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I have been hearing a lot of people complain that Jugg is in a bad place right now.


Since i don't play one...


So wanted to clarify.


1. Jugg can still heal to full even in DPS spec, and has reflet? Right?


So why is jugg in a bad place rght now?


Also, some dudes complain that Snipers can not be digged out of cover, and only by another sniper: (here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=912701&page=5)


I main a Sniper, and correct me if I am wrong, Cover provides no damage mitigation by itself, only the 3 ballistic dampers, if not in Entrench, you are not immune to knockbacks and that will take you out of cover? Am I right? As far as the damage output, MM does not put out as near as much as Arsenal merc can do, and a lot fo white damage is mitigated.

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1. Jugg can still heal to full even in DPS spec, and has reflet? Right?


So why is jugg in a bad place rght now?


Reflect is basically the only thing that - temporarily - will make people not hit a jugg. Once done, the jugg is often done; at least in ranked. The self-heal is relatively slow, and when 2-3 people focus you, it will not help much. And a jugg can not stealh out, bubble or phase walk. He is just there and being slowed and focused to death. Only the tank spec has enough tools to mitigate all that damage.


I main a Sniper, and correct me if I am wrong, Cover provides no damage mitigation by itself, only the 3 ballistic dampers, if not in Entrench, you are not immune to knockbacks and that will take you out of cover? Am I right?


Correct, but snipers have 2 x entrench at the start of a match, and it will enable them to remain in cover for quite some time. But yes, people need to be better at knocking them around.

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Reflect is basically the only thing that - temporarily - will make people not hit a jugg. Once done, the jugg is often done; at least in ranked. The self-heal is relatively slow, and when 2-3 people focus you, it will not help much. And a jugg can not stealh out, bubble or phase walk. He is just there and being slowed and focused to death. Only the tank spec has enough tools to mitigate all that damage.




Correct, but snipers have 2 x entrench at the start of a match, and it will enable them to remain in cover for quite some time. But yes, people need to be better at knocking them around.


Yeah, but me as experienced players I don't waste my imperial preparation on doing 2 entrench in a row, i use it when someone is deliberately trying to kill me...then they either die or move on... in a one on one guard situation, yes I will have the upper hand because i will burn enemy down before my dcd's wear off, but using imperial preparation to get 40 sec of cc immunity in a row wouldn't be smart, and most experienced snipers don't do it.

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Enraged defense is all but useless when you're attacked by more than 2 people, even when attacked by two people it's pretty mediocre. It only really shines in 1v1's. Juggs (the dps ones, not the tanks) are actually pretty squishy when focused and perform pretty poorly in ranked as a result, they also lack the damage to really make up for it.


Cover does actually provide an innate 20% ranged defense chance increase, which admittedly does little against certain classes, but can be a great help against others.

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Your asnwer to everything is: Being Focused!


There is not a class in the game which can survive "being focused", just happened to me yesterday on my Merc. I got overconfident and stood in one place. As I used all my cds one by one, then medpac, adrenal and then i died. Took around 25 seconds and the OP Merc was dead.


The other team then won the round. Sure i learned my lesson and next round i was focused again, yet i kited, cced and knocked back etc. We won the match after that. If you are focused you are dead, I have killed sorcs that didnt get to pop bubble (not netted) or Mercs that didnt get to activate reflect.

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Your asnwer to everything is: Being Focused!


There is not a class in the game which can survive "being focused", just happened to me yesterday on my Merc. I got overconfident and stood in one place. As I used all my cds one by one, then medpac, adrenal and then i died. Took around 25 seconds and the OP Merc was dead.


The other team then won the round. Sure i learned my lesson and next round i was focused again, yet i kited, cced and knocked back etc. We won the match after that. If you are focused you are dead, I have killed sorcs that didnt get to pop bubble (not netted) or Mercs that didnt get to activate reflect.


True, but I have seen a Darkness Sin do pretty well under pressure being focused by 3, hes ward seemed to be very helpful...

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Your asnwer to everything is: Being Focused!


There is not a class in the game which can survive "being focused", just happened to me yesterday on my Merc. I got overconfident and stood in one place. As I used all my cds one by one, then medpac, adrenal and then i died. Took around 25 seconds and the OP Merc was dead.


The other team then won the round. Sure i learned my lesson and next round i was focused again, yet i kited, cced and knocked back etc. We won the match after that. If you are focused you are dead, I have killed sorcs that didnt get to pop bubble (not netted) or Mercs that didnt get to activate reflect.


Only 25 seconds of standing stiill being focused and your were dead. LOL :rolleyes:

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1. Jugg can still heal to full even in DPS spec, and has reflet? Right?



Enraged Defense isn't really a heal to full anymore. It's more of a health pause, because it hasn't scaled up to meet the incoming damage. The size of the 12 ticks of healing are really based on your power stat, but they don't get to be all that big. Meanwhile, the damage output from other classes has scaled up considerably.


My gunslinger's charged burst, which isn't even close to my highest hitter, does more damage than a tick of enraged defense heals, so if a jugg pops ed, and I decide to just keep tunneling him, the jugg is still losing health. If he pops ed and reflect, I can just channel sweeping blasters, and he's now out two defensives, and still losing health. If I'm specced dirty fighting, and he pops ed right before I do a wounding shots, the channel will eat all 12 stacks and then some. The dots tick for less than the heal, but there's a whole heck of a lot of them. His best case scenario is finishing that ws channel with the same health that he started.


The heal just hasn't been scaled up enough. Once upon a time, a jugg could get burst down to 20-30%, pop endure and med pac, and be near full health, only to be burst down again to 30%, pop ed for another heal to full, get burst down to finally die. Of course there's saber ward and reflect, as well. Aside from ward and reflect (which does nothing about aoe), the defensives aren't what they used to be. Even endure paired with medpac isn't as effective anymore. Gone are the days, I believe, of the three life juggs.


Slingers are in a very, very good spot right now. But the above example isn't just for them. Any dot class is going to chew through ed super fast. The only way for the jugg to get any meaningful healing out of it is to los and let the dots tick without the accompanying channel. Being the "wrecking balls" that they are, they are probably right in the thick of things, and a los point will require either a mad dash, or interceding to a team mate near an object to get behind it. Either way, the jugg is taking itself out of the fight, or dying.

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Reflect is basically the only thing that - temporarily - will make people not hit a jugg. Once done, the jugg is often done; at least in ranked. The self-heal is relatively slow, and when 2-3 people focus you, it will not help much. And a jugg can not stealh out, bubble or phase walk. He is just there and being slowed and focused to death. Only the tank spec has enough tools to mitigate all that damage.




Correct, but snipers have 2 x entrench at the start of a match, and it will enable them to remain in cover for quite some time. But yes, people need to be better at knocking them around.


So if 2-3 peeps focus my sin pretty much same thing happens! Oh wait my awesome cloaking ability that 99% of the time is able to be countered by another sins lacerate or a knock back or someones AOE abilty. In fact I love it when other sins cloak out because lacerate almost always pops them right back out however, there is that 1% time it don't very rare though.

Point is your so use to playing a I win jug class from before you think the class is broke fact is your a DPS class and DPS classes are glass cannons in fact you shouldn't even have ED or any ability that could potentially heal you to full EVER number one. Now if you'd rather have survival and DPS you now become a hybrid and as such your DPS will need to be reduced do otherwise breaks trinity (ahem cough MERC/SNIPER)

Sorry I have no love for Jugs specially sense some of my attacks I can't even use if a Jug chooses to engage me because I have to be behind the target would be different if we had an ability that slowed turning so we could get behind our targets. IMHO jugs ED should be removed and replace with 15% of max health heal and then you'd be on par with rest of DPS well save for snipers and merc's As for just being forced to stand there don't you have a charge now that lets you jet off? Just saying if a sin was in that situation i'd cloak then be popped out and then force run away.

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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Enraged Defense isn't really a heal to full anymore. It's more of a health pause, because it hasn't scaled up to meet the incoming damage. The size of the 12 ticks of healing are really based on your power stat, but they don't get to be all that big. Meanwhile, the damage output from other classes has scaled up considerably.


My gunslinger's charged burst, which isn't even close to my highest hitter, does more damage than a tick of enraged defense heals, so if a jugg pops ed, and I decide to just keep tunneling him, the jugg is still losing health. If he pops ed and reflect, I can just channel sweeping blasters, and he's now out two defensives, and still losing health. If I'm specced dirty fighting, and he pops ed right before I do a wounding shots, the channel will eat all 12 stacks and then some. The dots tick for less than the heal, but there's a whole heck of a lot of them. His best case scenario is finishing that ws channel with the same health that he started.


The heal just hasn't been scaled up enough. Once upon a time, a jugg could get burst down to 20-30%, pop endure and med pac, and be near full health, only to be burst down again to 30%, pop ed for another heal to full, get burst down to finally die. Of course there's saber ward and reflect, as well. Aside from ward and reflect (which does nothing about aoe), the defensives aren't what they used to be. Even endure paired with medpac isn't as effective anymore. Gone are the days, I believe, of the three life juggs.


Slingers are in a very, very good spot right now. But the above example isn't just for them. Any dot class is going to chew through ed super fast. The only way for the jugg to get any meaningful healing out of it is to los and let the dots tick without the accompanying channel. Being the "wrecking balls" that they are, they are probably right in the thick of things, and a los point will require either a mad dash, or interceding to a team mate near an object to get behind it. Either way, the jugg is taking itself out of the fight, or dying.


Well then remove ED altogether and just give them a heal that is 15% of max health and be done with it.

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Sorry I have no love for Jugs specially sense some of my attacks I can't even use if a Jug chooses to engage me because I have to be behind the target.

Can't backstab, yuggernaut moves too fast.

Please nerf, ty.

Signed: A ss a sin

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So if 2-3 peeps focus my sin pretty much same thing happens! Oh wait my awesome cloaking ability that 99% of the time is able to be countered by another sins lacerate or a knock back or someones AOE abilty. In fact I love it when other sins cloak out because lacerate almost always pops them right back out however, there is that 1% time it don't very rare though.

Point is your so use to playing a I win jug class from before you think the class is broke fact is your a DPS class and DPS classes are glass cannons in fact you shouldn't even have ED or any ability that could potentially heal you to full EVER number one. Now if you'd rather have survival and DPS you now become a hybrid and as such your DPS will need to be reduced do otherwise breaks trinity (ahem cough MERC/SNIPER)

Sorry I have no love for Jugs specially sense some of my attacks I can't even use if a Jug chooses to engage me because I have to be behind the target would be different if we had an ability that slowed turning so we could get behind our targets. IMHO jugs ED should be removed and replace with 15% of max health heal and then you'd be on par with rest of DPS well save for snipers and merc's As for just being forced to stand there don't you have a charge now that lets you jet off? Just saying if a sin was in that situation i'd cloak then be popped out and then force run away.


I-win class :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Replace ED with 15% heal so anni maras could heal from their dots more than jugg from all dcds :D:D:D


PS: merc with 4 heal to fulls is fine.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Level a jugg and play as dps at solo ranked, you will die in 5 seconds when you get full focus and ed won't h2f.


JUGG DPS & PT DPS have super bad defenses, sorc dps is also bad now, but at least it is still possible to kite more as sorc.

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Level a jugg and play as dps at solo ranked, you will die in 5 seconds when you get full focus and ed won't h2f.


JUGG DPS & PT DPS have super bad defenses, sorc dps is also bad now, but at least it is still possible to kite more as sorc.


No your defense are fine mercs snipers are op and thus it unbalances the game. Look your a DPS spec that puts out high dmg YOU can't have high defense it breaks trinity its why mercs and snipers are op. If they either got there DPS reduced or their defense's reduced you'd survive longer in rank as a result. Your to use to being able to have 3 lives... well suck it up buttercup welcome to what being a DPS is all about you a fricken glass cannon now deal just like i have to. Yes in ranked if you get focused you well die in 5 secs goes for sins, sorcs, pts now ops can go a few mins longer dodging, mara with their 99% absorbing might get a few more seconds not much though! Just the way it is, a DPS class shouldn't be able to have 3 lives! This is why everyone is playing a sniper and a merc (I win classes) and partly why you die so quick is because; i am guessing here mind you that your doing dmg to these classes as your dying yet they can survive it.

Now on to the obvious any character that gets focused by 4 other characters SHOULD NOT SURVIVE! the fact that snipers and merc's can is plain evidence it's breaking trinity. So just because four focus you and you die doesn't necessarily mean your defensive's are inadequate just simply working as intended.

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I-win class :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Replace ED with 15% heal so anni maras could heal from their dots more than jugg from all dcds :D:D:D


PS: merc with 4 heal to fulls is fine.


Who said anything about it applying to mara's? Simple fact they don't have too just because your both warrior classes. I have ball lightning yet hatred and darkness do not. I have maul but cannot maul from front darkness can. See my point.


PS: merc with 4 heal to fulls is fine.

I can support that when your DPS gets reduced! To do otherwise breaks trinity ....i know you need your I win class.

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Who said anything about it applying to mara's? Simple fact they don't have too just because your both warrior classes. I have ball lightning yet hatred and darkness do not. I have maul but cannot maul from front darkness can. See my point.


PS: merc with 4 heal to fulls is fine.

I can support that when your DPS gets reduced! To do otherwise breaks trinity ....i know you need your I win class.


No I don't see your point. I see only bad stubborn dude that refuses to learn to play and complains that other classes have SOMETHING better (doesn't matter if they are worse at everything else).


Also stating that mercs and snipers are now OP because juggs were too OP is just beyond retarded. I'm impressed.

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No I don't see your point. I see only bad stubborn dude that refuses to learn to play and complains that other classes have SOMETHING better (doesn't matter if they are worse at everything else).




Also stating that mercs and snipers are now OP because juggs were too OP is just beyond retarded. I'm impressed.

I see so what did i write that confused you about not applying 15% heal to mara's?


Really so the influx of merc's and snipers has no merit what so ever of them being OP? Then why is everyone playing them?


Do you think matches like this are fun?




I'm not the one crying "i got my butt handed to me in 4vs4 jugs are bad waaaaaaaa" I'm fine with my class prior to 5.0 had to kite and watch for ED/reflect same thing still applies post 5.0. My issues before was that in order to not "heal" the jug you basically had to either cloak or stun if those were up or otherwise you'd take damage while you couldn't deal any. Post 5.0 not an issue I got a reflect now so mostly balanced.

The one who's stubborn is you who refuses to see that a DPS class with defenses that turn it into a semi tank spec breaks the whole trinity. Just admit you want jug to be the way it was before, you want to dish out 4k+ DPS plus have 3 lives. Sorry son that ain't what a DPS spec is suppose to be. The one that needs to l2p is you. I've got guild mates who play Jug and they admit class has been nerf'd but it's not as bad as your making it, jugs will tend to die more quickly now yet their still putting out 4k +dps but heck that's what a glass cannon spec is suppose to be. do a huge burst of DPS and then die.


Now stating I am not particularly fond of ED and that i don't believe that any DPSing class should have an ability that has potential to heal to full and that it's not appropriate for DPS specs does not mean i don't know how to deal with it. I can control what I do but I cannot control what others do and 9 times out 10 in large battles jugs would get healed to full( prior to 5.0) That's just my opinion.

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Can't backstab, yuggernaut moves too fast.

Please nerf, ty.

Signed: A ss a sin


lol funny.

IMHO instead of slowing and kiting jug and hitting them with VS and trying to stay out of their melee range

having an ability to slow turning would allow us to actually get behind and actually use maul and engage up close and personal. Yes we have low slash which allows for us to maul once and then wait another 15secs before we can do it again. Meanwhile all jug has to do is be facing you and unload every attack keeping them slowed and out of rage limits dmg but huge pain.

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Oh wait my awesome cloaking ability that 99% of the time is able to be countered by another sins lacerate or a knock back or someones AOE abilty. In fact I love it when other sins cloak out because lacerate almost always pops them right back out however, there is that 1% time it don't very rare though.


Sorry I have no love for Jugs specially sense some of my attacks I can't even use if a Jug chooses to engage me because I have to be behind the target would be different


Kazz, may I ask if you are using your mouse to turn, or your keyboard? Being a deception Sin, you only have to be behind your target for maul. You don't even have to be perfectly behind them, however, in a fast paced encounter, using your keyboard to turn your character, and your mouse to click on maul, will often result in you not being able to use said ability. I can honestly say I've never been prevented from using maul because of the other player turning too fast. Now, if you had said something about the game engine not recognizing the fact that you were indeed behind the target, therefore preventing your use of maul, then you'd have a point.


Same can be said about getting popped out of stealth by lacerate. Tip: don't combat stealth while standing in the middle of the melee. Positioning is important.


I mean, hey, play how you like, but those complaints really just boil down to player experience and adaptability. If you wish to improve in those areas, keybinding your abilities, and using your mouse to turn will improve your success rate at not getting popped out of stealth, and landing mauls.


Now, I have looked at your screenshots, and from the looks of it, you do have keybinds set up. Only you know if you actually use them. No wz medpac in sight, but you do have an adrenal, so maybe you ran out after the match started, and had to make do with the pve ones.


As far as balancing around the trinity is concerned, I agree with you. But which trinity? In which game mode? Perhaps you are talking about team ranked. Or maybe NM progression raid teams? Those two game modes are where the top players hang out.


Surely you aren't suggesting the developers balance the classes based on what the keyboard-turning, mouse-clicking, mouth-breathing masses in regs are able to do with the classes!


Or maybe they should balance around solo ranked? Trinity isn't enforced in solo ranked. You have to be a bit self sustaining in solo ranked. gasp. Does that mean self heals on a dps spec? Sure, get rid of self heals. We've already learned it's impossible for a sin to stealth out and go out of combat regen. After all, they 9 out of 10 times get popped right back out of stealth.


Ok, fine. Team ranked.


Oddly enough, dps Juggs don't make the cut for team ranked teams. Why is that? is it because their dps is full of fluff, and not meaningful? Is it because if the healer stops babysitting for one moment, the Jugg is sure to get globalled?


Know who doesn't get left out of team ranked just because of class? Sin dps. I wager that never in the history of the game has a conversation amongst ranked players gone as follows:


sin: Alright boys, James and his crew are in queue. Let's show them what we're made of.

healer: Sorry Carl, we're gonna take Brutus the jugg today instead of you.

sin: what? why?

healer: well, James is bringing a dps Jugg. He turns too fast. You'll never be able to use maul. We have to bring another Jugg with us to hard counter his turning.

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Kazz, may I ask if you are using your mouse to turn, or your keyboard? Being a deception Sin, you only have to be behind your target for maul. You don't even have to be perfectly behind them, however, in a fast paced encounter, using your keyboard to turn your character, and your mouse to click on maul, will often result in you not being able to use said ability. I can honestly say I've never been prevented from using maul because of the other player turning too fast. Now, if you had said something about the game engine not recognizing the fact that you were indeed behind the target, therefore preventing your use of maul, then you'd have a point.


Same can be said about getting popped out of stealth by lacerate. Tip: don't combat stealth while standing in the middle of the melee. Positioning is important.


I mean, hey, play how you like, but those complaints really just boil down to player experience and adaptability. If you wish to improve in those areas, keybinding your abilities, and using your mouse to turn will improve your success rate at not getting popped out of stealth, and landing mauls.


Now, I have looked at your screenshots, and from the looks of it, you do have keybinds set up. Only you know if you actually use them. No wz medpac in sight, but you do have an adrenal, so maybe you ran out after the match started, and had to make do with the pve ones.


As far as balancing around the trinity is concerned, I agree with you. But which trinity? In which game mode? Perhaps you are talking about team ranked. Or maybe NM progression raid teams? Those two game modes are where the top players hang out.


Surely you aren't suggesting the developers balance the classes based on what the keyboard-turning, mouse-clicking, mouth-breathing masses in regs are able to do with the classes!


Or maybe they should balance around solo ranked? Trinity isn't enforced in solo ranked. You have to be a bit self sustaining in solo ranked. gasp. Does that mean self heals on a dps spec? Sure, get rid of self heals. We've already learned it's impossible for a sin to stealth out and go out of combat regen. After all, they 9 out of 10 times get popped right back out of stealth.


Ok, fine. Team ranked.


Oddly enough, dps Juggs don't make the cut for team ranked teams. Why is that? is it because their dps is full of fluff, and not meaningful? Is it because if the healer stops babysitting for one moment, the Jugg is sure to get globalled?


Know who doesn't get left out of team ranked just because of class? Sin dps. I wager that never in the history of the game has a conversation amongst ranked players gone as follows:


sin: Alright boys, James and his crew are in queue. Let's show them what we're made of.

healer: Sorry Carl, we're gonna take Brutus the jugg today instead of you.

sin: what? why?

healer: well, James is bringing a dps Jugg. He turns too fast. You'll never be able to use maul. We have to bring another Jugg with us to hard counter his turning.


I am in fact a keyboard and mouse user and to clarify it is the " engine not recognizing the fact that you were/are indeed behind or to the side of the target, therefore preventing your using of maul" . Let's also not forget that your opponent for the sake of arguing, say a mara who also is a keyboard turner can avoid being mauled by simply turning if he see's that your trying to flank him.... all he has to do is move very slightly whilst still attacking you with all their front facing attacks. Whether because of lag or the way system recognize position it can in fact be difficult land a maul on a skilled opponent outside of using your stuns/lowslash. While not insurmountable it is annoying.

I do use heal stims look at screen shot there's like 600 in my inventory just not warzone ones cause crafted ones are better IMHO.

warzone 35% of 114170 = 39959 (call it 40k)

crafted heal stims 37255 low end to 44545 highend plus 11136 over 15sec giving you

48,391 low end to 55681 highend

As for the lacerate popping positioning......... to a small degree you have a point yes it's possible to cloak and not get popped yet I have repeatedly popped other sins I go against time and time again. Even when they run off in unexpected directions lacerate still pops'em as does most AOE's.


The trinity system is pretty standard tank, heals, DPS. Which to balance PVE or PVP well if you ask me i'm a PVPer so i'd say PVP but that would no doubt upset the PVE community. I suppose you could alleviate some of the issue by giving separate abilities for PVP and PVE and balancing each to it's respective type. Baring that might consider changing somethings around. The reason Rank doesn't worked is you always have some classes that are in essence heavy weights and others that are welter weights and lastly light weights. As long as this system exists you can never truly balance the match. I have never liked the idea of tanks doing DPS in pvp defeats purpose of having DPS and you always end up with skank tanks.

A possible solution :


Tanks no longer doing DPS, they become support classed i.e. channel buffs/debuffs. Sort of like Jedi/Sith battle meditative stances. Since bioware loves taking away abilities and giving them to other classes remove barrier from sorc and give to tanks with set number of hitpoints that can be destroyed. Damage can pass through with mitigation any hits would cause push back on channeling so say a Tank was channeling an armor buff that when fully channeled everyone on his team was getting a 5% boost to armor and when he gets hit it pushes it back and drop it to 3.5% yet would continue to work its way back up to 5%. Could introduce utilities that removed pushback effect and allowed multiple channeled abilities at expense of less barrier hitpoints. So now our tank can channel a buff of 3.5% to armor a speed buff for 2% and dmg increase of 4%. Plus Tanks would still mitigate dmg (i.e be tanky) they could still guard peeps and have a roll that I am sure people would like to play I mean we got people who play healers this is very similar in that reguards only instead of healing your team your channeling buffs for your team. Then focus on your DPS classes Pure DPS specs would be glass cannons, hybrids would have half the DPS but better survival. Finally fix the queue system to prevent to many of same classes join in on one match having 6 tanks would literally help no one.5

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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