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Option to Turn OFF XP boost


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The silence is deafening. BIOWARE, where is the option to turn off the XP boost?

If you aren't going to do it, at least man up and tell us instead of ignoring us as usual.


Exactly, why as usual are you lot not answering we keep asking for this and you keep ignoring us... Why is that?

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I'm in complete agreement -- one would think this option would be a given. I'm a returning player that hasn't played since launch. I was excited that I could play JUST for the main storylines and finally see all the class stories I hadn't before, but even as it was it seemed too easy (Darth Baras was such a trivial fight). All the challenge had gone out, but I was still enjoying the story.


Now my character is ridiculously over-leveled for the content he/she is doing. While I can still play the story, It's also sapping what little enjoyment I had out of it to be so far above the intended level. Seems a simple fix to allow me to disable the boosted xp. Getting to end-game is not my priority in the least, and I'll probably be un-subbing again when I get there because it isn't why I came back in the first place. Do you really want me gone that much quicker, Bioware?

Edited by enrogae
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Another whole day and the 2 of the big things people have talked about since the patch haven't even been acknowledged.


First there is the mini map icons being oversized

Second you have turning off XP boost option


Looks like Eric had time to write a big story about Tait, but couldn't write a couple of lines to say, "guys we've heard you and are looking into it, we'll get back to you"

What sort of community manager is this guy. He doesn't even need to say they are doing it. All he needs to do is acknowledge that they've heard us.


He did acknowledge there was an issue with the DvL armor not bolstering well and I've seen posts back 2 weeks ago reporting this. So how long till he gets back to us about these 2 issues?


I was really hoping he would get back to us with in a few days because I can't play while the XP boost is on. But I guess not.


I'm going back to WoW again, bye

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Hey folks!


I apologize for the delay in response. I was waiting to respond when I had something definitive to share but I don't have that quite yet. Still, I wanted you to know that we have seen your feedback about turning off the XP bonus. We are talking about it and seeing if this is something we can address during the event or not. I will let you know once I know more.



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Hey folks!


I apologize for the delay in response. I was waiting to respond when I had something definitive to share but I don't have that quite yet. Still, I wanted you to know that we have seen your feedback about turning off the XP bonus. We are talking about it and seeing if this is something we can address during the event or not. I will let you know once I know more.




Thank you Eric for responding. It makes us feel like you are listening and we are not just yelling into the wind

Edited by Totemdancer
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Hey folks!


I apologize for the delay in response. I was waiting to respond when I had something definitive to share but I don't have that quite yet. Still, I wanted you to know that we have seen your feedback about turning off the XP bonus. We are talking about it and seeing if this is something we can address during the event or not. I will let you know once I know more.




Whew, thank you. :) Even just letting us know that you guys have seen this request is reassuring.

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Hey folks!


I apologize for the delay in response. I was waiting to respond when I had something definitive to share but I don't have that quite yet. Still, I wanted you to know that we have seen your feedback about turning off the XP bonus. We are talking about it and seeing if this is something we can address during the event or not. I will let you know once I know more.




From what I've read, during a past event you could purchase a "token" or something that stops the character from earning Experience at an increased rate. If that's the case then I laugh at your post and at you and your colleagues, because obviously it is something you could address but you simply just don't want to. Don't worry, those who do not want to earn Experience at 2.5x the speed, all you need to do is stop playing your leveling characters until they "address" this.


Thank God I like earning my Experience at a faster pace. :cool:

Edited by SlthBounteHuntah
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Hey folks!


I apologize for the delay in response. I was waiting to respond when I had something definitive to share but I don't have that quite yet. Still, I wanted you to know that we have seen your feedback about turning off the XP bonus. We are talking about it and seeing if this is something we can address during the event or not. I will let you know once I know more.




I have seen in a few other games you actually can turn off the XP 100% there is a switch in preferences in these other MMOs and I think this would be a good option for people that just like to play low pvp that way they will never leave the bracket they intend to compete in even though it's just regs.


So I think having the choice to stop all XP would be a better idea than just a fix to slow it down and if they want to go to a higher level just turn it back on ( Requires a game restart ) but time will tell.

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I have seen in a few other games you actually can turn off the XP 100% there is a switch in preferences in these other MMOs and I think this would be a good option for people that just like to play low pvp that way they will never leave the bracket they intend to compete in even though it's just regs.


So I think having the choice to stop all XP would be a better idea than just a fix to slow it down and if they want to go to a higher level just turn it back on ( Requires a game restart ) but time will tell.


I support this idea.


It's beeaached iz bro 🐳

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I have seen in a few other games you actually can turn off the XP 100% there is a switch in preferences in these other MMOs and I think this would be a good option for people that just like to play low pvp that way they will never leave the bracket they intend to compete in even though it's just regs.


So I think having the choice to stop all XP would be a better idea than just a fix to slow it down and if they want to go to a higher level just turn it back on ( Requires a game restart ) but time will tell.


Leave before the match ends...voila no XP. Baddies who can't compete at endgame have already been doing this for years.


Getting crushed by my invincible perma-39 Madness Sorc is exactly the welcome newbie PvP'ers need. :rolleyes:

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Leave before the match ends...voila no XP. Baddies who can't compete at endgame have already been doing this for years.


Getting crushed by my invincible perma-39 Madness Sorc is exactly the welcome newbie PvP'ers need. :rolleyes:


You still lvl while playing, especially if you hit some silly achievement

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Hey folks!


I apologize for the delay in response. I was waiting to respond when I had something definitive to share but I don't have that quite yet. Still, I wanted you to know that we have seen your feedback about turning off the XP bonus. We are talking about it and seeing if this is something we can address during the event or not. I will let you know once I know more.




Eric, don't be afraid to post something even if you don't have any valid info for us. That way we know you don't ignore us.

It is always better to hear: "you know guys, we're very sorry, we wish we could help you but the way the game is designed now we can't simply put an opt out without re-designing many many things" -over getting nothing on the topic and feeling ignored.

This time your silence cost BW my sub -I cancelled it when patch notes were released with no mention of our problem.

So I guess a way for you to go now would be to buy a nice fancy cup, place it in your bosses office and put 15$ worth of my subscription into it every month :D


Anyway keeping my thumbs up for the positive solution.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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Hello Everyone :D


I opened a thread too , but i see this one is more complete and got ore open ears , that's awesome .


I got 7 or 8 chars lvl 70 already and total of 26 with diferent levels.


I love to do ops with my guild and also the chapters and "almost " all the endgame content ( no pvp or star fighter :p ) .


Still , i LOVE to level up my chars slowly , crafting stuff , explore etc ... and i am completely against double xp , triple xp 10x O_O etc ...


I totally understand other players who like to rush ( or skip ) the leveling part . Each one of us -sub or not , have the right to enjoy this game as they like .


If i got all done in a couple of months i get bored and stop the game . If not i can continue in game for several years etc ...


The white acute module was AWESOME for being a perfect choice for those not wanting to level up at light speed .


I really want that back because :


1 - i can level up my char at my rhythm .

2- I don't use my low levels while double xp and other event of that kind are on and

2.1 - If i don't play because i can't play as i want , i am kind of wasting my sub time , and ...my money , right ?


I saw a lot of empty vendors all over the planets , poor npc's who don't have a purpose anymore lmao -was on Illum doing Malgus thingy story and the Basic tokens vendor had nothing to sell , still , he was there like a **** @_@



Please Bring back that module and PLEASE ! don't make us wait 1 or 2 months for it O_O


Make it constantly available , so we can use it during ALL XP boost events .


Thank you !!!

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I have seen in a few other games you actually can turn off the XP 100% there is a switch in preferences in these other MMOs and I think this would be a good option for people that just like to play low pvp that way they will never leave the bracket they intend to compete in even though it's just regs.


So I think having the choice to stop all XP would be a better idea than just a fix to slow it down and if they want to go to a higher level just turn it back on ( Requires a game restart ) but time will tell.



Its a good idea. Why not?

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People dont want to level slower. They want to turn off XP gain overall to stay at the level they like to play at. It did wonders in another game.

While I can see why some people, primarily PvPers, would want to turn of XP gain overall, personally, I want to level slower, not stop it. Now sure, if I could stop it, then I could turn it off, then on again, but that's extra hassle. I'd rather just level slower, so I set it once and be done with it.


What I'd like to see to see is two-fold:

1. A slider that lets you set the base xp gain from 0 to 100%.

2. A checkbox to disable XP bonuses, like the event and guild ones.

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People dont want to level slower. They want to turn off XP gain overall to stay at the level they like to play at. It did wonders in another game.


That's what I'd like, so I can farm for things that only drop at certain levels. I don't mind fast leveling or overpoweredness generally but the fact that all I can get is outlander gear no matter where I go makes it so I have one less thing I enjoy doing in the game.

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Hi Eric


Unless I missed it somewhere in your notes, you didn't mention there would also be a 250% XP boost as well as a 250% CXP boost.

This XP boost is not needed for a lot of people. I dare say it is going to turn me off resubscribing again (which I considered doing). I only lvl in pvp and enjoy playing all brackets, I'm currently lvling up about 20 Alts. When you add boosted XP I have to stop playing them or I can max them out in a few days.

With the way gearing is and will be till about April, the only saving grace for me to not worry about RNG gearing is pre70 pvp. It's the only reason I was going to resub (which runs out 5th Feb). If you add this 250% XP you will remove the last bastion of enjoyable pvp for myself and many others..

For us pvp should be skill vs skill and at the moment it's gear vs gear.


Please give us the option to turn off the 250% XP boost.


Help me Eric, you're my only hope 🙏


It said so here: http://www.swtor.com/info/in-game-events


It clearly stated XP and CXP. We all know Bioware won't include an option to turn of the additional XP, they will just take it away. But since you're nothing but a troll, I suppose that is what you want. If you really don't like it, just don't level during the event.

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While I can see why some people, primarily PvPers, would want to turn of XP gain overall, personally, I want to level slower, not stop it. Now sure, if I could stop it, then I could turn it off, then on again, but that's extra hassle. I'd rather just level slower, so I set it once and be done with it.


What I'd like to see to see is two-fold:

1. A slider that lets you set the base xp gain from 0 to 100%.

2. A checkbox to disable XP bonuses, like the event and guild ones.

Great suggestion!

This would be the perfect solution. No need for Acute modules or consumables, or whatever other band-aids. This would fix the problem once and for all.



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Hey folks!


I apologize for the delay in response. I was waiting to respond when I had something definitive to share but I don't have that quite yet. Still, I wanted you to know that we have seen your feedback about turning off the XP bonus. We are talking about it and seeing if this is something we can address during the event or not. I will let you know once I know more.



That would be great, here's hoping!

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Hey folks!


I apologize for the delay in response. I was waiting to respond when I had something definitive to share but I don't have that quite yet. Still, I wanted you to know that we have seen your feedback about turning off the XP bonus. We are talking about it and seeing if this is something we can address during the event or not. I will let you know once I know more.




While its good that you acknowledged someone is there... yay. We still need an answer as when my sub runs out it will not get renewed. Problem is I do not think I am the only one that will unsub....

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Hey folks!


I apologize for the delay in response. I was waiting to respond when I had something definitive to share but I don't have that quite yet. Still, I wanted you to know that we have seen your feedback about turning off the XP bonus. We are talking about it and seeing if this is something we can address during the event or not. I will let you know once I know more.




Yes, please!!!!! Reactivate the White Acute Modules! :rak_03:

Edited by -Wes-
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