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Is 5.1.2 still coming Tuesday 2/28


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This^. I can confirm that we are still on track for next week. I am working on getting expanded details out this week, such as the buffed Component rates.






Hi Eric,

Are you adding any way for us to get unassembled components if we don't like pvp or starfighter?

My ops team is too weak to do master mode, and I'm rank 300 with zero 242 pieces from crates due to horrible luck.

I would still like a way to upgrade my 236's to 242.

Edited by Red_rocks
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Hi Eric,

Are you adding any way for us to get unassembled components if we don't like pvp or starfighter?

My ops team is too weak to do master mode, and I'm rank 300 with zero 242 pieces from crates due to horrible luck.

I would still like a way to upgrade my 236's to 242.


No offense but if you can't do MM with 240's then gear isn't your main concern.

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"No news is good news."

No news means the Community Manager is not doing his job. As predicted the brief uptick in communications has yet again fallen off the cliff and we're back to crickets. Competent CM's never have "nothing" to talk about. While some of it is inconsequential that's kept to a minimum.


When you sow apathy guess what you're going to reap?

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Please no, SM last boss 100% with a chance of a drop off other bosses, Veteran random per boss with the last boss dropping the 100%, Master 100% per boss so the hardest difficulty gets the rewards as it should be more pain the better the gain i say.


Btw thought you were playing FFXIV full time now lol


I disagree strongly. All ops bosses need to have a 100% chance to drop UAs.

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THANK GOD!!! That needs to be 10x's the rate it currently is to be reasonable.


At least 10x. I am so far behind on getting any kind of semi decent gear for the alts that I used to love to play that the only way I can get back to enjoying the experience is to have a greatly improved gearing system to make them viable again.

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At least 10x. I am so far behind on getting any kind of semi decent gear for the alts that I used to love to play that the only way I can get back to enjoying the experience is to have a greatly improved gearing system to make them viable again.

Agreed. Alts have been left behind...

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Yea totally burned out on component grind, its definitely needs a boost.

I'm not even trying. There is an analogy of dangling a carrot from a stick, in front of a donkey, in order to coax it into moving forward. We are the donkey, the carrot is the gear. If the carrot is close enough and is perceived to be attainable, the donkey is motivated to move and try to get the carrot. If the carrot is too far out front, the donkey is not going to move.


The Unassembled Component rate is like having the carrot be literally a mile out in front of the donkey. It's so far out in front that I can't even see it. I don't see myself ever getting enough UC's to get to the carrot of a full 242 gear set. So I just give up and don't even try. This donkey isn't going anywhere.


I would suggest numbers for how much I think the UC rate should be increased to, but I don't know what BW's objectives are. I do know that they have to dial it up considerably for a casual pvper like me to become motivated. But maybe the hardcore players who run warzones 8 hours a day would get to the carrot too soon, get bored, unsub. I have no idea. They started with an extremely low number, probably figuring that it's better to err on the side of too little, then plan to dial it up at a later date once they get some data and try to get a feel for what the players are doing and compare that to their objectives.

Edited by teclado
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I would suggest numbers for how much I think the UC rate should be increased to, but I don't know what BW's objectives are.

It's fairly simple to divine: They're still working under the delusion that RNGearing is a viable primary. UC's are at best a gap-filler intended to get that last piece of gear.


Until they start acting like adults and admit their failure we'll just have to suffer. Or leave. I'm seeing far too many people getting exhausted with this crap and just giving up and walking away.

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No offense but if you can't do MM with 240's then gear isn't your main concern.


I am the only person in my team in 240s, theyre slow, unskilled and frankly hopeless at mechanics, however I'm pub side in australian timezone, theres not many raid teams to choose from who aren't total *****. I would still like a chance at upgrading my gear however and I despise pvp.

Why should pvpers be able to just afk in warzones and get 1-3% of a 242piece every run but I can't do a hm flashpoint and get some progress?

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It's been said elsewhere that the devs cannot simply "get rid of GC" because it is the only new content gated behind a subscription.


Let's put it how it really is. Galactic Command (which is an interface not even the stupid Uprisings) gates old content via gearing from subscribers, and we're all paying to have our gear as subscribers gated from us behind RNG hell. There's no excuse since passes were removed, that was not only killing a revenue source on the CM but was gating more behind a sub.


Nobody cares about that interface or that the Light side/Dark side has triumphed, one hour remaining.

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It's been said elsewhere that the devs cannot simply "get rid of GC" because it is the only new content gated behind a subscription.

Then they need to fix it by adding some sort of currency to the mix, so that the RNG aspect can be a bonus, rather than the primary means of gearing. RNG with very low rates is just not a good idea for a primary gearing system.

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I am the only person in my team in 240s, theyre slow, unskilled and frankly hopeless at mechanics, however I'm pub side in australian timezone, theres not many raid teams to choose from who aren't total *****. I would still like a chance at upgrading my gear however and I despise pvp.

Why should pvpers be able to just afk in warzones and get 1-3% of a 242piece every run but I can't do a hm flashpoint and get some progress?


Reaching 240 is far easier than it was a month ago. And they're adding changes in a few days that'll make it even faster.


PvP'ers can't just AFK in warzones, there's AFK detection and a report feature. I'd argue that doing HM Operations with 240's is just about the same if not a lower level of effort (unless you're the leading tank maybe), since all it requires is a decent rotation and a basic grasp of the op's mechanics.


You'll get into NiM eventually if your team is persistent. And when you do, you'll get 242's at probably a rate equal to PvP.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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Reaching 240 is far easier than it was a month ago. And they're adding changes in a few days that'll make it even faster.


PvP'ers can't just AFK in warzones, there's AFK detection and a report feature. I'd argue that doing HM Operations with 240's is just about the same if not a lower level of effort (unless you're the leading tank maybe), since all it requires is a decent rotation and a basic grasp of the op's mechanics.


You'll get into NiM eventually if your team is persistent. And when you do, you'll get 242's at probably a rate equal to PvP.


Doing unranked warzones has NOTHING to do with effort. You can totally afk this (brain afk anyway) and just look for a calm place besides the action, pop a self heal to get one medal, occasinally move your char to not get afk and then hope your team will maybe even win this. You also have nothing to do to get into a warzone besides clicking that button. Of course there are people that put a lot of effort in every warzone but even if you just pass the time anyhow without even trying to be helpfull you will get your wins and looses and components.

My healing sage can even pass a warzone using his sword for melee attacks all the time ( only healing himself, if at all) and totally trolling this bs of a system...and he gets rewarded for it and still wins 50% of the warzones.


Hm operations and hm flashpoints are much more of an effort. For hm operations you have to form a group manually before you can even start. And then there are enrage timers, heal checks and deadly mechanics you have to concentrate on. There is no way to brain afk this and you can't just look for a calm place besides the action, hoping your team will just finish this without you even trying to participarte and not getting kicked for that.


Nim operations beeing the only pve alternative to get 242s, is just not fair!


My only sword attacks using healing sage, who selfishly only heals him self and who doesn't care about anything around him in a warzone (and you call that effort) is worth getting 242s?


My healing sorc on the other hand (pve only) who has to play 100% concentrated all the time (otherwise people tend to die) in a hm flashpoint or hm operation is not worth getting 242s? He has to put in enormous efforts to keep everyone alive, he has to heal against boss enrages, cc breaking, players failing at mechanics and so on.

He doesn't get instant queue pops for hm flashpoints (that takes so much longer than every 5 minutes popping warzones) and for hm operations he has to manage finding a full group before he can even start.

And you call that less effort and not worth beeing rewarded with a chance to get 242s while brain afking and trolling warzones without any tiny bit of effort is rewarded with guaranteed 242s after collecting enough components?


If you really think random unranked warzones require more effort than hm flashpoints and hm operations, you must be playing a different game...for sure it's not swtor. Or maybe you never puged for hm flashpoints and only do group content with guildmates that have been playing together for years now. Only 1 out of 10 random hm flashpoint groups is well geared and has only experienced players in it. Playing in pve pugs often gives you a greater challenge than any warzone could ever give you. It doesnt matter if you win or loose a warzone...you get rewarded anyway.

But it does matter if your group is able to kill a boss or not...if not you don't get rewarded at all and you wasted your time for NOTHING. (so much about hm fps and hm ops requiring less effort)


Oh and just one more thing....gear is NOT more important for unranked warzones than it is for hm operations or hm flashpoints. Even with the worst gear you can jump into any unranked warzone and farm your components with ease.


I absolutely agree that flashpoints and operations should also grant unassembled components!

Edited by Avianatorsparkma
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This entire iteration is a through-and-through débacle, the only solution is reversion to pre 4.0 comms/tokens/PvP comms gearing.


Keep this RNG garbage for fluff/vanity if you absolutely must, it should never have had any higher purpose than that.


No way, I much prefer this system. Gearing up through GSF? hell yes. No more expertise? Hell yes.


That being said, they need to add some bad luck protection, and they need to tweak the loot tables for crates.

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It's been said elsewhere that the devs cannot simply "get rid of GC" because it is the only new content gated behind a subscription.


No, they can't get rid of it because someone's job depends on it succeeding, and "that someone" is almost certainly trying to carry off a lie between two sides --us, and "corporate"-- with themselves in the middle.


"That someone" doesn't strike me as anywhere near smart or aware enough to pull this sort of thing off convincingly.


I'm sure he's given himself more than enough rope that the hanging is, in due course, inevitable:


But whether the game will survive "that someone's" second-rate attempt at social engineering over the long-term is increasingly debatable.

Edited by midianlord
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This^. I can confirm that we are still on track for next week. I am working on getting expanded details out this week, such as the buffed Component rates.






Thanks Eric. Any more information about how exactly the White Acute Module will work and the XP reduction we can expect during bonus events and during normal gameplay time, such as I asked in the thread a week or so ago and PMed you about?

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