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Option to Turn OFF XP boost


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Hey folks,


As I mentioned earlier this week, we have quite a few changes planned for gearing over the next few Updates. Let’s go over what they are, when they are happening, and why!


Game Update 5.1.1 – Coming February 7th

  • All Command Experience Points (CXP) gains, CXP Boosts, and CXP Legacy Perks are now additive instead of multiplicative.
    • This change is being made to setup for the greatly increased CXP gains that are possible in 5.1.1 (if you love math click the spoiler tag below for what this means in greater detail)

    [*]New CXP leveling event. This event will run until Game Update 5.2 in April. During this event all CXP earned will be increased by 250%.

    • The goal is that you will earn one crate every 30 minutes or less. The 30 minute time-frame is for a Tier 3 crate (meaning 1 and 2 will be even faster).

    [*]All CXP Packs that you earn from drops and Missions are now Bind on Legacy.

    • This change is to help a player distribute CXP around their Legacy if they choose to do so.

    [*]We are introducing a new 100% CXP boost in addition to the existing 15% and 25% boosts. This boost can be purchased from the Command Token vendor or the Cartel Market. This boost only works up to Command Rank 180 and lasts 2 hours (Command Tokens) or 3 hours (Cartel Market).

    • The goal of selling this boost for Command Tokens is that it allows higher Command Rank players to use their Tokens to greatly accelerate leveling their alts (you can also buy them on the CM or GTN).


Game Update 5.1.2 – Coming February 28th

  • We will be rebalancing the CXP rewards you earn from Operations. Boss kills will now award more CXP than they did previously. The Operations Weekly has had its CXP reward greatly increased.
    • Operations CXP rewards are below where we would like them to be and so we are increasing their CXP value from both gameplay and Missions.

    [*]Group Finder Daily CXP Rewards are being added. Completing the Daily Group Finder Bonus will award you with a bonus CXP Pack.

    • We wanted to ensure there were great CXP incentives to participating in Group Finder. By making it a CXP Pack it has the added bonus of being Bind on Legacy so you can use it on whatever character you would like.

    [*]The completion Mission for Flashpoints have had their CXP values greatly increased.

    • Flashpoint CXP rewards are also below where we would like them be to and so we have added a much larger CXP bonus for completing their respective Missions.

    [*]The Flashpoint and Uprising Weekly Missions have had their CXP rewards increased.

    • Our goal is to really encourage players to play multiple types of content for the best rewards. We want to encourage playing a diverse set of content, not a singular activity (although you can always still do that if you prefer)

    [*]The PvP Daily and Weekly Missions now reward a batch of Unassembled Components.

    • This is one of the changes we are making to help players in getting Unassembled Components faster. It also incentivizes dabbling into PvP often.

    [*]We have increased the Unassembled Components that are awarded to players after completing Ranked and Unranked Warzones.

    • Not only did we want to reward playing Warzones through Missions, but we also wanted to ensure that those of you who play primarily Warzones each day could work towards purchasing gear quicker.


In the future

  • Unassembled Components and Legacy. We understand your Legacy is important to you and we agree with that, we are looking at ways to address that in the future.


These are all of the changes you can expect in 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 for Galactic Command. As you can see there is a lot happening and we want to hear what you think. As we go through these updates we will continue to monitor feedback and data to see what other adjustments may need to be made!






Let’s take a look at what the change from multiplicative to additive means. Warning, if you don’t like math, you’re not going to enjoy this 


The way CXP and its respective boosts work right now is that the % increases multiply with each other, hence the term multiplicative. Assuming that normal CXP gains =100%, this is what multiplicative boosting looks like:


CXP + legacy boost + CXP boost

100% * 10% * 25% = 137.5% CXP earned


Here is a more extreme example to see where this gets complex:

CXP + legacy boost + CXP boost + highlighted activity + DvL Bonus

100% * 10% * 25% * 20% * 15% = 189.75% CXP earned


As you can see, the more boosts you add into the equation the more difficult it becomes to tell how much of a bonus you are actually getting. Since we are going to be running a 250% CXP event and adding a 100% boost. We thought this would be a good time to make that math cleaner for players to figure out and so that our % boost wouldn’t get difficult to manage. Now, the same math from above would look like this:


CXP + legacy boost + CXP boost

100% + 10% + 25% = 135% CXP earned


CXP + legacy boost + CXP boost + highlighted activity + DvL Bonus

100% + 10% + 25% + 20% + 15% = 170% CXP earned


One thing you will notice is that the % you earn with additive is lower than that of multiplicative. That is one of the reasons that we are making this change under the new event, so that you aren’t actually losing any CXP earned. We also will factor this into future changes to ensure that the additive change isn’t a nerf to the CXP you earn. Especially since our goal is to ensure you are earning it faster, not slower.



Hi Eric


Unless I missed it somewhere in your notes, you didn't mention there would also be a 250% XP boost as well as a 250% CXP boost.

This XP boost is not needed for a lot of people. I dare say it is going to turn me off resubscribing again (which I considered doing). I only lvl in pvp and enjoy playing all brackets, I'm currently lvling up about 20 Alts. When you add boosted XP I have to stop playing them or I can max them out in a few days.

With the way gearing is and will be till about April, the only saving grace for me to not worry about RNG gearing is pre70 pvp. It's the only reason I was going to resub (which runs out 5th Feb). If you add this 250% XP you will remove the last bastion of enjoyable pvp for myself and many others..

For us pvp should be skill vs skill and at the moment it's gear vs gear.


Please give us the option to turn off the 250% XP boost.


Help me Eric, you're my only hope 🙏

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Hi Eric


Unless I missed it somewhere in your notes, you didn't mention there would also be a 250% XP boost as well as a 250% CXP boost.

This XP boost is not needed for a lot of people. I dare say it is going to turn me off resubscribing again (which I considered doing). I only lvl in pvp and enjoy playing all brackets, I'm currently lvling up about 20 Alts. When you add boosted XP I have to stop playing them or I can max them out in a few days.

With the way gearing is and will be till about April, the only saving grace for me to not worry about RNG gearing is pre70 pvp. It's the only reason I was going to resub (which runs out 5th Feb). If you add this 250% XP you will remove the last bastion of enjoyable pvp for myself and many others..

For us pvp should be skill vs skill and at the moment it's gear vs gear.


Please give us the option to turn off the 250% XP boost.


Help me Eric, you're my only hope 🙏


Hate to break it to you, but PVP in this game will never be about skill vs skill. Gear matters and will always matter.


Also PVP in this game is mostly a stunfest. Especially ranked. Who stuns better wins.


It's your personal choice, but I believe playing in the brackets is an utter waste of time. The faster you get level 70 the better, because the faster you will get access to crate content and gear which you need to be competitive at endgame pvp.


So I prefer the xp boost all the way.

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I don't see why someone would want to turn off super XP these days it's all about max level once you get to it then the fun really begins, if it's about story no matter what level you are when doing it you still do the story and watch the story stuff and you are down scaled to the planet level anyway.
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Hate to break it to you, but PVP in this game will never be about skill vs skill. Gear matters and will always matter.


Also PVP in this game is mostly a stunfest. Especially ranked. Who stuns better wins.


It's your personal choice, but I believe playing in the brackets is an utter waste of time. The faster you get level 70 the better, because the faster you will get access to crate content and gear which you need to be competitive at endgame pvp.


So I prefer the xp boost all the way.


This isn't about pvp or about your preference. It's about asking for an option that doesn't affect anyone who doesn't choose it. Please stay on topic

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I don't see why someone would want to turn off super XP these days it's all about max level once you get to it then the fun really begins, if it's about story no matter what level you are when doing it you still do the story and watch the story stuff and you are down scaled to the planet level anyway.


It doesn't matter if you would do it or wether you can understand why other might want to.

Let's just leave the conversation to people who would like the option, not those who don't or couldn't care what others may want.

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Yes please!

I like taking my sweet time levelling my toons , current regular xp gains is already too fast for my tastes but I deal with it. A 2.5x xp gain for two months will simply mean I'll be stuck NOT playing my low-level toons for two whole months!

Please give us back the Gree artifact that allowed us to opt-out before the launch of KotFE!

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It doesn't matter if you would do it or wether you can understand why other might want to.

Let's just leave the conversation to people who would like the option, not those who don't or couldn't care what others may want.


Sorry but this is an open forum for all subs and I'm telling you now you don't tell me what topic I can or can't post on. You made the topic so expect all sides to post on the thread it's our right and you have no say on who does or doesn't nore do you have any say on what they post so get used to this because you opened the door as long as we keep our posts within the rules of the TOS you have no show on shutting down subscribers rights to post on a thread.

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Yes please!

I like taking my sweet time levelling my toons , current regular xp gains is already too fast for my tastes but I deal with it. A 2.5x xp gain for two months will simply mean I'll be stuck NOT playing my low-level toons for two whole months!

Please give us back the Gree artifact that allowed us to opt-out before the launch of KotFE!


My sentiments exactly. With the last Double XP event that ran through the end of November, I stopped playing with my Consular for a few months because of the ultra rapid leveling which couldn't be turned-off. Now, I finally found some time recently to delve into my alt, and of course they decide to bring back this 250% percent Double XP for two full months.


Sheesh, my Jedi Consular has already reached Level 32 and I haven't even left Coruscant - LOL. The leveling system at this point is already ridiculously easy, and the upcoming event is only gonna' exacerbate that fact- even if 'Level Sync' does help balance everything out to some degree. Fine, perhaps my Merc will ultimately benefit from the CXP Boost, but only because he's already maxxed-out and won't be affected in the same fashion.


Whatever the case may be, I don't necessarily mind these Double XP Events - provided there's a way to turn them off if need be. Not to mention, they always seem to last for a few months at minimum. Come on devs, you provided a 'White Acute Module' back-in-the-day for those individuals desiring to "opt-out" and it was a simple and effective fix to this debacle.

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Anyone who wants to turn it off is a fool. They are also stupid because they do not know how this game works.


First there is level sync. Second there is no reason not to get to 70 and there is every reason to get to 70.




Because once you hit 70 you get GC and CXP replaces your standard exp bar. EXP no longer matters in this game because it does nothing for you. However, CXP does. It gets you gear, cosmetic items, rep, comp gifts, mounts, and pets. You do not have to grind CXP in just warzones or uprisings. You will get CXP doing planet quests, all the sides quests, your class missions and all gold+ mobs. When you do heroics you will not not just get credits but the alliance crates for more cosmetic gear.


There is absolutely no reason to want to be under 70 in this game. In fact you want to hit 70 before you leave the starter worlds to max out your CXP gain before you would have to grind it when you complete all the quests.

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Anyone who wants to turn it off is a fool. They are also stupid because they do not know how this game works.


First there is level sync. Second there is no reason not to get to 70 and there is every reason to get to 70.




Because once you hit 70 you get GC and CXP replaces your standard exp bar. EXP no longer matters in this game because it does nothing for you. However, CXP does. It gets you gear, cosmetic items, rep, comp gifts, mounts, and pets. You do not have to grind CXP in just warzones or uprisings. You will get CXP doing planet quests, all the sides quests, your class missions and all gold+ mobs. When you do heroics you will not not just get credits but the alliance crates for more cosmetic gear.


There is absolutely no reason to want to be under 70 in this game. In fact you want to hit 70 before you leave the starter worlds to max out your CXP gain before you would have to grind it when you complete all the quests.


Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man...

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Anyone who wants to turn it off is a fool. They are also stupid because they do not know how this game works.


First there is level sync. Second there is no reason not to get to 70 and there is every reason to get to 70.




Because once you hit 70 you get GC and CXP replaces your standard exp bar. EXP no longer matters in this game because it does nothing for you. However, CXP does. It gets you gear, cosmetic items, rep, comp gifts, mounts, and pets. You do not have to grind CXP in just warzones or uprisings. You will get CXP doing planet quests, all the sides quests, your class missions and all gold+ mobs. When you do heroics you will not not just get credits but the alliance crates for more cosmetic gear.


There is absolutely no reason to want to be under 70 in this game. In fact you want to hit 70 before you leave the starter worlds to max out your CXP gain before you would have to grind it when you complete all the quests.




In the end it's everyone choice how to spend time in the game.

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Sorry but this is an open forum for all subs and I'm telling you now you don't tell me what topic I can or can't post on. You made the topic so expect all sides to post on the thread it's our right and you have no say on who does or doesn't nore do you have any say on what they post so get used to this because you opened the door as long as we keep our posts within the rules of the TOS you have no show on shutting down subscribers rights to post on a thread.


Typical, nothing better to do so you stick you nose in to derail a ledgitmate thread that has nothing to do with you. Well done and very mature reply ^^ :rolleyes:

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Anyone who wants to turn it off is a fool. They are also stupid because they do not know how this game works.


First there is level sync. Second there is no reason not to get to 70 and there is every reason to get to 70.




Because once you hit 70 you get GC and CXP replaces your standard exp bar. EXP no longer matters in this game because it does nothing for you. However, CXP does. It gets you gear, cosmetic items, rep, comp gifts, mounts, and pets. You do not have to grind CXP in just warzones or uprisings. You will get CXP doing planet quests, all the sides quests, your class missions and all gold+ mobs. When you do heroics you will not not just get credits but the alliance crates for more cosmetic gear.


There is absolutely no reason to want to be under 70 in this game. In fact you want to hit 70 before you leave the starter worlds to max out your CXP gain before you would have to grind it when you complete all the quests.


How does it affect you, why do you even care. Calling people fools because they don't play like you is just arrogant.


You don't need the option so why are even bothering coming here to fight. It's our request not yours, it doesn't hurt you in anyway for it to be an option, so what's your real reason for posting insulting inflammatory rubbish

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Play as I do??? Are you effing joking???


I did not make up GC. I did not invent CXP.


However, I do know how it WORKS. And it works like this:


Once you hit level 70 you start getting all the rewards this game can give you. Gear, looks, pets, mounts, rep, and comp gifts. The standard exp is just there to get you to 70. That is it. It does not get you gear, it does not make you stronger, it does not make it more fun.


Unfortunately you are stuck in the old xp paradigm. You need to actually think about it.


The game has moved on from 1-whatever. It's now level 70 or go home. And you know why that is because at level 70 you have to pay $15 a month and that is what they want you to do. Level 1-69 is free 2 play and you cannot run a business that is free when you have staff, infrastructure, and stock holders.

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Right I'm stupid and a fool for asking for an option that would allow me to play the game in a way I enjoy for the next two months without preventing others to play it the way they enjoy playing it... *shrugs*


I'm barely participating into the grind fest that is Galactic Command with my mains, I'm not going to start grinding for that with toons I won't do end game content with.


Go play as you want to play for the $15 you pay each month, you have my blessings! All I'm asking for is an option to go play the way I want to play for the $15 I also pay each month...

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Unfortunately you are stuck in the old xp paradigm.


And you are stuck in your own personal, narrow-minded view of how things work for your gameplay that you can't see someone else's point of view. Maybe instead of being antagonistic and combative of something that doesn't fit your mold, try asking some questions to try and understand why people might want this as an option, which would not hinder or have any detrimental impact upon your chosen playstyle.


Or, to put it another way:


You need to actually think about it.
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if it doesn't effect you or effect your game play why feel the need to jump into a simple request thread and chime off ..if people want to opt out and rightfully so then its put up here as a suggestion not as an open invitation to get bashed . as subscribers we deserve the right to opt out with the option to turn it on or off .. its easily implemented , its been done before . shouldn't even be a request it should just be there at this point . dude on fleet every time there's an xp event .. done

its not a weekend of xp its months of it . and that there will effect their subs if people do not enjoy being force fed xp

worse then normal

why cant people just enjoy the game at their own pace without taking criticism for it

Edited by KerryK
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if it doesn't effect you or effect your game play why feel the need to jump into a simple request thread and chime off ..if people want to opt out and rightfully so then its put up here as a suggestion not as an open invitation to get bashed . as subscribers we deserve the right to opt out with the option to turn it on or off .. its easily implemented , its been done before . shouldn't even be a request it should just be there at this point . dude on fleet every time there's an xp event .. done

its not a weekend of xp its months of it . and that there will effect their subs if people do not enjoy being force fed xp

worse then normal

why cant people just enjoy the game at their own pace without taking criticism for it


Exactly this. If it were something that BW had never done before, at this point I would not trust them to get it right. But since they have done this in the past, there is no reason they cannot put that item back on the vendor to turn off the bonus XP gains. Would I use it? Hell no. I have played every class already up to 70 so let me get whatever toon I want up there as fast as I can. But that doesn't mean that those that want to just level at regular speed should be stuck playing only lvl 70s for a couple months until the event is over.

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Are you basically saying "you didn't say there would be a 250% xp boost to go along with the 250% cxp boost, but if there is, please make sure i can turn it off?"


because as far as they have announced, it's just for cxp and I truly can't see a reason to want to turn that off (unless you love gambling but only once every hour and 30 minutes, and anything less than that is terrible).. Now if it is for XP as well, then that is a different story, but even then other posters have said why overleveling is fine (level sync still makes everything a challenge anyway, you just have a few extra abilities).

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Yes please!

I like taking my sweet time levelling my toons , current regular xp gains is already too fast for my tastes but I deal with it. A 2.5x xp gain for two months will simply mean I'll be stuck NOT playing my low-level toons for two whole months!

Please give us back the Gree artifact that allowed us to opt-out before the launch of KotFE!


It's a CXP boost, not an XP boost.

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