30, they would have had french or english offered in their schools by the time they were able to learn new languages. Most people that are in Germany and France know enough french and english to get by, And where did I say this was only for PvP? This would increase the QoL for all pops and all group content. And again, with the german and french gen chat tabs, there would be 0 problems with community. And a LOT of people in Germany play their games in English because the translations are god awful in German. IE, my entire family, almost all my friends, and colleagues ( not SWTOR specific )

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You still here pretending you're fighting for the people who "maybe one day" will play the game, instead of listening to play who already actually do play (and subscribe) just so you can get your guildship transferred?

I gave up on the guildship being moved over a year ago, but I appreciate you trying to make this something personal. I'm fighting for what I believe is best for the game at this point...dead servers are not good for the game in ANY way.

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I am quite positive that the majority of german players are not only from Eastern Germany.


I never spoke of a majority here. I'm quite sure that the people who would never play on an english speaking server whatsoever are in fact a minority (even though considerably more would be upset, albeit not a dealbraker for them). But again: Who can say how big that group is, and if they are really less than the people that would noticeable (!) benefit from a unified european server? I for sure can't. All I can say is that this group DOES exist, and it is big enough to be noticed on the german servers.


And if they were 30, they would have had french or english offered in their schools by the time they were able to learn new languages.


I meant to write 40, apologies (the 90s are still just ten years ago, I swear, I'm sure of that...).^^


And where did I say this was only for PvP?


Where did I say that? ;)

I used it as an example because I didn't want to write "pvp, fps, ops, gsf, etc.", but if you want to be precise: At some point it doesn't make a difference anymore if a warzone pops every 3 or 4 minutes, ranked pvp every 10 or 12 minutes, group finder for veteran fps every 1 or 2 minutes, group finder for master fps every 10 or 12 minutes, op groups fill within 5 or 7 minutes,...

(really, do you have to include a "for example" in each and every case, where it should be obvious?)


And a LOT of people in Germany play their games in English because the translations are god awful in German. IE, my entire family, almost all my friends, and colleagues ( not SWTOR specific )


Me too. Since Oblivion, by the way, with their... creative abbreviations in the german translations ("Schw. Tr. d. Le.en.-W." was seriously the name of a potion there. Supposedly meaning "Schwacher Trank der Lebenswiederherstellung", but really, you can't infer anything from that name alone...).

And by the time I started to do progression raiding, that was also kind of an issue, because most people in my raid group used the german client and sometimes we didn't know which skill someone was referring to, because the names are translated. I usually just described the skill icons then, but that's also a potential issue. Imagine someone playing with the german client in a group getting told to use "Resurgence" more. I mean, I had to look up the translation for that word. Sure, you can adapt to everything, but why make it more complicated for everyone? Because that no only affects the german/french players. Right now you can be reasonably sure that everyone playing on the Red Ecplipse at least uses the same language files for their game. That wouldn't be the case anymore.


My dream solution would be two european servers, by the way, one PvE and one RP, because I don't really care for the language and more about the overall community. But from all I heard over the years from gildies and other players on the german servers, I'm a minority in that regard, and I seriously feel that closing these servers would cause an outcry that is far worser than just keep 3 serves for europe.

It would really be interesting to have some numbers of people that transferred from a german/french server to a higher populated english one. That could give some estimates on how big the groups are.


But maybe that's the wrong question. A better one: how much worser off is T3-M4 compared the Ebon Hawk/Red Eclipse etc.? My personal opinion is: not noticeable worser. I don't really see a difference between prime time pops on Red Ecplise and T3-M4. Is it therefore really necessary to merge them? No, definitely not. It would be a completely different question if all german servers were in the condition of Jar'Kai Sword, but they are not. So, why doing more harm than good here?

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End of the day we all have different views on what should be done and what shouldn't but the thing we can all agree on is why is Eric Musco not even coming in a major thread this topic has been hot for a long time not just this thread but many others and as a Subscriber that has been subbed since day one I would like to know what is going on and why the silence because the more silent this thread becomes with Bioware Austins refusal to answer or even comment on the matter is that showing a positive outlook for the games future ?


All we need is answers and not delays with delayed reply's like more info coming in 2020 on server issues we all know the game will never be at it's peak ever again so as a community lets put the pressure on the team to give us real details on what all require.

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End of the day we all have different views on what should be done and what shouldn't but the thing we can all agree on is why is Eric Musco not even coming in a major thread this topic has been hot for a long time not just this thread but many others and as a Subscriber that has been subbed since day one I would like to know what is going on and why the silence because the more silent this thread becomes with Bioware Austins refusal to answer or even comment on the matter is that showing a positive outlook for the games future ?


All we need is answers and not delays with delayed reply's like more info coming in 2020 on server issues we all know the game will never be at it's peak ever again so as a community lets put the pressure on the team to give us real details on what all require.


BW has already answered this subject. The 90 CC transfers were supposed to end Jan 18th I believe it was, and it is still going on. That is a clear answer to the subject of Server Merges.

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It is, just not the answer everyone wants. It is them saying there is no server merges coming, so transfer your legacy if you want to.


They've said they're going to do it but "not soon" because the coding challenges are significant for whatever they've got left in their engineering room.

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They've said they're going to do it but "not soon" because the coding challenges are significant for whatever they've got left in their engineering room.




Even that second hand, third party podcast you keep throwing around as "proof" that BW promised that server merges are absolutely going to happen and are imminent never said "they were going to merge servers."


I've listened to that podcast and even those podcasters could only say that "someone from BW" (they could not even say who) said that BW was aware of server population concerns, but that there are many roadblocks to merging servers, and BW did not want to merge servers unless it could be done is such a way that no one would have a bad time-- that there were many issues to resolve, such as things like guilds and guild assets would remain intact, individual strongholds would not have to be redecorated, individual legacy storage vaults would remain intact, naming conflicts were not an issue, etc.


It seems that once again someone is taking second hand, third party information and reading into it only what they want to see and hear, and completely disregarding the fact that there has been NO official statement from BW regarding server merges.

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How many times do you have to post the same thing over and over, ad nauseum? We get get it already; you've made your point countless times in this thread and others.


But it's ok for the "Merge servers NOW!!!! I NEED more LFG fodder!!!!" crowd to continue to demand server merges ad nauseum when BW has apparently chosen to leave the choice of server and server population in the hands of the individual players?



Unless you have something new to say please just stop.


No, I don't think I will stop.

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