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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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You ever notice Quinn never gets annoyed no matter how much you click him? Most companions get pretty testy about it, even Vector has an irritated comment.


Great now I have a new project to waste my time with - find out if Quinn is the only one who likes being spam clicked :o

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I don't see Ravage surviving the attack of the Eternal Empire. He seems to be one of those that would probably fight to the death. And without Marr to keep everyone in line (as he seemed to especially if Imperious/Oculus/Nox were allied with him) the council might have splintered rather than agree on a course of action. At this point also, Vowrawn might not have returned from wherever he decided to hide until after Acina declared herself Empress.


Also, I'm pretty sure that during the Dread Palace operation, Raptus again has the same VA as Vowrawn.


Ravage definitely went out in a blaze of glory. He was so mean to everyone, there's no way he did anything but fight. I like to imagine he's the one who almost chopped Arcann in half. :cool:

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You ever notice Quinn never gets annoyed no matter how much you click him? Most companions get pretty testy about it, even Vector has an irritated comment.


Great now I have a new project to waste my time with - find out if Quinn is the only one who likes being spam clicked :o


Vector's "irritated" comment was my first foray into companion clicking. ...that sounds very wrong, nevermind. XD Anyway, I had no idea companions actually had lines if you clicked on them. Then I saw that they *do*... so I curiously clicked on Vector. And he said, in a very soft, borderline dangerous tone, like he's one heartbeat away from murdering you, "That's not necessary." Amazing how he can make one simple line sounds like a prelude to brutal slaughter. Even though I can't actually imagine Vector slaughtering anybody.

I and my agent felt so bad (and a little scared) it was a long, LONG time before I clicked on any other companion ever again. XD

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Vector's "irritated" comment was my first foray into companion clicking. ...that sounds very wrong, nevermind. XD Anyway, I had no idea companions actually had lines if you clicked on them. Then I saw that they *do*... so I curiously clicked on Vector. And he said, in a very soft, borderline dangerous tone, like he's one heartbeat away from murdering you, "That's not necessary." Amazing how he can make one simple line sounds like a prelude to brutal slaughter. Even though I can't actually imagine Vector slaughtering anybody.

I and my agent felt so bad (and a little scared) it was a long, LONG time before I clicked on any other companion ever again. XD


I hate that line! I wish they would delete that one o.o Sometimes you just gotta poke at your LI and you don't want to hear them say that.


So far Treek is the only companion besides Quinn that doesn't seem to have an annoyed line but then again I lost interest in testing it like really soon after I started :D I think I'll go downstairs and poke at my husband a few times and find out what his annoyed lines are.


"what's up?"


"what you just want to poke me?"

"you want me to poke you?"

Then he got all grabby and uh.. ok husband didn't have any annoyed lines :D

Edited by grania
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Vector's "irritated" comment was my first foray into companion clicking. ...that sounds very wrong, nevermind. XD Anyway, I had no idea companions actually had lines if you clicked on them. Then I saw that they *do*... so I curiously clicked on Vector. And he said, in a very soft, borderline dangerous tone, like he's one heartbeat away from murdering you, "That's not necessary." Amazing how he can make one simple line sounds like a prelude to brutal slaughter. Even though I can't actually imagine Vector slaughtering anybody.

I and my agent felt so bad (and a little scared) it was a long, LONG time before I clicked on any other companion ever again. XD


Funny, I don't hear or take it as him being irritated. It sounds like a gentle scolding, the sort I'd get, if I pranked him somehow, or in response to mine and my agents 'playful' nature. :p

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Is anyone on Ebon Hawk? Just saw someone with the surname of Quinn, and I'm too shy to /whisper hello. :o


I'm on Ebon Hawk but that's not me. There was at one point a guild called Your Companion so when you saw someone running around it would look like <Your Companion>. Someone made a Quinn-clone (did a really good job of it) and named it Malavai (with that accent over the i) Quinn. That person made me do a double take quite a few times lol. I think there were some other characters with close-to-companion names as well. It was hilarious.

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I'm on Ebon Hawk but that's not me. There was at one point a guild called Your Companion so when you saw someone running around it would look like <Your Companion>. Someone made a Quinn-clone (did a really good job of it) and named it Malavai (with that accent over the i) Quinn. That person made me do a double take quite a few times lol. I think there were some other characters with close-to-companion names as well. It was hilarious.


That was on Ebon Hawk? I've heard tell of that guild, but I never got to see them in action... XD Drat, that would've been awesome to see. Especially Malavai. I might've gotten over my shyness and /waved or /hugged or something. XD

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Ok, so which one of you lost their Malavai on Iokath, mmm?




:D The poor thing was standing there alone, no player nearby, no player loading. I did some dailies around, so spent there quite a while, and he just stood there naked all that time...


Me! He's getting around! A week before the patch dropped, he appeared in the workshop room of my DK stronghold, standing on the table in front of Talos, wearing nothing but his underwear. I figured he was either a) trying to make some extra credits for a trip to Odessan, or b) Talos and my other techy/scientist companions were jointly working on a Quinn clone as a surprise present for my SW since she was so lonely. :p



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So umm... On Iokath: My two republic sided SW's got Malavai back, into their companion lists, summonable and all, not one issue ... but my empire siding SW did not, and she's the one that romanced him of the 3! he just isn't in the character list at all D:

C'mon Malavai, you're meant to be an Empire man, why you ditching my empire lady for the republic!


Jokes aside, I love his new uniform...

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I figured he was either a) trying to make some extra credits for a trip to Odessan, or b) Talos and my other techy/scientist companions were jointly working on a Quinn clone as a surprise present for my SW since she was so lonely. :p



Quinn: I hate life.

Talos: Oh! Hello, major! :D ...er, did you forget your clothes?

Quinn: You don't sound half as concerned as you should be.

Talos: *conspiratorial whisper* I travel with a Sith who makes reality look like the acid dream of a Hutt, sir.

Quinn: ...thank the Force for small miracles. My wife is not half so insane. Most of the time.

Talos: So, erm... clothes?

Quinn: *face burning bright red* *gets up on table*

Talos: :eek: Uh, Major?

Quinn: *starts dancing* Credits, please.

*everyone turns to stare*


Talos: *eyes burning out of his head* We were...discussing reality warping nightmares earlier, weren't we...?

Quinn: *still dancing* Lieutenant, I hate you.



Talos: No, no, no! This is not right AT ALL!

Quinn-bot: My life is to you serve. *glitch spark twitch eyeroll*

Talos: Who programmed the speech synthesizer!?

Lokin: Don't look at me.

Tharan Cedrax: ...uhh...

*everyone turns to glare at him*

Tharan: It wasn't my fault! Holiday, anything you can--er. Holiday?

Holiday: *staring dreamily at the Quinn-bot* So...handsome...

Tharan: *angry glare*

Holiday: *spinny eyes*

Lokin: We appear to have lost our primary technician. Tharan, what can you work with in the meantime?

Talos: Could, ah, could we please graduate to the part where the Quinn-bot has clothes? He's starting to make me very uncomfortable. What if someone comes in and wonders what we're doing?

Lokin: That usually only happens in bad holovids and books. Nevertheless, now that I've said it, we can reasonably expect it to happen--

Talos: *dives behind cover in nervous anticipation*

*unfortunately, the cover he selected happens to be the part of the desk the Quinn-bot is standing on*

*one very loud crash later...*

Lokin: ...and there goes weeks of work.

Talos: *slowly peeks over the desk* Are we dead ye--ohhh my goodness...WHAT HAPPENED!?

*the Quinn-bot is now in pieces*

Holiday: :(

Tharan: :D

Lokin: On the bright side, you no longer have to be uncomfortable. On the not-so-bright side, the deadline for Iokath is looming closer. We'll have to send out incomplete work. It can only handle maybe one minute of dialogue along very strict guidelines.

*and so, one unsatisfactory Iokath reunion later, you may blame Lokin, Tharan, Holiday, and Talos. Just go easy on Talos, okay, he's adorable. And Lokin will go all rakghoully on you. And Tharan and Holiday will...be so sweet you'll get cavities from looking at them*

Edited by Jagaimee
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Quinn: I hate life.

Talos: Oh! Hello, major! :D ...er, did you forget your clothes?

Quinn: You don't sound half as concerned as you should be.

Talos: *conspiratorial whisper* I travel with a Sith who makes reality look like the acid dream of a Hutt, sir.

Quinn: ...thank the Force for small miracles. My wife is not half so insane. Most of the time.

Talos: So, erm... clothes?

Quinn: *face burning bright red* *gets up on table*

Talos: :eek: Uh, Major?

Quinn: *starts dancing* Credits, please.

*everyone turns to stare*


Talos: *eyes burning out of his head* We were...discussing reality warping nightmares earlier, weren't we...?

Quinn: *still dancing* Lieutenant, I hate you.



Talos: No, no, no! This is not right AT ALL!

Quinn-bot: My life is to you serve. *glitch spark twitch eyeroll*

Talos: Who programmed the speech synthesizer!?

Lokin: Don't look at me.

Tharan: ...uhh...

*everyone turns to glare at him*

Tharan: It wasn't my fault! Holiday, anything you can--er. Holiday?

Holiday: *staring dreamily at the Quinn-bot* So...handsome...

Tharan: *angry glare*

Holiday: *spinny eyes*

Lokin: We appear to have lost our primary technician. Tharan, what can you work with in the meantime?

Talos: Could, ah, could we please graduate to the part where the Quinn-bot has clothes? He's starting to make me very uncomfortable. What if someone comes in and wonders what we're doing?

Lokin: That usually only happens in bad holovids and books. Nevertheless, now that I've said it, we can reasonably expect it to happen--

Talos: *dives behind cover in nervous anticipation*

*unfortunately, the cover he selected happens to be the part of the desk the Quinn-bot is standing on*

*one very loud crash later...*

Lokin: ...and there goes weeks of work.

Talos: *slowly peeks over the desk* Are we dead ye--ohhh my goodness...WHAT HAPPENED!?

*the Quinn-bot is now in pieces*

Holiday: :(

Tharan: :D

Lokin: On the bright side, you no longer have to be uncomfortable. On the not-so-bright side, the deadline for Iokath is looming closer. We'll have to send out incomplete work. It can only handle maybe one minute of dialogue along very strict guidelines.

*and so, one unsatisfactory Iokath reunion later, you may blame Lokin, Tharan, Holiday, and Talos. Just go easy on Talos, okay, he's adorable. And Lokin will go all rakghoully on you. And Tharan and Holiday will...be so sweet you'll get cavities from looking at them*


OMG...this is freaking awesome! :D Over here laughing so hard, I'm scaring my cats!


Of course, Scenario 2 also serves to explain the whole "Quinn, is that *really* you?!" line.

Edited by feylyndiira
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Is anyone on Ebon Hawk? Just saw someone with the surname of Quinn, and I'm too shy to /whisper hello. :o


I have recently made a character like that, maybe it was me you saw. Feel free to whisper me anytime. :) He is a Pureblood Marauder and he is dressed in an Imperial uniform, because he is the son of Malavai and the Wrath.

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Quinn: I hate life.

Talos: Oh! Hello, major! :D ...er, did you forget your clothes?

Quinn: You don't sound half as concerned as you should be.

Talos: *conspiratorial whisper* I travel with a Sith who makes reality look like the acid dream of a Hutt, sir.

Quinn: ...thank the Force for small miracles. My wife is not half so insane. Most of the time.

Talos: So, erm... clothes?

Quinn: *face burning bright red* *gets up on table*

Talos: :eek: Uh, Major?

Quinn: *starts dancing* Credits, please.

*everyone turns to stare*


Talos: *eyes burning out of his head* We were...discussing reality warping nightmares earlier, weren't we...?

Quinn: *still dancing* Lieutenant, I hate you.



Talos: No, no, no! This is not right AT ALL!

Quinn-bot: My life is to you serve. *glitch spark twitch eyeroll*

Talos: Who programmed the speech synthesizer!?

Lokin: Don't look at me.

Tharan Cedrax: ...uhh...

*everyone turns to glare at him*

Tharan: It wasn't my fault! Holiday, anything you can--er. Holiday?

Holiday: *staring dreamily at the Quinn-bot* So...handsome...

Tharan: *angry glare*

Holiday: *spinny eyes*

Lokin: We appear to have lost our primary technician. Tharan, what can you work with in the meantime?

Talos: Could, ah, could we please graduate to the part where the Quinn-bot has clothes? He's starting to make me very uncomfortable. What if someone comes in and wonders what we're doing?

Lokin: That usually only happens in bad holovids and books. Nevertheless, now that I've said it, we can reasonably expect it to happen--

Talos: *dives behind cover in nervous anticipation*

*unfortunately, the cover he selected happens to be the part of the desk the Quinn-bot is standing on*

*one very loud crash later...*

Lokin: ...and there goes weeks of work.

Talos: *slowly peeks over the desk* Are we dead ye--ohhh my goodness...WHAT HAPPENED!?

*the Quinn-bot is now in pieces*

Holiday: :(

Tharan: :D

Lokin: On the bright side, you no longer have to be uncomfortable. On the not-so-bright side, the deadline for Iokath is looming closer. We'll have to send out incomplete work. It can only handle maybe one minute of dialogue along very strict guidelines.

*and so, one unsatisfactory Iokath reunion later, you may blame Lokin, Tharan, Holiday, and Talos. Just go easy on Talos, okay, he's adorable. And Lokin will go all rakghoully on you. And Tharan and Holiday will...be so sweet you'll get cavities from looking at them*


I laughed hard at both of those scenarios. I don't see Quinn dancing almost naked for money, but in desperate times...maybe. lol And the second one was funny. I loved Holiday getting googly eyed at Quinn, and Tharan not being amused. lol

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So, regarding siding with the Republic in Iokath with romanced SW...

I finally got around to this in game last night and it left a sour taste in my mouth. Quinn asks his wife to forgive him and then pulls the exact same explosion/smoke bomb and flee bull **** that Elara does... just to later tell his wife he still has feelings for her only after his side loses and he's about to be imprisoned?


Okay, for me, this absolutely makes him out to be a complete scumbag and my SW would never take him back in this scenario. He places his loyalty to Acina before his wife and then has the nerve to say he still has feelings for her... only when he's out of options? Just, ugh. It makes it look like he's just trying to save his own skin, not that he wants to reunite with his lost love.


Then the kicker: all this betrayal and sleazy, skin-saving behavior after he spent months searching for and years being imprisoned for his wife? This makes no logical sense whatsoever.


Not happy with this writing. :mad:

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Me! He's getting around! A week before the patch dropped, he appeared in the workshop room of my DK stronghold, standing on the table in front of Talos, wearing nothing but his underwear. I figured he was either a) trying to make some extra credits for a trip to Odessan, or b) Talos and my other techy/scientist companions were jointly working on a Quinn clone as a surprise present for my SW since she was so lonely. :p




LOL, I bet Talos was shocked when he saw that. :D

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So, regarding siding with the Republic in Iokath with romanced SW...

I finally got around to this in game last night and it left a sour taste in my mouth. Quinn asks his wife to forgive him and then pulls the exact same explosion/smoke bomb and flee bull **** that Elara does... just to later tell his wife he still has feelings for her only after his side loses and he's about to be imprisoned?


Okay, for me, this absolutely makes him out to be a complete scumbag and my SW would never take him back in this scenario. He places his loyalty to Acina before his wife and then has the nerve to say he still has feelings for her... only when he's out of options? Just, ugh. It makes it look like he's just trying to save his own skin, not that he wants to reunite with his lost love.


Then the kicker: all this betrayal and sleazy, skin-saving behavior after he spent months searching for and years being imprisoned for his wife? This makes no logical sense whatsoever.


Not happy with this writing. :mad:


I'm not happy about that either, it's lazy writing. And the worst of it seems that if you side with the pubs, you get more time with him than you do as an Imperial (thus far). I keep hoping the some of the others that have said there is more to come are right, but I'm starting to wonder.

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So, regarding siding with the Republic in Iokath with romanced SW...

I finally got around to this in game last night and it left a sour taste in my mouth. Quinn asks his wife to forgive him and then pulls the exact same explosion/smoke bomb and flee bull **** that Elara does... just to later tell his wife he still has feelings for her only after his side loses and he's about to be imprisoned?


Okay, for me, this absolutely makes him out to be a complete scumbag and my SW would never take him back in this scenario. He places his loyalty to Acina before his wife and then has the nerve to say he still has feelings for her... only when he's out of options? Just, ugh. It makes it look like he's just trying to save his own skin, not that he wants to reunite with his lost love.


Then the kicker: all this betrayal and sleazy, skin-saving behavior after he spent months searching for and years being imprisoned for his wife? This makes no logical sense whatsoever.


Not happy with this writing. :mad:


K, I'm about to ramble.



I completely agree. The only way I could justify it in my head was that his Wrath-wife -- the Emperor's/Empire's Wrath -- just sided with the Republic. After he hasn't been in contact with her for years. He and Acina probably went there assuming she would side with the Empire, and when she sides with the Republic instead, maybe Quinn is like, "Who is this woman? Why isn't she siding with me/Acina/The Empire We Know And Love Or At Least Tolerated For Years Together? She probably really doesn't love me still."


Or something? I don't know. I can't say it would have been loyalty to Acina, really, for pardoning him and giving him a cool position at work -- or rather, fear of turning his back on that loyalty after she (sort of) helped him out -- because he was in the perfect position to abandon her and stay with his wife & co. What would she do, force choke him via holocall?


AND it's terrible writing to have him running off without the warrior getting a word in first -- or that the warrior can't address him before deciding, I found silly. "Hey, honey, I might not make the decision you want. Promise not to throw a smoke bomb at me?" Instead there's no interaction between making the decision and Quinn hopefully throwing the smoke bomb explosion-thing not directly at his wife. :rolleyes:


And to have very little in the way of explanation after everything is lazy. Even when he begs and apologizes for helping Acina, he doesn't explain why he did that, and thus that is not an apology. He doesn't even say, "I was startled by your decision to side with the Republic, chose to follow orders, and totally wanted to hug you when Acina was tripping out on the throne." He just says, "Sorry, and not explaining my actions/reasoning."


Really, the start of that throne room scene should have been when Quinn went back to the warrior, not after Acina's death and everything else. It would be much easier to forgive if at that point he started helping the Alliance, IMO. (In fact, I think both Quinn and Elara should have a more monumental role in that scene; dialogue directed at the Outlander, at the least. In Quinn's case, he could further support the Empire!Sided!Warrior or if Warrior is sided with the Republic, he could flip on Acina at that point. Either way, it'd be a better lead-in to the one reunion scene.)



And it's annoying because it gives people an excuse to hate him even more, even though it's more the poor storyboard and lazy writing than the character.

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K, I'm about to ramble.



I completely agree. The only way I could justify it in my head was that his Wrath-wife -- the Emperor's/Empire's Wrath -- just sided with the Republic. After he hasn't been in contact with her for years. He and Acina probably went there assuming she would side with the Empire, and when she sides with the Republic instead, maybe Quinn is like, "Who is this woman? Why isn't she siding with me/Acina/The Empire We Know And Love Or At Least Tolerated For Years Together? She probably really doesn't love me still."


Or something? I don't know. I can't say it would have been loyalty to Acina, really, for pardoning him and giving him a cool position at work -- or rather, fear of turning his back on that loyalty after she (sort of) helped him out -- because he was in the perfect position to abandon her and stay with his wife & co. What would she do, force choke him via holocall?


AND it's terrible writing to have him running off without the warrior getting a word in first -- or that the warrior can't address him before deciding, I found silly. "Hey, honey, I might not make the decision you want. Promise not to throw a smoke bomb at me?" Instead there's no interaction between making the decision and Quinn hopefully throwing the smoke bomb explosion-thing not directly at his wife. :rolleyes:


And to have very little in the way of explanation after everything is lazy. Even when he begs and apologizes for helping Acina, he doesn't explain why he did that, and thus that is not an apology. He doesn't even say, "I was startled by your decision to side with the Republic, chose to follow orders, and totally wanted to hug you when Acina was tripping out on the throne." He just says, "Sorry, and not explaining my actions/reasoning."


Really, the start of that throne room scene should have been when Quinn went back to the warrior, not after Acina's death and everything else. It would be much easier to forgive if at that point he started helping the Alliance, IMO. (In fact, I think both Quinn and Elara should have a more monumental role in that scene; dialogue directed at the Outlander, at the least. In Quinn's case, he could further support the Empire!Sided!Warrior or if Warrior is sided with the Republic, he could flip on Acina at that point. Either way, it'd be a better lead-in to the one reunion scene.)



And it's annoying because it gives people an excuse to hate him even more, even though it's more the poor storyboard and lazy writing than the character.


Though I agree with all of the above, I found it very touching that he is willing to abandon the empire for the wrath - considering how devoted he is to the Empire. They should have made this an option earlier than it actually happened, but I still found it very touching.

Another thing that could justify it:


Written correctly he could have left in order to sabotage Acina and help his love that way instead. It would put him in the perfect position to help. Imagine if he sided with her and then as Acina was in the chair he was the one who sabotaged it and during the missions against the empire you had dysfunctional turrets and stuff, but Lana and Theron couldn't explain why. Or he could have contacted you by holo warning you about Acina's plan.... Damn... there are so many missed opportunities here.


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Though I agree with all of the above, I found it very touching that he is willing to abandon the empire for the wrath - considering how devoted he is to the Empire. They should have made this an option earlier than it actually happened, but I still found it very touching.

Another thing that could justify it:


Written correctly he could have left in order to sabotage Acina and help his love that way instead. It would put him in the perfect position to help. Imagine if he sided with her and then as Acina was in the chair he was the one who sabotaged it and during the missions against the empire you had dysfunctional turrets and stuff, but Lana and Theron couldn't explain why. Or he could have contacted you by holo warning you about Acina's plan.... Damn... there are so many missed opportunities here.


Ugh, yes, that would have been so much better! And seriously, the lack of holocalls from Quinn/Elara was strange. Why don't they check in with us, let us know the base-defending is going well? A little "Good luck, snookums" for the romanced people? Sigh.

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And it's annoying because it gives people an excuse to hate him even more, even though it's more the poor storyboard and lazy writing than the character.


In other words, It's the Baras betrayal all over again. Just with different characters/not quite as explicitly spelled-out. "Sorry, love, but I'm choosing someone else over you."


....and that gave me a perfectly awful idea for my own headcanon, because at this point, I don't know if my warrior will choose the Empire or the Republic, but she's leaning Republic just simply so Acina won't get the weapon (she hates Acina). And then if Quinn does this...after my gal's already stated, multiple times, "My husband is above suspicion, Lana, quit stalking him to see if he's a traitor, I know him and I trust him absolutely"...

Uuurrrggghhhh the feeeeeeeeels...

Sure, she's already lost both parents, her beloved brother and sister-in-law (Vette)...yeah, let's just twist that knife in a little more. >_< AAAAAGH! Either that, or heavy headcanon'ing is about to ensue.

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I have recently made a character like that, maybe it was me you saw. Feel free to whisper me anytime. :) He is a Pureblood Marauder and he is dressed in an Imperial uniform, because he is the son of Malavai and the Wrath.


Aw, drat - it wasn't you; this character was on the Republic side. But anytime I'm on my Imperial characters on Ebon Hawk, I'll look for that character! :D

[edit: time to spend the next ten minutes worrying "uh, did that sound creepy? I hope that didn't sound creepy." XD *foot in mouth*]

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