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Update to the 250% CXP Event.


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I guess you're right, from Bioware perspective. :p But I still think that sometimes a little bit of honesty is better than over-controlled and over-positive communication that doesn't represent reality. I would have respected them more if the communication was different. I must value honesty too much. :D




If he's really as controled as you say, well, that's a really ****** job. :D I'd like to agree with you, but I just don't buy it. He's not a slave who has no other choice but keep doing what they want. He chooses to keep doing so, and to keep working here. I don't blame him for that, but he choosed it.


I get what you were saying, his responsabilites are minimal, and you're right, but there isn't none. He's not a poor victim, he's doing his job and he's paid for it. I'm not saying we should bash him, but nothing shows me that he cares any more than others about players and nothing shows me that he isn't supporting the team decisions. Maybe he is, but we can't say.


At best he's almost "neutral" for me, but no pass for him, sorry. :)


I can't blame Musco and other people 'down in the trenches' who have to deal with players on a regular basis. I've worked in the customer service industry for many, many years myself. I know how much it sucks to have to parrot the company line even if you personally think it's wrong, because if you stray from said company line you end up with another line: the unemployment one. They're not the people in charge of this game's development, or who determine its funding. They can give feedback to those people, but they don't get to make any of the actual decisions. Musco is a mouthpiece for EAWare Austin, a messenger and little more, and I refuse to shoot the messenger.


That's why I blame the people at the top. That's why I think Ben Irving should no longer be lead producer. Because he DOES make these terrible decisions and should be held accountable for the damage they've done to the game.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Either the current boosted rate becomes the norm or the drop rates on set pieces improves. Both would be great but one has to happen, otherwise the situation just stays unacceptable, even with better un-assembled drops. Edited by Gallandaeus
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That's what I'm saying. Is it supposed to be 250%? Because in game it's rewarding 200%.


GSF 2x bonuses have been done before, they're usually pretty rare though.


~ Eudoxia


We looked into your report and you're correct that GSF is currently awarding 2x Requisition. We will turn up the dial in 5.1.2 to bring it in line with character experience at 2.5x.





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We looked into your report and you're correct that GSF is currently awarding 2x Requisition. We will turn up the dial in 5.1.2 to bring it in line with character experience at 2.5x.








We also want the Option to Turn off the XP Boost like we could with the White Acute module a few years ago. Lots of us don't want to lvl that fast and will either stop playing altogether or just unsubscribe till April and just lvl as Preferred players.

Your choice, keep us as subs or lose the subs for 2 months. Seems a pretty easy decision.


Can you at least get back to us and say yes or no.

Edited by Totemdancer
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You know...having read through the half dozen threads regarding command crates and experience...


Whoever called it back when they nerfed cxp down from 10 to 2 for golds, "Watch. They will wait a month then partially de-nerf it to around 7 through some sort of 'bonus' witout admitting they intentionally did it that way so people would be greatful for the boost a la healer comp nerf." You sir deserve a prize for your prescience.


I'd suggest a bonus command crate, but I'm not sure you'd actually want it :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
:confused:So you say we can achieve upwards of 350% CXP? how exactly does one get this? or is it already in affect in game, and that essentially it says i'm getting the 250% but in reality i'm actually getting 350%? Please clear this up for me because if I can get 350% CXP boost I want in whatever I have to do to get it
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Hey folks,


The math savvy among you are going to notice the current CXP boost in the game for the event is operating at 350% instead of 250% as we originally stated. Since the Mission buffs are coming in 5.1.2 we decided to make the boost even larger until then! Since this was a last minute change, the in-game tooltip will still state 250% but the bonus is in fact 350%. Note that XP and Requisition are still 250%.


Get in there and enjoy your crazy CXP bonus. :rak_03:




Sad news for me as i can't play atm because of my business trip and it will last very long. Anyway, i can't understand why people are so happy? It is obvious that bw are doing these events because of implementing new tiers of gear. So it is just a forever-grinding system with a carrot on a stick.

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:confused:So you say we can achieve upwards of 350% CXP? how exactly does one get this? or is it already in affect in game, and that essentially it says i'm getting the 250% but in reality i'm actually getting 350%? Please clear this up for me because if I can get 350% CXP boost I want in whatever I have to do to get it


It's automatically in effect. You don't have to do anything to get it.

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